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The flow fields in a dual Rushton impeller stirred tank with diameter of 0.48 m (T) were measured by using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Three different size impellers were used in the experiments with diameters of D = 0.33T, 0.40T and 0.50T, respectively. The multi-block and 360° ensemble-averaged approaches were used to measure the radial and axial angle-resolved velocity distributions. Three typical flow patterns, named, merging flow, parallel flow and diverging flow, were obtained by changing the clearance of the bottom impeller above the tank base (C1) and the spacing between the two impellers (C2). The results show that while C1 is equal to D, the parallel flow occurs as C2≥0.40T, C2≥0.38T and C2≥0.32T and the merging flow occurs as C2≤0.38T, C2≤0.36T and C2≤0.27T for the impellers with diameter of D=0.33T, 0.40T and 0.50T, respectively. When C2 is equal to D, the diverging flow occurs in the value of C1≤0.15T for all three impellers. The flow numbers of these impellers were calculated for the parallel flow. Trailing vortices generated by the lower impeller for the diverging flow were shown by the 10° angle-resolved velocity measurements. The peak value of turbulence kinetic energy ( k/V^2tip = 0.12-0.15 or above) appears along the center of the impeller discharging stream. 相似文献
Particle image velocimetry technique was used to analyze the trailing vortices and elucidate their rela-tionship with turbulence properties in a stirred tank of 0.48 m diameter,agitated by four different disc turbines,in-cluding Rushton turbine,concaved blade disk turbine,half elliptical blade disk turbine,and parabolic blade disk turbine.Phase-averaged and phase-resolved flow fields near the impeller blades were measured and the structure of trailing vortices was studied in detail.The location,size and strength of vortices were determined by the simplified λ2-criterion and the results showed that the blade shape had great effect on the trailing vortex characteristics.The larger curvature resulted in longer residence time of the vortex at the impeller tip,bigger distance between the upper and lower vortices and longer vortex life,also leads to smaller and stronger vortices.In addition,the turbulent ki-netic energy and turbulent energy dissipation in the discharge flow were determined and discussed.High turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent energy dissipation regions were located between the upper and lower vortices and moved along with them.Although restricted to single phase flow,the presented results are essential for reliable de-sign and scale-up of stirred tank with disc turbines. 相似文献
The turbulence structure in the stirred tank with a deep hollow blade (semi-ellispe) disc turbine (HEDT) was investigated by using time-resolved particle image velocimetry (TRPIV) and traditional PIV. In the stirred tank, the turbulence generated by blade passage includes the periodic components and the random turbulent ones. Traditional PIV with angle-resolved measurement and TRPIV with wavelet analysis were both used to obtain the random turbulent kinetic energy as a comparison. The wavelet analysis method was successfully used in this work to separate the random turbulent kinetic energy. The distributions of the periodic kinetic energy and the random turbulent kinetic energy were obtained. In the impeller region, the averaged random turbulent kinetic energy was about 2.6 times of the averaged periodic one. The kinetic energies at different wavelet scales from a6 to d1 were also calculated and compared. TRPIV was used to record the sequence of instantaneous velocity in the impeller stream. The evolution of the impeller stream was observed clearly and the sequence of the vorticity field was also obtained for the identification of vortices. The slope of the energy spectrum was approximately &;#61485;5/3 in high frequency representing the existence of inertial subrange and some isotropic properties in stirred tank. From the power spectral density (PSD), one peak existed evidently, which was located at f0 (blade passage frequency) generated by the blade passage. 相似文献
用体三维速度测量技术(volumetric three-component velocimetry measurements,V3V)实验研究了涡轮桨搅拌槽内桨叶附近流场。通过速度数据得到三维流场特性,确定尾涡三维结构;分析了叶片后方30°截面轴向、径向和环向速度沿径向分布规律;对比了V3V和2D-PIV(particle image velocimetry)径向和轴向速度,发现速度分布吻合较好,特别是尾涡所在的射流区。用2D-PIV方法对尾涡发展规律进行研究,发现受流体自由液面影响,尾涡轨迹向上倾斜,并与水平方向成10°,上、下尾涡运动轨迹不对称,下尾涡运动比上尾涡稍快,衰减亦较快,这与V3V实验结果一致;叶片后方60°尾涡依然清晰可见。用V3V和2D-PIV方法对桨叶附近湍流各向同性假设进行了分析,发现桨叶区和尾涡所在位置湍动能被各向同性假设近似法高估了25%~33%,桨叶区和尾涡所在位置趋向于各向异性。 相似文献
Masanori Yoshida Tomoko Hiura Kazuaki Yamagiwa Akira Ohkawa Shuichi Tezura 《加拿大化工杂志》2008,86(2):160-167
The characteristics of a liquid flow were studied in the impeller region of an unbaffled agitated vessel with an angularly oscillating impeller whose unsteady rotation proceeds while periodically reversing its direction at a set angle. The measurement of the velocity of the liquid flow was performed by particle tracking velocimetry (PTV), abreast of that of the torque of the shaft to which the impeller was attached. When a disk turbine impeller with six flat blades was used with variations in operating conditions, such as the frequency and amplitude of impeller angular oscillation, a series of images obtained during one oscillation cycle were analyzed to characterize the internal and discharge streams inside and outside the impeller rotational region. Energy data were inferred on the basis of the circumferential and radial velocities of an internal flow. Results showed that although the total head provided to the liquid by the impeller blades is almost similar, independent of the amplitude of impeller angular oscillation, namely, the acceleration of its movement, the transformation of energy from the pressure head to the velocity head is more efficient at a larger amplitude. In addition, the discharge flow was characterized in terms of volumetric flow rates calculated from the radial and axial velocities. The operation at a smaller amplitude was shown to transform the flow more successfully from the radial direction to the upward and downward axial directions near the vessel wall. 相似文献
Yulong Zhang Zhengming Gao Zhipeng Li J. J. Derksen 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2017,63(8):3610-3623
The way in which the single phase flow of Newtonian liquids in the vicinity of the impeller in a Rushton turbine stirred tank goes through a laminar‐turbulent transition has been studied in detail experimentally (with Particle Image Velocimetry) as well as computationally. For Reynolds numbers equal to or higher than 6000, the average velocities and velocity fluctuation levels scale well with the impeller tip speed, that is, show Reynolds independent behavior. Surprising flow structures were measured—and confirmed through independent experimental repetitions—at Reynolds numbers around 1300. Upon reducing the Reynolds number from values in the fully turbulent regime, the trailing vortex system behind the impeller blades weakens with the upper vortex weakening much stronger than the lower vortex. Simulations with a variety of methods (direct numerical simulations, transitional turbulence modeling) and software implementations (ANSYS‐Fluent commercial software, lattice‐Boltzmann in‐house software) have only partial success in representing the experimentally observed laminar‐turbulent transition. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 3610–3623, 2017 相似文献
Masanori Yoshida Yuma Wakura Kazuaki Yamagiwa Akira Ohkawa Shuichi Tezura 《加拿大化工杂志》2009,87(6):832-838
For an unbaffled agitated vessel with an unsteadily forward–reverse rotating impeller whose rotation proceeds with repeated acceleration, deceleration, and stop–reverse processes, liquid flow was studied through visualisation and measurement using particle tracking velocimetry (PTV). A disk turbine impeller with six flat blades was used with varied height settings. The impeller clearance and its forward–reverse rotation cycle characterised the impeller region flow: the radially outward flow in the deceleration process for the larger clearance relative to the vessel diameter of 1/3, and the axially downward flow in the acceleration process for the smaller clearance relative to the vessel diameter of 1/8. The flow patterns within the vessel resulting from the impeller's larger and smaller clearances were outlined, respectively, by double loops and a single loop of circulation, resembling the pattern produced by unidirectionally rotating turbine‐type impellers. The discharge flow was revealed to contain a comparable level of periodic circumferential velocity component, irrespective of the impeller clearance. 相似文献
翼型桨叶片尾涡结构的PIV实测与LES模拟研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在塔径383 mm、高径比为1的翼型桨搅拌反应器内,采用粒子图像测速(PIV)技术和大涡模拟(LES)研究了一种翼型桨的叶片尾涡结构. 对比二维PIV技术测定的翼型桨搅拌反应器平均速度场数据,验证了LES方法的可靠性. 并通过叶片端的速度矢量场、叶片区内的涡量大小及湍动能分布清楚地识别了翼型桨叶片尾涡结构. 发现该叶片尾涡为单涡结构,其尾涡轴心轨迹几乎就在桨叶尖划过的圆柱面上. 此外,还探讨了叶片尾涡对湍动能分布、湍流特性等的影响,表明最大无因次湍动能k/Vtip2约为0.04~0.06,其位置约在0.5相似文献
采用粒子图像测速(PIV)系统对两种出口段型式阶梯扩散器的内流场进行了测试,得到了多种流量工况下阶梯扩散器轴向水平截面的速度分布、阻力损失及阶扩处空化等情况。测试结果表明,入口浆速为8~24m.s-1时,出口段横向速度分布在长径比为3~5时达到均匀,随后圆管出口段横向速度分布再由均匀发展到不均匀,而方管出口段的横向速度在达到均布后,后续流动没有明显不均匀的横向速度分布。入口浆速越大,对纤维的解絮越有利,但随着入口浆速的增大,流动阻力急剧增加,阶扩处空化区域增大,故在纤维充分分散的前提下,入口浆速以不超过空化的临界浆速为宜。研究表明,方管出口阶梯扩散器更适用于高速纸机,适当高的浆速和合适的形状尺寸是获得定量均匀、匀度好纸张的保证。 相似文献
Fabio Chiti Serafim Bakalis Waldemar Bujalski Mostafa Barigou Archie Eaglesham Alvin W. Nienow 《Chemical Engineering Research and Design》2011,89(10):1947-1960
Positron emission particle tracking (PEPT) is a relatively new technique allowing the quantitative study of flow phenomena in three dimensions in opaque systems that cannot be studied by optical methods such as particle image velocimetry (PIV) or laser Doppler anemometry (LDA). Here, velocity measurements made using PEPT in two sizes of baffled vessel (∼0.20 m and ∼0.29 m diameter) and two different viscosity fluids agitated by a Rushton turbine are compared for the first time directly in depth with some studies reported in the literature made by LDA for the turbulent regime in the equivalent geometry. Initially, the paper considers how the Lagrangian data obtained by PEPT can be converted into Eulerian in order to make the comparison most effective. It also considers ways of data treatment that improve the accuracy of both the raw PEPT data and the velocities determined from it. It is shown that excellent agreement is found between the PEPT and literature results, especially for the smaller vessel, except for the radial velocity just off the tip of the blade in the plane of the disc of the Rushton turbine. This difference is attributed to the very rapid changes in both magnitude and direction that occurs in that region and also to the different way of ensemble averaging in the two techniques. In addition, the results for the absolute velocities normalised by the impeller tip velocity for all the rectangular cross-section toroidal cells in each size of vessel and each fluid and a range of agitator speeds are compared in the form of frequency histograms. In this analysis, the velocities for each run are obtained from PEPT based on tracking a particle for 30 min and the mean and mode of the velocities each decrease slightly with decreasing scale and Reynolds number. The possible reasons for this variation in the mode and the mean are discussed. Overall, it is concluded that for the radial flow Rushton turbine the PEPT technique can be used to obtain accurate velocity data throughout the entire complex three-dimensional turbulent flow field in an agitated, baffled vessel except very close to the impeller in the radial discharge stream. 相似文献
采用大涡PIV方法研究搅拌槽内湍流动能耗散率 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在槽径为0.476 m的六直叶涡轮桨搅拌槽内,采用粒子图像测速仪(PIV)对桨叶区的流场进行了实验研究,得到了桨叶区的平均流速和湍流动能(k)分布,采用大涡PIV方法对湍流动能耗散率(e)分布进行了估算,计算了e与k的相关系数. 结果表明大涡PIV方法能有效地估算e分布;桨叶区的射流向上倾斜,两尾涡分布于射流两侧,射流的倾角和两尾涡中心间距随射流向壁面运动而变化,射流倾角先增大再减小,相位角q=40o时达到最大值13.2o,两尾涡中心间距先减小再增大,q=20o时达到最小值0.0387(用槽径T无因次化);湍流动能和湍流动能耗散率峰值均位于尾涡靠近射流的区域;湍流动能和湍流动能耗散率的平均相关系数为0.363,射流核心区相关系数小于周边区域. 相似文献