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The first automobile engine remanufacture company in China, Jinan Fuqiang Power Co, Ltd, was intro duced. The engine remanufacturing technological process of this company was described. The benefit statistic of re manufacturing 10 000 Styer engines were analyzed, and the contribution of engine remanufacturing to cycle economy was predicted. The results show that remanufacturing engineering could use the maximal additional values of obsolete engines, and make contributions to materials conservation, capital saving, energy conservation and environment protection. 10 000 engines are supposed to be remanufactured per year, the following benefits would be obtained:reclaiming additional values of RMB3.23 hundred million, saving metallic materials about 7.65 thousand tons, saving energy of 16 million kilowatt-hours, reducing emission of CO2 about 11.3 - 15.3 thousand tons, and providing employment for 500 persons. According to the survey and analysis, tremendous benefits will be gained by the year of 2020. For example, reclaiming additional values per year of 1424 - 2236 hundred million RMB, saving energy per year of 60 - 90 hundred million kilowatt-hours, reducing emission of CO2 about 6.67 - 9.69 million tons. It can be deduced that developing remanufacturing will play an important role in enriching the cycle economy and accelerating the development of national economy.  相似文献   

The life cycle index of remanufactured engines was assessed by using the method of life cycle assessment (LCA). A remanufactured engine of a certain domestic brand was taken as researching object. Engine reproducing engineering was investigated from three aspects which were energy, material and environment. The application of LCA on remanufacturing engines was discussed in detail with a practical case. The results indicate that remanufacturing an engine can save 55 kg steels, 8.3 kg aluminum and 113 kW · h electric powers and reduce emissions of 565 kg CO2, 6.09 kg CO, 1.01 kg NO x , 3.985 kg SO x and 288.725 kg solid waste. The remanufacturing of engines possesses great economic value and practicability. Foundation item: Project (50235030) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   

大采高综采工作面实现安全高效开采的技术应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘一矿以技术创新为依托,经过技术论证进行设备选型,加快设备升级换代,提高科技对矿井的贡献率,首次在1521(3)工作面进行大采高综采开采.回采61d,生产原煤511180t,完成产值23003万元.工作面平均日产原煤8380t,平均月产量251400t.其中,最高日产突破万吨,创下了建矿以来单面日产最高纪录.实践证明:1521(3)大采高综采工作面的开采成功,取得了显著的经济技术效益.  相似文献   

The volume tendency of in-use and end-of-life computers in China were analyzed; the emerging danger of obsolete computers by incorrect treatment was summarized; the integration disposal technologies based on 3R (recycle, remanufacture and reuse) engineering aiming at monitors, electronic devices, metals, plastics materials, and overall computers were put forward; the economic and social benefits were also analyzed. The results show that the integration disposal process of obsolete computer is an optimum approach to save the resource of electromechanical products. Remanufacturing and disposal 100 thousand obsolete computers per year can create profits about RMB10 million yuan and provide employment for 300 persons. It can be deduced that there are great potential opportunities for the obsolete computers disposal industry containing recycle, remanufacture and reuse engineering. Foundation item: Project (50235030) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   

甘蔗制糖废醪液的排放严重污染环境。比较目前采用的几种治理方案,提出一种以多级闪蒸技术为中心的综合治理方案。与目前常用的垂直列管强制循环式多效蒸发方案相比,可提高造水比,减缓结垢。用新方案处理日榨1500吨甘蔗糖厂的酒精废醪液,工程总投资约6231万元,日产有机混合肥120吨,年净利3337万元。可实现废醪液、滤泥、炉灰的零排放。  相似文献   

In the course of creating immense wealth, manufacturing industry has excessively consumed the resources and energy in the earth, and seriously polluted the environment. To take progress as the sustainable development way, save resource and improve environment, our nation has been advocating to construct the cycle economy and saving-oriented society. Taking the remanufacturing engineering as the representative, the “4R” rule (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Remanufacture) is the important measure to get the goal. Remanufacturing engineering is the industrialization of high-tech maintenance of the waste and worn productions, and is one of the most active factors in “4R”. The development of high and new technology takes the important effect to promote the remanufacturing engineering. Foundation item: Project (50235030) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   

按传统的生产方式对大板煤电化基地"十二五"重点发展项目的排污及生态足迹进行预测,计算结果表明到2020年基地生态环境将无法承载产业的发展.因此构建大板煤电化基地节能模式,利用先进技术工艺,通过废物交换利用、能量梯级利用、废水循环利用,实现传统的单向直线模式转变为循环节能模式,本文所构建的节能模式与传统模式对比分析,仅煤电产业到2020年,减排灰渣146万吨、减排石膏28万吨,年节水400万吨,年可回收利用0.83×1016 J能量,生产热水0.26亿吨,节约煤炭28万吨,直接和间接创造的经济价值9.02亿.最后,提出了保障煤电化基地节能模式实施的建议.  相似文献   

为了研究直接空冷机组主轴驱动给水泵项目的技术经济性,以内蒙古某厂扩建2×660 MW直接空冷机组为例,先拟定了主轴驱动给水泵项目方案,通过投资回收期法,综合比较了1×100%容量主轴驱动给水泵方案、传统3×35%容量电泵方案、1×100%容量汽泵方案的技术经济性.经过论证,主轴驱动给水泵虽然每台机组增加初投资2 960万元,但每年运行净收入可增加5 367.7万元,不到0.6年就可收回成本,技术经济性优良.  相似文献   

The life cycle index of remanufactured engines was assessed by using the method of life cycle assessment (LCA). A remanufactured engine of a certain domestic brand was taken as researching object. Engine reproducing engineering was investigated from three aspects which were energy, material and environment. The application of LCA on remanufacturing engines was discussed in detail with a practical case. The results indicate that remanufackg CO2 , 6.09 kg CO, 1.01 kg NOx, 3. 985 kg SOx and 288. 725 kg solid waste. The remanufacturing of engines possesses great economic value and practicability.  相似文献   

Becauseitsmechanismisrathercomplex,thepolarographicwaveofcobalt(Ⅱ)diacetyldioxime(DMG)systemhasbeenexplainedascatalytichydrogen[1~3],irreversiblecomplexadsorption[4,5],parallelcatalysis[6]wavesandsoon[7].Basedonthecatalyticwaveofthesystem,somehighlysensitivepola…  相似文献   

采用热管换热器回收木纤维干燥排气余热为实例,分析计算了回收纤维干燥排废气余热的经济效益。当排气温度为90℃,相对湿度为50%,流量为20 000 m3/h的废气流过热管换热器后,它可使纤维干燥的排气热损失每h减少541.53 kW,实际节能率10.32%。排气余热回收设备总投资预计约204万元,每年可节省标准煤1 152 t,减少煤耗费约92万元,扣除设备折旧费,维修费及运行费用等,投资回收期约3年,从而在理论上论证了采用此节能方案的可行性。  相似文献   

本文提出用YS-80工业控制机代替手工操作,可使一个每小时燃煤20吨的热电厂年节约燃煤2000余吨,年节约生产成本20余万元。  相似文献   

ZrB2 ceramics were prepared by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis(SHS) and were sintered by hot pressing(HP).The effects of the granularities and doses of raw materials in Zr-B2O3-Mgon SHS process and product were investigated.XRD and combustion temperature curves prove that the ideal SHS reactants of Zr-B2O3-Mg are 50μm Zr powder,75μm B2O3 powder and 400μm Mg powder with 45% excessive.The particle sizes of SHS product,acid-leached product,sintered product are 2-5μm,0.5-2μm,2-10μm respectively.Chemical analysis indicates that the acid-leached product consists of ZrB2(94.59%),ZrO2(3.87%),and H3BO3(1.54%),The sintered product has a relative density of 95.4%.  相似文献   

Screening, identification and desilication of a silicate bacterium   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The strain Lv(1- z) isolated from the Henan bauxite was characterized by morphological observation, biochemical and physiological identification, and 16S rDNA sequence analysis. The influences of temperature, initial pH value, the volume of medium, shaking speed and illite concentration on the desilicating ability of the strain Lv(1- z) were investigated. The results show that the bacterium is a Gram-negative rod-shaped bacterium with oval endspores and thick capsule, but without flagellum. The biochemical and physiological tests indicate that the strain Lv(1- z) is similar to Bacillus rnucilaginosus. In GenBank the 16S rDNA sequence similarity of the strain Lv(1- z) and the B. rnucilaginosus YNUCC0001(AY571332) is more than 99%. Based on the above results, the strain Lv(1- z) is identified as B. rnucilaginosus. The optimum conditions for the strain L(1- z) to remove silicon from illite are as follows., temperature is 30℃ ;initial pH value is 7.5; medium volume in 200 mL bottle is 60 mL; shaking speed of rotary shaker is 220 r/m ; illite concentration is 1%.  相似文献   

The technology of black coloring for stainless steel by electrochemical method was studied. The optimum bath compositions and operating conditions were obtained as follows. 40 - 50 g/L K2Cr2O7, 15 - 20 g/L MnSO4, 15 -20 g/L (NH4)2SO4, 20 -40 g/L H3BO3, 20 -30 g/L additive A, 2 g/L (NH4)6Mo7O24 ; time 9 -20 min; temperature 15 - 30 ℃ ; potential 3 V and current density 1 - 2 mA/cm^2. The effects of the compositions of the bath on the quality of black colored film were discussed. The influences of passivation process on the black coloring velocity and performances of black colored film layer were investigated. The results show that the passivation process can improve the corrosion resistance and the stability to bear color-change; (NH4)2 SO4 can control the black coloring velocity and prolong black coloring bath life remarkably; and additive A can improve the evenness and compactness of black colored film layer. The results of scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectra show that the microstructure is of cylindrical lump, the filling process can decrease the crackles, and the main elements of black colored film are Fe, Cr, Mn and Ni.  相似文献   

The volume tendency of in-use and end-of-life computers in China were analyzed; the emerging danger of obsolete computers by incorrect treatment was summarized; the integration disposal technologies based on 3R (recycle, remanufacture and reuse) engineering aiming at monitors, electronic devices, metals, plastics materials, and overall computers were put forward; the economic and social benefits were also analyzed. The results show that the integration disposal process of obsolete computer is an optimum approach to save the resource of electromechanical products. Remanufacturing and disposal 100 thousand obsolete computers per year can create profits about RMB10 million yuan and provide employment for 300 persons. It can be deduced that there are great potential opportunities for the obsolete computers disposal industry containing recycle, remanufacture and reuse engineering.  相似文献   

对热电联产电厂的烟气余热回收进行了改造实践和分析,提出了2级式氟塑钢换热器改造方案,分析了新型烟气余热回收系统的运行特性,评估了烟气余热回收系统的经济效益。实际运行数据表明,冷凝器的传热系数为174.1 W/(m2·K),是低温省煤器传热系数的约3.7倍。低温省煤器和冷凝器的换热量分别约占余热回收系统热回收量的57%和43%。通过回收系统,实现了年节煤量达9 800 t,年节水量达67 900 t。烟气余热回收系统的投资成本可在1.64 a内收回,随后可实现年净收益540.9万元。  相似文献   

The effect of tin on synthesis of Ti3AlC2 by spark plasma sintering (SPS) from TiC/Ti/Al powders was investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used for phase identification and microstructure evaluation. The experimental results show that addition of tin can considerably accelerate the synthesis reaction of Ti3AlC2 and fully dense, essentially single-phase polycrystalline Ti3AlC2 could be successfully obtained by sintering 2TiC/1Ti/1Al/0.2Sn powders at 1200–1250 °C under a pressure of 30 MPa. SEM images show that Ti3AlC2 samples in about 2–5 μm thick and 10–25 μm long platelets can be obtained. The fracture toughness and flexural strength of Ti3AlC2 were 6.5±0.2 MPa·m1/2 and 560±10 MPa, respectively. Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.20771088, No.50572080) and Doctoral Foundation of Wuhan University of Technology (No.471-38650142)  相似文献   

Glasses of BaO-SrO-TiO2-SiO2 after electronic radiation treatment of 50-1000 kgy were studied by means of IR spectra, DTA and visible light absorption method. The result shows that the glass structure is changed due to the formation of structue defect from oxygen vacancy and E‘color center, which resultsd in the crystallization process and new precursors, and decreasement of Tg temperature and crystallization peaks by 20 -50℃.  相似文献   

An advanced sludge reduction process, i.e. sludge reduction and phosphorous removal process, was developed. The results show that excellent sludge reduction and biological phosphorous removal can be achieved perfectly in this system. When chemical oxygen demand ρ(COD) is 332 - 420 mg/L, concentration of ammonia p(NH3-N) is 30 - 40 mg/L and concentration of total phosphorous p(TP) is 6.0 -9.0 mg/L in influent, the system still ensures ρ(COD)〈23 mg/L, ρ(NH3-N)〈3.2 mg/L and ρ(TP)〈0. 72 mg/L in effluent. Besides, when the concentration of dissolved oxygen ρ(DO) is around 1.0 mg/L, sludge production is less than 0. 140 g with the consumption of 1 g COD, and the phosphorous removal exceeds 91 %. Also, 48.4% of total nitrogen is removed by simultaneous nitrification and denitrification.  相似文献   

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