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为了降低无线传感器网络在目标跟踪过程中的网络能耗,提出了一种时间异步条件下的分布式目标跟踪方法.首先,依据节点到目标的距离进行动态成簇,以跟踪簇为时间的计算单元,由簇头完成簇内跟踪时间计算及簇间贯序传递,然后引入并行粒子滤波(PPF)算法将粒子集分为多个子集,在子节点处并行采样、计算权重和重采样,最后,簇头节点收集各子节点上传的结果并完成目标的局部状态估计.仿真结果表明,PPF算法具有较好的跟踪精度,且相比于集中式粒子滤波(CPF)算法,可降低约38%的通信量.  相似文献   

分布式光纤传感器的周界安防入侵信号识别   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
罗光明  李枭  崔贵平  钟喆 《光电工程》2012,39(10):71-77
在分布式光纤周界安防系统中,对距离较长、背景环境复杂的边境进行检测时,系统根据光缆沿线发生的事件进行识别.为了区分各种引起光缆振动的激励,本文根据入侵信号与环境引起的振动信号在小波尺度上方差幅值的分布特征,利用小波多尺度分析理论构造了由各尺度下的方差组成的特征向量,提出了根据方差特征向量的不同来识别各种振动信号的“尺度-方差”信号的方法.在实验系统中,光缆总长度为56 km,光源的功率为300 μW,工作波长为1 550 nm.实验结果表明,此方法可以有效区分入侵信号、环境噪声和人为活动引起的非入侵事件,提高了系统的检测概率和降低系统的虚警率.  相似文献   

本分布式教室智能网络模型采用现场总线技术,构成了“CAN+RS485”的三层两级网络。其中上层是由带CAN总线端口的主控机和中间控制器构成的CAN网络层,下层为由带RS485端口的下位机和中间控制器构成了RS485网络层,从而实现智能教室网络的数据通信。  相似文献   

文章介绍的分布式智能门禁监控系统采用RS-485总线技术,以程控电话网为媒介来进行远程的数据采集和设备控制。文中对监控系统的结构和工作原理进行了分析,对监控主机的软件工作流程和各部分的功能进行了详细的介绍。  相似文献   

陈媛媛  张作状 《硅谷》2012,(3):57-57
主要研究的是液压系统仿真软件的整体规划,分析基于分布式网络的液压系统真软件的总体需求、功能需求,详细介绍该软件系统的结构和主要功能模块的划分。  相似文献   

分布式光纤传感器周界安防入侵信号的多目标识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对分布式光纤在周界安防系统中信号种类,即不同的环境下产生的噪声信号干扰和常见的入侵产生的信号。本文基于全光纤马赫—泽德干涉仪的分布式光纤传感模型,提出了一种识别常见的越境信号和消除环境噪声干扰信号的方法,实现了在去除环境干扰的情况下,用BP神经网络对多种入侵信号识别。实验结果证明,该方法能够有效的区分越境信号和不同环境状态产生的噪声信号,极大的提高了整个系统的识别率,降低了其虚警率。  相似文献   

本文论述了WJ100微波接力机远程分布式无线监测系统的研究与开发,该系统具有性价比高、受地理条件限制少、易于扩展、易于维护和操作、实时数据采集、实时声音动画报警、数据远距离无线传输等特点,该系统所使用的通信技术特别适用于在高山丛林、沼泽、沙漠等地区建立无人职守监测网络,具有很大的推广价值.  相似文献   

鲁静轩  刘超 《硅谷》2014,(3):25-26
通过基于分布式部署的贫困生评定系统的设计与实现,解决高校中学生和学校对贫困生评定难题。学校可以根据国家政策数据因子、学生在学校的表现因子等重要参数通过系统自动评定出真正的贫困生。系统采用分布式技术和模糊数学技术,对系统的数据显示、数据采集、数据存储、数据智能分析进行了有效部署,增加了系统的健壮性、效率和准确性。  相似文献   

旋转叶片异步振动的频率识别技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于非接触式叶尖定时测振原理,针对叶片异步振动的欠采样问题,采用“5+2”双采样速率方案进行采样,通过频率辨识技术来获得叶片的真实振动。将实验测得的振动频率与应变片法测量结果进行比对表明,所测频率与叶片振动的坎贝尔曲线一致,是叶片振动的真实频率。同时,比对结果验证了测量方案的正确性,也说明了该辨识技术具有很高的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

为了解决时间异步无线传感器网络在目标跟踪时的节点协作管理和跟踪时间配准问题,提出了一种适用于时间异步条件下目标跟踪的动态成簇算法。该方法通过分析目标的无线信号强度和各节点至目标的距离来动态组建跟踪簇,然后依据目标及簇头的通信距离对簇头射频信号的覆盖区域进行功能划分,实现节点对目标的协作跟踪,同时以簇为跟踪时间的计算单元,通过簇内计时和簇间贯序传递的方法实现跟踪时间的配准。仿真实验表明,该算法进行目标跟踪时能有效均衡网络能耗,且具有较好的跟踪精度和系统鲁棒性。  相似文献   

D C Reddy  K Deergha Rao 《Sadhana》1991,16(3):263-274
There are several methods — fixed, adaptive, recursive — for the identification of linear and bilinear systems from input-output measurements that are noisy. However, literature is rather scarce as far as such techniques are concerned for the identification of nonlinear systems. The objective of this paper, therefore, is to suggest an iterative technique for the identification of nonlinear system parameters from measurements that are noisy. This technique requires the transformation of a nonlinear system in the state variable form into an input-output autoregressive moving average exogenous (armax) model. The pseudo linear regression algorithm, which has been extensively used for the identification of linear systems, can then be used to identify the nonlinear system parameters. Using this technique simulation studies were carried out which, indeed, confirm the efficacy of the method.  相似文献   

Agent-based distributed simulation is an efficient methodology for modelling and analysing such complex adaptive systems as dynamic supply chain networks. However, it lacks an acceptable generic standard. Supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model is a cross-functional framework widely accepted as an industry standard. It provides the standard processes, performance metrics, best practices and associated software functionalities for modelling, evaluating and improving supply chain networks. However, it is a static tool. Integration of agent-based distributed simulation and SCOR model can exploit their advantages to form a generic methodology for modelling and simulation of a wide range of supply chain networks. Therefore, this paper proposes a methodology for distributed supply chain network modelling and simulation by means of integration of agent-based distributed simulation and an improved SCOR model. The methodology contains two components: a hierarchical framework for modelling supply chain network based on the improved SCOR model and agent building blocks integrating the standard processes from the SCOR model. The hierarchical framework provides an approach for structure modelling in any level with different granularities based on the improved SCOR model, and allows rapidly mapping a supply chain network into the structure model of a multi-agent system; while agent building blocks are quite useful and convenient to fill the structure model to fulfil its function modelling. With the approach of structure modelling and function filling, not only can the process of agent-based supply chain network modelling be accelerated, but also the built models can be reused and expanded. Because the hierarchical framework is based on the conceptual framework of SCOR model and agent building blocks integrate the standard processes from SCOR model, the proposed methodology is more generic. In addition, the issues of sub-model synchronisation and data distribution management in the agent-based distributed simulation implementation are taken into consideration and the corresponding solutions for these issues are proposed. Finally, an example of a supply chain network is modelled and implemented to illustrate the proposed methodology and related solutions.  相似文献   

弯曲圆柱换能器是一种典型的低频、大功率、小尺寸水下声源,分析表明,其振动和声学性能与驱动元件的预应力工况和端盖的边界条件密切相关。尽管可以利用仿真分析得到相关规律,但受限于问题的非线性性和材料参数的不稳定性,很难对实际的工况进行准确模拟。本文利用激光测振法对弯曲圆柱换能器在不同条件下的振动特性进行测量分析,并对其预应力工况和端盖边界条件进行了优化。实验研究表明,不同预应力工况对换能器振动输出的线性度和效率有较大影响,而端盖约束边界条件会改变换能器的模态振型和谐振频率。同时,激光测振法为一般换能器最终声学性能的准确优化提供了一种高效的实现方法。  相似文献   

Identifying accident precursors using real-time identity information has great potential to improve safety performance in construction industry, which is still suffering from day to day records of accident fatality and injury. Based on the requirements analysis for identifying precursor and the discussion of enabling technology solutions for acquiring and sharing real-time automatic identification information on construction site, this paper proposes an identification system design for proactive accident prevention to improve construction site safety. Firstly, a case study is conducted to analyze the automatic identification requirements for identifying accident precursors in construction site. Results show that it mainly consists of three aspects, namely access control, training and inspection information and operation authority. The system is then designed to fulfill these requirements based on ZigBee enabled wireless sensor network (WSN), radio frequency identification (RFID) technology and an integrated ZigBee RFID sensor network structure. At the same time, an information database is also designed and implemented, which includes 15 tables, 54 queries and several reports and forms. In the end, a demonstration system based on the proposed system design is developed as a proof of concept prototype. The contributions of this study include the requirement analysis and technical design of a real-time identity information tracking solution for proactive accident prevention on construction sites. The technical solution proposed in this paper has a significant importance in improving safety performance on construction sites. Moreover, this study can serve as a reference design for future system integrations where more functions, such as environment monitoring and location tracking, can be added.  相似文献   

燃料电池作为一种清洁高效的发电方式,兼具效率高、排放低、安全无噪音等优点,是分布式供能领域的一项重要技术。燃料电池既可以利用传统煤炭、天然气,也可以融合可再生能源实现削峰填谷。在传统煤电领域,散煤的利用是环境污染的重要来源,通过直接碳燃料电池技术,有望解决散煤利用效率低下、污染严重的问题。联合天然气管网,基于燃料电池的微型热电联供系统可实现能源的梯级利用,相比传统的热电分供模式可大大提高能源利用效率。同时,电解池作为燃料电池的逆过程,可将可再生能源富余电力转化为化学能进行储存,实现"三弃"电力的有效转化,在可再生能源的分布式供应系统中具有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

区块链作为一种新颖的计算机技术,由于具备诸多的优点,其在未来主动配电网中有较大的应用潜力。因此如何将配电网中的集中式优化任务融入区块链系统的分布式计算模块是亟待解决的问题。以配电网动态经济调度优化的分布式建模为例,借助二阶锥规划(second-order cone programming,SOCP)凸松弛理论,参考了IEC 61970标准中CIM的建模思想,将传统的配电网耦合模型转换为一种分散式的电气模型;并提出一种运行于区块链上的基于交替方向乘子法(alternating direction method of multipliers,ADMM)的分布式最优潮流求解方法,从而使传统集中式优化在未来主动配电网中所面临的诸多难题得以解决。该方法无需对配电网进行全局协调或分层分区,仅利用区块链相邻节点间少量的通信即可通过并行计算得出模型的全局最优解。  相似文献   

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