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单目视觉定位方法研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据单目视觉定位所用图像帧数不同把定位方法分为基于单帧图像的定位和基于双帧或多帧图像的定位两类。单帧图像定位常利用已知的点特征、直线特征或曲线特征与其在图像上的投影关系进行定位,其中用点特征和直线特征的定位方法简单有效而应用较多;基于双帧或多帧图像的定位方法因其操作复杂、精度不高而研究的还较少。通过对各方法的介绍和评述,为单目视觉定位问题的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

针对目标跟踪问题中存在的约束问题 ,拓展模型预测控制 (MPC)的在线滚动优化原理 ,介绍了一种能够将有约束的滤波问题转换为最优状态估计问题的滚动时域估计 (MHE)方法 ,并通过引入一个到达代价 (arrivecost)函数 ,有效地缩减了滤波所需的计算量 ,最后 ,将此方法应用于目标跟踪问题 ,仿真研究表明该估计器具有较好的效果  相似文献   

为了提升工业机器人在装配作业中的效率和精准度,结合软指派算法进行研究,构建基于相机位姿估计算法的单目标视觉定位系统,并对其进行仿真验证。实验结果显示,在参数对成功率的影响实验中实验成功率最低为92.5%,在图像噪声对成功率的影响实验中成功率最高达到了97.5%,位置估计误差最大值不超过4 mm,旋转误差在伪特征点的数量为最大时得到了最大值7°。  相似文献   

考虑云平台监控下的网联车辆协同自动巡航控制(CACC)系统,提出一种快速滚动时域估计方法.采用网联车队纵向动力学模型描述网联车辆CACC系统,降低网联车辆CACC系统的状态能观性要求.再应用块概念设计滚动时域估计算法的噪声块结构,压缩滚动时域估计问题的优化变量个数,从而减少其在线计算量.进一步,应用李雅普诺夫稳定性定理...  相似文献   

针对实际的运动目标跟踪问题中存在的各种物理约束,采用基于在线滚动优化原理的滚动时域估计方法,将跟踪滤波问题转换为带约束的有限时域优化问题,并通过引入到达代价函数,有效减少了优化问题求解所需的计算量。最后,对实际的目标跟踪问题进行了滚动时域估计仿真研究。Monte Carlo仿真结果表明,滚动时域估计能有效提高跟踪精度,并且能在采样周期之内完成求解,满足在线估计的需要。  相似文献   

基于三条相互垂直直线的单目位姿估计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于单目视觉的位姿估计是计算机视觉中的典型问题之一。文中利用目标物体上的三条相互垂直的直线特征和相机像平面上这些特征的对应获得已标定相机相对于目标物体的位姿参数,给出其闭式求解方法,并证明问题解的数量与相机光心和三条直线的相对位置有关。当光心位于两个特殊平面以外时存在唯一解,反之若在该两个平面之间则存在两个解,并且这两个解具有对称性,该性质可作为合理解的判别依据。由于三条相互垂直的直线是长方体的三条边缘,而长方体在现实世界中广泛存在,该结论为应用直线特征进行单目视觉位姿估计及合作目标设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   

赵海艳  陈虹 《控制与决策》2008,23(2):217-220
针对噪声方差不确定的约束系统,讨论了一种鲁棒滚动时域估计(MHE)方法.首先,根据噪声方差不确定模型,找到满足所有不确定性的最小方差上界,在线性矩阵不等式(LMI)框架下求解优化问题,得到近似到达代价的表达形式;然后再融合预测控制的滚动优化原理,把系统的硬约束直接表述在优化问题中,在线优化性能指标,估计出当前时刻系统的状态.仿真时与鲁棒卡尔曼滤波方法进行比较,结果表明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

考虑整车主动悬架系统的约束状态估计问题,本文提出基于一致性原理的分布式滚动时域估计(DMHE)算法.首先,为了降低状态估计过程中的计算量,将整车主动悬架系统分解为若干降阶子系统.其次,为提高分布式状态估计效果,采用滚动时域估计(MHE)方法处理主动悬架系统的状态和噪声约束.考虑子系统与邻居估计状态的相关性,在采样间隔中执行多次一致性原理实现主动悬架系统状态的信息融合,进一步建立了算法的稳定性充分条件.最后,通过对比仿真实验验证算法的有效性和优越性.  相似文献   

单目视觉中基于IEKF,DD1及DD2滤波器的位姿和运动估计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用单摄像机所获取的二维(2D)图像来估计两坐标之间的相对位姿和运动在实际应用中是可取的,其难点是从物体的三维(3D)特征投影到2D图像特征的过程是一个非线性变换,把基于单目视觉的位姿和运动估计系统定义为一个非线性随机模型,分别以迭代扩展卡尔曼滤波器(IEKF)、一阶斯梯林插值滤波器(DD1)和二阶斯梯林插值滤波器(DD2)作非线性状态估计器来估计位姿和运动.为了验证每种估计器的相对优点,用文中所提方法对每种估计器都作了仿真实验,实验结果表明DD1和DD2滤波器的特性要比IEKF好.  相似文献   

实际的雷达跟踪问题大多属于非线性问题,存在着各种物理约束,采用基于在线滚动优化原理的滚动时域估计方法可以有效地处理带约束非线性目标跟踪问题。滚动时域估计通过引入到达代价函数,将非线性跟踪滤波问题转换为带约束的有限时域优化问题,可以有效减少优化问题求解的计算量,能够显著提高状态估计的准确度。针对实际的雷达跟踪问题,仿真结果表明,滚动时域估计能有效地提高非线性目标跟踪的精度。  相似文献   

Moving Horizon Estimation (MHE) is an efficient state estimation method used for nonlinear systems. Since MHE is optimization-based it provides a good framework to handle bounds and constraints when they are required to obtain good state and parameter estimates. Recent research in this area has been directed to develop computationally efficient algorithms for on-line application. However, an open issue in MHE is related to the approximation of the so-called arrival cost and of the parameters associated with it. The arrival cost is very important since it provides a means to incorporate information from the previous measurements to the current state estimate. It is difficult to calculate the true value of the arrival cost; therefore approximation techniques are commonly applied. The conventional method is to use the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to approximate the covariance matrix at the beginning of the prediction horizon. This approximation method assumes that the state estimation error is Gaussian. However, when state estimates are bounded or the system is nonlinear, the distribution of the estimation error becomes non-Gaussian. This introduces errors in the arrival cost term which can be mitigated by using longer horizon lengths. This measure, however, significantly increases the size of the nonlinear optimization problem that needs to be solved on-line at each sampling time. Recently, particle filters and related methods have become popular filtering methods that are based on Monte-Carlo simulations. In this way they implement an optimal recursive Bayesian Filter that takes advantage of particle statistics to determine the probability density properties of the states. In the present work, we exploit the features of these sampling-based methods to approximate the arrival cost parameters in the MHE formulation. Also, we show a way to construct an estimate of the log-likelihood of the conditional density of the states using a Particle Filter (PF), which can be used as an approximation of the arrival cost. In both cases, because particles are being propagated through the nonlinear system, the assumption of Gaussianity of the state estimation error can be dropped. Here we developed and tested EKF and eight different types of sample based filters for updating the arrival cost parameters in the weighted 2-norm approach (see Table 1 for the full list). We compare the use of constrained and unconstrained filters, and note that when bounds are required the constrained particle filters give a better approximation of the arrival cost parameters that improve the performance of MHE. Moreover, we also used PF concepts to directly approximate the negative of the log-likelihood of the conditional density using unconstrained and constrained particle filters to update the importance distribution. Also, we show that a benefit of having a better approximation of the arrival cost is that the horizon length required for the MHE can be significantly smaller than when using the conventional MHE approach. This is illustrated by simulation studies done on benchmark problems proposed in the state estimation literature.  相似文献   

Localizing small Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) that have limited payload and perception capability is of importance to promote popularization of underwater applications. Two different methodologies, filter and optimization based methods, can both be used to address the localization problem. But they are seldom rigorously compared and their relative advantages are rarely established. This paper presents a rigorous investigation on the relationship between these two methods. Based on this examination, a novel cooperative localization algorithm for the scenario where AUVs are localized by using range measurements from a single surface mobile beacon is proposed. The main contribution of this paper is threefold. First, major difference and close connection between filter based method and optimization based Maximum a Posteriori method are explicitly clarified by analytically solving optimization problems. Second, a novel localization algorithm combining a filter based extended Kalman filter and an optimization based Moving Horizon Estimation is developed for three-dimensional underwater localization in real-time and long-term applications. The algorithm allows data fusion of multiple sensors, imposes physical constraints on states and noises, bounds computational complexity, and achieves a compromise between better accuracy and lower computational requirement. Third, observability analysis of single beacon based localization algorithm is conducted in the context of nonlinear discrete time systems and a sufficient condition is derived. The observability and improved localization accuracy of the proposed localization algorithm are verified in a customized underwater simulator by extensive numerical simulations.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with moving horizon estimation for a class of constrained switching nonlinear systems, where the system mode is regarded as an unknown discrete state to be estimated together with the continuous state. In this work, we establish the observability framework of switching nonlinear systems by proposing a series of concepts about observability and analyzing the properties of such concepts. By fully applying the observability properties, we prove the stability of the proposed moving horizon estimators. Simulation results are reported to verify the derived results.  相似文献   

基于道路结构特征的智能车单目视觉定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高精度定位是实现自动驾驶的关键.在城市密集区域,全球定位系统(Global positioning system,GPS)等卫星定位系统受到遮挡、干扰、多路径反射等影响,无法保障自动驾驶所需的定位精度.视觉定位技术通过图像特征匹配进行位置估计,被广泛研究.然而传统基于特征点的方法容易受到移动目标的干扰,在高动态交通场景中的应用面临挑战.在结构化道路场景中,车道等线特征普遍存在,为人类驾驶员的视觉理解与决策提供重要线索.受该思路的启发,本文利用场景中的三垂线和点特征构建道路结构特征(Road structural feature,RSF),并在此基础上提出一个基于道路结构特征的单目视觉定位算法.本文利用在北京市区的典型路口、路段、街道等场所采集的车载视频数据进行实验验证,以同步采集的高精度GPS惯性导航组合定位系统数据为参照,与传统视觉定位算法进行比较.结果表明,本文算法在朝向估计上明显优于传统算法,对环境中的动态干扰有更高的鲁棒性.在卫星信号易受干扰的区域,可以有效地弥补GPS等定位系统的不足,为满足自动驾驶所需的车道级定位要求提供重要的技术手段.  相似文献   

This paper studies the localization problem of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) constrained by limited size, power and payload. Such AUVs cannot be equipped with heavy sensors which makes their underwater localization problem difficult. The proposed cooperative localization algorithm is performed by using a single surface mobile beacon which provides range measurement to bound the localization error. The main contribution of this paper is twofold: 1) The observability of single beacon based localization is first analyzed in the context of nonlinear discrete time system, deriving a sufficient condition on observability. It is further compared with observability of linearized system to verify that a nonlinear state estimation is necessary. 2) Moving horizon estimation is integrated with extended Kalman filter (EKF) for three dimensional localization using single beacon, which can alleviate the computational complexity, impose various constraints and make use of several previous range measurements for each estimation. The observability and improved localization accuracy of the localization algorithm are verified by extensive numerical simulation compared with EKF.   相似文献   

A moving horizon observer is analyzed for nonlinear discrete‐time systems. Exponential stability relies on a global detectability assumption that utilizes the concept of incremental input‐to‐state‐stability.  相似文献   

在非线性、非高斯条件下进行动基座传递对准,如果采用卡尔曼滤波器误差会比较大而且可能会存在发散的问题,为了解决问题,引入了无迹卡尔曼滤波UKF(unscented Kalman filter).使用确定性样本的方法米处理非线性的问题,使得采样点的均值和方差完全符合实际的非线性系统的均值和方差,解决了惯性导航系统动基座传递对准在正常工作时的基本条件.采用UKF和扩展卡尔曼滤波EKF(Extended Kalman Filter)的计算机仿真结果表明:UKF与EKF相比,精度提高了2倍,时间少了10秒.  相似文献   

基于深度学习的二维人体姿态估计方法通过构建特定的神经网络架构,将提取的特征信息根据相应的特征融合方法进行信息关联处理,最终获得人体姿态估计结果,因其具有广泛的应用价值而受到研究人员的关注.从数据集基准、姿态估计方法和评测标准等方面,对近年来基于深度学习的二维人体姿态估计的诸多研究工作进行系统归纳与整理,将现有方法分为单...  相似文献   

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