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Concurrency control in hierarchical multidatabase systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the past decade, significant research has been done towards developing transaction management algorithms for multidatabase systems. Most of this work assumes a monolithic architecture of the multidatabase system with a single software module that follows a single transaction management algorithm to ensure the consistency of data stored in the local databases. This monolithic architecture is not appropriate in a multidatabase environment where the system spans multiple different organizations that are distributed over various geographically distant locations. In this paper, we propose an alternative multidatabase transaction management architecture, where the system is hierarchical in nature. Hierarchical architecture has consequences on the design of transaction management algorithms. An implication of the architecture is that the transaction management algorithms followed by a multidatabase system must be composable– that is, it must be possible to incorporate individual multidatabase systems as elements in a larger multidatabase system. We present a hierarchical architecture for a multidatabase environment and develop techniques for concurrency control in such systems. Edited by R. Sacks-Davis. Received June 27, 1994 / Accepted September 26, 1995  相似文献   

Data placement in shared-nothing parallel database systems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Data placement in shared-nothing database systems has been studied extensively in the past and various placement algorithms have been proposed. However, there is no consensus on the most efficient data placement algorithm and placement is still performed manually by a database administrator with periodic reorganization to correct mistakes. This paper presents the first comprehensive simulation study of data placement issues in a shared-nothing system. The results show that current hardware technology trends have significantly changed the performance tradeoffs considered in past studies. A simplistic data placement strategy based on the new results is developed and shown to perform well for a variety of workloads. Edited by M. Adiba. Received May 11, 1993 / Accepted April 24, 1996 November 1, 1995  相似文献   

Secure buffering in firm real-time database systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many real-time database applications arise in electronic financial services, safety-critical installations and military systems where enforcing security is crucial to the success of the enterprise. We investigate here the performance implications, in terms of killed transactions, of guaranteeing multi-level secrecy in a real-time database system supporting applications with firm deadlines. In particular, we focus on the buffer management aspects of this issue. Our main contributions are the following. First, we identify the importance and difficulties of providing secure buffer management in the real-time database environment. Second, we present SABRE, a novel buffer management algorithm that provides covert-channel-free security. SABRE employs a fully dynamic one-copy allocation policy for efficient usage of buffer resources. It also incorporates several optimizations for reducing the overall number of killed transactions and for decreasing the unfairness in the distribution of killed transactions across security levels. Third, using a detailed simulation model, the real-time performance of SABRE is evaluated against unsecure conventional and real-time buffer management policies for a variety of security-classified transaction workloads and system configurations. Our experiments show that SABRE provides security with only a modest drop in real-time performance. Finally, we evaluate SABRE's performance when augmented with the GUARD adaptive admission control policy. Our experiments show that this combination provides close to ideal fairness for real-time applications that can tolerate covert-channel bandwidths of up to one bit per second (a limit specified in military standards). Received March 1, 1999 / Accepted October 1, 1999  相似文献   

Building knowledge base management systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Advanced applications in fields such as CAD, software engineering, real-time process control, corporate repositories and digital libraries require the construction, efficient access and management of large, shared knowledge bases. Such knowledge bases cannot be built using existing tools such as expert system shells, because these do not scale up, nor can they be built in terms of existing database technology, because such technology does not support the rich representational structure and inference mechanisms required for knowledge-based systems. This paper proposes a generic architecture for a knowledge base management system intended for such applications. The architecture assumes an object-oriented knowledge representation language with an assertional sublanguage used to express constraints and rules. It also provides for general-purpose deductive inference and special-purpose temporal reasoning. Results reported in the paper address several knowledge base management issues. For storage management, a new method is proposed for generating a logical schema for a given knowledge base. Query processing algorithms are offered for semantic and physical query optimization, along with an enhanced cost model for query cost estimation. On concurrency control, the paper describes a novel concurrency control policy which takes advantage of knowledge base structure and is shown to outperform two-phase locking for highly structured knowledge bases and update-intensive transactions. Finally, algorithms for compilation and efficient processing of constraints and rules during knowledge base operations are described. The paper describes original results, including novel data structures and algorithms, as well as preliminary performance evaluation data. Based on these results, we conclude that knowledge base management systems which can accommodate large knowledge bases are feasible. Edited by Gunter Schlageter and H.-J. Schek. Received May 19, 1994 / Revised May 26, 1995 / Accepted September 18, 1995  相似文献   

Scene change detection techniques for video database systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Scene change detection (SCD) is one of several fundamental problems in the design of a video database management system (VDBMS). It is the first step towards the automatic segmentation, annotation, and indexing of video data. SCD is also used in other aspects of VDBMS, e.g., hierarchical representation and efficient browsing of the video data. In this paper, we provide a taxonomy that classifies existing SCD algorithms into three categories: full-video-image-based, compressed-video-based, and model-based algorithms. The capabilities and limitations of the SCD algorithms are discussed in detail. The paper also proposes a set of criteria for measuring and comparing the performance of various SCD algorithms. We conclude by discussing some important research directions.  相似文献   

The performance of electronic commerce systems has a major impact on their acceptability to users. Different users also demand different levels of performance from the system, that is, they will have different Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. Electronic commerce systems are the integration of several different types of servers and each server must contribute to meeting the QoS demands of the users. In this paper we focus on the role, and the performance, of a database server within an electronic commerce system. We examine the characteristics of the workload placed on a database server by an electronic commerce system and suggest a range of QoS requirements for the database server based on this analysis of the workload. We argue that a database server must be able to dynamically reallocate its resources in order to meet the QoS requirements of different transactions as the workload changes. We describe Quartermaster, which is a system to support dynamic goal-oriented resource management in database management systems, and discuss how it can be used to help meet the QoS requirements of the electronic commerce database server. We provide an example of the use of Quartermaster that illustrates how the dynamic reallocation of memory resources can be used to meet the QoS requirements of a set of transactions similar to transactions found in an electronic commerce workload. We briefly describe the memory reallocation algorithms used by Quartermaster and present experiments to show the impact of the reallocations on the performance of the transactions. Published online: 22 August 2001  相似文献   

Concurrency control schemes for object-oriented database systems (OODBSs) used in the area of performance-critical applications should increase the degree of concurrency and decrease locking overhead in order to offer maximum performance. However, most commercially available OODBSs use conventional concurrency control schemes that never exploit the rich semantics of object-oriented data model, thus fail to offer better performance. In this paper, we propose a concurrency control scheme for OODBSs, called in-place semantic multigranularity locking (ISMGL), that not only exploits semantics regarding methods to enhance the concurrency degree, but also utilizes multigranularity locking rules to decrease locking overhead. The novel aspect of ISMGL is that it combines conventional multigranularity locking and nested transaction model with utilizing commutativity of methods. Our concurrency control scheme is applicable for realistic OODBSs in the presence of complex objects with shared subobjects. Lastly, we evaluate the performance of ISMGL by using a simulation study.  相似文献   

The correctness of the data managed by database systems is vital to any application that utilizes data for business, research, and decision-making purposes. To guard databases against erroneous data not reflecting real-world data or business rules, semantic integrity constraints can be specified during database design. Current commercial database management systems provide various means to implement mechanisms to enforce semantic integrity constraints at database run-time. In this paper, we give an overview of the semantic integrity support in the most recent SQL-standard SQL:1999, and we show to what extent the different concepts and language constructs proposed in this standard can be found in major commercial (object-)relational database management systems. In addition, we discuss general design guidelines that point out how the semantic integrity features provided by these systems should be utilized in order to implement an effective integrity enforcing subsystem for a database. Received: 14 August 2000 / Accepted: 9 March 2001 / Published online: 7 June 2001  相似文献   

This paper attempts a comprehensive study of deadlock detection in distributed database systems. First, the two predominant deadlock models in these systems and the four different distributed deadlock detection approaches are discussed. Afterwards, a new deadlock detection algorithm is presented. The algorithm is based on dynamically creating deadlock detection agents (DDAs), each being responsible for detecting deadlocks in one connected component of the global wait-for-graph (WFG). The DDA scheme is a “self-tuning” system: after an initial warm-up phase, dedicated DDAs will be formed for “centers of locality”, i.e., parts of the system where many conflicts occur. A dynamic shift in locality of the distributed system will be responded to by automatically creating new DDAs while the obsolete ones terminate. In this paper, we also compare the most competitive representative of each class of algorithms suitable for distributed database systems based on a simulation model, and point out their relative strengths and weaknesses. The extensive experiments we carried out indicate that our newly proposed deadlock detection algorithm outperforms the other algorithms in the vast majority of configurations and workloads and, in contrast to all other algorithms, is very robust with respect to differing load and access profiles. Received December 4, 1997 / Accepted February 2, 1999  相似文献   

Due to the fuzziness of query specification and media matching, multimedia retrieval is conducted by way of exploration. It is essential to provide feedback so that users can visualize query reformulation alternatives and database content distribution. Since media matching is an expensive task, another issue is how to efficiently support exploration so that the system is not overloaded by perpetual query reformulation. In this paper, we present a uniform framework to represent statistical information of both semantics and visual metadata for images in the databases. We propose the concept of query verification, which evaluates queries using statistics, and provides users with feedback, including the strictness and reformulation alternatives of each query condition as well as estimated numbers of matches. With query verification, the system increases the efficiency of the multimedia database exploration for both users and the system. Such statistical information is also utilized to support progressive query processing and query relaxation. Received: 9 June 1998/ Accepted: 21 July 2000 Published online: 4 May 2001  相似文献   

Abstract. The analysis of web usage has mostly focused on sites composed of conventional static pages. However, huge amounts of information available in the web come from databases or other data collections and are presented to the users in the form of dynamically generated pages. The query interfaces of such sites allow the specification of many search criteria. Their generated results support navigation to pages of results combining cross-linked data from many sources. For the analysis of visitor navigation behaviour in such web sites, we propose the web usage miner (WUM), which discovers navigation patterns subject to advanced statistical and structural constraints. Since our objective is the discovery of interesting navigation patterns, we do not focus on accesses to individual pages. Instead, we construct conceptual hierarchies that reflect the query capabilities used in the production of those pages. Our experiments with a real web site that integrates data from multiple databases, the German SchulWeb, demonstrate the appropriateness of WUM in discovering navigation patterns and show how those discoveries can help in assessing and improving the quality of the site. Received June 21, 1999 / Accepted December 24, 1999  相似文献   

We present two different approaches to the location and recovery of text in images of real scenes. The techniques we describe are invariant to the scale and 3D orientation of the text, and allow recovery of text in cluttered scenes. The first approach uses page edges and other rectangular boundaries around text to locate a surface containing text, and to recover a fronto-parallel view. This is performed using line detection, perceptual grouping, and comparison of potential text regions using a confidence measure. The second approach uses low-level texture measures with a neural network classifier to locate regions of text in an image. Then we recover a fronto-parallel view of each located paragraph of text by separating the individual lines of text and determining the vanishing points of the text plane. We illustrate our results using a number of images. Received May 20, 2001 / Accepted June 19, 2001  相似文献   

The task of checking if a computer system satisfies its timing specifications is extremely important. These systems are often used in critical applications where failure to meet a deadline can have serious or even fatal consequences. This paper presents an efficient method for performing this verification task. In the proposed method a real-time system is modeled by a state-transition graph represented by binary decision diagrams. Efficient symbolic algorithms exhaustively explore the state space to determine whether the system satisfies a given specification. In addition, our approach computes quantitative timing information such as minimum and maximum time delays between given events. These results provide insight into the behavior of the system and assist in the determination of its temporal correctness. The technique evaluates how well the system works or how seriously it fails, as opposed to only whether it works or not. Based on these techniques a verification tool called Verus has been constructed. It has been used in the verification of several industrial real-time systems such as the robotics system described below. This demonstrates that the method proposed is efficient enough to be used in real-world designs. The examples verified show how the information produced can assist in designing more efficient and reliable real-time systems.  相似文献   

We propose a new multi-attribute index. Our approach combines the hB-tree, a multi-attribute index, and the -tree, an abstract index which offers efficient concurrency and recovery methods. We call the resulting method the hB-tree. We describe several versions of the hB-tree, each using a different node-splitting and index-term-posting algorithm. We also describe a new node deletion algorithm. We have implemented all the versions of the hB-tree. Our performance results show that even the version that offers no performance guarantees, actually performs very well in terms of storage utilization, index size (fan-out), exact-match and range searching, under various data types and distributions. We have also shown that our index is fairly insensitive to increases in dimension. Thus, it is suitable for indexing high-dimensional applications. This property and the fact that all our versions of the hB-tree can use the -tree concurrency and recovery algorithms make the hB-tree a promising candidate for inclusion in a general-purpose DBMS. Edited by R. Sacks-Davis. Received 27 June 1994 / Accepted 26 September 1995  相似文献   

PicoDBMS: Scaling down database techniques for the smartcard   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Smartcards are the most secure portable computing device today. They have been used successfully in applications involving money, and proprietary and personal data (such as banking, healthcare, insurance, etc.). As smartcards get more powerful (with 32-bit CPU and more than 1 MB of stable memory in the next versions) and become multi-application, the need for database management arises. However, smartcards have severe hardware limitations (very slow write, very little RAM, constrained stable memory, no autonomy, etc.) which make traditional database technology irrelevant. The major problem is scaling down database techniques so they perform well under these limitations. In this paper, we give an in-depth analysis of this problem and propose a PicoDBMS solution based on highly compact data structures, query execution without RAM, and specific techniques for atomicity and durability. We show the effectiveness of our techniques through performance evaluation. Received: 15 October 2000 / Accepted: 15 April 2001 Published online: 23 July 2001  相似文献   

Client-server object-oriented database management systems differ significantly from traditional centralized systems in terms of their architecture and the applications they target. In this paper, we present the client-server architecture of the EOS storage manager and we describe the concurrency control and recovery mechanisms it employs. EOS offers a semi-optimistic locking scheme based on the multi-granularity two-version two-phase locking protocol. Under this scheme, multiple concurrent readers are allowed to access a data item while it is being updated by a single writer. Recovery is based on write-ahead redo-only logging. Log records are generated at the clients and they are shipped to the server during normal execution and at transaction commit. Transaction rollback is fast because there are no updates that have to be undone, and recovery from system crashes requires only one scan of the log for installing the changes made by transactions that committed before the crash. We also present a preliminary performance evaluation of the implementation of the above mechanisms. Edited by R. King. Received July 1993 / Accepted May 1996  相似文献   

Detecting and eliminating duplicate records is one of the major tasks for improving data quality. The task, however, is not as trivial as it seems since various errors, such as character insertion, deletion, transposition, substitution, and word switching, are often present in real-world databases. This paper presents an n-gram-based approach for detecting duplicate records in large databases. Using the approach, records are first mapped to numbers based on the n-grams of their field values. The obtained numbers are then clustered, and records within a cluster are taken as potential duplicate records. Finally, record comparisons are performed within clusters to identify true duplicate records. The unique feature of this method is that it does not require preprocessing to correct syntactic or typographical errors in the source data in order to achieve high accuracy. Moreover, sorting the source data file is unnecessary. Only a fixed number of database scans is required. Therefore, compared with previous methods, the algorithm is more time efficient. Published online: 22 August 2001  相似文献   

Although many suggestions have been made for concurrency in B-trees, few of these have considered recovery as well. We describe an approach which provides high concurrency while preserving well-formed trees across system crashes. Our approach works for a class of index trees that is a generalization of the B-tree. This class includes some multi-attribute indexes and temporal indexes. Structural changes in an index tree are decomposed into a sequence of atomic actions, each one leaving the tree well-formed and each working on a separate level of the tree. All atomic actions on levels of the tree above the leaf level are independent of database transactions, and so are of short duration. Incomplete structural changes are detected in normal operations and trigger completion. Edited by A. Reuter. Received August 1995 / accepted July 1996  相似文献   

Algebraic query optimisation for database programming languages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A major challenge still facing the designers and implementors of database programming languages (DBPLs) is that of query optimisation. We investigate algebraic query optimisation techniques for DBPLs in the context of a purely declarative functional language that supports sets as first-class objects. Since the language is computationally complete issues such as non-termination of expressions and construction of infinite data structures can be investigated, whilst its declarative nature allows the issue of side effects to be avoided and a richer set of equivalences to be developed. The language has a well-defined semantics which permits us to reason formally about the properties of expressions, such as their equivalence with other expressions and their termination. The support of a set bulk data type enables much prior work on the optimisation of relational languages to be utilised. In the paper we first give the syntax of our archetypal DBPL and briefly discuss its semantics. We then define a small but powerful algebra of operators over the set data type, provide some key equivalences for expressions in these operators, and list transformation principles for optimising expressions. Along the way, we identify some caveats to well-known equivalences for non-deductive database languages. We next extend our language with two higher level constructs commonly found in functional DBPLs: set comprehensions and functions with known inverses. Some key equivalences for these constructs are provided, as are transformation principles for expressions in them. Finally, we investigate extending our equivalences for the set operators to the analogous operators over bags. Although developed and formally proved in the context of a functional language, our findings are directly applicable to other DBPLs of similar expressiveness. Edited by Matthias Jarke, Jorge Bocca, Carlo Zaniolo. Received September 15, 1994 / Accepted September 1, 1995  相似文献   

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