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质子交换膜燃料电池研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
质子交换膜燃料电池具有高效环保、经济安全、比能量和比功率高、启动快、寿命长等优点,受到各国政府和大公司的广泛关注。文章介绍了质子交换膜、电催化剂、电极、双极板和储氢技术等关键材料和部件的研究现状。开发合适、廉价的催化剂及质子交换膜、优化电极结构、选择合适的双极板材料并批量生产以及发展大规模实用的储氢技术等是质子交换膜燃料电池今后研究的重点和方向。  相似文献   

为了将石墨复合材料用于燃料电池的双极板材料中,研究了湿度环境对双极板力学性能的影响。制造了两种类型的样品,对两种样品进行了一系列的实验:吸水率、弯曲和拉伸试验的强度和模量。结果表明,添加石墨复合材料的试样吸水率低于没有石墨/环氧复合材料碳纤维织物的试样,所以有碳纤维织物试样的总吸水率较低。两种试样的弯曲强度和模量均会下降。另外在石墨-颗粒/环氧复合材料中加入碳纤维织物能够显著提高了拉伸强度。  相似文献   

There are two important objectives for airflow control in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). One is to keep the desired excess ratio(to provide sufficient reactant airflow) to ensure fast transient response arid to minimize auxiliary power consumption, and the other one is to control the cathode pressure in stack within an acceptable range. In reality, the big inertia of stack's airflow-supplying activator limits the bandwidth of air-flow supply loop, which makes the first objective difficult to achieve, and another difficulty is that airflow is coupled with the cathode pressure in stack, which make it uneasy to keep the pressure unchanged in case of airflow perturbation. In order to overcome these difficulties, three dependant controllers are presented in this paper to control airflow, deeouple the cathode pressure in stack from airflow and stabilize the cat bode pressure in stack respectively. The effectiveness of these controllers is proven by subsequent simulation and test results.  相似文献   

One of the most obvious early market applications for thermoelectric generators (TEG) is decentralized micro combined heat and power (CHP) installations of 0.5 kWe to 5 kWe based on fuel cell technology. Through the use of TEG technology for waste heat recovery it is possible to increase the electricity production in micro-CHP systems by more than 15%, corresponding to system electrical efficiency increases of some 4 to 5 percentage points. This will make fuel cell-based micro-CHP systems very competitive and profitable and will also open opportunities in a number of other potential business and market segments which are not yet quantified. This paper quantifies a micro-CHP system based on a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and a high-performance TE generator. Based on a 3 kW fuel input, the hybrid SOFC implementation boosts electrical output from 945 W to 1085 W, with 1794 W available for heating purposes.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a modeling tool used for design and analysis of the building blocks of thermoelectric generators (TEGs). The described model captures the performance of a thermoelectric couple at varying loads and temperatures. The model includes the effects of interfacial resistances and other thermal losses. Validation experiments have been conducted, and the results are discussed. Once validated, the model was then used to design a 10% efficient segmented TEG, which was then built and tested. With this effective design tool along with improving thermoelectric material performance, a 14% efficient TEG is within reach.  相似文献   

Thermoelectric (TE) power generation technology, due to its several advantages, is becoming a noteworthy research direction. Many researchers conduct their performance analysis and optimization of TE devices and related applications based on the generalized thermoelectric energy balance equations. These generalized TE equations involve the internal irreversibility of Joule heating inside the thermoelectric device and heat leakage through the thermoelectric couple leg. However, it is assumed that the thermoelectric generator (TEG) is thermally isolated from the surroundings except for the heat flows at the cold and hot junctions. Since the thermoelectric generator is a multi-element device in practice, being composed of many fundamental TE couple legs, the effect of heat transfer between the TE couple leg and the ambient environment is not negligible. In this paper, based on basic theories of thermoelectric power generation and thermal science, detailed modeling of a thermoelectric generator taking account of the phenomenon of energy loss from the TE couple leg is reported. The revised generalized thermoelectric energy balance equations considering the effect of heat transfer between the TE couple leg and the ambient environment have been derived. Furthermore, characteristics of a multi-element thermoelectric generator with irreversibility have been investigated on the basis of the new derived TE equations. In the present investigation, second-law-based thermodynamic analysis (exergy analysis) has been applied to the irreversible heat transfer process in particular. It is found that the existence of the irreversible heat convection process causes a large loss of heat exergy in the TEG system, and using thermoelectric generators for low-grade waste heat recovery has promising potential. The results of irreversibility analysis, especially irreversible effects on generator system performance, based on the system model established in detail have guiding significance for the development and application of thermoelectric generators, particularly for the design and optimization of TE modules.  相似文献   

Thermoelectric generators (TEGs) make use of the Seebeck effect in semiconductors for the direct conversion of heat to electrical energy. The possible use of a device consisting of numerous TEG modules for waste heat recovery from an internal combustion (IC) engine could considerably help worldwide efforts towards energy saving. However, commercially available TEGs operate at temperatures much lower than the actual operating temperature range in the exhaust pipe of an automobile, which could cause structural failure of the thermoelectric elements. Furthermore, continuous thermal cycling could lead to reduced efficiency and lifetime of the TEG. In this work we investigate the long-term performance and stability of a commercially available TEG under temperature and power cycling. The module was subjected to sequential hot-side heating (at 200°C) and cooling for long times (3000 h) in order to measure changes in the TEG’s performance. A reduction in Seebeck coefficient and an increase in resistivity were observed. Alternating-current (AC) impedance measurements and scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations were performed on the module, and results are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

双馈感应风电机组仿真建模及实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着对可再生能源利用规模的不断扩大,我国风电的装机容量迅速增加,这将给电网的安全稳定运行,系统的发供电平衡以及调峰调频带来越来越多的问题。鉴于此,吉林省电力有限公司与东北电力大学合作进行了风机建模和风力发电对电网动态行为影响的评价研究。为获得双馈风电机组的真实特性以及校验所建模型的准确性,进行了我国首次接于实际电力大系统中的风电场短路试验。本文给出了基于PSCAD/ EMTDC仿真平台的两相旋转坐标系下的双馈感应风电机组电磁暂态模型,并利用该模型模拟联网运行双馈感应风电机组稳态运行及系统发生故障时的动态行为,通过对实测波形和仿真波形的对比分析验证了所建模型的有效性。  相似文献   

The global optimal working conditions and optimal couple design for thermoelectric (TE) generators with realistic thermal coupling between the heat reservoirs and the TE couple were studied in the current work. The heat fluxes enforced by the heat reservoirs at the hot and the cold junctions of the TE couple were used in combination with parameter normalization to obtain a single cubic algebraic equation relating the temperature differences between the TE couple junctions and between the heat reservoirs, through the electric load resistance ratio, the reservoir thermal conductance ratio, the reservoir thermal conductance to the TE couple thermal conductance ratio, the Thomson to Seebeck coefficient ratio, and the figure of merit (Z) of the material based on the linear TE transport equations and their solutions. A broad reservoir thermal conductance ranging between 0.01  W/K and 100 W/K and TE element length ranging from 10-7 m to 10-3 m were explored to find the global optimal systems. The global optimal parameters related to the working conditions, i.e., reservoir thermal conductance ratio and electric load resistance ratio, and the optimal design parameter related to the TE couple were determined for a given TE material. These results demonstrated that the internal and external electric resistance, the thermal resistance between the reservoirs, the thermal resistance between the reservoir and the TE couple, and the optimal thermoelement length have to be well coordinated to obtain optimal power production.  相似文献   

In the field of passenger transportation a reduction of the consumption of fossil fuels has to be achieved by any measures. Advanced designs of internal combustion engine have the potential to reduce CO2 emissions, but still suffer from low efficiencies in the range from 33% to 44%. Recuperation of waste heat can be achieved with thermoelectric generators (TEGs) that convert heat directly into electric energy, thus offering a less complicated setup as compared with thermodynamic cycle processes. During a specific driving cycle of a car, the heat currents and temperature levels of the exhaust gas are dynamic quantities. To optimize a thermoelectric recuperation system fully, various parameters have to be tested, for example, the electric and thermal conductivities of the TEG and consequently the heat absorbed and rejected from the system, the generated electrical power, and the system efficiency. A Simulink model consisting of a package for dynamic calculation of energy management in a vehicle, coupled with a model of the thermoelectric generator system placed on the exhaust system, determines the drive-cycle-dependent efficiency of the heat recovery system, thus calculating the efficiency gain of the vehicle. The simulation also shows the temperature drop at the heat exchanger along the direction of the exhaust flow and hence the variation of the voltage drop of consecutively arranged TEG modules. The connection between the temperature distribution and the optimal electrical circuitry of the TEG modules constituting the entire thermoelectric recuperation system can then be examined. The simulation results are compared with data obtained from laboratory experiments. We discuss error bars and the accuracy of the simulation results for practical thermoelectric systems embedded in cars.  相似文献   

Although the peak power density of anion exchange membrane fuel cells (AEMFCs) has been raised from ≈0.1 to ≈1.4 W cm?2 over the last decade, a majority of AEMFCs reported in the literature have not been demonstrated to achieve consistently high performance and steady‐state operation. Poly(olefin)‐based AEMs with fluorine substitution on the aromatic comonomer show considerably higher dimensional stability compared to samples that do not contain fluorine. More importantly, fluorinated poly(olefin)‐based AEMs exhibit high hydroxide conductivity without excessive hydration due to a new proposed mechanism where the fluorinated dipolar monomer facilitates increased hydroxide dissociation and transport. Using this new generation of AEMs, a stable, high‐performance AEMFC is operated for 120 h. When the fuel cell configuration is subjected to a constant current density of 600 mA cm?2 under H2/O2 flow, the cell voltage declines only 11% (from 0.75 to 0.67 V) for the first 20 h during break‐in and the cell voltage loss is low (0.2 mV h?1) over the subsequent 100 h of cell testing. The ease of synthesis, potential for low‐cost commercialization, and remarkable ex situ properties and in situ performance of fluoropoly(olefin)‐based AEM renders this material a benchmark membrane for practical AEMFC applications.  相似文献   

All liquid heating systems, including solar thermal collectors and fossil-fueled heaters, are designed to convert low-temperature liquid to high-temperature liquid. In the presence of low- and high-temperature fluids, temperature differences can be created across thermoelectric devices to produce electricity so that the heat dissipated from the hot side of a thermoelectric device will be absorbed by the cold liquid and this preheated liquid enters the heating cycle and increases the efficiency of the heater. Consequently, because of the avoidance of waste heat on the thermoelectric hot side, the efficiency of heat-to-electricity conversion with this configuration is better than that of conventional thermoelectric power generation systems. This research aims to design and analyze a thermoelectric power generation system based on the concept described above and using a low-grade heat source. This system may be used to generate electricity either in direct conjunction with any renewable energy source which produces hot water (solar thermal collectors) or using waste hot water from industry. The concept of this system is designated “ELEGANT,” an acronym from “Efficient Liquid-based Electricity Generation Apparatus iNside Thermoelectrics.” The first design of ELEGANT comprised three rectangular aluminum channels, used to conduct warm and cold fluids over the surfaces of several commercially available thermoelectric generator (TEG) modules sandwiched between the channels. In this study, an ELEGANT with 24 TEG modules, referred to as ELEGANT-24, has been designed. Twenty-four modules was the best match to the specific geometry of the proposed ELEGANT. The thermoelectric modules in ELEGANT-24 were electrically connected in series, and the maximum output power was modeled. A numerical model has been developed, which provides steady-state forecasts of the electrical output of ELEGANT-24 for different inlet fluid temperatures.  相似文献   

Polybenzimidazoles (PBIs) are the most promising binders for the catalyst layer (CL) in high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells (HT-PEMFC). However, traditional commercial PBIs are not applied in binders because they do not enhance the electrochemical performance and because the related solvents are not environmentally friendly. In addition, proton transfer channels in PBIs are not investigated at the microscopic and atomic scales to date. In this study, a nitrogen-rich rigid PBI binder containing pyridine, diazofluorene, and partially grafted nitrile (PBPBI-3CN) is prepared with a functionalized structure, good thermal stability, and good solubility in an environmentally friendly solvent. A membrane electrode assembly (MEA) is fabricated with the PBPBI-3CN binder, providing a high peak power density, low resistance, and good stability. The protonation, hydrogen bond networks, and platform for proton transfer are confirmed in the CLs. The protonation of PBPBI-3CN occurs in two steps. First, some phosphoric acid (PA) molecules bind to nitrogen-containing acidophilic groups via preliminary protonation; second, multiple PA molecules then interact with nitrogen-containing acidophilic groups via further protonation. With protonation as the foundation, a sufficient amount of PA molecules form a hydrogen bond network, and proton transfer channels are established.  相似文献   

李茂德  屈健  李玉东  李伟江 《半导体学报》2005,26(12):2440-2444
针对小型半导体温差(TEG)发电器中接触热阻和接触电阻的影响进行了分析研究.结果表明,接触热阻和接触电阻只在2mm以内的电偶臂长度内有明显影响;在电偶臂长度小于1mm时,输出功率和热电效率均有一个急剧上升的变化阶段;当长度超过5mm后,输出功率和热电效率均趋于定值;在冷热端温度分别为283和383K,Z=0.0024K-1、电偶臂长为2mm、接触热阻比0.2和接触电阻比0.1条件下,热电功率约为4mW/mm2,热电效率约为3.5%,而理想无接触热阻和电阻的热电效率约为4.2%.由此可知,半导体温差发电器中接触热阻和接触电阻的影响不可忽视.  相似文献   

接触效应对小型半导体温差发电器性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李茂德  屈健  李玉东  李伟江 《半导体学报》2005,26(12):2440-2444
针对小型半导体温差(TEG)发电器中接触热阻和接触电阻的影响进行了分析研究.结果表明,接触热阻和接触电阻只在2mm以内的电偶臂长度内有明显影响;在电偶臂长度小于1mm时,输出功率和热电效率均有一个急剧上升的变化阶段;当长度超过5mm后,输出功率和热电效率均趋于定值;在冷热端温度分别为283和383K,Z=0.0024K-1、电偶臂长为2mm、接触热阻比0.2和接触电阻比0.1条件下,热电功率约为4mW/mm2,热电效率约为3.5%,而理想无接触热阻和电阻的热电效率约为4.2%.由此可知,半导体温差发电器中接触热阻和接触电阻的影响不可忽视.  相似文献   

A stabilized power supply realized by chip-integrated micro fuel cells within an extended CMOS process is presented in this paper. The fuel cell system delivers a maximum power output of 450 ? W/cm2. The electronic control circuitry consists of an LDO, an on-chip oscillator and a programmable timing network. The core system consumes an average power of 620 nW. The system reaches a current efficiency of up to 92% and provides a constant output voltage of 3.3 V.  相似文献   

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