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One key property of the Semantic Web is its support for interoperability. Recent research in this area focuses on the integration of multiple data sources to facilitate tasks such as ontology learning, user query expansion and context recognition. The growing popularity of such machups and the rising number of Web APIs supporting links between heterogeneous data providers asks for intelligent methods to spare remote resources and minimize delays imposed by queries to external data sources. This paper suggests a cost and utility model for optimizing such queries by leveraging optimal stopping theory from business economics: applications are modeled as decision makers that look for optimal answer sets. Queries to remote resources cause additional cost but retrieve valuable information which improves the estimation of the answer set’s utility. Optimal stopping optimizes the trade-off between query cost and answer utility yielding optimal query strategies for remote resources. These strategies are compared to conventional approaches in an extensive evaluation based on real world response times taken from seven popular Web services.  相似文献   

李昭  赵一  梁鹏  何克清 《计算机科学》2015,42(Z11):479-485
业界存在多种企业业务模型,模型的定义、描述、结构、功能及支持工具通常存在差异,这些差异导致业务模型间的部分语义互操作存在较大困难。绝大部分企业业务模型都能够通过4个维度(Role,Goal,Process,Service)来描述,因此,一个企业业务模型实际上是一个具体的RGPS模型,依此提出企业业务模型互操作能力度量方法。首先基于互操作性元模型框架MFI构建RGPS互操作性特征框架,再将特征框架定义为RGPS模型互操作性特征集;其次对业务模型特征所属类型与所具有的性质进行分析,定义数学方法,并基于互操作性特征集对模型特征进行标识与量化,得到模型实例;再次通过数据相似性算法计算模型实例间的相似性,得出RGPS模型集中任意两个模型间的互操作能力值,从而构建RGPS模型集的互操作能力度量矩阵;最后,采用该方法对不同领域间典型的企业业务模型互操作能力进行度量,分析并讨论度量结果,从而在一定程度上验证了互操作能力度量方法能促进并引导不同领域企业业务模型的有效协作。  相似文献   

The problem of decentralized data sharing, which is relevant to a wide range of applications, is still a source of major theoretical and practical challenges, in spite of many years of sustained research. In this paper we focus on the challenge of efficiency of query evaluation in information integration systems that use the global-as-view approach, with the objective of developing query-processing strategies that would be widely applicable and easy to implement in real-life applications. Our algorithms take into account important features of today’s data sharing applications: XML as likely interface or representation for data sources; the potential for information overlap across data sources; and the need for inter-source processing, as in joins of data across sources. The focus of this paper is on performance-related characteristics of several alternative approaches that we propose for efficient query processing in information integration, including an approach that uses materialized restructured views. We use synthetic and real-life datasets in our implementation of an information integration system shell to provide experimental results that demonstrate that our algorithms are efficient and competitive in the information integration setting. In addition, our experimental results allow us to make context-specific recommendations on selecting query-processing approaches from our proposed alternatives. As such, our approaches could form a basis for scalable query processing in information integration and interoperability in many practical settings.  相似文献   

Healthcare systems are very complex due to extreme heterogeneity in their data and processes. Researchers and practitioner need to make systems interoperable and integrate for the benefit of all the stakeholders including hospitals, clinicians, medical support staff, and patients. The broader goal of interoperability can only be achieved when standards are practiced.Two different healthcare systems can earn HL7 conformance and compliance but at the same time can be incompatible for interoperability because of varying implementation of HL7 interaction model. This is mainly because workflows in healthcare systems are very complex. Interoperability on one hand requires flexible mechanism for the mapping of business processes to a standard, HL7 in our example. On the other hand it requires deeper understanding of the standard interaction model and gaps created by their incompatible implementations. In this paper we propose a novel technique of dynamically creating semantic web services as overlay on top of the existing services. We used Web Service Modeling Framework as an underlying architecture for HL7 process artifacts implementation as semantic web services. These semantic services are mapped to our proposed interaction ontology. Integrated reasoning mechanism provides necessary execution semantics for more effective and seamless end-to-end communication.The prototype we tested on different processes from the laboratory domain at a local diagnostic laboratory with uninterrupted process flow. The scenario of Result Query Placer interaction flow and its associated process artifacts are executed for the proof of concept.The proposed solution complements the existing data interoperability in HL7 and leads to semantic process interoperability. The achievement of semantic interoperability results in timely delivery of healthcare services to patients saving precious lives.  相似文献   

The goal of this research is to define a method for configuring a collaborative business rules management solution from a value proposition perspective. In an earlier published study (Business rules management solutions: added value by means of business interoperability. In: van Sinderen M, Oude Luttighuis P, Folmer E, Bosms S (eds), International IFIP working conference on enterprise interoperability, vol 144. Springer, Twente, pp 145–157, 2013) we took a business rules perspective on interorganisational collaboration optimization, when we addressed the question what the relation was between types of business interoperability and an organisation’s business rules management solution. Different types of collaboration were defined and subsequently combined with eleven identified types of service systems; these service systems together make up the business rules management solution. In this paper we re-address and -present our earlier work, yet based on the findings, we extend it with the construction of a method for determining the configuration of collaborative business rules management solutions. This method is tested by applying it to a case study at an alliance of airlines. Presented results provide a grounded basis from which empirical and practical research on business rules management solutions can be further explored.  相似文献   

With the rise of the Internet, competitiveness is pressuring enterprises to build better solutions with fewer resources, following new trends and supporting new platforms and methodologies. On the other hand, legislation and regulations are updating frequently and deeply, and demanding rapid compliance from enterprises. These frequent business changes shake all the interoperability links between the enterprises, leading to periods of adaptation where business operation is not possible. The urge to rapidly regain interoperability often leads to unfounded, poorly-chosen solutions, which lead to inefficiency and rework. This paper proposes that the best way to have a strong interoperable environment is to perform constant, periodic maintenance operations in order to adapt enterprises to their surrounding ecosystem. It introduces NEGOSEIO, a framework that promotes continuous improvement and adaptation towards the management of interoperability on enterprise systems, and which has negotiations as a core mechanism to handle inconsistencies and solutions for the detected interoperability problems. Following this approach, enterprises shall become more adaptable to changes and external factors, consequently developing resilient and efficient interactions with its supply chain. The paper validates the framework with its application in a real business case of aerospace mission design on the European Space Agency (ESA).  相似文献   

This paper reviews some of the most recently reported research into novel strategies for global manufacturing systems interoperability. Such research can be categorised as addressing four broad topic areas: the sensing manufacturing enterprise; semantics and knowledge management in manufacturing; service orientation and the need for negotiation; and business interoperability. Thus we identify a spectrum of research from the management of hardware and virtual sensing devices, through the semantic interpretation of the data and information generated by these, and its utilisation to support the collaborative manufacturing network lifecycle through service oriented software, and ultimately the provision of effective business interoperability. This study includes conceptual, theoretical, empirical and technological contributions, illustrated by real examples and demonstrating the novelty in comparison with previously reported results. The paper concludes elaborating final considerations on novel strategies for global manufacturing systems interoperability.  相似文献   

移动主体异构资源互操作框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着Internet的发展,如何实现异构资源之间的互操作成为当前研究热点。要适应Internet这种开放、动态的环境,需要软件具有组件化、开放化、自主化等特点,而面向主体的软件开发方式则能满足这些需要。提出了一种基于移动主体(Mobile Agent)的异构资源互操作框架,用以实现异构数据源的整合,为用户提供统一信息检索服务。该框架为一多主体系统(Multi-Agent System),为了实现主体间的通信和协作,设计了一种基于通用领域本体模型的主体通信机制。此外描述了该框架中移动主体的工作机制。  相似文献   

Interoperability frameworks present a set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitute a method of dealing with interoperability issues in the electronic business (e-business) context. Achieving interoperability in the e-business generates numerous benefits. Thus, interoperability frameworks are the main component of e-business activities. This paper describes the existing interoperability frameworks for e-business, and performs a comparative analysis among their findings to determine the similarities and differences in their philosophy and implementation. This analysis yields a set of recommendations for any party that is open to the idea of creating or improving an E-business Interoperability Framework.  相似文献   

通过对网上报税安全问题的分析,明确指出随着《电子签名法》的实施,采用PKI机制的网上报税电子数据的法律地位得到解决后,PKI的互操作性问题是影响当前网上报税安全的瓶颈。随后对网上报税应用与多个PKI互操作问题进行详细分析,提出可以采用安全中间件架构(事务传输层)来解决网上报税中PKI互操作问题。  相似文献   

数据中心作为领域科学数据资源的核心设施,正在变得过于复杂、昂贵和低效.大规模领域应用和用户数量的增长,给数据中心的连接性、稳定性和安全性带来严峻的挑战.关于数据中心的资源整合、自动部署以及资源集中化管理正在受到当前学术界和企业界的广泛关注.以实现领域数据中心资源聚合、共享以及统一管理为目的,通过构建领域科学数据云,将多个数据中心连接成一种虚拟的数据网络,以便为领域数据访问、数据集成和数据管理提供环境和服务支持.着重研究了数据云代理模型、异构源共享模型以及资源消息模型.这些模型对于提高数据中心可扩展性和容错性、降低数据中心资源整合成本以及实现从传统数据中心向云化数据中心过渡起到非常关键的作用.最后,将领域科学数据云资源聚合模型引入到油气井科研数据共享服务平台的开发、部署、运行及监控管理中.实践表明,领域科学数据云模型是切实可行的,对于推动领域数据集成、共享、管理研究具有重要的参考意义和应用价值.  相似文献   

The increased adoption of business process management approaches, tools, and practices has led organizations to accumulate large collections of business process models. These collections can easily include from a hundred to a thousand models, especially in the context of multinational corporations or as a result of organizational mergers and acquisitions. A concrete problem is thus how to maintain these large repositories in such a way that their complexity does not hamper their practical usefulness as a means to describe and communicate business operations. This paper proposes a technique to automatically infer suitable names for business process models and fragments thereof. This technique is useful for model abstraction scenarios, as for instance when user-specific views of a repository are required, or as part of a refactoring initiative aimed to simplify the repository's complexity. The technique is grounded in an adaptation of the theory of meaning to the realm of business process models. We implemented the technique in a prototype tool and conducted an extensive evaluation using three process model collections from practice and a case study involving process modelers with different experience.  相似文献   

Interoperability is one of the requisite features for existing enterprises in the increasing competitive and complex global market. In the last decade, enterprise interoperability has been developed and prescribed by various kinds of frameworks, methods, and techniques. However interoperability development is still not mature enough to become a science. Meanwhile, it keeps evolving according to different business requirement and market environment. Nowadays, networked environment causes unpredictable dynamical situations, thus sustainable interoperability becomes a new research dimension in the interoperability of enterprise systems and applications domain. In the sustainable interoperability, enterprise interoperability dynamics is one of the focal topics. This dynamic approach also called federated is originated from Enterprise Interoperability Framework of INTEROP NoE, which aims to establish interoperability on the fly. This paper presents current state on federated approaches to develop enterprise interoperability dynamics. Based on this study, a novel Federated interoperability approach is proposed. It aims at bridging the gap from interoperability concepts to the implementation of interoperable enterprise information systems development. This approach reuses distributed simulation interoperability concepts to facilitate and coordinate the communication between heterogeneous distributed information systems of the enterprises. This simulation part has been implemented into a software platform. This platform is complaint with the latest version of the high level architecture that is a distributed communication standard. This approach also proposes a development lifecycle that intends to reuse existing information systems without recoding them but by adapting them to the new requirements of interoperability dynamics.  相似文献   

Building an E-Business from Enterprise Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Building their companies into successful e-businesses has become an important objective for today's enterprises. Conceptually, it embodies the enabling of the business with such capabilities as global networking, streamlining business processes, sharing information, agility in responding to the market, and intelligent decision making. But how can these concepts be implemented in actual enterprises? Why do these desirable attributes of business systems suddenly become the definition of competency of companies large and small? This paper describes the framework for building an e-business from the enterprise information systems' perspective. Increasingly enterprise systems have extended beyond the traditional business functions and include such new features as supply-chain management, customer relationship management and electronic commerce. The shifting focus is driven by the adoption of the Web as a new channel for product distribution, marketing, and interacting with customers. The integration of the traditional as well as the Web-oriented functions is the cornerstone for a successful e-business. This paper presents a framework for e-businesses that on one hand build on the enterprise systems but on the other hand encompasses the new e-business dimensions.  相似文献   

动态角色转换的关联优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多个管理域间的安全互操作是一个重要的研究内容。IRBAC2000模型通过关联进行动态角色转换,从而实现两个管理域间的安全互操作。关联是IRBAC2000模型的最重要组成部分,对动态角色转换的安全和效率有着重大的影响。因此,合理管理IRBAC2000模型中的关联是十分重要的。首先分析了关联管理面临的问题:一是导致安全漏洞的冲突关联;二是降低动态角色转换效率和带来管理麻烦的冗余关联。然后探讨了解决上述问题的方法,从而对关联的管理进行了优化。  相似文献   

A key characteristic of the software applications supporting manufacturing business processes is their heterogeneity. This is due not only to differences in their development and deployment, but also to the variety of processes and actors in complex organizations. Heterogeneity at the semantic level is one of the major problems in any process of interoperability and/or integration. There is therefore a need for developing new approaches and methods to ensure interoperability between different software solutions. In the context of a case study with a consortium of MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems) publishers, we propose a semantic alignment process of repositories used in the construction of a MES solution called “MES On Demand”, using multiple applications and driven by business processes. Through the study of semantic heterogeneities, we use an enrichment-based alignment for business repositories applied to ISO/IEC 62264. Finally, we evaluate the contribution of this approach to enterprise maturity in the application of standards and reference models, using Nascio’s Enterprise Architecture Maturity Model. This proposal, which is useful for practitioners and experts, is a contribution to academic study on semantic alignment for master interoperability.  相似文献   

Enterprise Interoperability is the ability of enterprises to interoperate in order to achieve their business goals. Although the purpose of enterprise interoperability is determined at the business level, the use of technical (IT) services to support business services implies that interoperability solutions at both the business and technical level should be aligned. This paper introduces and demonstrates the suitability of an approach based on model transformations to automate enterprise interoperability. We start by considering that a set of enterprises are willing to interoperate in the context of their individual goals. The interactions necessary for their cooperation are then properly captured in terms of a so-called choreography. Our approach allows a choreography to be mapped and transformed to an orchestration, which defines the operation of the actual technical services of the interoperating enterprises. The paper discusses the technical challenges of implementing the transformation, and illustrates our approach with two application scenarios.  相似文献   



Large organizations often run hundreds or even thousands of different business processes. Managing such large collections of business process models is a challenging task. Software can assist in performing that task, by supporting common management functions such as storage, search and version management of models. It can also provide advanced functions that are specific for managing collections of process models, such as managing the consistency of public and private processes. Software that supports the management of large collections of business process models is called: business process model repository software.


This paper contributes to the development of business process model repositories, by analyzing the state of the art.


To perform the analysis a literature survey and a comparison of existing (business process model) repository technology is performed.


The results of the state of the art analysis are twofold. First, a framework for business process model repositories is presented, which consists of a management model and a reference architecture. The management model lists the functionality that can be provided and the reference architecture presents the components that provide that functionality. Second, an analysis is presented of the extent to which existing business process model repositories implement the functionality from the framework.


The results presented in the paper are valuable as a comprehensive overview of business process model repository functionality. In addition they form a basis for a future research agenda. We conclude that existing repositories focus on traditional functionality rather than exploiting the full potential of information management tools, thus we show that there is a strong basis for further research.  相似文献   

Agent互操作性研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
1 引言 Agent是一种具有自主性、交互性、移动性和智能性的软件主体。Agent的想法和研究起源于人工智能、人机界面设计和面向对象编程,它提供了一种新的分析、设计和实现复杂软件系统的方法和一个通用、灵活的分布式计算模式。从应用的角度来看,Agent特别适合网络环境下的Internet应用、复杂企业计算和移动计算,而分布、异构和动态则是  相似文献   

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