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我国海上风电的发展与技术现状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对国内外海上风电发展现状进行了对比分析,介绍了我国发展海上风电的优势和面临的困难,并针对海上风电场在设计、施工和运行等阶段可能出现的问题进行了思考和探讨.  相似文献   

欧洲海上风电的发展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
介绍了欧洲海上风电的开发阶段、海上风电技术发展的里程碑;从海上风资源评估、风电机组、海上风电场设计和并网等方面论述了海上风电的主要技术特点;比较了海上和陆上风电的成本结构,并根据已建成的海上风电项目的投资成本数据,分析了海上风电的经济性.  相似文献   

海上风能技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨昌达 《新能源》1996,18(10):35-38
海上风能的开发利用正受到重视。本文从资源、转换系统、经济性对近年的研究情况进行了综述。  相似文献   

卞恩林 《风能》2013,(4):58-60
我国海上风能资源丰富,且靠近电力负荷中心,随着国家扶持力度不断加大和我国海上风电技术的进一步发展,海上风电具有广阔的的发展前景。然而,技术不成熟、经验欠缺和投资收益率低等因素仍使现阶段大规模开发海上风电面临较大投资风险。  相似文献   

曹文胜 《能源与环境》2012,(5):56-57,65
积极地开发风能对于改善能源结构、缓解能源危机、保护生态环境具有深远意义。从海上风能的特点、海上风力发电机组的发展现状及特点、海上风电开发面临的制约因素,以及欧洲和我国海上风力发电发展现状等方面,综合阐述了海上风力发电及其技术发展。作为发展风电条件得天独厚的福建省,应大力发展海上风电。  相似文献   

当前全球海上风电装机量快速上升,平准化能源成本不断下降,我国在全球海风市场扮演愈发重要的角色。海上风电项目开发呈现装备大型化、开发远海化、风机漂浮化、送出直流化、运维智能化、海洋资源利用综合化六大趋势;同时也面临着产业链构建困难、政策导向不明、技术瓶颈受限、风电消纳压力大等主要挑战。针对上述问题,分别从打造多样化产业链、稳定政策预期、加快装备技术攻关、强化工程技术应用、提高电网消纳能力六个方面系统性地提出了建议与实施路径。  相似文献   

沈德昌 《太阳能》2007,(12):47-48
海上风电是风能界谈论的热门话题,到2006年底,全球共有22个海上风电场在运行发电,总装机容量接近90万千瓦。其中丹麦就有6个,装机容量约40万千瓦,占了全球的45%(见表1)。因此,说  相似文献   

欧洲的海上风力发电   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡其颖  张慧 《太阳能》2005,(5):52-55
大海是国际风能利用的新天地(图1)。仅仅在北欧,任何一个国家海岸线外面的外海,都有成千万千瓦的风力资源可供利用。未来海上风力发电将可与以石油和天然气作燃料的传统电站进行竞争。  相似文献   

近年来,海上风电技术在全世界范围内迅速发展,作为能源系统去碳化和实现零排放的关键技术之一,海上风电的地位日趋重要。我国的海上风能资源丰富,但风电机组在高盐雾、高湿度、长日照、微生物附着等苛刻的海洋环境中长期运行时,面临着严峻的腐蚀挑战。本文从风电机组组成的角度出发,综述了目前行业内对风电机组各部位的腐蚀防护研究情况,并提出了未来海上风电防腐蚀研究的展望。  相似文献   

近几年在“碳达峰、碳中和”目标下,可再生能源领域得以巨大发展,海上风电技术凭借其资源丰富、可利用前景大的优势,有望成为未来绿色能源来源的中流砥柱;但是,目前海上风电场尤其是深远海风电场仍面临建设难度大、风电消纳技术不成熟等问题。为此,首先介绍海上风电的发展现状,分析目前应用于海上风电输送技术的优势与不足,介绍当前海上风电领域内出现的新技术,分析总结海上风电制氢技术及氢气的转运技术。结合发展趋势,总结未来海上风电的发展应分近海和深远海两条主线的走向,提出深远海风电与氢能源发展紧密结合的观点,引入海上风电与储氢储能结合的思路,并分别对深远海和近海的风电前景进行展望,可为解决海上风电场所面临的问题提供思路,也可为海上风电的进一步发展提供参考。  相似文献   

比利时目前现有的鼓励政策仅限于独立风力发电制造商和小于10MW的项目。人们期盼着一个新的适用于比利时两个主要风区的绿色证书交易和具有罚款性质的可再生能源定额政策尽快出台。丹麦1国家制订了(企业)强制购买风电的政策。2风电馈入税率目前是0.33丹麦马克/kWh(4美分/kWh),加上绿色证书0.1丹麦马克/kWh~0.27丹麦马克/kWh(1~3.3美分/kWh),适用于风力发电机组运行4.2万小时(大约10年)。对于HornsRev项目和Rodstand计划,政府已出台了0.453丹麦马克/kWh(5.5美分/kWh)的税率。运…  相似文献   

This work presents an assessment of the potential and economical feasibility of adopting off-shore/on-shore wind energy as a renewable source of energy in Qatar. An analysis is presented for the long term measured on-shore wind speed (1976–2000) at Doha International Airport. A similar analysis is presented for the measured off-shore wind speed at the Qatari Haloul Island. For the on-shore measurements, the average annual wind speed (at 20 m height) was found to be about 5.1 m/s. On the other hand, for the off-shore measurements at Haloul, the average annual wind speed was found to be about 6.0 m/s. This result indicates the suitability of utilizing small to medium-size wind turbine generators, efficiently. Such generators can be implemented for water pumping and to produce sufficient electricity to meet vital, limited needs of remote locations, such as isolated farms, which do not have access to the national electricity grid. An economical assessment is presented which takes into consideration the interest recovery factor, the lifetime of the wind energy conversion system (WECS), the investment rate and operation and maintenance costs. The results indicate that the cost of electricity generation from the wind in Qatar compares favorably to that from fossil fuel resources. The feasibility of utilizing off-shore wind turbine systems to meet the power requirements of the island of Haloul and possibly provide additional power for nearby on-shore areas is discussed.  相似文献   

傅黎 《太阳能》2000,(2):30-31
欧洲各国都在开辟通向持久能源的道路,影响他们决策的主要因素是环境保护、创造就业机会和能源供应的安全可靠。可再生能源技术在这些方面都有较大优势。它对环境的影响最小,可替代部分常规能源,增加能源供应的安全性和可靠性;它要求较大的设备投资,创造了更多的就业机会,有助于经济增长。在欧洲大部分地区,环保的考虑推动着替代能源技术的开发。太阳能被公认为是一种极好的替代能源,它的利用有助于降低二氧化碳的排放和环境保护。很多国家,如丹麦、芬兰、德国和瑞士都认为气候变暖是推动太阳能研究、开发、展示和销售活动的主要因素。在很…  相似文献   

1风电发展史与现状 风能利用自多种形式,目前有发电、提水灌溉、致热供暖、助航等(如图1所示)。将风能转换成电能是风能开发利用的主要方式。  相似文献   

This paper aims to provide insights in the cost developments of offshore wind energy in Europe. This is done by analysing 46 operational offshore wind farms commissioned after 2000. An increase of the Capital Expenditures (CAPEX) is found that is linked to the distance to shore and depth of more recent wind farms and commodity prices. Analysis results indicate that these two factors are only responsible for about half of the observed CAPEX increase, suggesting other factors such as turbine market with limited competition also led to an increasing CAPEX. Using CAPEX, Annual Energy Production, Financings costs and Operational Expenditures, the development of average Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCoE) is shown to increase from 120 €/MWh in 2000 towards 190 €/MWh in 2014, which is a direct result of the CAPEX increase. The results indicate very different LCoE values among European countries, from currently about 100 Euro/MWh in Denmark and Sweden to 150-220 Euro/MWh in all other countries investigated suggesting an effect of national policy frameworks on the LCoE of offshore wind energy.  相似文献   

海上风电场轻型直流输电的经济性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于轻型直流输电的海上风电工程应用范例,以我国某近海风电工程为实际模型,设计一套柔性直流输电模拟系统,并选配相应的电缆和换流站设备.依据该模型,从传输性能、电能损耗、环境影响、原材料消耗,施下难度与系统造价等7个方面对柔性直流输电系统、传统直流输电系统和交流输电系统进行技术经济性比较与评估.研究表明,相对于其他两种输电技术,柔性直流输电系统传输性能好,电能损耗少,施工难度小,工程周期短,符合环保要求,适于连接近海风电场,是很有发展前途的新型输电技术.  相似文献   

Over recent decades, European Union countries have committed to increasing their electricity production from renewable energy sources (RESs). Wind energy plays a significant role in a sustainable future. This paper presents a political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental analysis. Although these countries have made many improvements in their legal frameworks aiming to attract investors and boost the RE sector, there are still challenges. The UK focuses on offshore wind energy, adjusts the economic strategy and changes the legislation context. Germany has the healthiest economic conditions, as it keeps following its initiative to design a new programme for an energy transition from conventional to RESs with emphasis on the onshore. Greece has only a few installations and much room for development but needs to make further changes in the legislation and economy so as to attract more investors in the long term. The purpose of this research is to analyse, highlight and discuss vital aspects of these countries as well as the European environment, with reference to their current wind energy activities. Ultimately, it attempts to give a wider perspective and to serve as a guide for future studies on the wind energy sector.  相似文献   

Gregor Giebel 《风能》2007,10(1):69-79
Wind energy generation distributed all over Europe is less variable than generation from a single region. To analyse the benefits of distributed generation, the whole electrical generation system of Europe has been modelled including varying penetrations of wind power. The model is chronologically simulating the scheduling of the European power plants to cover the demand at every hour of the year. The wind power generation was modelled using wind speed measurements from 60 meteorological stations for 1 year. The distributed wind power also displaces fossil‐fuelled capacity. However, every assessment of the displaced capacity (or a capacity credit) by means of a chronological model is highly sensitive to single events. Therefore the wind time series was shifted by integer days against the load time series, and the different results were aggregated. The same set of results is shown for two other options, one where the pump storage plants are used more aggressively and the other where all German nuclear plants are shut off. NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data have been used to recreate the same averaged time series from a data set spanning 34 years. Through this it is possible to set the year studied in detail into a longer‐term context. The results are that wind energy can contribute more than 20% of the European demand without significant changes in the system and can replace conventional capacity worth about 10% of the installed wind power capacity. The long‐term reference shows that the analysed year is the worst case for wind power integration. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley &Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Learning curves are frequently cited to justify the subsidization of new technologies to facilitate market competitiveness. The main literature has focused on improving the specification of the basic learning curve model by augmenting it to control for technological development measured by public R&D expenditures. In addition to employing R&D expenditures, the purpose of this paper is to assess the robustness of an augmented multi-factor learning curve model by estimating learning rates in a panel framework utilising patent data on relevant wind power technologies in Germany, Denmark, Spain and the UK. Results indicate that both innovation proxies are qualitatively identical and generate consistent learning estimates. The paper also aims at exploring the presence of unit roots in learning curves and alerts to the possibility of spurious estimations. Renewable energy policy guided by learning curve estimates should therefore be implemented with caution.  相似文献   

介绍了各种储能方式在风电系统中应用的原理、优缺点和发展前景,提出了发展趋势,并指出了最有前景的储能方式.  相似文献   

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