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生物柴油标准及质量评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
生物柴油是一种可再生清洁能源,受到世界各国青睐。许多国家纷纷成立了专门的生物柴油研究机构,投入大量人力、物力,推广生物柴油的生产和应用,全球生物柴油产业发展迅速。与此同时,生物柴油标准也在规范生物柴油生产、提高产品质量及提高企业竞争力等方面体现出越来越重要的作用。文章介绍了国内外生物柴油产业发展的现状和制定生物柴油质量标准的意义,分析了质量标准中各个评价指标对生物柴油储存稳定性以及生物柴油作为燃料时对发动机的影响。  相似文献   

炼油行业发展清洁燃料面临的形势分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经济、能源和环境是目前国际社会关注的三大焦点。随着经济形势的逐步向好,全球能源需求,特别是石油需求将持续增长,但同时也面临着治理环境污染的压力,这就需要提高燃油质量,发展清洁燃料。炼油行业面临的全球形势是原油品质趋于劣质化、油价走势依然存在不确定性、油品质量标准日趋严格、质量升级步伐加快、替代燃料发展迅速。当前我国的政策调整有利于炼油行业健康发展。国内"十二五"期间成品油需求刚性增长,预计2015年将达到2.86×108t;原油对外依存度居高不下,预计2015年将达到62%;节能降耗和安全环保要求不断提高;炼油技术有待进一步升级,自主创新能力亟待加强;高标号汽油消费比例不断上升;产品质量标准面临升级压力。基于这种形势,建议制定符合我国国情的汽柴油质量升级标准,政府应对汽柴油质量升级改造提供政策支持;做好加工高硫和劣质原油工艺路线的选择,选择适当的质量升级技术和加工工艺;增加烷基化油、异构化油生产能力,改善汽油调合组分构成;搞好区域资源优化;狠抓节能减排,建设节能环保型炼厂;同时加强与替代燃料的结合,实现资源多元化。  相似文献   

为适应消费柴汽比的变化,国内炼油企业生产柴汽比不断调整,但两者之间的结构性矛盾依然存在。为加快实现我国汽柴油质量升级步伐,在炼厂规划设计中,需要考虑汽柴油结构调整、质量升级、灵活调控柴汽比等方案和技术措施。以某新建千万吨级炼厂加工中东高硫原油的规划设计为例,说明了如何在总加工方案设计中,既要实现灵活调整汽柴油产品结构,又要考虑不断增长的汽柴油产品质量升级需求。增加烷基化油、异构化油的生产能力,不仅可以增加汽油产品的数量,而且这些组分都是高辛烷值汽油组分,对于汽油产品质量升级具有积极的影响;增产柴油的主要途径是拓宽直馏及二次加工装置生产柴油馏分的范围,优化调合组分。指出新建必要的加氢裂化装置或柴油加氢装置是柴油产品质量升级的必要条件。  相似文献   

燃料乙醇的发展现状和趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
日益严格的环保法规推动了车用燃料的发展.人们在积极探寻清洁汽、柴油燃料生产新工艺的同时,也在努力开发和利用矿物替代燃料,其中经济性好、对大气污染小的生物燃料备受青睐.燃料乙醇将继续成为全球汽油市场的新秀,它在汽油供应市场上将起越来越大的作用.  相似文献   

国外新型汽车代用燃料的开发和应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱伯章 《节能》2004,(1):8-8
进入新世纪,研发和应用新型汽车代用燃料已成为发展新世纪清洁汽车燃料的一大热点。业已面世或开拓中的新型汽车代用燃料主要有:醇类(甲醇和乙醇)、生物柴油、二甲醚、天然气合成油(FT柴油)以及燃料电池用氢气、甲醇和清洁汽油。压缩天然气、LPG业已在汽车燃料中较多应用,以上各种代用燃料均处于不同的应用和发展阶段。  相似文献   

随着汽油价格的不断攀升,代用燃料的问题已经成为世界各国竞相研究和亟待解决的燃眉之急。目前,柴油、乙醇、液化石油气、甲醇、压缩空气、燃料电池、太阳能、压缩天然气、二甲醚等代用清洁燃料已逐渐得到应用,但是仍存在许多技术和经济方面的问题,至今无法完全替代汽油,还需要各有关部门继续深入进行研究。  相似文献   

车用生物柴油的现状与发展前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了车用生物柴油的特性及其在欧盟各国与美国、中国的发展现状,讨论了车用生物柴油在全球石油价格不断攀升,各国排放法规日益严格的背景下的发展前景,论述了中国生物柴油发展中需要解决的几个问题,认为:生物柴油是目前具有较高优越性的柴油清洁替代燃料,如果国家予以相应的政策扶持、引导,必将促进生物柴油产业的迅速发展,并将对中国的经济绿色发展,能源安全和环境保护产生较大的推动作用。  相似文献   

国家有关部门正在制定城市车用柴油标准 ,该标准将首次把车用柴油尤其是城市车用柴油 ,从轻柴油的质量等级要求中分离出来 ,并与即将要实施的欧Ⅱ排放标准相适应。轻柴油是我国产量最大的石油产品之一 ,2 0 0 1年年产量达 740 0多万吨 ,是汽油产量的 1 .82倍。随着国家对环保要求越来越高及发动机技术的进步 ,汽车工业对柴油质量提出了更高的标准。我国轻柴油中 ,车用柴油仅占 30 %左右 ,其余为农用、船用、铁路机车用、矿山用及民用等。城市车用柴油标准即将出炉  相似文献   

加快制定我国生物质成型燃料的标准   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
生物质成型燃料是生物质能开发利用的一个重要途径。加快生物质成型燃料标准规范的制订是促进生物质成型燃料产业化发展的重要环节。借鉴欧洲国家的生物质成型燃料标准经验,从注重我国用户的使用需求、生产和运输的方便性以及燃料的清洁性出发,加快制定适合我国的生物质成型燃料标准。  相似文献   

发展生物燃料乙醇和推广乙醇汽油,是世界各国应对全球气候变化、提高可再生能源在能源交通领域占比的重要战略性举措.近年来,我国燃料乙醇产业发展缺乏诸如美国、欧盟、巴西等国家和地区所采取的对生物燃料乙醇提供优先消纳的支持政策,因此整体发展不及预期.本文重点分析美国通过可再生燃料标准发展燃料乙醇的成功经验,针对我国生物燃料乙醇...  相似文献   

Natural gas has been used as fuel for transportation for decades and, currently, about half a million vehicles of different types are running either on compressed natural gas (CNG) or on liquefied natural gas (LNG) in a number of countries, including Italy, New Zealand, the U.S.A., Australia, Iran and France. The country with the most developed program on utilization of natural gas as a transportation fuel is Italy, where almost 300,000 vehicles are running on CNG. Several other countries such as Brazil, Egypt, Canada, Bangladesh and the Soviet Union are implementing programs to use natural gas for domestic transportation needs. Natural gas is composed essentially of methane, which can be obtained also through anaerobic fermentation of different organic products yielding biogas (60% methane). The role of methane as a fuel has shown increasing importance due to the growth in digester construction all over the world, and especially in developing countries. Natural gas can also be used as raw material for the production of liquid fuels suitable for transportation purpose such as methanol, ammonia, gasoline, diesel oils, methyl esters of vegetable oils, and MTBE, a high-octane component of gasoline. In addition, natural gas liquids (propane/butane) can also be used as automotive fuels. This paper covers the technical-economic aspects of natural gas and methanol as fuels for transportation and presents a summary of worldwide experience with emphasis on the existing experience in a developing country such as Brazil, including its commercial large-scale experience with ethanol fuels.  相似文献   

The determinates of the demand for transportation fuels interest many researchers and policymakers who are considering various energy plans. This paper uses a random coefficient regression approach to estimate the demand for gasoline, diesel fuel and jet fuel. For these three fuels a flow adjustment specification is assumed and for gasoline demand a stock adjustment model is also estimated. Individual European country data are used as the data because these data contain wide variations in the price variables, due to the different tax structures of the individual countries. These data are averaged across countries and time to produce firm estimates of the price and income elasticities of demand. For gasoline demand the estimates obtained from the European data are compared with estimates made by other researchers for the United States.  相似文献   

我国石油消费需求不断增长,2012年达到5.03×108t,石油对外依存度从2009年超过国际警戒线达到52%以来持续提高,已逼近60%。影响石油消费的主要因素包括国民经济发展水平、城镇化率、汽车保有量、非石油能源及节能技术等,其中中长期内对我国石油消费影响较大的是国民经济发展水平、汽车保有量及城镇化趋势。采用主成分分析法,预测我国2020年、2030年汽柴油消费量合计分别为31593×104t和34718×104t,按照汽柴油消费量合计占石油消费总量的55%计算,2020年、2030年的石油消费量分别为5.7×108t和6.3×108t。届时我国每年至少需要进口石油3.7×108t以上,对外依存度将高达65%。鉴于此,建议应大力发展和鼓励使用节能型(低能耗)汽车及新能源汽车,逐步降低汽车保有量增幅,并高效有序地发展公共交通;同时有序调整炼油厂装置结构,提高优质汽柴油调合组分比例;另外,加快发展替代能源和替代燃料是有效降低石油消费需求增幅,提高能源安全保障能力的重要措施之一。  相似文献   

F. Birol  N. Guerer 《Energy Policy》1993,21(12):1163-1172
This paper concentrates on the transport sector of six developing countries with similar common denominators, namely Turkey, Thailand, Pakistan, Morocco, Tunisia and Malaysia. By using standard econometric techniques, we analyse the evolution of oil demand for road transport in these countries in relation to independent variables such as income, population, price of gasoline and diesel etc. Unlike the treatment in the present literature on the subject, gasoline and diesel consumption are estimated separately due to the high share of diesel in the total transport sector consumption. On the basis of the estimation over the period 1970–1990, on a country by country basis, we forecast the demand for these six countries until 2010. The results of this study indicate that the transport sector will be the driving force for energy and oil demand as part of economic growth in these developing countries. Its share in the future energy market structure is expected to grow. Consequently, the (pricing) policies of oil products in this sector have a crucial role for shaping rational economic and energy strategies within the framework of rising environmental concern.  相似文献   

甲醇在柴油机上应用的技术进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
姚春德 《中外能源》2009,14(11):38-44
在我国石油供应缺口较大的情况下,需求结构也不尽合理,柴油消耗量大,柴汽比过高。因此,发展石油替代燃料应以替代柴油为重点目标。天津大学提出了一种甲醇/柴油组合燃烧方式,在柴油机上的试验结果表明,可以实现不到1.5kg甲醇替换1.0kg柴油,甲醇对柴油的替代率平均达到20%以上,同时可以减少微粒和NOx排放,将原发动机的排放品质提高1个等级。以甲醇替代柴油,在能源多元化、节能减排、燃料能源结构调整等方面是有利的,同时还可以提高发动机高原动力,发挥我国现有甲醇产能。我国对甲醇作为燃料在认识上存在较大误区,但长期的实践和研究结果表明,与汽油、柴油相比,甲醇的毒性与之相当;其排放物是清洁的;甲醇对生态环境更友好;使用更安全;甲醇对材料的腐蚀性完全可以得到根本解决;甲醇在燃烧时排出的温室气体少于汽油、柴油,与柴油或汽油一起燃烧更有利于减少温室气体排放。建议国家对甲醇在压燃式发动机上应用给予一定支持,开展相关的基础研究。  相似文献   

中国自1990年以来,特别是2001年底加入WTO后,2002~2012年的10年间,汽柴油消费呈现出快速增长态势。其中,柴油消费量以年均8.30%的速度增长,2012年达到17024×104t;汽油消费量以年均8.76%的速度增长,2012年达到8684×104t;消费柴汽比2005年达到最高点2.26,2012年回落至1.96。国民经济综合因素主导着汽柴油消费;而"交通运输、仓储和邮政业"是影响汽柴油消费量变化最大的行业,占到7个汽柴油消费行业消费总量的50%以上,直接决定了汽柴油消费总量的走势;私人汽车保有量的快速增长使"生活消费"领域的汽柴油消费量增速最快;其他5个行业累计消费量变化不大。以1990~2012年汽柴油消费量为基础样本,结合经济和相关行业发展情况,选取影响各行业汽柴油消费的关联参数,选用统计回归和因子分析法对未来汽柴油消费走势进行预测。预计2015年、2020年和2030年我国柴油消费总量分别为2.04×108t、2.21×108t和2.37×108t左右,汽油消费总量分别为1.11×108t、1.32×108t和2.15×108t左右。汽油消费量增速要高于柴油消费量,消费柴汽比将持续走低,2030年可能回落到1.0左右。柴汽比的下降,会导致原有柴油产能过剩,应根据实际情况提前做出调整。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes consumers' price elasticities of demand for fossil fuels, and how a reduction of fossil fuel subsidies can lead to important reduction in CO2 emissions for various groups of countries that have relatively high fossil fuel subsidies and notably on diesel, including countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). These countries continue to maintain significant levels of fuel subsidies, with Iran and Saudi Arabia being the largest contributors to CO2 emissions. This paper illustrates that fuel price policy reforms by these countries would be an important instrument for both climate and economic policies. We estimate that a reduction in subsidies to both gasoline and diesel by about 20 US$ cents per liter will lead to significant decreases in CO2 emissions, both in the MENA region and globally. In Iran, for example, the reductions could be up to 90% and 50% of current emissions generated from diesel and gasoline consumption, respectively, and for Saudi Arabia, approximately 70% and 40%, respectively.  相似文献   

China’s fuel quality standards and fuel supply management have long been an impediment to improved air quality by hindering the progress of vehicle emission control. This paper summarizes the status of China’s fuel quality standards, fuel supply and vehicle emission standards focusing on the major problems of fuel quality management. The mechanism that China uses to establish its fuel quality standards is outlined. The gaming of stakeholders such as regulatory authorities, vehicle and engine manufacturers and the gigantic state-owned oil companies in the development of fuel quality standard formulation and fuel supply is illustrated. Results are presented from testing 59 gasoline samples for sulphur, olefins, aromatics, benzene, and manganese content and from testing 59 diesel samples for sulphur and polyaromatic hydrocarbons collected across the country from 2010 to 2011. This paper also provides key policy suggestions to improve future fuel quality in China. China should improve fuel quality through the application of policy measures such as adjusting the fuel quality standard formulation process, introducing competition and enforcing the transition period for improved fuel introduction, unifying on-road diesel and non-road diesel fuel quality standards, and pay attention to issues like fuel detergent, methanol addition and evaporative emissions.  相似文献   

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