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随着大湄公河次区域(GMS)各国经济的快速发展,对电力的需求力度逐渐加大,加之次区域各国能源分布不均的特点,使次区域范围内电力贸易合作成为必然趋势。为有效优化次区域内的丰富资源,促进次区域各国之间的电力贸易,提出构建GMS电力贸易中心的设想,在分析次区域各国的电力基础设施发展现状及各国间电力合作现状的基础上,对电力贸易中心的概念做出界定,并从国际、国家及电网公司层面分别阐述了贸易中心的战略定位及其核心功能,进而提出贸易中心培育及建设的政策建议,以确保GMS电力贸易中心的健康成长和长期有效运行。  相似文献   

在可再生能源技术推广中,常常遇到因缺少资金而影响推广进程等问题,针对这些问题,文章对租赁方法引用到可再生能源技术推广中进行了探讨。  相似文献   

着重介绍了浙江省近几年来在可再生能源资源的研究与开发方面的有关法规,政策,成效,以供有关部门和人士参考。  相似文献   

通过赴荷兰学习考察,了解和掌握欧洲国家可再生能源发展激励政策、市场运行机制和高效利用技术,为我国进一步开展农村能源项目建设提供了宝贵的借鉴经验。  相似文献   

中国可再生能源技术攻关成就显著   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

本文首先指出了可再生能源技术应用现状,强调推行可再生能源技术的应用还需要更多的努力,接着主要从太阳能、地热能等方面研究分析了可再生能源技术的应用策略,最后从减少不可再生能源消耗、提高建筑物使用舒适度、力度等方面提出了应用可再生能源技术的意义。本文研究成果将对探讨可再生能源技术在建筑行业的应用起到一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

海洋可再生能源技术发展现状及对策建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海洋能是一种清洁无污染、蕴藏量丰富的可再生新能源。随着化石能源不断枯竭和低碳减排的迫切要求,世界各国对开发海洋能源产业愈加重视,各种海洋能发电技术得到了不断突破,其中,英国等欧美国家已进入商业化运作前期。文章介绍了国内外海洋能发电技术的最新进展以及已建、在建和计划筹建的工程项目情况。从政策、技术研发、资金及人才培养等方面,提出了我国发展海洋可再生能源产业的对策建议。  相似文献   

香港特区政府环境局局长邱腾华4月9日表示,特区政府致力研究并推广可再生能源在香港的应用,并积极推动政府部门以身作则。  相似文献   

一、可再生能源技术经济政策的重要性及现状 (一)背景 美国能源部发表的2004年度《国际能源展望》报告说,到2025年,全球能源消费量将比2001年增长54%,工业国家的能源消费将以平均每年1.2%的速度增长,而包括中国、印度在内的发展中国家的能源需求.将比目前增加一倍,占全球能源需求增长量的40%和发展中国家增长量的70%。  相似文献   

从沼气、热泵、太阳能和风能等方面可再生能源技术存在的问题和解决措施入手,叙述了太原市可再生能源发展的空间,指出,发展可再生能源是调整太原市能源结构,改进太原市环境质量的重大措施,也是保证能源安全的重大措施。  相似文献   

With the increase in energy demand and the international drive to reduce carbon emission from fossil fuel, there has been a drive in many oil-rich countries to diversify their energy portfolio and resources. Libya is currently interested in utilising its renewable energy resources in order to reduce the financial and energy dependency on oil reserves. This paper investigates the current utilisation and the future of renewable energy in Libya. Interviews have been conducted with managers, consultants and decision makers from different government organisations including energy policy makers, energy generation companies and major energy consumers. The results indicate that Libya is rich in renewable energy resources but in urgent need of a more comprehensive energy strategy and detailed implementation including reasonable financial and educational investment in the renewable energy sector.  相似文献   

Modern renewable energy technologies such as wind turbines and photovoltaic cells are developing rapidly, which raises the risk of conflicts over a range of issues, from aesthetic impacts to rights of access. Although these conflicts arise from the deployment of a new technology, in many cases the underlying nature of the conflict is not novel, and historic cases can help to inform the development of a fair and effective management of these conflicts. This paper draws attention to one particular type of conflict; namely the right to gain or protect access to the energy flux. An examination of historic conflicts and judicial arbitration over the rights to extract useful energy by capturing the wind, water or sun, reveals that it is the nature of the energy capturing technology, the end-use of the energy and the local cultural and infrastructural setting which are key to the determination of local property rights over the flow of air, water or sunlight. Historical examples of wind and watermills, and a historic-contemporary comparison of ‘rights to light’, suggest that renewable energy technologies that are susceptible to multiple conflicts, for example due to the scale of the technology or the directionality of the energy flux across individual property boundaries, could be effectively governed in a more collaborative manner, with laws being both technology specific and locally adaptive.  相似文献   

In this paper, a probabilistic model is developed to assess the effects of different support mechanisms on the financial return of small-scale hydroelectric, wind energy and solar PV systems. Besides, the results from this model are used to compare the economic effectiveness of each mechanism in increasing the profitability of these projects. We focus on three renewable energy support mechanisms: governmental grants, feed in tariffs (FiT) and renewable energy certificates (RECs). We also consider the effect of the carbon credits on the net present value of renewable projects and compare it with the other support mechanisms. The simulation results demonstrate that the feed in tariffs is the best mechanism to increase the profitability of solar PV systems and wind energy projects. Conversely, green certificate mechanism favors the most competitive technology as the hydropower. In addition, it is shown that the governmental grants and carbon credits are secondary support mechanisms compared to FiT and RECs. And, the carbon credits play a more important role than governmental grants as the energy output of the system increase. Finally, it can be concluded that the efficiency of the support mechanisms varies depending on stage of development of the renewable technologies that are implemented.  相似文献   

A large number of stand-alone power systems that are based on fossil fuel or renewable energy (RE) based, are installed all over Europe. Such systems, often comprising photovoltaics (PV) and/or diesel generators provide power to communities or technical installations, which do not have access to the local or national electricity grid. The replacement of conventional technologies such as diesel generators and/or batteries with hydrogen technologies, including fuel cells in an existing PV-diesel stand-alone power system providing electricity to a remote community was simulated and optimised, using the hybrid optimisation model for electric renewables (HOMER) simulation tool. A techno-economic analysis of the existing hybrid stand-alone power system and the optimised hydrogen-based system was also conducted. The results of the analyses showed that the replacement of fossil fuel based gensets with hydrogen technologies is technically feasible, but still not economically viable, unless significant reductions in the cost of hydrogen technologies are made in the future.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the current energy status, choice of energy options and potential of renewable energy systems for creating sustainable livelihoods in rural areas. It includes six case studies of successful projects spread all over India and covering different technologies and scales of operation. It also includes a proposed outline for training of Renewable Energy Technicians and their job opportunities.  相似文献   

A major focus of the current energy debate is how to meet the future demand for electricity. Conservation in buildings and industry, and conversion of utility central station capacity to alternate fuels will play a major role in meeting this demand. But cost-effective conservation measures can only go so far, and the industrial and commercial sectors ultimately will have to seek alternative sources of energy. Moreover, electric utilities may face financial, environmental, or other constraints on the conversion of their existing capacity to fuels other than oil, or on the construction of new alternate-fuelled capacity. A wide range of alternate fuels and conversion technologies has been proposed for the industrial, commercial, and electric utility sectors. One of the most promising commercially available technologies is cogeneration. Cogeneration systems produce both electrical (or mechanical) energy and thermal energy from the same primary energy source. This paper reviews the present day cogeneration technologies based on renewable sources of energy. Study of novel methods, existing designs, theoretical and experimental analyses, modeling and simulation, environmental issues and economics and related energy policies have been discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The Kyoto Protocol to the Climate Change Convention sets out legally binding emission targets and timetables for developed countries. In order to ease compliance, it allows countries to achieve their emission targets through the ‘Kyoto Mechanisms’. These mechanisms comprise International Emissions Trading (ET), Joint Implementation (JI), and a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). This paper analyses the capacity of the proposed mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol to promote investment in renewable energy technologies (RETs). Analysis of abatement costing studies indicates that the increasing use of renewable energy tends to be a higher cost option compared with other greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement technologies. This finding, however, does not make RETs unattractive for GHG mitigation as such because, apart from their vast technical potential to reduce GHG emissions, RETs have great capacity to contribute to other aspects of sustainable development. The extent of investment into renewable energy induced by the Kyoto mechanisms will depend on whether the rules and guidelines that are to be developed in the coming years will explicitly support renewables. The Kyoto mechanisms could be instrumental in leading to significant investment into these resources if rules are defined appropriately.  相似文献   

Many countries, especially in Europe, have ambitious goals to transform their national energy systems towards renewable energies. Technological change in both renewable production and efficient use of energy can help us to make these targets come true. Using a panel of German firms linked to the PATSTAT patent data, we study inventions in both types of energy technologies and investigate the role prior inventions as technology-push factors play for both types of technologies. In addition and more importantly, we study whether previous inventions in non-energy technologies also stimulate technical change in energy technologies and whether this effect differs between energy conservation and renewable energy technologies.  相似文献   

The focus of the world's attention on environmental issues in recent years has stimulated responses in many countries which have led to a closer examination of energy conservation strategies for conventional fossil fuels. Buildings are important consumers of energy and thus important contributors to emissions of greenhouse gases into the global atmosphere. The development and adoption of suitable renewable energy technologies has an important role; a review of options indicates benefits and some problems. There are two key-elements to the fulfilling of renewable energy technology potential within the field of building design; firstly the instilling of appropriate skills and attitudes in building design professionals, and secondly the provision of the opportunity for such people to demonstrate their skills. This second element may only be created when the population at large, and clients commissioning building design in particular, become more aware of what can be achieved and what resources are required.  相似文献   

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