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基于手机便携性和时空无限性的优势,手机游戏已成为手机用户热衷的娱乐行为,并成为移动多媒体服务中增长最迅猛的。随着3G的进一步发展,手机游戏发展的各种瓶颈逐渐得到解决,手机游戏在未来一段时间内将会大力发展。  相似文献   

在前不久举行的电子游戏界盛会——E3大展上,除了游戏厂商齐聚一堂外,诺基亚的出现格外引入瞩目。这家传统的手机企业携具有强大游戏功能的手机N—Gage亮相E3,向全世界传达新的游戏理念——移动游戏、移动乐趣。来自欧州的权威调研资料显示。随着配置有彩屏和强大运算能力的鲁能手机不断普及.移动游戏市场将由2002年的2亿欧元增长到2008年的30亿欧元。而拥有全球最多手机用户的中国市场,手机游戏业务自去年正式启动以来,用户增长十分迅速.目前手机游戏用户数已达200万。有业内专家预测.手机游戏用户数量还将飞速增长。2004年将成为中国的手机游戏年。  相似文献   

董嘉佳 《程序员》2006,(11):62-65
手机作为一种便携式的移动通信设备,在我们的生活中有着不可替代的作用,因此,置身于手机中的手机游戏也具备了PC游戏不可比拟的优势。首先,手机具有广泛的用户群,手机游戏也就有了一个广泛的玩家基础。其次,手机游戏的玩家随时随地都可以享受手机游戏带来的乐趣,而没有PC游戏那样的时空限制,特别是空间的限制。最后,手机游戏具有可间断性,也就是说:在玩游戏的同时,玩家也可以接听电话等,并不影响游戏的进程。  相似文献   

手机游戏现在已经成为常见到的娱乐方式,现在随着5G网络的发展,一部手机不受时间地点的限制,随时随地都可以开启游戏对战.流畅的游戏体验也逐渐成为玩家购买手机的考虑要素.  相似文献   

在前不久举行的电子游戏界盛会——E3大展上,除了游戏厂商齐聚一堂外,诺基亚的出现格外引人瞩目。这家传统的手机企业携具有强大游戏功能的手机N-Gage亮相E3,向全世界传达新的游戏理念——移动游戏、移动乐趣。来自欧洲的权威调研资料显示,随着配置有彩屏和强大运算能力的智能手机不断普及,移动游戏市场将由2002年的2亿欧元增长到2008年的30亿欧元。而拥有全球最多手机用户的中国市场,手机游戏业务自去年正式启动以来,用户增长十分迅速,目前手机游戏用户数已达200万。有业内专家预测,手机游戏用户数量还将飞速增长,2004年将成为中国的手机游戏年。  相似文献   

如今,手机游戏已经成为很多玩家休闲娱乐的首选。而在手机游戏里,棋牌类游戏又是玩家们最喜闻乐见的形式。和普通游戏相比,棋牌类游戏更能锻炼人的大脑,同时也能给玩家带来更多的精神愉悦。中国移动这次举办的首届全国棋牌网络争霸赛,在活跃全民娱乐气氛的同时,充分、挖掘了手机游戏的潜力,这让广大普通玩家深刻感受到了手机游戏所具有的独特魅力。  相似文献   

杨大生  陈忠 《福建电脑》2010,26(7):140-140,167
随着手机用户的快速增多,手机的应用软件和游戏需求越来越大。基于J2ME技术的软件开发和游戏开发可移植性强,功能强大。本文选择J2ME作为开发语言,介绍手机游戏开发的一般流程,包括地图设计、动画效果、参数设置、子弹碰撞检测等;最后给出游戏的测试效果。  相似文献   

TGS2012落幕后,各大游戏厂商纷纷发展核心品牌的手机游戏业务,成为媒体评论中提到最多的现象之一。在传统玩家的扼腕叹息中,手机游戏却显现出良好的发展势头。更有多名业内人士放话出来。称大型游戏的衰退已成定势。手机与网页游戏才代表了新兴的发展方向。而聚逸等社交厂商的崛起似乎也佐证了这些唱衰传统游戏面这篇文章,还原一个相对...  相似文献   

在众多开发游戏的技术中,J2ME由于开发速度快、周期短、开发资源丰富等优点成为当今最受欢迎的手机开发平台。J2ME的应用为移动互联网引入了一种新的模式.既允许手机用户可以从互联网上下载各种应用程序,并在手机上创造一个离线运行这些程序的可执行环境.而且J2ME应用程序可运行在不同制造商的不同设备上,真正体现了Sun公司所倡导的“write once,run anywhere”。本文主要介绍了J2ME基本概念.开发平台和无线环境的应用框架,然后给出手机游戏的开发流程,最后通过一个游戏实例的开发,给出基于谊技术的手机程序开发的系统设计和关键技术。将老少皆宜的经典作品移植到手机上来。为更流行的硬件平台提供应用软件。  相似文献   

手机游戏提供商通过在游戏中销售虚拟道具来获得收益。将游戏玩家日志数据中每个事件描述为一个示例,玩家对多种游戏道具的购买状态表示为多个标记,从而将游戏道具推荐问题抽象为多示例多标记学习问题。在此基础上,将快速多示例多标记学习算法用于手机网络游戏道具推荐,并利用半监督学习提升推荐性能。离线数据集以及实际在线手机网络游戏实验结果表明,基于多示例多标记学习的游戏道具推荐技术带来了游戏营收的显著增长。  相似文献   

麻将是棋牌游戏中最复杂的棋牌游戏之一。从程序的角度,鞍山麻将是复杂度可以说是五星级的。那么程序是怎么实现的让电脑玩麻将的呢?鞍山麻将相比其他地区的麻将多了混牌,枪牌,三叉,二八将,四归一,大哥大。逻辑核心就是如何判断牌是否胡牌。  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a pervasive game, Blowtooth, in which players use their mobile phones to hide virtual drugs on nearby airline passengers in real airport check-in queues. After passing through airport security, the player must find and recover their drugs from the innocent bystanders, without them ever realising they were involved in the game. The game explores the nature of pervasive game playing in environments that are not, generally, regarded as playful or “fun”. This paper describes the game’s design and implementation as well as an evaluation conducted with participants in real airports. It explores the players’ reactions to the game through questionnaire responses and in-game activity. The technologies used in Blowtooth are, intentionally, simple in order for the enjoyment of the game to be reliant more on the physical environment rather than the enabling technologies. We conclude that situating pervasive games in unexpected and challenging environments, such as international airports, may provide interesting and unique gaming experiences for players. In addition, we argue that pervasive games benefit most from using the specific features and nature of interesting real-world environments rather than focusing on the enabling technologies.  相似文献   

Multi-player online battle arena games (MOBAs) are large virtual environments requiring complex problem-solving and social interaction. We asked whether these games generate psychologically interesting data about the players themselves. Specifically, we asked whether user names, which are chosen by players outside of the game itself, predicted in-game behaviour. To examine this, we analysed a large anonymized dataset from a popular MOBA (‘League of Legends’) – by some measures the most popular game in the world.We find that user names contain two pieces of information that correlate with in-game social behaviour. Both player age (estimated from numerical sequences within name) and the presence of highly anti-social words are correlated with the valences of player/player interactions within the game.Our findings suggest that players' real-world characteristics influence behaviour and interpersonal interactions within online games. Anonymized statistics derived from such games may therefore be a valuable tool for studying psychological traits across global populations.  相似文献   

Electronic games are often considered one of the main consumer markets in the mobile commerce arena. This is an area that has thus far been neglected by literature. The research performed in this paper develops and validates the usefulness of an instrument that evaluates the quality of mobile games. Data collected by the instrument is grounded in subjective impressions, which can be applied in quantitative analysis for the production of mobile game metrics including the Mobile Game Quality Index. These objectives are carried out through a three-step methodology. First, an instrument to measure the construct of interest, mobile game quality is developed. Then the instrument’s validity is examined and demonstrated in two phases of testing on mobile games. A five dimension structure of mobile game quality is revealed along with a validated 23-item instrument. The resulting quality model is found to have strong theoretical support in the literature.  相似文献   

基于国内外手机游戏的发展状况,介绍了J2ME手机游戏平台及其优势和局限,对J2ME手机游戏的应用情况作了细致的分析,预测了手机游戏的发展趋势,随着手机游戏平台的不断提升和多样化,J2ME将最终被Android、iOS甚至更新的平台所替代。  相似文献   

Mobile computer games have become increasingly popular in recent years. A major factor for successful game development is the adequate control of the game׳s difficulty. This paper discusses justification for dynamic difficulty adaption for Parkour games. It presents an adaptive mechanism for difficulty adjustment in response to the player׳s run-time performance in the single player mode. The mechanism is based on game content generation techniques, considering constrains for mobile screens. Both the functionality of the game׳s objects and the player׳s psychological and behavioral inclinations are taken into consideration. Our preliminary experiment shows that game experiences are significantly enhanced with the adaption mechanism.  相似文献   

近年来,随着信息技术的发展,移动增强现实作为一种新兴的体验方式,在目前的教学资源设计过程中得到了大量的应用。而在教育游戏开发领域,出现了许多融合移动增强现实技术与教育游戏特点与优势的增强现实教育游戏。本研究基于移动增强现实技术开发了一个自然科普游戏,通过创设相对真实的、具有交互性质的自然科学学习环境,使得许多曾经难以出现的学习材料以虚拟形象的方式出现在学习者面前,培养学习者的科学探究能力,拉近和提高城乡学生的生态保护知识水平并塑造正确对待自然的情感态度价值观,为城乡教育一体化提供了思路。  相似文献   

Head-up displays (HUD) are important parts of visual interfaces of virtual environments such as video games. However, few studies have investigated their role in player–video game interactions. Two experiments were designed to investigate the influence of HUDs on player experience according to player expertise and game genre. Experiment 1 used eye-tracking and interviews to understand how and to what extent players use and experience HUDs in two types of commercial games: first-person shooter and real-time strategy games. Results showed that displaying a permanent HUD within the visual interface may improve the understanding of this environment by players. They also revealed that two HUD characteristics, namely composition and spatial organization, have particular influence on player experience. These critical characteristics were manipulated in experiment 2 to study more precisely the influence of HUD design choices on player experience. Results showed that manipulation of design of these HUD characteristics influences player experience in different ways according to player expertise and game genre. For games with HUDs that are perceived as very useful, the higher player expertise is, the more player experience is influenced. Recommendations for video game design based on these results are proposed.  相似文献   

随着3G时代的到来,以及手机性能的不断提高,手机娱乐休闲的功能日益彰显。使用J2ME作为手机网络游戏的开发平台,结合Servlet技术构建手机掼蛋网络对战游戏,利用多线程实现手机客户端随机接收服务器消息。为了让玩家按服务器发送的顺序接收消息,采用队列进行存储,使消息按队列先进先出顺序供客户端接收。通过实验模拟,达到了设计的效果。  相似文献   

在网络运营商与智能手机的发展等多重因素推动下,手机游戏异军突起,发展迅猛。一些风靡全球的游戏突 破了地区和文化的边界,征服全球市场。本文首先分析了手机游戏的类型与特点,并对我国现有手机游戏的现状进行了深入 研究,最后则从民族特色、学习型手机游戏和3D视频游戏等多个角度,展望我国手机游戏的发展趋势。  相似文献   

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