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MR imaging     
MRI is a tool of unprecedented capabilities for evaluating arthritis and its progression. Not only can it non-invasively delineate the anatomy of all components of a joint with unparalleled clarity, MRI is also capable of probing important functional and compositional parameters of disease in these tissues. Particularly intriguing is MRI's potential for identifying very early changes of joint disease when clinical symptoms may be minimal or absent. Early detection of patients who are at risk for developing progressive disease may allow appropriate treatment to be initiated earlier, when there may be a greater chance of favourable outcome. MRI can, furthermore, provide objective and quantitative measures of disease progression and treatment response. Certain parameters, such as articular cartilage volume, have been validated cross-sectionally; however, their longitudinal performance has yet to be established. Further work is, therefore, necessary to thoroughly validate and optimize some of these measures so that they can begin to be used in more powerful ways to explore the pathophysiology and potential therapies of arthritic disorders.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance images of eight surgically confirmed intramuscular hemangiomas were correlated with the pathologic findings. T1- and T2-weighted images were obtained in all cases; STIR images were also obtained in six cases, and fat-suppressed enhanced images in seven cases. All eight hemangiomas showed markedly high signal intensity on T2-weighted images. Linear and round low-signal-intensity components within hemangiomas corresponded to fibrous tissues, high flow vessels and phleboliths. Fat-suppressed enhanced images were superior to images without fat suppression in defining the extent of lesions. STIR images were useful in defining the extent of hemangiomas with infiltration into surrounding tissues. MRI is useful for distinguishing intramuscular hemangiomas from other soft tissue tumors and also supplies valuable information about the extent of the lesions.  相似文献   

cDNAs for three isotypes of inhibitor-2(I-2), I-2 alpha 1, I-2 alpha 2 and I-2 beta were isolated from a rat testis library. I-2 alpha 2 and I-2 beta are new forms. The former is an alternatively spliced form of I-2 alpha 1, encoding a protein with substitution of three amino acids for 14 amino acids of the I-2 alpha 1 protein at the C-terminus. The latter is derived from a different gene and encodes a 126-amino-acid protein having highly conserved regions with the I-2 alpha 1 protein from amino acid positions 22-47 and 111-126. I-2 alpha 2 and I-2 beta are expressed exclusively in the testis, and the expressions of all three forms of I-2 coincide with sperm cell maturation. The half-maximal inhibitory concentration of the GST-I-2 alpha 2 fusion protein on the PP1 gamma 2 catalytic subunit is the same as that of GST-I-2 alpha 1, being 10 nM. However, the half-maximal inhibitory concentration of GST-1-2 beta is 100-fold higher, being 1 microM. GST-I-2 beta showed no competition with GST-I-2 alpha 1. and its biological significance is unknown.  相似文献   

Implementation of fast T1- and T2-weighted sequences on state-of-the-art magnetic resonance (MR) imagers increases the potential of MR imaging for examining the gallbladder and permits imaging of both cooperative and acutely ill patients with fewer artifacts. Comprehensive evaluation of gallbladder and biliary tract disease is feasible on new generation MR scanners using MR cholangiographic techniques in combination with tissue imaging sequences (spoiled gradient-echo and fat-suppressed spoiled gradient-echo) and dynamic intravenous gadolinium-chelate administration. Inflammatory and neoplastic diseases of the gallbladder are well shown with these techniques.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical models suggest that males may respond to changes in paternity by adjusting their parental effort. Male response will depend on the availability of reliable paternity cues and the relative costs and benefits of parental effort to the male (i.e. its effect on the survival of young and alternative mating opportunities). Males breeding in pairs may be constrained because reductions in male parental effort are unlikely to be compensated for by the female and thus the survival of both related and unrelated young may decrease. In contrast, males breeding in cooperative groups (i.e. with helpers or co-breeders) may not have this constraint if other individuals in the group compensate for reductions in male parental effort. White-browed scrubwrens, Sericornis frontalis, breed in pairs and cooperative groups, typically with one female and two males (alpha and beta). We found that male parental effort was related positively to paternity for beta males, but not for alpha or pair males. Alpha males had paternity in all broods and always fed young. In contrast, beta males often had no paternity and sometimes did not feed young. Time spent near the fertile female was not an accurate predictor of the percentage of young sired in a brood, but it was a good predictor of having sired young in a brood. Our results are consistent with the idea that male parental effort is allocated according to whether or not the male copulated with the female. We suggest that the relationship between male parental effort and paternity may vary among cooperatively breeding species depending on the type and availability of cues to a male's paternity. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

MR images of the neck were prospectively studied in 19 patients with hyperparathyroidism. Fast low angle shot (FLASH) sequence was performed in addition to T1- and T2-weighted spin echo (SE) sequences. FLASH images were obtained with 320/12/20 degrees (TR/TE/flip angle) using presaturation technique. TE of 12 ms was chosen to eliminate high signal of fat tissue. In the evaluation of detectability, a combination of T1-weighted SE and FLASH images (T1WI + FLASH) was compared with a combination of T1- and T2-weighted SE images (T1WI + T2WI). MR imaging correctly depicted 20 of 30 abnormal glands on both T1WI + FLASH and T1WI + T2WI. FLASH imaging effectively eliminated high signal of fat tissue. Nineteen abnormal glands demonstrated higher signal than surrounding tissues on FLASH images, whereas 12 glands were high-intense on T2-weighted SE images. We conclude that FLASH imaging provides improved tissue contrast and anatomic delineation and, thus, may replace T2-weighted SE imaging in the neck.  相似文献   

This case report describes a complication that occurred following long and ring finger flexor digitorum superficialis tendon transfers routed around the ulnar border of the forearm to restore digital extension. An ulnar mononeuropathy developed in the early postoperative period that was characterized by decreased ring and small finger sensation and interosseous muscle weakness. Operative exploration demonstrated extrinsic compression of the ulnar nerve by the long and ring finger flexor digitorum superficialis tendons. When superficialis tendon transfers are chosen to restore digital extension, passage around the radial side of the forearm or through the interosseous space are recommended to avoid this potential complication.  相似文献   

Major technical advances in MR imaging have led to its wider use in the evaluation of abdominal disease. The principle new pulse sequence is the RARE sequence for T2-weighted imaging. Multishot and breath-hold single-shot RARE techniques are now widely used, and both have performed as well as conventional spin-echo imaging with far shorter acquisition times. The most notable improvements have been in the detection and characterization of hepatic lesions. Two liver-specific contrast agents received FDA approval during 1997: SPIO particles or ferumoxide and mangafodipir trisodium, a hepatocyte-specific agent. Both of these agents provide considerable benefit in the detection and characterization of hepatic lesions. Manganese enhancement has also proved useful in MR imaging of the pancreas, although fat-suppressed T1-weighted imaging with dynamic gadolinium enhancement has also yielded results comparable with those of contrast-enhanced CT. MR hydrography, a generic term for static fluid imaging, is another derivative of RARE fast T2-weighted imaging. MRCP, the best known example of MR hydrography, has been rapidly and widely employed as a primary method for imaging the biliary and pancreatic ducts and has become competitive with ERCP. MR vascular imaging, especially portal venography, has been used for noninvasive imaging of portal venous disease in Budd Chiari disease, before placement of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts, and for pancreatic cancer staging. Finally, the development of conventional phased-array body coils and endorectal coils has enabled high-quality MR imaging of perirectal disease (including Crohn disease, fistula in ano, and postpartum sphincter dysfunction). Future abdominal applications of MR imaging will involve second-generation MR interventional techniques, including use of open systems, functional or diffusion-weighted imaging exploiting the molecular activity of tissues, and virtual MR endoscopy. Although CT continues to evolve as the premier technique for survey screening of the abdomen, the technical advances in MR imaging have enabled this modality to assume some special nitch roles (in which it adds unique value) in the evaluation of the abdomen. Radiologists can safely assume that there will undoubtedly be much more to come.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance (MR) images of five patients with acute tibial plateau fractures are presented and correlated with both clinical examination and findings at surgical intervention. The role of MR imaging in the evaluation of both osseous and soft tissue deformity in acute trauma, specifically in patients with tibial plateau fractures is discussed. The value of MR imaging as an alternative to computed tomography and arthroscopic evaluation of these patients is emphasized.  相似文献   

MR imaging of the corpus callosum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The corpus callosum is the major axonal commissure of the brain, connecting the two cerebral hemispheres and providing communication between the cortical and subcortical neurons. With MR imaging in the sagittal plane, the corpus callosum can be depicted in great detail. We review the normal anatomy, development, and process of myelination of the corpus callosum. The MR features of various pathologic conditions involving the corpus callosum are described. Finally, we discuss the evolving role of MR imaging in neuropsychiatric diseases with respect to the corpus callosum.  相似文献   

Primary leiomyosarcoma of the pancreas is a rare neoplasm with only 17 reported cases in the literature. Although the ultrasonic and computed tomographic appearances have been described, the magnetic resonance features of pancreatic leiomyosarcomas have not. In this report, we describe the MR characteristics of a primary pancreatic leiomyosarcoma which was an incidental finding on ultrasound. The unenhanced T1 weighted and T2 weighted images were the most useful in tumour localization whereas the enhanced images actually obscured the tumour within the pancreas. Differentiation from the much more commonly occurring adenocarcinoma was impossible.  相似文献   

Inflammatory pseudotumor and hemangioma of the spleen are rare benign tumors, and MRI findings of splenic diseases have been reported only rarely. We recently observed three patients with inflammatory pseudotumor and hemangioma of the spleen. Abdominal ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and angiography demonstrated within the enlarged spleen. MRI and dynamic MRI after administration of gadolinium DTPA provide the characterization of the splenic tumor.  相似文献   

The patients with strabismus, including 8 with superior oblique paresis, 1 with inferior rectus paresis, and 1 with congenital constant exotropia, were examined with MR imaging at 1.5 tesla (T) or 0.5T with a surface coil. Abnormal findings of extraocular muscles were identified in 8 of the 10 patients and most of them were consistent with the clinical findings. Deviation of the optic nerves was noted in 5 patients. Coronal short repetition time (RT) and echo time (ET) images were used to measure the concerned extraocular muscles and the optic nerves. The differences in diameters between the concerned extraocular muscles of both the diseased and normal eyes were calculated. MR imaging is considered to be advantageous and can be favorably used to observe and measure the extraocular muscles and other intraorbital structures in patients with strabismus.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study was to describe the range of abnormalities seen on cranial MR images of patients with Wilson's disease and correlate the findings with clinical severity, duration of disease, and duration of neurologic signs and symptoms before treatment. In those patients with serial studies, the changes on MR images were compared with the clinical response. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Twenty-five patients with Wilson's disease underwent MR imaging of the brain using conventional spin-echo sequences (n = 25), phase maps (n = 8), and partially refocused interleaved multiple-echo sequences (n = 5). RESULTS: MR imaging findings were abnormal in 22 patients and normal in three patients. The basal ganglia were interpreted as abnormal in 19 (86%) of 22 patients, involving the putamen in 19 (86%), the thalami in 12 (54%), the caudate head in 10 (45%), and the globus pallidus in nine (41%). We found a predilection for involvement of the outer rim of the putamen and the ventral nuclear mass of the thalami. The claustrum was abnormal in three patients. The midbrain was abnormal in 17 (77%) of these 22 patients, affecting predominantly the tegmentum but also the substantia nigra, red nuclei, inferior tectum, and crura. The pons was abnormal in 18 (82%) of 22 patients, and the cerebellum was abnormal in 11 patients (50%), with involvement of the superior and middle cerebellar peduncles. Atrophy was present in 18 (82%) of 22 patients, and cortical white matter changes were apparent in 13 (59%) of 22 patients. The scan of one untreated patient revealed shortening of the T1 relaxation time in the thalami, which was consistent with the paramagnetic effects of copper. Phase maps and partially refocused interleaved multiple-echo sequences performed in eight and five patients, respectively, and used to reveal a susceptibility change induced by iron or copper showed normal findings. We found a significant inverse relationship between severity, but not extent, of change in signal intensity and the length of untreated disease (p = .030) and the total duration of disease (p = .015). The study group was too small to show a correlation with clinical findings. Changes seen on MR images matched the clinical response to treatment in only two of the seven patients who underwent follow-up studies. CONCLUSION: MR imaging revealed abnormalities in the basal ganglia, cerebral white matter, midbrain, pons, and cerebellum. The paramagnetic effects of copper were detected only in untreated patients. Patients with a longer duration of disease had less severe changes in signal intensity. MR imaging was of limited value in follow-up.  相似文献   

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