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In our study alcoholic patients with and without cirrhosis have a decreased serum zinc. They also have increased serum copper and iron with an increase in the serum ferritin. There is no evidence of selenium deficiency in either alcoholic group. Alcohol when given with zinc in a single dose to normal volunteers increases the serum zinc and therefore appears to increase the absorption of zinc.  相似文献   

Trace elements in human milk, selenium a case study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Longitudinal changes of the trace element (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Mo, Cr, Co, As, Se) composition of human milk are discussed. The mean daily intake of breast fed infants is compared with the intake of infants fed cow's milk and with recommended dietary allowances. Parameters which can be used to check the selenium status are discussed. Clinical consequences of selenium deficiency are discussed.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe and Cu in scalp hair of 101 epileptic patients (48 males and 53 females, average age 25 years) and 101 normal subjects (47 males and 54 females, average age 22 years) were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Mercury was also determined in some samples. The aim of this investigation was to use scalp hair as a possible indicator of trace element abnormality and to determine whether or not differences in their levels might occur due to this neurological disorder. The results showed significant differences in Fe, Cu, Mg and Zn in the hair between the two groups but no differences were observed in the levels of Ca and Hg. The high Mg and low Zn content in the hair of epileptic patients is reported as of particular interest in the investigation of this neurological disorder.  相似文献   

The results of measurements for the trace element composition of size-separated aerosols collected with an eight-stage impactor at Trombay, Bombay, India and analysed by instrumental neutron activation analysis are presented. The mass size functions and the sources of the elements analysed are discussed. The elements Sb and Hg are mainly derived from industrial emissions; over 40% of the concentration of these elements have a mean particle diameter (M.P.D.) of 1 μm for which alveolar deposition is higher than that in other parts of the lung. For Zn the abundance of particles <1 μm MMAD is high, while it is only ca. 15% or less for elements such as Fe, Sc, Co and Cr which are principally derived from soil debris.  相似文献   

Trace element pattern in patients with fibromyalgia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
An imbalance of the trace element status in human tissues and body fluids has been suggested as a contributing factor for the development of fibromyalgia (FM). The study comprised 38 females with defined fibromyalgia (FM) according to generally accepted criteria from the American College of Rheumatology (ACR). They were compared with 41 females matched for age and geographic location. The concentrations of about 30 trace element and ions were determined in whole blood, urine and drinking water of all participants by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Significantly higher concentrations in whole blood of Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Se, Sn and Zn (p< or =0.046) were observed in the FM-cases in comparison with the referents. A different pattern was noted in urine with increased urinary excretion of Ag (p=0.003) among the FM-patients. The urinary excretion of the other elements were of the same magnitude or slightly lower in FM-cases as compared to referents. As nearly all of the concentrations of the studied elements in blood and urine were within reported reference intervals in non-occupationally exposed populations, the clinical significance of the differences observed seems to be limited. The element concentrations of the studied elements in drinking water were within present national and international guideline values (EU, WHO) and the concentrations of potentially toxic metals such as e.g. Cd, Hg and Pb were low. In conclusion, the present investigation could not demonstrate abnormal levels of trace elements in blood or urine of FM-patients and, thus, does not support the hypothesis that trace element abnormalities play a significant role in the development of FM.  相似文献   

An extensive rainwater sampling program was carried out in the Chembur Trombay industrial belt of Bombay to assess the elemental composition of precipitation. The analytes included Hg, Cr, Sb, Pa, Fe, Sc, Sm, La, Eu, As, Co, Zn, Na, K, Ca, Mg, Br and Cl originating from marine, crustal and industrial sources. For comparison, their concentrations at a non-polluted coastal site (Alibag) were also studied. The elemental excesses were determined by calculating the enrichment factors with respect to Sc in the crust, and their probable sources have been examined.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the levels of arsenic, cadmium, lead, copper and zinc in home-produced eggs, soils and kitchen waste samples of private chicken owners in Belgium, and to determine spatiotemporal differences in trace element contents in eggs. Eggs were sampled in all provinces of Belgium in autumn 2006 and spring 2007. A total number of 59 private chicken owners participated in the study. Trace elements were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry except for mercury, which was determined by atomic absorption of mercury vapour. The mean fresh weight concentrations in eggs in autumn and spring respectively were < 8.0 and < 8.0 µg/kg for arsenic, 0.5 and < 0.5 µg/kg for cadmium, 116 and 74 µg/kg for lead, 0.43 and 0.52 mg/kg for copper, 20.3 and 19.2 mg/kg for zinc, and 3.15 and 4.44 µg/kg for mercury. Analysis of variance determined significant differences in some trace element concentrations in eggs among seasons and regions in Belgium. Average concentrations of arsenic, cadmium and mercury corresponded well with values measured in other countries, while copper and zinc concentrations were within the same order of magnitude as in other countries. Average lead concentrations were high compared to concentrations in eggs from other countries and correlated well with lead concentrations in soil, indicating that the soil is an important source. Other sources of trace elements in eggs might be home-grown vegetables and forage (grass and herbs), and indirectly, air pollution.  相似文献   

Trace elements, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine (OC) pesticide levels were determined in tissues collected from stranded and bycaught common dolphins (Delphinus sp.) from New Zealand waters between 1999 and 2005. The concentrations of mercury (Hg), selenium (Se), chromium (Cr), zinc (Zn), nickel (Ni), cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), tin (Sn), lead (Pb), arsenic (As) and silver (Ag) were determined in blubber, liver and kidney tissue. PCBs (45 congeners) and a range of OC pesticides including dieldrin, hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its metabolites DDE and DDD were determined in blubber samples. Cr and Ni were not detected in any of the samples and concentrations of Co, Sn and Pb were generally low. Concentrations of Hg ranged from 0.17 to 110 mg/kg wet weight. Organochlorine pesticides dieldrin, HCB, o,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDE were present at the highest concentrations. Sum DDT concentrations in the blubber ranged from 17 to 337 and 654 to 4430 microg/kg wet weight in females and males, respectively. Similarly, Sigma45CB concentrations ranged from 49 to 386 and 268 to 1634 microg/kg wet weight in females and males, respectively. The mean transmission of SigmaDDTs and ICES7CBs between a genetically determined mother-offspring pair was calculated at 46% and 42%, respectively. Concentrations of organochlorine pesticides determined in the present study are within similar range to those reported for Hector's dolphins (Cephalorhyncus hectori) from inshore New Zealand waters.  相似文献   

The moose (Alces alces) population in bog and forest areas of Northwestern Minnesota has declined for more than 25 years, and more recently the decline is throughout Northwestern Minnesota. Both deficiencies and elevations in trace elements have been linked to the health of moose worldwide. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether trace element toxicity or deficiency may have contributed to the decline of moose in Northwestern Minnesota. Livers of 81 moose found dead in Northwestern Minnesota in 1998 and 1999 were analyzed for trace elements. With the exception of selenium (Se) and copper (Cu), trace elements were not at toxic or deficient levels based on criteria set for cattle. Selenium concentrations in moose livers based on criteria set for cattle were deficient in 3.7% of livers and at a chronic toxicity level in 16% of livers. Copper concentrations based on criteria set for cattle were deficient in 39.5% of livers, marginally deficient in 29.5% of livers and adequate in 31% of livers. Moose from agricultural areas had higher concentrations, on average, of Cd, Cu, Mo and Se in their livers than moose from bog and forest areas. Older moose had higher concentrations of Cd and Zn, and lower concentrations of Cu than younger moose. Copper deficiency, which has been associated with population declines of moose in Alaska and Sweden, may be a factor contributing to the decline of moose in Northwestern Minnesota.  相似文献   

Recent regulation mandates that ships conduct mid-ocean ballast water exchange (BWE) prior to discharging foreign ballast in U.S. territorial waters. We investigated the utility of dissolved concentration measurements for 6 elements (Ba, P, Mn, U, V and Mo) in the ballast tanks of ships operating in the North Pacific and Atlantic oceans as tracers of mid-ocean BWE. Relatively conservative elements Mo, U and V provided little additional information beyond that obtained from salinity, whereas nonconservative Ba, P and Mn offered greater resolution. The utility of Ba, P and Mn was further examined in the context of three criteria: (1) stability, or whether tracers maintain stable concentrations in ballast tanks over time; (2) fidelity, or the degree to which tracer concentrations in ballast tanks faithfully reflect concentrations at their ocean source; and (3) predictability, or the degree to which ballast tanks have a predictable and restricted range of tracer concentrations following BWE. We found that in water held in ballast tanks over time, average stability increased for Mn21%>3%) and fidelity increased in the same direction. While Ba and P usually increased discrimination at high salinities, Mn was typically the most sensitive indicator of BWE and the presence of residual port water in partially exchanged tanks. Ba, P and Mn in tanks exchanged in the Atlantic exhibited different concentration ranges compared to tanks exchanged in the Pacific, suggesting that if trace elements are to be used to verify BWE, criteria for discriminating between exchanged and unexchanged ballast tanks may need to be basin-specific.  相似文献   

The content and intake of some trace elements (Pb, Cd, Ni, Hg, Cr) in meals, consumed by students attending the Faculty Cafeteria, were assessed. The study was carried out over 6 days of the 2nd week of February, 1993 and in three consecutive days of the second week of May. In those periods 10453 and 4055 students attended the cafeteria, respectively. After recording the ingredients and the preparation and cooking methods, some edible portions of foods and dishes were collected, homogenised, lyophilised and kept in polyethylene bottles until analysis. We found few differences in food content and dietary intake of some (Ni and Cr) but not all trace elements between February and May. Higher levels of Pb, Cd, Ni, Cr were present in bread (21.5+/-14.0, 5.6+/-0.02, 55.6+/-1.7 and 66.9+/-0.1 microg/100 g of edible portion, respectively), followed by meat, filled pasta and cheese, whereas lower values were observed in vegetables and fruit. The highest Hg content was recorded in the pasta group. Among the most frequently consumed foods and meals, the highest levels of P, Pb, Cr, Hg, Ni were found in bread, meat and pasta. The calculation of mean trace element intake, corrected for leftovers, showed pasta, bread and meat as the main sources of Pb, Cd, Ni, Hg and Cr over the two periods. The estimated potential tolerated weekly intake (PTWI) resulted high for Pb and Cd and low for Hg. Finally, a large variability in trace element content between raw and cooked foods was observed. These results give valuable information on trace element content of foods to be used for preparation of meals at the Faculty cafeteria in different seasons.  相似文献   

The paper examines the high incidence of birth defects that still occur in the UK and suggests that it might be possible to reduce this by preparing prospective mothers for parenthood prior to conception. One test in particular is suggested as having a part to play in this preconception screening-that being the hair metals analysis. Such a screening test is useful in identifying both excesses of toxic metals and deficiencies of essential metals. The results from our studies seem to indicate a high proportion of potential mothers as having low levels of manganese, iron and possibly zinc in their hair. The significance of these findings is discussed in relation to the possible effect on birth defects and the possible routine use of hair metal testing in the pre-conception situation is suggested.  相似文献   

精神分裂症病程迁延,进展缓慢,复发率及病残率均很高.抗精神病药物是治疗精神分裂症的最主要手段,能改善大多数精神分裂症患者的症状,但难以恢复患者的认知功能及心理性格.  相似文献   

Wood ash, a by-product generated in power plants, can be used to fertilize forest plantations to replenish nutrients lost during harvesting. Although wood ash generally contains low levels of trace metals, release of some of these may occur soon after ash application in acid soils. The risk of heavy metal contamination associated with application of mixed wood ash was assessed in six Pinus radiata D. Don plantations, on two types of mineral soil differing in texture, drainage and CECe. Four of the stands received a single application of 4500 kg ha(-1) (March 2003), and in the other two stands the same treatment was applied over three consecutive years (2003-2005). Trace metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn) concentrations were monitored throughout the 3 years in different components of the forest ecosystem--soil solid fraction, soil solution, tree needles, ground vegetation and different mushroom species. Repeated applications of wood ash led to moderate increases in soil extractable Mn and Zn, and Mn in all mushrooms species. However, the maximum concentrations did not reach levels potentially harmful to organisms. Concentrations of Zn, Cu and Cd decreased in some mushroom species, probably because of increased soil pH caused by the treatment. Heavy metal concentrations in tree needles and ground vegetation were not altered. Although the risk of heavy metal contamination appears to be low, the long-term effects of wood ash application must be assessed.  相似文献   

Spark source mass spectrometry is ideally suited to the determination of trace elements in natural waters. In the work described, almost all of the elements present in lake or river waters at concentrations of one part in 1011 parts of water and higher were routinely determined. In the particular waters investigated 30 or more elements were found in each sample.  相似文献   

Trace element contents of scalp hair from randomly selected, ethnically homogeneous subjects of Darjeeling (India) were compared with those of the residents of San Diego, California (U.S.A.). The differences between mean concentrations of Ca, Mg, Cu, Na and Cd in the two groups were not significant, and the concentrations of K, Fe, Mn and Zn were significantly higher (P less than 0.01), and that of Al was significantly lower (P less than 0.01), in hair of the residents of Darjeeling. Concentrations of lead in four of the Darjeeling hair samples were very high (greater than 30 micrograms g-1) and in the remaining samples the mean concentration was similar to San diego hair samples. In two mentally retarded Darjeeling subjects, abnormally high values of aluminum (50 and 70 micrograms g-1) and iron (155 and 196 micrograms g-1) were observed. The mean aluminum concentration (2.4 micrograms g-1) in the remaining Darjeeling hair samples was significantly lower than the mean aluminum concentration (10.6 micrograms g-1) in the San Diego hair samples (P less than 0.01). The mean manganese concentration in Darjeeling hair was 20 times higher than the mean manganese content in San Diego hair samples.  相似文献   

The trace metal contents in fruiting bodies of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi, symbiotic partners of Scots pine, were studied on three sites situated in west-central Poland. Elements were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry in 123 samples of 16 species. The study explored the differences in metal accumulation in relation to site, fungal species, age and part of the fruiting body and results were related to metal content in soil and plant material (roots and needles). Soil analysis revealed that results were obtained under environmental conditions not subject to strong anthropogenic pressure. Median metal concentrations did not differ disparately between sites, although the concentrations of each of the tested metals in the individual species varied to a large extent. Extremely high levels of Al with a large bioconcentration factor (BCF) were found in sporocarps of Thelephora terrestris. The spread between the highest and the lowest concentration (max/min) was very wide in Al, Cd and Pb and these elements may be considered to be absorbed preferentially by fruiting bodies of some species whereas Fe, Mn and Zn, with relatively low values of max/min, are normally absorbed by the majority of fungi. There was no clear relationship between caps and stipes in metal content. However, a tendency to higher metal concentration in the caps was observed. The metal content in young and older fruiting bodies of five different fungi was species dependent. In order to estimate the degree of accumulation of each element by plant and mushrooms, bioconcentration factors (BCFs) were calculated. In plant material (roots and needles), highest values of BCFs were noted for essential metals, like Zn and Mn. Lead showed a definite exclusion pattern (BCF below 1). In fruiting bodies of tested fungi, especially in Amanita muscaria, cadmium was the most intensively accumulated metal. Lead was excluded by plants but was accumulated or excluded by fungi depending on the species. The significance of mycological observation and quantification of the metal content in monitoring of the forest ecosystem is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents reference and recent acid-leachable concentrations of some seldom monitored trace elements (SMTE; Ag, Be, Ga, In, Sb and Tl) in sediments from four boreal oligotrophic lakes in a south to north transect in Sweden. For comparison commonly monitored trace elements (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) are included as well as those of relevance for redistribution processes (Al, Ca, Fe, Mg and Mn). Pore water pH and the corresponding solid/solution distribution coefficients (Kd) indicated that redistribution of the elements due to acidification is minor. The depth of impact was defined as the level in the sediment where the mean values became constant on successive exclusion of metal concentrations in overlying strata. Reference concentrations were calculated below the depth of impact. The present concentration changes are estimated by the ratio between the average concentration above the depth of impact and the reference concentration. Reference concentration ranges for the SMT-elements are (mg/kg, dry wt.): Ag 0.16-0.66; Be 1.6-3.7; Ga 2.0-5.1; In 0.05-0.22; Sb 0.05-0.11 and Tl 0.17-0.70. The concentration ratios for these elements ranged in the two most southern lakes from 1.5 to 4.5 and in the two northern ones from 0.6 to 1.6. A high correlation between Kd for the SMT-elements, and iron, except for Sb and Tl, infer that the biogeochemistry of iron is quantitatively important for the accumulation of these elements. The reference concentration ranges for the commonly monitored trace elements are (mg/kg, dry wt.): As 7.0-29.6; Cd 0.33-0.98; Co 5.7-23.8; Cr 15.2-26.1; Cu 27.6-58.4; Ni 5.4-20.8; Pb 44-96. The corresponding concentration ratios were 1.2-18 (second highest 3.9) in the two most southern lakes and 0.8-1.6 in the two northern ones. Declining ratios were found from south to north, most obvious for cobalt and zinc. The copper ratios did not show a regional pattern, partly because of the impact from old mine waste. Increased concentrations of Ag, Be, Ga, In, Sb and Tl in recent sediments up to 4.5 times the reference levels in combination with the geographical pattern infer an elevated loading of these elements.  相似文献   

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