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地埋管换热器传热模型的回顾与改进 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
回顾了国内外关于地埋管换热器的设计计算理论、传热模型及其计算方法,发现几乎所有的模型都未考虑地下水渗流的影响。举例说明地下水流动对地埋管换热器有较大的影响,建立了考虑热传导和地下水流动共同作用的地埋管换热器的传热模型,并且对单井地埋管进行了初步分析,结果表明地下水渗流能增强盘管的换热能力。 相似文献
饱和黏土中热交换桩承载力特性模型试验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在28℃,28℃→55℃,28℃→55℃→28℃三种工况下,开展宁波饱和黏土中热交换桩承载力特性模型试验研究,先对桩土加热(降温),再进行静载荷试验,测定土体的温度和孔隙水压力、地表沉降及桩顶位移、桩身轴力和荷载–沉降试验数据,研究土体的热固结过程及桩负摩阻力的形成机制;其次,以模型试验为原型,利用Abaqus软件建立了考虑热流固耦合作用的桩–土有限元模型,将计算结果与试验结果进行对比验证,进而讨论温度对桩身轴力和桩侧摩阻力的影响,结果表明:加热升温后,桩、土发生膨胀变形,土中出现超静孔隙水压力;随着孔压的消散,土体发生热固结现象,且其固结沉降量大于桩体沉降量,地基最终表现为沉降变形,而桩侧出现下拉荷载,产生负摩阻力;随温度的升高,沿深度方向,桩身轴力衰减,热固结后土体的强度有所提高,桩侧摩阻力增大,单桩极限承载力随温度的升高而增大。 相似文献
A ground source heat pump (GSHP) system was designed and constructed in Minhang archives of Shanghai. As a demonstration project, it is the first archives to use a GSHP system in China. The system consists of two heat pumps with the rated cooling capacity of 500 kW for each and 280 boreholes with 80 m in depth. In the cooling mode, the heat extraction from the condenser of the heat pump was divided: part of it was rejected to the soil while the rest was used to reheat the air in air handling units. The GSHP system has continuously run for nearly two years. It was shown that the indoor thermal environment met the “Archives Design Code” issued by China national archives. Compared with an air source heat pump system which is widely used in archives buildings, the operating cost of the GSHP system is reduced by 55.8% and the payback time is about two years. Owing to its great potential in energy conservation, such kind of GSHP system is testified to be applicable to the air-conditioning systems of the archives buildings. Besides, the applications of GSHP systems corresponding to different climatic zones of China were analyzed. 相似文献
Vincent Partenay Peter RiedererTristan Salque Etienne Wurtz 《Energy and Buildings》2011,43(6):1280-1287
Ground coupled heat pump systems can offer high energy efficiency for heating and cooling of buildings.The coupling of the ground loop with system and building represents a complex system and system performances can vary over long periods, in the range of 10-15 years due to the charge or discharge of the ground loop. In order to correctly concept, size and optimise these systems, numerical simulation is a perfect tool.The assessment of the global performance of such systems through simulation relies on several parameters, from the physical model validity to the operating conditions and control of the system. Typically, a GCHP system is simulated with a 1-h step. Transient phenomena inside the borehole are often neglected since ground models are mainly developed to characterise long term phenomena. However, detailed system simulations considering a realistic control of the system require much smaller time steps. In these cases, the validity of simulation models has to be verified.This paper proposes a hybrid approach combining experiments and simulation to highlight and quantify the impact of borehole short-time response on the system efficiency and system operation. First, a comparison between steady state and transient models as well as measurement is carried out. It reveals significant influence of dynamic effects inside the borehole. The comparison is then extended a parametric study with annual simulations for different European climates. 相似文献
土壤耦合热泵系统地下埋管换热器传热模型的研究 总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6
在总结埋管传热理论的基础上,系统地介绍了国外关于土壤耦合热泵系统地下埋管换热器传热模型的研究进展,并给出了各传热模型的形式及其理论基础。 相似文献
In this paper we investigate of energetic and exergetic efficiencies of ground-coupled heat pump (GCHP) system as a function of depth trenches for heating season. The horizontal ground heat exchangers (HGHEs) were used and it were buried with in 1 m (HGHE1) and 2 m (HGHE2) depth trenches. The energy efficiency of GCHP systems are obtained to 2.5 and 2.8, respectively, while the exergetic efficiencies of the overall system are found to be 53.1% and 56.3%, respectively, for HGHE1 and HGHE2. The irreversibility of HGHE2 is less than of the HGHE1 as about 2.0%. The results show that the energetic and exergetic efficiencies of the system increase when increasing the heat source (ground) temperature for heating season. And the end of this study, we deal with the effects of varying reference environment temperature on the exergy efficiencies of HGHE1 and HGHE2. The results show that increasing reference environment temperature decreases the exergy efficiency in both HGHE1 and HGHE2. 相似文献
对某机场地源热泵系统地埋管换热器的换热性能进行了测试,计算得出了热泵机组和系统的能效比,进而评价了整个空调工程在运行阶段的能效水平.重点介绍了测试台的搭建、低温测试的主要参数. 相似文献
密集型桩埋换热器管群周围土壤换热特性的数值模拟 总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4
以一实际地源热泵系统为例,在全年逐时负荷计算的基础上,对大面积密集型桩埋换热器管群周围土壤的换热特性进行了数值模拟。提出了土壤换热中热屏障的概念,并分析了热屏障的形成原因及其特性,即形状不规则、动态变化和危害性。长期运行中,热屏障带的温度增长速率要高于土壤平均温度的增长,建议从负荷平衡和热屏障两个角度进行分析,以保证地源热泵系统稳定可靠的运行。 相似文献
More and more efficient solutions of thermal insulation of buildings result in an increasing role of ventilation in the energy balance of buildings. This leads to a necessity for seeking unconventional heat sources, as well as development of the exhaust air heat recovery methods. The use of heat accumulating potential of the ground perfectly fits into this trend, allowing natural pre-heating and pre-cooling of the inlet air. There appears to be very limited research and published data on their thermal performance in Poland. This paper introduces a developed method of air-ground heat exchanger (AGHX) performance evaluation together with its validation and research results of conducted simulation. The AGHX model (based on a quasi 3D finite elements method) allows analysis of energy performance dependence on a wide range of parameters including AGHX geometrical configuration, mode of operation and environmental factors. The simulation results indicate that the analyzed parameters in various degrees affect the thermal efficiency of AGHX; various is also the nature of their impact. For some of them it is possible to set a value to maximize heat or cold yield (pipe diameter and placement depth, number of parallel pipes, bypass system, soil thermo-physical parameters, ground area shading and ground surface cover). In other cases, the influence of parameters has an asymptotic nature for which the maximum heating or cooling efficiency is achieved for parameter values tending to infinity (pipe length and distance between parallel pipes). 相似文献
Thermal performance of borehole heat exchanger under groundwater flow: A case study from Baoding 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The performance of ground source heat pumps (GSHPs) depends strongly on the heat transfer between the soil and borehole heat exchangers (BHEs). In the present work, a thermal performance experiment of a BHE under groundwater flow was conducted in Baoding, China. Based on the measurement of the natural ground temperature profile, a simplified theoretical model was presented to estimate the characteristics of groundwater flow. The results showed that the presence of groundwater had an obvious influence on the temperature profile in the aquifer. Due to the strong groundwater advection, the thermal performance of the BHE was enhanced. The enhanced effect depends to a great extent on the distribution and thickness percentage of the ground layer with the greatest groundwater flow. In the present case, the heat injection and heat extraction of the BHE were enhanced on average by 9.8% and 12.9%, respectively, compared with the case without groundwater flow, when the total thickness of coarse sand and gravel layer as a percentage of the borehole depth was 10.6%. This enhanced effect is favorable for reducing the possible imbalance between heat injection and extraction from and to the ground, which is helpful for the long-term operation of GSHP systems. 相似文献
地埋管换热器的优越性能在当今社会越来越受到重视,在供暖、烘干、能源互补利用方面有广阔的前景。本文基于TRNSYS软件建立上海某建筑的模型系统设计,并介绍了建筑负荷模拟的过程、冷却塔串联和并联方式的模拟计算。针对上海的天气情况、土壤源温度的变化作为原始变量进行了模拟分析,比较得出性能好方案,最后进行较好方案的继续优化。 相似文献
Analysis of the energy performance of a ground source heat pump system after five years of operation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
GeoCool plant was the result of a EU project whose main purpose was to adapt ground coupled heat pump technology to cooling dominated areas. The execution of this experimental plant was completed at the end of year 2004, starting on February 2005 the regular operation of the air conditioning system. Since then, GeoCool facility has been monitored by a network of sensors characterizing its most relevant parameters. Several aspects of the performance and behaviour of the system during its first operational year were presented on a previous paper. This paper presents the energy performance measurements of GeoCool ground coupled heat pump system acquired during five years of operation as well as the evolution of the return water temperature from the ground as a representative of the ground temperature. The analysis of the experimental results shows that the system energy performance is maintained through the years with no appreciable impact on ground thermal response. 相似文献