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A secretory carcinoma of the breast, associated with axillary node metastasis, unilateral gynaecomastia, and chronic active hepatitis, occurred in a 66 year old man. Although secretory carcinoma of the breast usually occurs in children and adult women, our case shows that it can rarely occur in the elderly male.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether antibiotic and bronchodilator treatment of acute bronchitis in patients without lung disease is efficacious. DESIGN: A MEDLINE search of the literature from 1966 to 1995 was done, using "Bronchitis" as the key word. Papers addressing acute bronchitis in adults were used as well as several citations emphasizing pediatric infections. A manual search of papers addressing the microorganisms causing acute bronchitis was also done. Data were extracted manually from relevant publications. SETTING: All published reports were reviewed. Papers dealing with exacerbations of chronic bronchitis were excluded in this review. RESULTS: Although acute bronchitis has multiple causes, the large majority of cases are of viral etiology. Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, and Bordetella pertussis are the only bacteria identified as contributing to the cause of acute bronchitis in otherwise healthy adults. Nine double-blind, placebo-controlled trials were reviewed. Four studies showed no advantage for doxycycline and one study showed no advantage for erythromycin. One study using erythromycin and one study using trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole showed that these antibiotics were slightly better than placebo. Two other studies showed an impressive superiority for liquid or inhaled albuterol when compared with erythromycin. CONCLUSIONS: Most studies showed no significant difference between drug and placebo, and the two studies that did showed only small clinical differences. Albuterol had an impressive advantage over erythromycin. Antibiotics should not be used in the treatment of acute bronchitis in healthy persons unless convincing evidence of a bacterial infection is present.  相似文献   

Paget's disease of bone is a localized disorder of bone remodeling. Increased numbers of larger than normal osteoclasts initiate the process at affected skeletal sites, and the increase in bone resorption is followed by an increase in new bone formation, altering bone architecture. The signs and symptoms of Paget's disease are varied, depending in part on the location of the involved sites and the degree of increased bone turnover. Recent progress in Paget's disease research includes new data regarding the etiology of this disorder and the ongoing development of more effective therapies. Although the cause of Paget's disease remains unproven, the creation of pagetic osteoclasts seems ever more likely to result from both genetic and environmental factors. Many studies indicate that in patients with Paget's disease, both osteoclasts and their precursors harbor evidence of a paramyxovirus infection, although not all studies confirm this finding. Very recent genetic investigations have identified one candidate gene on chromosome 18q, although genetic heterogeneity is almost certainly present. Advances in treatment have resulted from the availability of several potent bisphosphonate compounds (e.g., pamidronate, alendronate, and risedronate) that, unlike earlier treatments, produce normal or near normal bone turnover indices in a majority of patients. New bone formation after such treatment has a more normal, lamellar pattern, and mineralization abnormalities are rare to absent with the newer compounds. The availability of such agents has prompted a more aggressive management philosophy in which both symptomatic disease and also asymptomatic disease at sites with a risk of progression and future complications are viewed as clear indications for pharmacologic intervention.  相似文献   

Four cases with Paget's disease of the temporal bone are presented to illustrate the pathogenesis of the associated deafness. One case illustrates the combination of severe deafness due to bilateral otosclerosis with probably asymptomatic bilateral Paget's disease. One case with advanced Paget's disease presents features to explain early stages of sensori-neural deafness before actual cellular invasion of the inner ear. One case of profound deafness due to Paget's disease presents a different stage of cellular invasion of the inner ear by the disease on each side. One case illustrates invasion of the internal auditory meatus by Paget's disease with infiltration of the acoustic division of the nerve and profound deafness.  相似文献   

Paget's disease is a metabolic disorder of unknown etiology characterized by excessively rapid remolding of bone. We report a case of Paget's disease complicated with Parkinson syndrome. A 69-year-old female patient was scheduled for ventriculo-peritoneostomy due to hydrocephalus. Her manifestations included disability to walk, slight deafness and muscular rigidity of limbs, without symptom of intracranial hypertension. After induction of anesthesia with thiopental and vecuronium, tracheal intubation with Macintosh laryngoscope was attempted but failed because mouth opening was restricted to only 3 cm. Again with Bullard laryngoscope, she was successfully intubated. During neurosurgical operation, the anesthesia was maintained with low concentration of isoflurane (under 0.3%), nitrous oxide and oxygen. The surgery was completed without adverse events such as disorder of autonomic nervous system. However 6-days after operation, ventilatory arrest occurred due to bronchial obstruction with sputum. Immediately, re-intubation was performed without any sequela and tracheostomy was also performed. In conclusion, as reported previously, intubation and postoperative pulmonary dysfunction should be carefully taken care of, and Bullard laryngoscope was useful for this patient.  相似文献   

Ethane-1-hydroxy-1, 1-diphosphonate (EHDP) was administered in a dose of 20 mg/kg/d to 21 patients with symptomatic Paget's disease. All patients were treated for 6 months and then followed for an additional 6 months. There was a striking decline in serum alkaline phosphatase and urinary hydroxy-proline excretion observed after 3 months of therapy which was not significantly improved in the succeeding 3 months. Concomitantly there was marked improvement in clinical symptoms and bone scans. Following cessation of therapy, continued biochemical and clinical evidence of remission persisted. Several patients on repeat treatment with EHDP appeared to respond promptly. Side effects were minimal except for a possibly related osteomalacia and increased incidence of pathologic fractures.  相似文献   

A 73-year-old housewife with enlargement of her distal right humerus and especially the medial epicondyle due to Paget's disease developed an ulnar nerve palsy. Transposition of her ulnar nerve anterior to her elbow completely relieved her symptoms. A similar case of ulnar nerve palsy associated with expansion of the distal humerus due to Paget's disease seems not to have been previously reported.  相似文献   

It has been well documented that the liver is an exceptional organ in which the monoallelic expression of insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) due to genomic imprinting is relaxed during the postnatal period, resulting in biallelic expression thereafter. In the present study, changes in the status of genomic imprinting were examined in 15 hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) as well as in 29 liver biopsies of chronic hepatitis or liver cirrhosis without clinical evidence of HCC, following screening for heterozygotes with an ApaI polymorphism in IGF2 in 34 HCCs and 80 such non-HCC cases. Extreme allelic-expression imbalance, leading to restoration of monoallelic IGF2 expression, was observed in 15 (100%) of 15 informative HCCs for the polymorphism with this monoallelic IGF2 expression appearing to be non-random from the paternal allele. Interestingly, the same allelic-expression imbalance was also present in a significant fraction of noncancerous liver specimens of patients with underlying disease known to be associated with HCC development. In contrast, the status of genomic imprinting of H19, another gene closely mapped at 11p15 under opposite imprinting, was strictly maintained in seven (100%) of seven cases informative for an RsaI polymorphism of H19. Together with the previous reports on altered genomic imprinting of IGF2 and H19 in embryonal lesions such as Wilms tumors as well as in lung cancers, the results suggest that perturbations of imprinting status occur as locus and tumor-type specific events in the development of human cancers.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is a rare disease in men, affecting less than 0.1% of the male population. Two heritable gene defects have been associated with a predisposition to male breast cancer development, ie., germ-line mutations in the breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA2 and the androgen receptor (AR) gene. In this study, the entire coding regions of BRCA2 and AR were screened for mutations in 34 consecutive male breast cancer patients. Five different truncating BRCA2 mutations were identified in 7 (21%) of the 34 cases, with all mutations being of germ-line origin. Three of the mutated cases carried the same mutation (4186delG), which has been found earlier in two Swedish families with multiple female breast cancer cases. Haplotype analysis supported a common ancestry of 4186delG. One mutation, 6503delTT, was found in a male carrying also a previously identified COOH-terminal polymorphic stop codon (Lys3326ter). No differences were seen between mutation carriers and noncarriers with respect to clinical stage and estrogen or progesterone receptor status. Mutation carriers tended to be younger at diagnosis. No germ-line AR mutations were found in the present material, but the number of AR polyglutamine repeats tended to be lower among mutation carriers. Most surprisingly, only one of the seven BRCA2 mutation carriers had a positive family history of breast cancer, suggesting a lower penetrance of some BRCA2 mutations or an influence of modifying factors for disease development in males and females. The present study implies that approximately one-fifth of all male breast cancer cases in the Swedish population are due to germ-line BRCA2 mutations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Papillary serous carcinoma of the peritoneum (PSCP) is a rare primary peritoneal tumor, described exclusively in women. It is believed to arise from the secondary müllerian system, which is comprised of the pelvic and lower abdominal mesothelial lining and subjacent (subcoelomic) mesenchyme in women. Both mesotheliomas and PSCP arise from the coelomic epithelium, but are clinicopathologically and biologically distinct entities. METHODS: The authors report clinicopathologic findings in a man, age 74 years, who died 3 months after the diagnosis of an extensive malignant abdominal disease. RESULTS: The routine histologic and immunocytochemical studies of tumor tissue, obtained during the patient's lifetime and at autopsy, validated the unique occurrence of PSCP in a man. CONCLUSIONS: This case illustrates that PSCP can occur in a man and that this diagnosis may be considered in the differential diagnosis of papillary serous tumors of the peritoneum in male patients. Although rare, PSCP is a diagnostically distinct entity the treatment of which is similar to ovarian serous tumors rather than mesotheliomas.  相似文献   

We report an 84-year-old man with extramammary Paget's disease (EMPD) involving the genital region. Microscopic examination revealed very few clear cells appearing pagetoid in the lower portion of prickle cell layer of the right axilla epidermis, with no clinically detectable eruption. Their histochemical, immunohistochemical and lectin-binding reactions were almost identical to those in the genital lesion. However, although the axillary lesion was diagnosed as subclinical Paget's condition, the clinical course showed no aggressive or destructive nature. Our case suggests that not all subclinical Paget's conditions become malignant, and that in some cases the clear cells may be precursors of Paget's cells developing multifocally.  相似文献   

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