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We used immunological methods to determine cytosolic and nuclear steroid receptors to evaluate the advantages of nuclear receptor measurement in the selection of breast cancer patients for treatment. Around 75% of tumors showed coincidence between nuclear and cytosolic receptors (+/+ or -/-) for estrogen receptor (ER) and for progesterone receptor (PgR). Only cytosolic receptors were detected in around 20% of tumors. Distributed in the ER/PgR phenotypes according to the nuclear or cytosolic receptors, 64% of tumors remained in the same subgroup, whereas 16% of tumors were classified as hormone dependent according to cytosolic and independent according to nuclear receptors, which could be considered as 'false-positive' results. 6% of tumors would be classified as negative according to cytosolic receptors but positive according to nuclear receptors and would correspond to 'false-negative' results by conventional methods. Cytosolic receptor results may overrate the hormone dependence and cause some 'misclassifications' of patients. This could partially explain the lack of response to therapy in some cases.  相似文献   

The p53 tumor suppressor gene encodes a nuclear phosphoprotein with growth inhibiting properties, which is activated in cell exposed to various forms of DNA damaging stress. The development of human cancer often involves inactivation of this suppressor through various mechanisms, including gene deletions and point mutations. Most mutations impair the specific DNA-binding capacity of p53, therefore allowing cells to proliferate in conditions where cells with intact p53 function are suppressed or eliminated. Thus, mutation of p53 may provide a selective advantage for the clonal expansion of preneoplastic or neoplastic cells. The diversity of p53 mutations provides a valuable tool to identify important sources of cancer-causing mutation in the human setting. Mutagens and carcinogens damage the genome in characteristics ways, leaving "mutagen fingerprints" in DNA. Well-characterised examples of such "fingerprints" include G: C to T: A transversions in lung cancers in association with cigarette smoke, G: C to T: A transversions at codon 249 in liver cancers in association with dietary exposure to Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and CC: GG to TT: AA tandem dipyrimidine transitions in skin cancers in association with UVB exposure. In addition, mutations at different codons are not functionally equivalent. The availability of crystal structures of p53 protein represents an essential development in the understanding of the functional properties of p53 mutants. In the future, it is expected that analysis of p53 mutations may provide useful information for the diagnosis, prognosis and therapy of cancer.  相似文献   

The potential of p53 protein expression as a marker for determining which oral precancerous lesions may transform to malignancy with time was assessed. We compared the p53 expression in archival formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues from 22 baseline biopsies of precancerous lesions that transformed to cancer in 4-25 years against that in 68 similar lesions that did not transform over the same time period. Twenty-nine percent of precancers that transformed were p53-positive at baseline, compared to 31% of the biopsies that did not transform to malignancy. When examined by immunohistochemical methods p53 expression failed to detect potential malignant status of oral precancer. Non-specificity of the assay may account for this result but overexpression of p53 due to DNA damage by tobacco/betel-quid in non-progressive lesions needs further study. Nine precancerous lesions became p53-immunoreactive from precancer to cancer. This may suggest p53 overexpression peaks close to the time of transition from precancer to cancer rather than early in the natural history of oral precancer.  相似文献   

This paper describes a measure of explained variation (MEV) of survival times for a given regression model used in survival analysis. It quantifies the predictive power of a set of prognostic factors in the model, and therefore provides useful information for more precise prediction of patient prognosis, and for designing randomized clinical trials with the capability of determining treatment effects. The MEV defined in this article is asymptotically derived from the squared product-moment correlation; it can be interpreted as an adaptation of the multiple correlation coefficient for the normal linear model to the survival time regression model. Monte-Carlo simulations are performed to investigate the statistical behavior of the proposed MEV. The MEV is applied to estimate the predictive power of several sets of prognostic factors for gastric cancer in Japan using data from a large clinical trial.  相似文献   

p53 aberrations are early events in the pathogenesis of betel- and tobacco-related oral malignancies. Accumulation of p53 protein in oral lesions may elicit a humoral immune response against p53 protein in these patients. p53 antibodies (Abs) were analyzed in 183 sera obtained from patients with premalignant or malignant oral lesions and normal individuals by enzyme-linked immunoassay using recombinant p53 protein as antigen. These results were correlated with accumulation of p53 protein in patients' matched oral tissue specimens. Circulating p53 Abs were observed in 24 of 70 (34%) cancer patients and 15 of 50 (30%) patients with premalignant oral lesions. p53 Abs showed a significant association with increase in tumor size and dedifferentiation of tumors, factors indicative of poor prognosis. Expression of p53 protein was analyzed in 43 matched oral lesions (18 premalignant and 25 malignant cases). All the p53-seropositive patients (7 leukoplakia and 11 squamous cell carcinoma) showed elevated levels of p53 protein in matched oral lesions. However, the total number of patients seropositive for p53 Abs was lesser than that of patients exhibiting p53 protein accumulation in oral lesions. Four of the 63 normal healthy individuals who were heavy consumers of tobacco (smoking/chewing) and betel were found to be positive for p53 Abs. Detection of circulating p53 Abs in patients with premalignant oral lesions suggests that humoral immune response against p53 protein is an early event in oral oncogenesis and may be a surrogate marker for both p53 alteration and preclinical cancer.  相似文献   


p53 is a multifunctional protein that reacts to DNA damage within the cell and regulates the cell growth arrest and/ or apoptotic pathways. However, the mechanism of p53 activation in response to DNA damage is unknown. Recently we have shown that interaction of p53 with sites of DNA damage induces selective proteolytic cleavage of p53, resulting in fragments of 40 and 35 kDa molecular weight. We have also shown that interaction of p53 with single-stranded (ss)DNAs results in a different pattern of selective proteolysis. This interaction gives a novel of 50-kDa protein generated by C-terminal cleavage of the full length protein and released from the p53-ssDNA complexes. Here we discuss a model where p53 responds to the DNA damage by generating different sets of the proteolytic fragments according to the type of the damage.  相似文献   

Human basal cell cancer (BCC) has unique growth characteristics with virtual inability to metastasize. We investigated clonality and genetic progression using p53 mutations as marker. Sampling was done through microdissection of frozen immunohistochemically stained 16 microm slices of tumors. From 11 BCC tumors 78 samples were analysed. Direct DNA sequencing of exons 5-8 was performed, haplotypes were determined after cloning of p53 exons and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) ascertained by microsatellite analysis. All tumors had p53 mutations and in a majority both p53 alleles were affected, commonly through missense mutations. Microdissection of small parts (50-100 cells) of individual tumors showed BCC to be composed of a dominant cell clone and prone to genetic progression with appearance of subclones with a second and even third p53 mutation. Samples from normal immunohistochemically negative epidermis always showed wild type sequence, except for a case of previously unknown germline p53 mutation. Our analysis also included p53 immunoreactive patches i.e. morphologically normal epidermis with a compact pattern of p53 immunoreactivity. Mutations within those were never the same as in the adjacent BCC. This detailed study of only one gene thus uncovered a remarkable heterogeneity within a tumor category famous for its benign clinical behavior.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, p53 participates in numerous biological processes including cell cycle regulation, apoptosis, differentiation, and oncogenic transformation. When insect SF-21 cells were infected with a recombinant of the baculovirus Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcMNPV) overexpressing human p53, p53 formed a stable complex with the product of the AcMNPV orf92, a novel protein p33. The interaction between p53 and p33 was further confirmed by immunoprecipitation studies. When individually expressed in SF-21 cells, human p53 localized mainly in the nucleus whereas baculovirus p33 displayed diffuse cytoplasmic staining and punctuate nuclear staining. However, coexpression of p33 with p53 resulted in exclusive nuclear localization of p33. In both SF-21 and TN-368 cells, p53 expression induced typical features of apoptosis including nuclear condensation and fragmentation, oligonucleosomal ladder formation, cell surface blebbing, and apoptotic body formation. Coexpression of p53 with a baculovirus inhibitor of apoptosis, p35, OpIAP, or CpIAP, blocked apoptosis, whereas coexpression with p33 enhanced p53-mediated apoptosis approximately twofold. Expression of p53 in SF-21 cells stably expressing OpIAP inhibited cell growth in the presence or absence of p33. Thus, human p53 can influence both insect cell growth and death and baculovirus p33 can modulate the death-inducing effects of p53.  相似文献   

The p53 tumor suppressor gene has been shown to play an important role in determining cell fate. Overexpression of wild-type p53 in tumor cells has been shown to lead to growth arrest or apoptosis. Previous studies in fibroblasts have provided indirect evidence for a link between p53 and senescence. Here we show, using an inducible p53 expression system, that wild-type p53 overexpression in EJ bladder carcinoma cells, which have lost functional p53, triggers the rapid onset of G1 and G2/M growth arrest associated with p21 up-regulation and repression of mitotic cyclins (cyclin A and B) and cdc2. Growth arrest in response to p53 induction became irreversible within 48-72 h, with cells exhibiting morphological features as well as specific biochemical and ultrastructural markers of the senescent phenotype. These findings provide direct evidence that p53 overexpression can activate the rapid onset of senescence in tumor cells.  相似文献   

In addition to binding DNA in a sequence-specific manner, p53 can interact with nucleic acids in a sequence-independent manner. p53 can bind short single-stranded DNA and double-stranded DNA containing nucleotide loops; these diverse associations may be critical for p53 signal transduction. In this study, we analyzed p53 binding to DNA fragments containing insertion/deletion mismatches (IDLs). p53 required an intact central domain and dimerization domain for high affinity complex formation with IDLs. In fact, the C terminus of p53 (amino acids 293-393) was functionally replaceable with a foreign dimerization domain in IDL binding assays. From saturation binding studies we determined that the KD of p53 binding to IDLs was 45 pM as compared with a KD of 31 pM for p53 binding to DNA fragments containing a consensus binding site. Consistent with these dissociation constants, p53-IDL complexes were dissociated with relatively low concentrations of competitor consensus site-containing DNA. Although p53 has a higher affinity for DNA with a consensus site as compared with IDLs, the relative number and availability of each form of DNA in a cell immediately after DNA damage may promote p53 interaction with DNA lesions. Understanding how the sequence-specific and nonspecific DNA binding activities of p53 are integrated will contribute to our knowledge of how signaling cascades are initiated after DNA damage.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring sympathetic neuron death is the result of two apoptotic signaling events: one normally suppressed by NGF/TrkA survival signals, and a second activated by the p75 neurotrophin receptor. Here we demonstrate that the p53 tumor suppressor protein, likely as induced by the MEKK-JNK pathway, is an essential component of both of these apoptotic signaling cascades. In cultured neonatal sympathetic neurons, p53 protein levels are elevated in response to both NGF withdrawal and p75NTR activation. NGF withdrawal also results in elevation of a known p53 target, the apoptotic protein Bax. Functional ablation of p53 using the adenovirus E1B55K protein inhibits neuronal apoptosis as induced by either NGF withdrawal or p75 activation. Direct stimulation of the MEKK-JNK pathway using activated MEKK1 has similar effects; p53 and Bax are increased and the subsequent neuronal apoptosis can be rescued by E1B55K. Expression of p53 in sympathetic neurons indicates that p53 functions downstream of JNK and upstream of Bax. Finally, when p53 levels are reduced or absent in p53+/- or p53-/- mice, naturally occurring sympathetic neuron death is inhibited. Thus, p53 is an essential common component of two receptor-mediated signal transduction cascades that converge on the MEKK-JNK pathway to regulate the developmental death of sympathetic neurons.  相似文献   

We report a case of dysplastic arterial vascular abnormality in a 32-year-old man with overlying neuronal cell migration disorder. MR images showed a thickened left insular cortex adjacent to the abnormal vascular network. These findings suggest the possibility of leptomeningeal damage during neuronal cell migration as the cause of the overlying vasculopathy. The true pathogenesis of these seemingly associated abnormalities is unknown.  相似文献   

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