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V. V. Pokrovskii S. B. Kulishov V. G. Sidyachenko V. N. Ezhov V. S. Zamotaev 《Strength of Materials》2009,41(4):399-406
We study the influence of temperature and the size of the specimens on the characteristics of static crack resistance of 12Cr–2Ni–Mo
refractory steel. It is shown that, in the temperature range 20–450°C, the increase in the thickness of specimens leads to
an insignificant increase in fracture toughness obtained along a 5% secant line according to the standards of evaluation of
the characteristics of crack resistance. The evaluation of the characteristics of crack resistance of 12Cr–2Ni–Mo steel with
regard for the scale effect according to an earlier developed numerical-experimental model reveals the existence of satisfactory
agreement with the experimental data in the entire investigated temperature range.
Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 4, pp. 78–88, July–August, 2009. 相似文献
S.Y. Bae H.G. Kang H.S. Yun C.W. Kim D.B. Lee B.S. Lim 《Materials Science and Engineering: A》2009,499(1-2):262-266
Fatigue strength and life of weldment at high temperatures are important for the materials in power plants. The fatigue crack growth rate is accelerated by oxidation. Similarly, the high-temperature fatigue life is influenced by oxidation. The base metal, the weld metal and the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of the P122 (Cr–Mo steel) weldment were oxidized between 600 °C and 700 °C for up to 500 h in air, and their oxidation behavior was examined. The oxidation resistance increased in the order of HAZ, base metal and weld metal. The scales were mainly Fe2O3. Fatigue tests were performed to measure the fatigue crack growth rate in the range of low stress intensity factor, and the results are discussed from the viewpoint of different microstructures and oxidation. 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(12):1115-1122
AbstractA study is reported of temper embrittlement and hydrogen embrittlement in a series of model 9Cr–1Mo steel alloys in which the levels of silicon and phosphorus have been varied to separate the formation of the brittle intermetallic (Laves) phase from the segregation of phosphorus during aging. Phosphorus segregation was mildly detrimental to ductility properties, Laves phase formation was more detrimental, and their effects combined produced the most severe loss in ductility. Hydrogen effects were additive to those of aging. In unaged material without silicon enrichment, only M23C6 precipitates were detected, with little phosphorus segregation. With silicon enrichment, phosphorus segregation to lath and grain boundaries was enhanced. This enhancement increased the susceptibility of the materials to hydrogen embrittlement, promoting transgranular cleavage and chisel fracture. In aged material, the high phosphorus alloys showed some grain boundary segregation, but only limited interaction with hydrogen. In the high silicon alloys, the formation of Laves phase was most evident. This enhanced hydrogen embrittlement resulted in extensive chisel, transgranular cleavage, and some intergranular fracture. In the high silicon high phosphorus alloy, both Laves phase formation and phosphorus segregation were evident. This resulted in enhanced susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement, producing intergranular fracture. Thus, silicon controls the susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement in unaged alloy by promoting phosphorus segregation and in aged alloy by promoting Laves phase formation. In the aged alloy, segregation of phosphorus can enhance the effect of silicon.MST/1785 相似文献
《Engineering Fracture Mechanics》1970,2(2):107-123
The fatigue crack growth characteristics of a forging-grade NiMoV alloy steel were investigated with Wedge-Opening-Loading type crack-notch fracture toughness specimens and the results expressed in terms of the stress intensity factor fracture mechanics parameter. Particular emphasis was placed on the influence of temperature (−100°F to 75°F) and section size (1 in.- and 2 in.-thick specimens) upon the observed fatigue crack growth rate. The results show that the fatigue crack growth rate at a given stress intensity level is dependent upon test temperature and specimen thickness, decreasing as the test temperature decreases and as the specimen thickness increases. In addition, it was found that the fatigue crack growth rate increases as loading conditions deviate from ideal plane strain behavior. 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(12):1193-1198
AbstractAn investigation of the effect of Nb on creep properties and creep crack growth rate in a 25Cr–35Ni–0·4C (wt-%) cast steel at 871 and 950°C was carried out. Tensile tests were also carried out at room temperature, 871, and 950°C. The tensile strength and elongation increased with an increase in Nb content at high temperatures. There existed an optimum Nb content for the creep properties and creep crack growth rate. Creep crack growth is controlled by creep deformation.MST/1222 相似文献
By using scanning electron microscopy,energy-dispersive spectrometry,X-ray diffraction,strength and hardness measurements,the microstructure,precipitation,mechanical properties,and corrosion resistance have been investigated for two super ferritic stainless steels,26Cr–3.5Mo–2Ni and 29Cr–3.5Mo–2Ni,with the aim to consider the effect of Cr content.The results showed that with the addition of Cr content,the recrystallization temperature was increased;the precipitation of Laves and Sigma(σ)phases was promoted and the mechanical properties of super ferritic stainless steel were modified.Furthermore,the pitting corrosion resistance and corrosion resistance to H_2SO_4 of the two super ferritic stainless steels were improved.In addition,suitable annealing processing is a key factor to maintain integrated performance by optimizing microstructure and removing detrimental precipitation phases. 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(10):908-914
AbstractThe hydrogen embrittlement of Cr–Mo steel has been studied. The effects of tempering temperature on the hydrogen diffusivity and hydrogen assisted cracking, without external stress, are investigated. Hydrogen permeation and trapping, for the various microstructural conditions, were measured using electrochemical equipment. The microprecipitate distribution in the steel was observed using transmission electron microscopy. The steel, which was heat treated to give a variety of microstructures, was cathodically hydrogen charged and the critical microstructural sites for hydrogen induced cracking examined. Cracks initiated by the charging treatments were found to nucleate at MnS interfaces. Hydrogen diffusivity and trapping are strongly dependent on the tempering parameters.MST/1947 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(8):963-969
AbstractThe microstructure and mechanical properties of a medium carbon Cr–Ni–Mo–Nb steel in quenched and tempered conditions were investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray analysis, and tensile and impact tests. Results showed that increasing austenitisation temperature gave rise to an increase in the tensile strength due to more complete dissolution of primary carbides during austenitisation at high temperatures. The austenite grains were fine when the austenitisation temperature was <1373 K owing to the pinning effect of undissolved Nb(C,N) particles. A tensile strength of 1600 MPa was kept at tempering temperatures up to 848 K, while the peak impact toughness was attained at 913 K tempering, as a result of the replacement of coarse Fe rich M3C carbides by fine Mo rich M2C carbides. Austenitisation at 1323 K followed by 913 K tempering could result in a combination of high strength and good toughness for the Cr–Ni–Mo–Nb steel. 相似文献
V. V. Pokrovskii V. N. Ezhov V. G. Sidyachenko Yu. S. Sadovoi S. B. Kulishov 《Strength of Materials》2012,44(1):59-63
The effects of temperature, holding time and profile, as well as of biaxiality ratio on crack propagation rate in 12Cr–2Ni–Mo steel have been studied under cyclic loading conditions. It is shown that all the results obtained fall into the tolerance interval with 90% confidence probability. 相似文献
Cooling effects on microstructure and mechanical properties of 27Cr–4Mo–2Ni ferritic stainless steel
Hong-Kui Guo Hui-Hu Lu Wang-Gang Zhang Li-Xin Meng 《Materials Science & Technology》2019,35(10):1212-1219
The effects of cooling manner on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 27Cr–4Mo–2Ni ferritic stainless steel were investigated. It was found that the Laves phase (except for the TiN and Nb(C, N) particles) was distributed both in the grains and at the grain boundaries in the furnace-cooled specimen. The water-quenched and air-cooled specimens showed only TiN and Nb(C, N) particles. After annealing at 1100°C, the furnace-cooled specimen showed significant grain coarsening as compared to the water-quenched and air-cooled specimens. Furthermore, the Vickers hardness of the furnace-cooled specimen increased, while the total elongation decreased because of the formation of the Laves phase. The precipitation of the Laves phase resulted in the brittle fracture of the specimen during the tensile test. 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(6):579-588
AbstractQuantitative measurements of the number of cavities per unit area, mean cavity size, and cavitated area fraction are carried out on creep tested specimens of a 12Cr–Mo–V martensitic steel. Both interrupted and ruptured specimens are included. Cavities initiate at an early stage of tests. The number of cavities, mean cavity size, and cavitated area fraction exhibit a continued increase with increasing strain and time. At rupture, the number of cavities is about 30 000 mm?2, and the mean cavity size has a maximum value of about 2·5 μm.The cavitated area fraction is approximately 0·1% at 1% strain, 0·5% at 2% strain, and 10% at rupture. Cavity initiation and growth are analysed regarding temperature, stress, strain, and strain rate. A constrained cavity growth model is discussed and compared with the experimental results.MST/3097 相似文献
By using stress dependent creep ductility and strain rate model in a ductility exhaustion based damage model, the creep crack initiation (CCI) behaviour in Cr–Mo–V steel specimens with different geometries and dimensions (different constraints) over a wide range of C* has been predicted by finite element simulations. The predicted creep crack initiation time agree well with the existing experimental data. In low and transition C* regions, the constraint induced by specimen geometries and dimensions has obvious influence on CCI time. With increasing constraint level of specimens, the CCI time decreases due to the increase of stress triaxiality ahead of crack tip. Different CCI trends and constraint effects on CCI behaviour in a wide range of C* result from the interaction of crack-tip stress state and stress dependent creep ductility of the steel. It is suggested that in CCI life assessments of high temperature components, the long-term CCI time data at low C* region should be obtained and used, and the constraint effects need to be considered by using constraint dependent CCI data. 相似文献
Axial loading test was performed to investigate the influence of case-carburizing and micro-defect on competing failure behaviors of Ni–Cr–W Steel under gigacycle fatigue. The interior failures induced from inclusion and microstructural inhomogeneity become the predominant failure mode in the life regime beyond 105 cycles. The case-carburizing has no effect on the fatigue strength with interior failure. Compared with the lower limit values of experimental S–N data, the predicted results by using GP distribution is relatively suitable. From the viewpoint of reliability, the modeling method of interior S–N curve with the maximum defect size at a given probability is satisfactory. 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(6):524-529
AbstractAn investigation is presented of crack growth in a normalised and tempered 0·5Cr–Mo–V steel under cyclic displacement controlled loading conditions at 565–600°C. A transition from fatigue to creep dominated behaviour was observed as the duration of the tensile dwell period in the cycle was increased. This change was a result of a progressive increase in the extent of crack tip grain boundary damage accumulation which, in the long dwell tests, was sufficient to give rise to crack extension directly. Time dependent crack propagation rates during the dwells of the long dwell tests were found to approach those determined for static load conditions. No evidence was found for a significant creep-fatigue interaction and it appears that overall crack growth rates are determined by crack tip oxidation and damage accumulation processes.MST/756 相似文献
Materials Science - For alloys of the Mo–Ni–B system annealed at subsolidus temperatures (and some as-cast alloys) in the Ni–MoNi–Mo2NiB2–Ni2B region, we study the... 相似文献
Zhang Honglin Sun Mingyue Ma Dongping Xu Bin Wang Taijiang Li Dianzhong Li Yiyi 《Journal of Materials Science》2021,56(19):11469-11484
Journal of Materials Science - The evolution of heterogeneous microstructure and mechanical properties of a 12Cr–10Ni–Mo–Ti maraging steel was investigated at different aging... 相似文献
《Materials Science & Technology》2013,29(11):961-967
AbstractSolution treatment of 12Cr–Mo–V steels below the specified temperature range leads to the development of spheroidized microstructures with dramatically reduced creep resistance. This is known to have resulted in the premature service failures of superheater tubing. Compositional and mechanical property checks currently specified in the relevant standards may not be sufficient to reveal deficiencies. Steels with Cr–Ni equivalents at the uppermost extreme of the range possible within the compositional limits of the tube steel standards show enhanced susceptibility to both δ– and α–ferrite formation. The significance of this is discussed in relation to creep strength, with particular reference to the differences between the effects of α- and δ-ferrite.MST/147 相似文献
《Materials at High Temperatures》2013,30(5):512-523
AbstractIn this work, the stress dependent creep ductility and strain rate model have been implemented in a ductility exhaustion based damage model and the creep crack growth (CCG) rates of a Cr–Mo–V steel in compact tension (C(T)) and middle tension (M(T)) specimens with different thicknesses and crack depths have been simulated over a wide range of C*. The effects of in-plane and out-of-plane constraints on CCG rates are examined. The results show that the in-plane and out-of-plane constraint effects on CCG rate are more pronounced for the high constraint specimen geometry (C(T)), while such effects are less significant for low constraint specimen geometry (M(T)). The constraint effects on CCG rates mainly occur in low and transition C* regions and the CCG rate increases with increasing in-plane and out-of-plane constraints. There exists interaction between in-plane and out-of-plane constraint in terms of their effects on CCG rate. The higher in-plane constraint strengthens the out-of-plane constraint effect on CCG rate and higher out-of-plane constraint also strengthens the in-plane constraint effect on CCG rate. The constraint effects on creep crack growth behaviour for a wide range of C* mainly arise from the interaction of crack-tip stress states and stress dependent creep ductility of the steel in different C* levels. 相似文献