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Firmen&;ProdukteSchneider Electric-Reine Multi 9

Neue Messger?te mit hoher Flexibilit?t  相似文献   



Sichere Energieversorgung in der Fertigungsindustrie  相似文献   

Modern overhead line systems call for high quality and operational safety standards as well as high requirements to be met with regard to the work procedures applied in the maintenance, renewal and construction of such systems. The use of innovative equipment ensures optimum working conditions and performance as well as economic efficiency and flexibility.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Kurzfassung eines Vortrags der 42. Fachtagung der ?sterreichischen Gesellschaft für Energietechnik (OGE) im OVE, die am 21. und 22. Oktober 2004 in Graz stattfindet.  相似文献   

Within this paper the development of special polymers for their use in integrated optics is shown exemplarily for selected optical devices (thermooptical switches and arrayed waveguide gratings). Emphasis is put on long-range data transfer in a wavelength region around 1,550 µm. Fluorinated polyacrylates, polycyanurates and triazine-containing reactive polymers were investigated.  相似文献   

Measurements of contact stresses between elastic bodies are of great importance not only in mechanical and civil engineering but also in medicine, especially in orthopedic fields. On the one hand there are a lot of methods making use of electrical effects and on the other hand there are imprint methods. The accuracy of measuring results depends mainly on the influences of thickness and stiffness of the inserted measuring sheets between the bodies in contact. In this study effects of the elastic properties of the inserted sheet with respect to the stiffness of the elastic bodies were investigated. For this purpose the following well known load cases were chosen:
  1. rigid cylindrical body pressed on an elastic half-space,
  2. Hertz-problem of two spherical bodies in contact.
For both cases analytical solutions and FE calculations are compared with experimental results.  相似文献   

The capacity formula for the Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN-) channel is taken for an example to demonstrate the extreme importance of Information Theory of C.E. Shannon for the transition from the Industrial Age to the Information Age. Exemplarily, typical ways of finding basic theorems in Information Theory are shown by means of two mathematical concepts. Simple relationships between information and energy as well as fundamental existence/nonexistence bounds for analogous and digital communication schemes are derived from the capacity formula. General comments on the importance of fundamental theories for the progress in technologies and on the rule of humanities in this process conclude the paper.  相似文献   

The energy demand of large household appliances was reduced during the recent years. We can save a large amount of energy and we can reduce the corresponding carbon dioxide emissions if we replace clapped-out appliances. If we replace the appliance before end of life, the energy demand for the operation will be also reduced. On the other hand there is an increased energy demand for the production of the new appliances that is additionally needed for the replacement. In this paper we discuss, when a replacement before end of life is recommendable.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Informationen: OVE/OGMA, Dipl.-HTL-Ing. Karl Stanka, Eschenbachgasse 9, A-1010 Wien, Telefon +43 (1) 587 63 73-23, E-Mail: k.stanka@ove.at  相似文献   


Berichte zur 38. CIGRé-Session 2000

Berichte über die Diskussionen der Studienkomitees der CIGRé  相似文献   


39. CIGRé-Session 2002

Berichte über die Diskussionen der Studienkomitees der CIGRé  相似文献   

We describe wireless readout of 3 different species of passive surface acoustic wave (SAW) identification tags. and sensors which all are connected to a small antenna for reception of the interrogation signal and transmission of the delayed sensor response.
  1. Following the ringing out of SAW resonators using a phase locked loop (PLL) over several microseconds, their resonance-(?Eigne”-)frequencies are determined.
  2. The time between some response impulses in a SAW delay line, caused by acoustical reflectors in different distances, accurately is measured by 3 different signal integrating methods.
  3. Amplitude variations of the response impulse, due to variations of a capacitance externally connected to the SAW delay line are evaluated.
All methods are used for wireless readout of fixed and adjustable identification codes and sensor measurands e.g. temperature, pressure, mechanical force, torque, deformation, electrical voltage etc.  相似文献   

The necessary replacement of a 20-kV-substation gave the reason for a reliability based assessment of the elaborated alternatives. The assessed medium voltage network consists of 3 open rings and around 100 transformer stations. This paper deals with the significance and usability of the assessment results concerning network planning; especially the deficit energy of the system and the single customer are taken into account.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Kurzfassung eines Vortrags der 41. Fachtagung der ?sterreichischen Energietechnischen Gesellschaft (OGE) im OVE, die am 5. und 6. November 2003 in Salzburg stattfindet.  相似文献   

For the interoperability of the European high speed railway networks a common radio communication platform is necessary. The European railway operators decided to use GSM as a platform for this new radio system. The newly defined standard is called GSM-R. In addition to the well known GSM features new functionalities had to be specified. Trial networks were built and the standard was tested in these networks. The first commercial operation of GSM-R is expected in 2000.  相似文献   

The paper presents an inverter concept for the realization of an induction machine drive with an extremely wide constant power range. The stator winding of the induction machine is split up into two isolated and quasi-bifilar wound three-phase winding systems. The series operation of the two winding sets provides very high torque at low stator frequencies while keeping the machine terminal and the inverter DC link current relatively low. However, due to the high number of turns field weakening is necessary at low frequencies (approximately at 50% of rated speed) already. Nevertheless, with the help of an electronic transition from series to parallel stator winding arrangement the machine flux can be restored to its nominal value as given for rated machine speed. Consequently, the break-down torque is increased by a factor of 4 which gives the basis for a high maximum speed with constant machine power.  相似文献   

Today there is a great demand for optimization of the overall performance of high voltage rotating machines. In the endwinding minimized distances between adjacent insulated bars or coils and reduced insulation thickness at constant voltage stress increase the requirements on the insulating system. Therefore the endwinding design has to be optimized with regarding to corona discharges and axial size reduction. This paper describes our research about physics of gas discharges under various environmental conditions. In particular we investigated plane-plane arrangements of insulated electrodes with and without spacers. Thereby, special attention is paid to corona inception and extinction voltage as well as the occurred level of partial discharges (on the basis of phase resolved PD patterns). Comparing the obtained results with the classical Paschen’s Law will allow an optimized endwinding design in future.  相似文献   

5. Zusammenfassung  Bei den vorgestellten FACTS-Betriebsmitteln und der selbstgeführten HGü handelt es sich um Alternativen zu AC-Netzverst?rkungen. Die vorgestellten Betriebsmittel sind in der Lage, den Lastfluss zu steuem bzw. zu regeln und darüber hinaus durch Blindleistungsbereitstellung spannungsstützend zu wirken. Die Wirkleistungsregelung erm?glicht einen gezielten Leistungsaustausch. Die Blindleistung stützt und stabilisiert umlagerte AC-Netze. Die schnelle Regelung der leistungselektronischen Betriebsmittel erm?glicht ein verbessertes dynamisches Verhalten und erm?glicht die D?mpfung von Ausgleichsschwingungen. Insgesamt k?nnen durch diese Technologien schnelle und umweltfreundliche Netzausbauten realisiert werden. Moderne Planungsprozesse müssen daher diese Technologien als Alternativen zu AC-Netzverst?rkungen berücksichtigen. Kurzfassung eines Vortrags der 43. Fachtagung der ?sterreichischen Gesellschaft für Energietechnik (OGE) im OVE, die am 24, und 25. November 2005 in Innsbruck stattfindet.  相似文献   

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