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In this paper, an improved active contour model based on the time-adaptive self-organizing map with a high convergence speed and low computational complexity is proposed. For this purpose, the active contour model based on the original time-adaptive self-organizing map is modified in two ways: adaptation of the speed parameter and reduction of the number of neurons. By adapting the speed parameter, the neuron motion speed is determined based on the distance of each neuron from the shape boundary which results in an increase in the speed of convergence of the contour. Using a smaller number of neurons, the computational complexity is reduced. To achieve this, the number of neurons used in the contour is determined based on the boundary curvature. The proposed model is studied and compared with the original time-adaptive self-organizing map. Both models are used in several experiments including a tracking application. Results reveal the higher speed and very good performance of the proposed model for real-time applications.  相似文献   

提出一种在视频人脸图像序列中,进行眼睛检测,跟踪和睁、闭状态判别的方法。通过眨眼检测,对眼睛进行定位;使用针对性强的内眼角提取算子,确定内眼角精确位置;利用内眼角特征来动态跟踪眼睛;睁眼模板在线生成和更新,通过当前眼睛区域和睁眼模板的相关分析来判别睁、闭眼状态。实验结果表明,算法在50场/s的处理速度下,内眼角点定位准确率达到98%以上,眨眼检测正确率为97.5%。  相似文献   

提出了一种在复杂背景、光照、姿势变化条件下的人脸眼睛定位与跟踪算法。首先采用基于OpenCV的级联式AdaBoost对象检测算法进行人脸检测,并提出了解决平面和深度旋转的方法;然后采用基于瞳孔定位后的分类器法精确定位眼睛;最后采用卡尔曼粒子滤波算法进行人眼跟踪。实验结果表明,该算法在复杂背景下极大地提高了眼睛定位与跟踪的速度和精确度,并对光照、姿势不敏感。  相似文献   

运动模板算法在复杂环境下无法准确提取运动目标区域,并且依赖帧间间隔的选取,无法对减速运动目标取得良好检测效果。针对该缺点,提出了一种改进的运动模版算法。首先,对输入的视频序列采用Canny算子结合轮廓信息提取水岸边界线;然后,将运动历史图沿着水岸边界线进行水岸分离,消除岸上运动目标的干扰;接着,对水面区域进行形态学处理,消除背景中水面上非目标运动对象;最后,对形态学处理后的结果进行船舶轮廓检测,计算最大轮廓外接矩形的宽和高,结合船舶当前位置的尾部坐标重建船舶轮廓外接矩形,以此实现实时的、高准确度的船舶检测与跟踪。实验结果表明,在复杂水面环境下,该方法能够实现实时、准确的船舶目标检测与跟踪。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new eye detection method is presented. The method consists of three steps: (1) extraction of binary edge images (BEIs) from the grayscale face image based on multi-resolution wavelet transform, (2) extraction of eye regions and segments from BEIs and (3) eye localization based on light dots and intensity information. In the paper, an improved face region extraction algorithm and a light dots detection algorithm are proposed for better eye detection performance. Also a multi-level eye detection scheme is adopted. Experimental results show that a correct eye detection rate of 98.7% can be achieved on 150 Bern images with variations in views and gaze directions and 96.6% can be achieved on 564 AR images with different facial expressions and lighting conditions.  相似文献   

王铮  李兴民 《计算机应用》2012,32(2):510-513
针对传统边缘检测方法无法考虑到彩色图像各颜色分量的相关性,以及边缘提取效果受阈值影响的不足,提出一种四元数和自组织神经网络(SOM)相结合的彩色图像边缘检测算法。根据四元数柯西积分公式和四元数矢量积性质,构造图像的边缘特征向量对SOM神经网络进行训练,然后用训练好的SOM网络提取边缘。实验表明,该方法具有良好的边缘检测效果,并有较强的细节保持能力。  相似文献   

动态目标的检测与跟踪作为图像处理和计算机视觉学科的重要分支,广泛应用于军事和民用等各个领域。文中提出一种基于稀疏光流快速计算的目标检测和跟踪新方法,该方法通过计算能反映图像特征的特定像素点光流矢量来实现目标检测和跟踪,同时结合图像金字塔技术,可以检测和跟踪运动速度更快、运动尺度更大的目标。文中将该方法分别与稠密光流方法和基于颜色特征方法作对比,结果表明该方法有计算量小、能很好应对目标遮挡情况和能检测和跟踪运动速度较快的目标等诸多优点。实验在多种条件下对该方法进行了验证,跟踪准确率都能达到80%以上,且基本能符合实时性的要求,说明该方法具有可行性和实用价值。  相似文献   

针对场景中存在新目标出现、旧目标消失(即目标数目变化)和密集杂波的复杂情形,利用多模型概率假设密度滤波器(MMPHDF)在多机动目标联合检测与跟踪上的优势,加入类别辅助信息,提出了一种多机动目标联合检测、跟踪与分类算法.该算法的基本思想是在MMPHDF中用属性向量扩展单目标状态向量,用位置和属性的组合测量似然函数代替单目标位置及杂波位置测量似然函数,提高了不同类目标与杂波测量间的鉴别能力,从而改善了目标数目及状态的估计精度;在更新目标状态后,对目标属性信息进行更新,更为精确的目标数目及状态估计又保证了目标分类性能.本文给出了该算法的粒子实现方法.仿真结果验证了上述结论.  相似文献   

Human detection is a key ability to an increasing number of applications that operates in human inhabited environments or needs to interact with a human user. Currently, most successful approaches to human detection are based on background substraction techniques that apply only to the case of static cameras or cameras with highly constrained motions. Furthermore, many applications rely on features derived from specific human poses, such as systems based on features derived from the human face which is only visible when a person is facing the detecting camera. In this work, we present a new computer vision algorithm designed to operate with moving cameras and to detect humans in different poses under partial or complete view of the human body. We follow a standard pattern recognition approach based on four main steps: (i) preprocessing to achieve color constancy and stereo pair calibration, (ii) segmentation using depth continuity information, (iii) feature extraction based on visual saliency, and (iv) classification using a neural network. The main novelty of our approach lies in the feature extraction step, where we propose novel features derived from a visual saliency mechanism. In contrast to previous works, we do not use a pyramidal decomposition to run the saliency algorithm, but we implement this at the original image resolution using the so-called integral image. Our results indicate that our method: (i) outperforms state-of-the-art techniques for human detection based on face detectors, (ii) outperforms state-of-the-art techniques for complete human body detection based on different set of visual features, and (iii) operates in real time onboard a mobile platform, such as a mobile robot (15 fps).  相似文献   

Deformable shape detection is an important problem in computer vision and pattern recognition. However, standard detectors are typically limited to locating only a few salient landmarks such as landmarks near edges or areas of high contrast, often conveying insufficient shape information. This paper presents a novel statistical pattern recognition approach to locate a dense set of salient and non-salient landmarks in images of a deformable object. We explore the fact that several object classes exhibit a homogeneous structure such that each landmark position provides some information about the position of the other landmarks. In our model, the relationship between all pairs of landmarks is naturally encoded as a probabilistic graph. Dense landmark detections are then obtained with a new sampling algorithm that, given a set of candidate detections, selects the most likely positions as to maximize the probability of the graph. Our experimental results demonstrate accurate, dense landmark detections within and across different databases.  相似文献   

A novel feature-based tracking approach based on the Kalman filter is proposed for the detection, localization, and 3-D reconstruction of internal defects in hardwood logs from cross-sectional computer tomography (CT) images. The defects are simultaneously detected, classified, localized, and reconstructed in 3-D space, making the proposed scheme computationally much more efficient than existing methods where the defects are detected and localized independently in individual CT image slices and the 3-D reconstruction of the defects accomplished via correspondence analysis across the various CT image slices. Robust techniques for defect detection and classification are proposed. Defect class-specific tracking schemes based on the Kalman filter, B-spline contour approximation, and Snakes contour fitting are designed which use the geometric parameters of the defect contours as the tracking variables. Experimental results on cross-sectional CT images of hardwood logs from select species such as white ash, hard maple, and red oak are presented.  相似文献   

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