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Previous research on developing parallel triangulation algorithms concentrated on triangulating planar point sets.O(log3 n) running time algorithms usingO(n) processors have been developed in Refs. 1 and 2. Atallah and Goodrich(3) presented a data structure that can be viewed as a parallel analogue of the sequential plane-sweeping paradigm, which can be used to triangulate a planar point set inO(logn loglogn) time usingO(n) processors. Recently Merks(4) described an algorithm for triangulating point sets which runs inO(logn) time usingO(n) processors, and is thus optimal. In this paper we develop a parallel algorithm for triangulating simplicial point sets in arbitrary dimensions based on the idea of the sequential algorithm presented in Ref. 5. The algorithm runs inO(log2 n) time usingO(n/logn) processors. The algorithm hasO(n logn) as the product of the running time and the number of processors; i.e., an optimal speed-up.  相似文献   

T. Uno  M. Yagiura 《Algorithmica》2000,26(2):290-309
Given two permutations of n elements, a pair of intervals of these permutations consisting of the same set of elements is called a common interval . Some genetic algorithms based on such common intervals have been proposed for sequencing problems and have exhibited good prospects. In this paper we propose three types of fast algorithms to enumerate all common intervals: (i) a simple O(n 2 ) time algorithm (LHP), whose expected running time becomes O(n) for two randomly generated permutations, (ii) a practically fast O(n 2 ) time algorithm (MNG) using the reverse Monge property, and (iii) an O(n+K) time algorithm (RC), where K is the number of common intervals. It will also be shown that the expected number of common intervals for two random permutations is O(1) . This result gives a reason for the phenomenon that the expected time complexity O(n) of the algorithm LHP is independent of K . Among the proposed algorithms, RC is most desirable from the theoretical point of view; however, it is quite complicated compared with LHP and MNG. Therefore, it is possible that RC is slower than the other two algorithms in some cases. For this reason, computational experiments for various types of problems with up to n=10 6 are conducted. The results indicate that (i) LHP and MNG are much faster than RC for two randomly generated permutations, and (ii) MNG is rather slower than LHP for random inputs; however, there are cases in which LHP requires Ω(n 2 ) time, but MNG runs in o(n 2 ) time and is faster than both LHP and RC. Received December 21, 1996; revised June 2, 1998.  相似文献   

We show that if Arthur-Merlin protocols can be derandomized, then there is a language computable in deterministic exponential-time with access to an NP oracle that requires circuits of exponential size. More formally, if every promise problem in prAM, the class of promise problems that have Arthur-Merlin protocols, can be computed by a deterministic polynomial-time algorithm with access to an NP oracle, then there is a language in ENP that requires circuits of size Ω(2 n /n). The lower bound in the conclusion of our theorem suffices to construct pseudorandom generators with exponential stretch.  相似文献   

A bithreshold graph is the edge intersection of two threshold graphs such that every independent set is independent in at least one of the threshold components. Recognizing a bithreshold graph is polynomially equivalent to recognizing its complement, i.e., a cobithreshold graph. In this paper we introduce a coloring of the vertices and of the edges of a cobithreshold graph that leads to a recognition and decomposition algorithm. This algorithm works inO(n 3) time improving the previously knownO(n 4) result [HM].  相似文献   

We consider sets Turing reducible to p-selective sets under various resource bounds and a restricted number of queries to the oracle. We show that there is a hierarchy among the sets polynomial-time Turing reducible to p-selective sets with respect to the degree of a polynomial bounding the number of adaptive queries used by a reduction. We give a characterization of EXP/poly in terms of exponential-time Turing reducibility to p-selective sets. Finally we show that EXP cannot be reduced to the p-selective sets under 2 lin time reductions with at mostn k queries for anyfixed k ε N.  相似文献   

The problem of factoring integers in polynomial time with the help of an infinitely powerful oracle who answers arbitrary questions with yes or no is considered. The goal is to minimize the number of oracle questions. LetN be a given compositen-bit integer to be factored, wheren = log2 N. The trivial method of asking for the bits of the smallest prime factor ofN requiresn/2 questions in the worst case. A non-trivial algorithm of Rivest and Shamir requires onlyn/3 questions for the special case whereN is the product of twon/2-bit primes. In this paper, a polynomial-time oracle factoring algorithm for general integers is presented which, for any >0, asks at most n oracle questions for sufficiently largeN, thus solving an open problem posed by Rivest and Shamir. Based on a plausible conjecture related to Lenstra's conjecture on the running time of the elliptic curve factoring algorithm, it is shown that the algorithm fails with probability at mostN –/2 for all sufficiently largeN.  相似文献   

A rooted plane tree is a rooted tree with a left-to-right ordering specified for the children of each vertex. In this paper we give a simple algorithm to generate all rooted plane trees with at most n vertices. The algorithm uses O(n) space and generates such trees in O(1) time per tree without duplications. The algorithm does not output entire trees but the difference from the previous tree. By modifying the algorithm we can generate without duplications all rooted plane trees having exactly n vertices in O(1) time per tree, all rooted plane trees having at most n vertices with maximum degree at most D in O(1) time per tree, and all rooted plane trees having exactly n vertices including exactly c leaves in O(nc) time per tree. Also we can generate without duplications all (non-rooted) plane trees having exactly n vertices in O(n3) time per tree.  相似文献   

This paper presents several algorithms for projecting points so as to give the most uniform distribution. Givenn points in the plane and an integerb, the problem is to find an optimal angle ofb equally spaced parallel lines such that points are distributed most uniformly over buckets (regions bounded by two consecutive lines). An algorithm is known only in thetight case in which the two extreme lines are the supporting lines of the point set. The algorithm requiresO(bn2 logn) time and On2+bn) space to find an optimal solution. In this paper we improve the algorithm both in time and space, based on duality transformation. Two linear-space algorithms are presented. One runs in On2+K log n+bn) time, whereK is the number of intersections in the transformed plane.K is shown to beO(@#@ n2+bn@#@) based on a new counting scheme. The other algorithm is advantageous ifb < n. It performs a simplex range search in each slab to enumerate all the lines that intersectbucket lines, and runs in O(b0.610n1.695+K logn) time. It is also shown that the problem can be solved in polynomial time even in therelaxed case. Its one-dimensional analogue is especially related to the design of an optimal hash function for a static set of keys.This work was supported in part by a Grant in Aid for Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Cultures of Japan.  相似文献   

M. Saks  S. Zhou 《Algorithmica》2001,30(3):418-431
We give a deterministic algorithm which, on input an integer n , collection \cal F of subsets of {1,2,\ldots,n} , and ɛ∈ (0,1) , runs in time polynomial in n| \cal F |/ɛ and produces a \pm 1 -matrix M with n columns and m=O(log | \cal F |/ɛ 2 ) rows with the following property: for any subset F ∈ \cal F , the fraction of 1's in the n -vector obtained by coordinatewise multiplication of the column vectors indexed by F is between (1-ɛ)/2 and (1+ɛ)/2 . In the case that \cal F is the set of all subsets of size at most k , k constant, this gives a polynomial time construction for a k -wise ɛ -biased sample space of size O(log n/ɛ 2 ) , compared with the best previous constructions in [NN] and [AGHP] which were, respectively, O(log n/ɛ 4 ) and O(log 2 n/ɛ 2 ) . The number of rows in the construction matches the upper bound given by the probabilistic existence argument. Such constructions are of interest for derandomizing algorithms. As an application, we present a family of essentially optimal deterministic communication protocols for the problem of checking the consistency of two files. Received October 30, 1997; revised September 17, 1999, and April 17, 2000.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of deciding if there is a feasible preemptive schedule for a set of n independent tasks with release times and deadlines on m identical processors. The general problem is known to be solvable in O(n 3) time. In this paper, we study special cases for which faster algorithms exist. We introduce the notion of monotone schedules and study their properties. These properties are then exploited to devise fast algorithms for two special cases—the nested task systems and the non-overlapping task systems. We give an O(n log mn) time algorithm and an O(n log n+mn) time algorithm for nested task systems and non-overlapping task systems, respectively. Our algorithms generate at most O(n) and O(mn) preemptions for nested task systems and nonoverlapping task systems, respectively.Research supported in part by the ONR grant N00014-87-K-0833.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of generating random permutations with uniform distribution. That is, we require that for an arbitrary permutation π of n elements, with probability 1/n! the machine halts with the i th output cell containing π(i) , for 1 ≤ i ≤ n . We study this problem on two models of parallel computations: the CREW PRAM and the EREW PRAM. The main result of the paper is an algorithm for generating random permutations that runs in O(log log n) time and uses O(n 1+o(1) ) processors on the CREW PRAM. This is the first o(log n) -time CREW PRAM algorithm for this problem. On the EREW PRAM we present a simple algorithm that generates a random permutation in time O(log n) using n processors and O(n) space. This algorithm outperforms each of the previously known algorithms for the exclusive write PRAMs. The common and novel feature of both our algorithms is first to design a suitable random switching network generating a permutation and then to simulate this network on the PRAM model in a fast way. Received November 1996; revised March 1997.  相似文献   

Tom Head 《Natural computing》2011,10(1):129-138
A procedure is given for finding the independent sets in an undirected graph by xeroxing onto transparent plastic sheets. Let an undirected graph having n vertices and m edges be given. A list of all the independent subsets of the set of vertices of the graph is constructed by using a xerox machine in a manner that requires the formation of only n + m + 1 successive transparencies. An accompanying list of the counts of the elements in each independent set is then constructed using only O(n 2) additional transparencies. The list with counts provides a list of all maximum independent sets. This gives an O(n 2) step solution for the classical problem of finding the cardinality of a maximal independent set in a graph. The applicability of these procedures is limited, of course, by the increase in the information density on the transparencies when n is large. Our ultimate purpose here is to give hand tested ‘ultra parallel’ algorithmic procedures that may prove suitable for realization using future optical technologies.  相似文献   

G. Xue  D.-Z. Du 《Algorithmica》1999,23(4):354-362
In 1992 F. K. Hwang and J. F. Weng published an O(n 2 ) time algorithm for computing the shortest network under a given full Steiner topology interconnecting n fixed points in the Euclidean plane. The Hwang—Weng algorithm can be used to improve substantially existing algorithms for the Steiner minimum tree problem because it reduces the number of different Steiner topologies to be considered dramatically. In this paper we present an improved Hwang—Weng algorithm. While the worst-case time complexity of our algorithm is still O(n 2 ) , its average time complexity over all the full Steiner topologies interconnecting n fixed points is O (n log n ). Received August 24, 1996; revised February 10, 1997.  相似文献   

本文研究加速K-medoids聚类算法,首先以PAM(Partitioning Around Medoids)、TPAM(Triangular Inequality Elimination Criteria PAM)算法为基础,给出两个加速引理,并基于中心点之间距离不等式提出两个新加速定理.同时,以On+K2)额外内存空间开销辅助引理、定理的结合而提出加速SPAM(Speed Up PAM)聚类算法,使得K-medoids聚类算法复杂度由OKn-K2)降低至O((n-K2).在实际及人工模拟数据集上的实验结果表明,相对PAM、TPAM、FKMEDOIDS(Fast K-medoids)等参考算法均有改进,运行时间比PAM至少提升0.828倍.  相似文献   

This paper examines the expected complexity of boundary problems on a set ofN points inK-space. We assume that the points are chosen from a probability distribution in which each component of a point is chosen independently of all other components. We present an algorithm to find the maximal points usingKN + O (N1–1/K log1/K N) expected scalar comparisons, for fixedK 2. A lower bound shows that the algorithm is optimal in the leading term. We describe a simple maxima algorithm that is easy to code, and present experimental evidence that it has similar running time. For fixedK 2, an algorithm computes the convex hull of the set in 2KN + O(N1–1/K log1/KN) expected scalar comparisons. The history of the algorithms exhibits interesting interactions among consulting, algorithm design, data analysis, and mathematical analysis of algorithms.This work was performed while this author was visiting AT&T Bell Laboratories.  相似文献   

LetF be a unimodularr×s matrix with entries beingn-variate polynomials over an infinite fieldK. Denote by deg(F) the maximum of the degrees of the entries ofF and letd=1+deg(F). We describe an algorithm which computes a unimodulars×s matrixM with deg(M)=(rd) O(n) such thatFM=[I r ,O], where [I r ,O] denotes ther×s matrix obtained by adding to ther×r unit matrixI r s–r zero columns.We present the algorithm as an arithmetic network with inputs fromK, and we count field operations and comparisons as unit cost.The sequential complexity of our algorithm amounts to field operations and comparisons inK whereas its parallel complexity isO(n 4 r 4log2(srd)).The complexity bounds and the degree bound for deg(M) mentioned above are optimal in order. Our algorithm is inspired by Suslin's proof of Serre's Conjecture.  相似文献   

Abstract. We consider the problem of designing a minimum cost access network to carry traffic from a set of endnodes to a core network. Trunks are available in K types reflecting economies of scale . A trunk type with a high initial overhead cost has a low cost per unit bandwidth and a trunk type with a low overhead cost has a high cost per unit bandwidth. We formulate the problem as an integer program. We first use a primal—dual approach to obtain a solution whose cost is within O(K 2 ) of optimal. Typically the value of K is small. This is the first combinatorial algorithm with an approximation ratio that is polynomial in K and is independent of the network size and the total traffic to be carried. We also explore linear program rounding techniques and prove a better approximation ratio of O(K) . Both bounds are obtained under weak assumptions on the trunk costs. Our primal—dual algorithm is motivated by the work of Jain and Vazirani on facility location [7]. Our rounding algorithm is motivated by the facility location algorithm of Shmoys et al. [12].  相似文献   

We give an algorithm, its correctness proof, and its proof of execution time bound, for finding the sets of equivalent states in a deterministic finite state automaton. The time bound is K · m · n · log n where K is a constant, m the number of input, symbols, and n the number of states. Hopcroft [3] has already published such an algorithm. The main reason for this paper is to illustrate the use of communicating an algorithm to others using a structured, top-down approach. We have also been able to improve on Hopcroft's algorithm by reducing the size of the algorithm and correspondingly complicating the proof of the running time bound.This research was supported by NSF Grant No. GJ-28176.  相似文献   

We say, that a subset K of the columns of a matrix is called a key, if every two rows that agree in the columns of K agree also in all columns of the matrix. A matrix represents a Sperner system K, if the system of minimal keys is exactly K. It is known, that such a representation always exists. In this paper we show, that the maximum of the minimum number of rows, that are needed to represent a Sperner system of only two element sets is 3(n/3+o(n)). We consider this problem for other classes of Sperner systems (e.g., for the class of trees, i.e. each minimal key has cardinality two, and the keys form a tree), too. The concept of keys plays an important role in database theory.  相似文献   

In (2n−1)-stage rearrangeable networks, the routing time for any arbitrary permutation is Ω(n2) compared to its propagation delay O(n) only. Here, we attempt to identify the sets of permutations, which are routable in O(n) time in these networks. We define four classes of self-routable permutations for Benes network. An O(n) algorithm is presented here, that identifies if any permutation P belongs to one of the proposed self-routable classes, and if yes, it also generates the necessary control vectors for routing P. Therefore, the identification, as well as the switch setting, both problems are resolved in O(n) time by this algorithm. It covers all the permutations that are self-routable by anyone of the proposed techniques. Some interesting relationships are also explored among these four classes of permutations, by applying the concept of ‘group-transformations’ [N. Das, B.B. Bhattacharya, J. Dattagupta, Hierarchical classification of permutation classes in multistage interconnection networks, IEEE Trans. Comput. (1993) 665–677] on these permutations. The concepts developed here for Benes network, can easily be extended to a class of (2n−1)-stage networks, which are topologically equivalent to Benes network. As a result, the set of permutations routable in a (2n−1)-stage rearrangeable network, in a time comparable to its propagation delay has been extended to a large extent.  相似文献   

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