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在阐述了ArcSDE体系结构及原理的基础上,根据物流信息空间特征及业务需求,提供了利用ArcSDE组件和SQLServer2005解决物流空间数据和属性数据的存储方案,使得空间数据与属性数据能够相互关联,实现统一管理。以建立配送中心数据库为例,介绍了建立物流空间数据库的基本技术,实现了空间信息的可视化查询,能够较好地提高物流配送的工作效率。  相似文献   

基于ArcSDE空间数据库引擎技术的应用研究   总被引:36,自引:1,他引:36  
空间数据库在当前的地理信息系统(GIS)应用中具有非常重要的地位,空间数据引擎(SDE)技术则以附加中间层的方式较好地解决了GIS功能应用与数据库集成中数据提供与访问模式方面的制约瓶颈问题,并在"湖北省水土流失动态监测网络系统"构建综合数据库的应用中取得良好效果。  相似文献   

空间数据库的备份与恢复   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
空间数据库是地理信息系统的重要基础,其中包含要素数据集、要素数据集的空间参考、要素类、对象类、关系类、域和几何网络等内容,空间数据库的备份与恢复是整个系统的关键技术之一。介绍了基于Geodatabase模型的空间数据库的备份与恢复,以及在恢复之后使数据库服务器的登陆名和空间数据库的用户名一致的方法,最后还介绍了在恢复端安装ArcSDE后应注意的技术细节。  相似文献   

空间数据库是管理空间数据的重要方式,亦是GIS的重要组成部分。介绍了空间数据库的概念和发展历程,分析了影响空间数据库性能的因素,进而探讨了图层加载、要素插入和空间计算等应用性能,设计了三组空间数据库的操作实验,对目前常用的几种空间数据库管理空间数据的性能进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

基于ArcGIS的林业GIS空间数据库建设的研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
为了实现数字林业GIS空间数据库的建设,通过设计林业Geodatabase数据模型,收集和整理数据,利用ArcSDE和关系数据库管理系统建立了图形数据库和属性数据库,用关键字将两者连接成统一的林业GIS空间数据库.实现林业地理信息系统空间数据库中图形数据库和属性数据库的统一存储.  相似文献   

为评估华北地区地下水超采治理河湖生态补水成效,基于现有国产卫星遥感影像覆盖能力,收集 2020 年华北地区 22 条(个)河湖流域卫星遥感动态监测影像数据,以相关水利基础数据为依据,构建一套完整的针对华北地区地下水河湖生态补水成效的水体遥感监测方案,将影像进行正射、融合、裁剪等预处理后,运用水体指数和深度学习 2 种方法对预处理后的遥感影像进行解译分析,提取河湖流域水面面积和有水河段长度,并结合河湖生态补水量进行验证,分析年内变化规律。监测结果表明:2020 年 7—12 月期间华北地区补水河湖水面面积和有水河段长度减少趋势减缓,并出现增加趋势。通过生态补水有利于缓解超采区水面面积减少趋势,验证通过统筹多种水源、调节时空布局,开展河湖回补地下水的方案是确有成效的。  相似文献   

马捷  李岩  董学敏 《计算机工程》2010,36(13):48-50,53
基于可伸缩矢量图形空间信息表达模型和合理的数据库结构,提出空间索引算法优化选择策略。结合设计模式思想,设计高内聚、低耦合的空间数据索引系统。该系统具有并行建立空间索引的能力,能实现异构XML-enabled空间数据库并行查询。实验结果证明,其检索效率比普通SQL查询高约66%。  相似文献   

合理设计和修复一直是城市河流滨岸带生态环境保护中的关键科学问题,成为学术界和工程界关注的焦点。随着社会经济发展。人类开发河流流域过程中不科学行为给河流流域造成严重的生态破坏现象。城市河流的整治与其滨岸带重新设计显得尤为重要。文章依托当前我国河流滨岸带整体破坏的实际状况,从景观生态学角度,归纳河流滨岸带合理定位,提出生态修复与设计对策,实现整体生态系统的保护。研究成果可为我国城市河流滨岸带设计和修复提供参考。  相似文献   

梁吟君 《网友世界》2014,(13):81-81
公共服务平台建设要从技术实现层面保证基础地理信息能够安全地、有效地共享,满足从社会公众、企业及政府等各类用户的应用需要。现代社会中各类地图编制业务的开展,离不开数据库驱动快速制图系统的支撑,建立图库一体化的山东地理信息平台已成为当务之急。  相似文献   

根据水环境生态修复系统的特点和结构以及控制要求,结合传感技术、现场总线技术、PLC和组态技术等手段,设计一个新型的水环境生态修复中试平台的控制系统,实现对温度、湿度、风速、风向、ORP、光强、CO2、水位等参数的实时监测与控制。本文在介绍水环境生态修复实验平台控制系统硬件组成结构的基础上,重点叙述运用MCGS实现水环境生态修复监控管理系统相关问题。在实际的运行中,水环境生态修复中试平台运行平稳、操作方便,维护简单,并具有良好的人机交互界面。  相似文献   

有效的空间数据库存储结构是实现以集成型数据管理方式为基础的应用系统的关键问题之一.它将决定整个系统的功能和效率.按照为用户的数据视图建模、定义实体及其关系、选择地理表达方式、匹配到Geodatabase元素、组织Geodatabase结构和制定数据库存储方案等六个步骤对城市道路交通事故信息系统之空间数据库进行了规范化设计.设计所得的空间数据库接近于其逻辑数据模型.分析结果表明,该设计方法有利于优化实现城市道路交通事故信息系统的系统功能.  相似文献   

SYBASE数据库系统已在金融系统获得广泛应用,在数据库的使用中,数据的备份和恢复是系统管理员所要负责的一项主要工作,它对于保证业务系统的安全起着重要的作用,在日常的维护与管理中,保证数据库系统正常运行最主要的工作是:制定合理的备份计划并严格执行,以及定期对数据库进行一致性检测。本文主要介绍SYBASE数据库的备份。数据库磁盘镜像,以及在意外故障时,操作系统能正常运行情况下,如何恢复数据库。  相似文献   

This paper presents an architecture which combines artificial neural networks (ANNs) and an expert system (ES) into a hybrid, self-improving artificial intelligence (AI) system. The purpose of this project is to explore methods of combining multiple AI technologies into a hybrid intelligent diagnostic and advisory system. ANNs and ESs have different strengths and weaknesses, which can be exploited in such a way that they are complementary to each other: strengths in one system make up for weaknesses in the other, andvice versa. There is, presently, considerable interest in ways to exploit the strengths of these methodologies to produce an intelligent system which is more robust and flexible than one using either technology alone. Any process which involves both data-driven (bottom-up) and concept-driven (top-down) processing is especially well suited to displaying the capabilities of such a hybrid system. The system can take an incoming pattern of signals, as from various points in an automated manufacturing process, and make intelligent process control decisions on the basis of the pattern as preprocessed by the ANNs, with rule-based heuristic help or corroboration from the ES. Patterns of data from the environment which can be classified by either the ES or a human consultant can result in a high-level ANN being created and trained to recognize that pattern on future occurrences. In subsequent cases in which the ANN and the ES fail to agree on a decision concerning the environmental situation, the system can resolve those differences and retrain the networks and/or modify the models of the environment stored in the ES. Work on a hybrid system for perception in machine vision has been funded initially by an Oak Ridge National Laboratory seed grant, and most of the system components are operating presently in a parallel distributed computer environment.  相似文献   

IRS-LISS-II data along with other data sets have been utilized to extract information on the hydrogeomorphic features of a hard rock terrain in the Sironj area of Vidisha district of Madhya Pradesh, India. The study exhibits reservoir induced artificial groundwater recharge downstream of surface water reservoirs. IRS-LISS-II data have been supported by information derived from DEM, drainage and groundwater data analysed in a GIS framework. The present study attempts to select suitable sites for groundwater recharge in a hard rock area through recharge basins or reservoirs, using an integrated approach of remote sensing and GIS. Criteria for GIS analysis have been defined on the basis of groundwater conditions in the area and appropriate weightage has been assigned to each information layer according to its relative contribution towards the desired output. The integrated study helps in designing a suitable groundwater management plan for a hard rock terrain.  相似文献   

针对我国河湖生态安全保障面临严峻形势,现有生态流量监测系统存在覆盖河湖范围有限、预报不及时等问题,为进一步加强河湖生态流量管理,基于水利部国家水资源监控管理信息平台,依托其水资源数据库、水文实时雨水情数据库、水利部一张图服务及管理信息等数据,设计和研发全国重点河湖控制断面生态流量监测预警系统。生态流量监测预警系统包括生态流量断面的基础信息、实时监测数据、指标值及阈值告警的综合展示,以及生态流量达标情况判别等功能。目前,生态流量监测预警系统已接入全国重点河湖104个控制断面,断面生态流量满足程度达到96.2%;龙川监测断面分析结果显示,自 2021 年 1 月以来该断面生态流量满足情况差于 2020 年同期,与取用水量增加及天然来水减少存在一定联系,可为保障重点河湖控制断面生态流量提供有力信息支撑。  相似文献   

With the advancements in technology, robots have gradually replaced humans in different aspects. Allowing robots to handle multiple situations simultaneously and perform different actions depending on the situation has since become a critical topic. Currently, training a robot to perform a designated action is considered an easy task. However, when a robot is required to perform actions in different environments, both resetting and retraining are required, which are time-consuming and inefficient. Therefore, allowing robots to autonomously identify their environment can significantly reduce the time consumed. How to employ machine learning algorithms to achieve autonomous robot learning has formed a research trend in current studies. In this study, to solve the aforementioned problem, a proximal policy optimization algorithm was used to allow a robot to conduct self-training and select an optimal gait pattern to reach its destination successfully. Multiple basic gait patterns were selected, and information-maximizing generative adversarial nets were used to generate gait patterns and allow the robot to choose from numerous gait patterns while walking. The experimental results indicated that, after self-learning, the robot successfully made different choices depending on the situation, verifying this approach’s feasibility.  相似文献   

Knowledge and Information Systems - Knowledge-based systems developed based on Dempster–Shafer theory and prospect theory enhances decision-making under uncertainty. But at times, the...  相似文献   

This paper describes a computer-based course administration system that facilitates the preparation of high quality, multiple-choice examinations while releasing instructional resources for activities such as individual counselling which are deemed more helpful to students. The key feature of the system is a database of questions which is used to automatically generate exams based on specified parameters, such as subject coverage and degree of difficulty. Item analysis statistics, stored with the questions, are used to periodically upgrade question quality. Facilities are also included for automatically marking the exams and for all of the routine record keeping and processing tasks associated with teaching a course with high enrollments. The system permits deployment of limited teaching resources in ways that are more helpful to students and proposes a more reliable and consistent means of measuring student achievement. It was developed with resources normally found in College and University computing centers.  相似文献   

We have designed and implemented a human brain multi-modality database system with content-based image management, navigation and retrieval support for epilepsy. The system consists of several modules including a database backbone, brain structure identification and localization, segmentation, registration, visual feature extraction, clustering/classification and query modules. Our newly developed anatomical landmark localization and brain structure identification method facilitates navigation through an image data and extracts useful information for segmentation, registration and query modules. The database stores T1-, T2-weighted and FLAIR MRI and ictal/interictal SPECT modalities with associated clinical data. We confine the visual feature extractors within anatomical structures to support semantically rich content-based procedures. The proposed system serves as a research tool to evaluate a vast number of hypotheses regarding the condition such as resection of the hippocampus with a relatively small volume and high average signal intensity on FLAIR. Once the database is populated, using data mining tools, partially invisible correlations between different modalities of data, modeled in database schema, can be discovered. The design and implementation aspects of the proposed system are the main focus of this paper.  相似文献   

类人足球机器人决策系统的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
类人机器人足球比赛是机器人足球比赛的最高赛事.类人足球机器人的决策系统是基于独立视觉的自主决策系统,很大程度上决定着比赛的胜败.介绍了自主研发的类人足球机器人决策系统的架构及实现方法,并在此基础上运用有限状态机理论,对单个机器人的自主进攻策略进行了详细分析和研究,真实环境中的实验及比赛结果证明了其有效性.该决策系统的设计及研究工作对基于自主决策的多智能体协作以及服务性机器人决策系统的研究都具有重要的价值.  相似文献   

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