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Aimy — an Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR), capable of moving in an unknown environment filled with obstacles, has been developed. To avoid collision with unexpected obstacles, an Infrared Detector System (IDS) for providing multiple reading data was designed and implemented. A navigation/obstacle avoidance strategy for a mobile robot, which is based on the use of infrared detector data only, is discussed. Experiment results are also presented which exhibit the power of the developed algorithm and Infrared Detector System.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a new method for combination of supervised learning and reinforcement learning (RL). Applying supervised learning in robot navigation encounters serious challenges such as inconsistent and noisy data, difficulty for gathering training data, and high error in training data. RL capabilities such as training only by one evaluation scalar signal, and high degree of exploration have encouraged researchers to use RL in robot navigation problem. However, RL algorithms are time consuming as well as suffer from high failure rate in the training phase. Here, we propose Supervised Fuzzy Sarsa Learning (SFSL) as a novel idea for utilizing advantages of both supervised and reinforcement learning algorithms. A zero order Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy controller with some candidate actions for each rule is considered as the main module of robot's controller. The aim of training is to find the best action for each fuzzy rule. In the first step, a human supervisor drives an E-puck robot within the environment and the training data are gathered. In the second step as a hard tuning, the training data are used for initializing the value (worth) of each candidate action in the fuzzy rules. Afterwards, the fuzzy Sarsa learning module, as a critic-only based fuzzy reinforcement learner, fine tunes the parameters of conclusion parts of the fuzzy controller online. The proposed algorithm is used for driving E-puck robot in the environment with obstacles. The experiment results show that the proposed approach decreases the learning time and the number of failures; also it improves the quality of the robot's motion in the testing environments.  相似文献   

This paper describes a mobile robot equipped with a real time sound localization system as well as a sonar system for obstacle detection. The sound localization method is based on a model of the precedence effect of the human auditory system to cope with echoes and reverberations. Sound localization and robot navigation experiments were conducted. The results show that the robot is capable of localizing sounding objects in a reverberant environment and approaching the objects without collisions, even when the objects were behind obstacles. Environment flexibility and error robustness of the system were discussed as well.  相似文献   

纯粹的反应式导航算法在复杂未知环境下易陷入局部极小,为此提出一种基于局部子目标和禁忌搜索的自主导航算法.以当前可视区域内障碍物的关键角点为搜索邻域,利用禁忌搜索算法执行优化操作生成当前子目标,进而采用反应式导航算法对其进行跟踪,最终通过子目标的动态切换引导机器人驶达目标位置.算法可有效克服局部极小,显著提高机器人在复杂环境下的自主性.理论分析和仿真实验验证了算法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

强化学习在移动机器人自主导航中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
概述了移动机器人常用的自主导航算法及其优缺点,在此基础上提出了强化学习方法。描述了强化学习算法的原理,并实现了用神经网络解决泛化问题。设计了基于障碍物探测传感器信息的机器人自主导航强化学习方法,给出了学习算法中各要素的数学模型。经仿真验证,算法正确有效,具有良好的收敛性和泛化能力。  相似文献   

This paper describes how low-cost embedded controllers for robot navigation can be obtained by using a small number of if-then rules (exploiting the connection in cascade of rule bases) that apply Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy inference method and employ fuzzy sets represented by normalized triangular functions. The rules comprise heuristic and fuzzy knowledge together with numerical data obtained from a geometric analysis of the control problem that considers the kinematic and dynamic constraints of the robot. Numerical data allow tuning the fuzzy symbols used in the rules to optimize the controller performance. From the implementation point of view, very few computational and memory resources are required: standard logical, addition, and multiplication operations and a few data that can be represented by integer values. This is illustrated with the design of a controller for the safe navigation of an autonomous car-like robot among possible obstacles toward a goal configuration. Implementation results of an FPGA embedded system based on a general-purpose soft processor confirm that percentage reduction in clock cycles is drastic thanks to applying the proposed neuro-fuzzy techniques. Simulation and experimental results obtained with the robot confirm the efficiency of the controller designed. Design methodology has been supported by the CAD tools of the environment Xfuzzy 3 and by the Embedded System Tools from Xilinx.  相似文献   

移动机器人在运动范围内需要有足够的传感器信息可供利用来进行自主导航,在完全未知的环境中,由机器人依靠其自身携带的传感器所提供的信息建立环境模型是机器人进行自主定位和导航的前提之一。介绍了激光测距在移动机器人自主导航中的应用研究;通过二维测距传感器对其周围环境进行扫描,提出了自主导航中地图创建、定位如何用二维扫描获得三维数据流的算法描述,并实验验证该算法的运用使机器人获得一个很好的三维视觉结构图。  相似文献   

基于FPGAs的智能机器人导航系统   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
现场可编程门阵列(FPGAs)是超大规模可编程专用集成电路,进化算法是能够在线自适应的硬件,它包括进化系统、遗传算法和遗传编程,算法从生物学上求解待定问题的计算方法得到灵感。给出一种基于FPGAs的新的进化算法,算法中的种群由联想种群和改进种群两个子种群组成且可动态地可重配置,对改进种群中的每个染色体都使用复制、变异和选择操作,不对联想种群而只对改进种群进行变异操作,算法成功地导航机器人在复杂变化的环境中实现避碰。  相似文献   

This paper proposes aDistributed Vision System (DVS), which is an intelligent infrastructure for mobile robots consisting of manyvision agents (VAs) embedded in an environment. The system monitors the environment from various viewing points with the VAs, maintains the dynamic environment models, and provides various information to robots. Based on this concept, we have developed a prototype of the DVS which consists of sixteen vision agents and simultaneously navigates two robots in a model town.  相似文献   

Increasing reliance on automation and robotization presents great opportunities to improve the management of construction sites as well as existing buildings. Crucial in the use of robots in a built environment is their capacity to locate themselves and navigate as autonomously as possible. Robots often rely on planar and 3D laser scanners for that purpose, and building information models (BIM) are seldom used, for a number of reasons, namely their unreliability, unavailability, and mismatch with localization algorithms used in robots. However, while BIM models are becoming increasingly reliable and more commonly available in more standard data formats (JSON, XML, RDF), they become more promising and reliable resources for localization and indoor navigation, in particular in the more static types of existing infrastructure (existing buildings). In this article, we specifically investigate to what extent and how such building data can be used for such robot navigation. Data flows are built from BIM model to local repository and further to the robot, making use of graph data models (RDF) and JSON data formats. The local repository can hereby be considered to be a digital twin of the real-world building. Navigation on the basis of a BIM model is tested in a real world environment (university building) using a standard robot navigation technology stack. We conclude that it is possible to rely on BIM data and we outline different data flows from BIM model to digital twin and to robot. Future work can focus on (1) making building data models more reliable and standard (modelling guidelines and robot world model), (2) improving the ways in which building features in the digital building model can be recognized in 3D point clouds observed by the robots, and (3) investigating possibilities to update the BIM model based on robot feedback.  相似文献   

Sending mobile robots to accomplish planet exploration missions is scientifically promising and technologically challenging. We present in this paper a complete approach that encompasses the major aspects involved in the design of a robotic system for planetary exploration. It includes mission teleprogramming and supervision at a ground station, and autonomous mission execution by the remote mobile robot. We have partially implemented and validated these concepts. Experimental results illustrate the approach and the results.  相似文献   

Reinforcement based mobile robot navigation in dynamic environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a new approach is developed for solving the problem of mobile robot path planning in an unknown dynamic environment based on Q-learning. Q-learning algorithms have been used widely for solving real world problems, especially in robotics since it has been proved to give reliable and efficient solutions due to its simple and well developed theory. However, most of the researchers who tried to use Q-learning for solving the mobile robot navigation problem dealt with static environments; they avoided using it for dynamic environments because it is a more complex problem that has infinite number of states. This great number of states makes the training for the intelligent agent very difficult. In this paper, the Q-learning algorithm was applied for solving the mobile robot navigation in dynamic environment problem by limiting the number of states based on a new definition for the states space. This has the effect of reducing the size of the Q-table and hence, increasing the speed of the navigation algorithm. The conducted experimental simulation scenarios indicate the strength of the new proposed approach for mobile robot navigation in dynamic environment. The results show that the new approach has a high Hit rate and that the robot succeeded to reach its target in a collision free path in most cases which is the most desirable feature in any navigation algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new hierarchical formulation of POMDPs for autonomous robot navigation that can be solved in real-time, and is memory efficient. It will be referred to in this paper as the Robot Navigation–Hierarchical POMDP (RN-HPOMDP). The RN-HPOMDP is utilized as a unified framework for autonomous robot navigation in dynamic environments. As such, it is used for localization, planning and local obstacle avoidance. Hence, the RN-HPOMDP decides at each time step the actions the robot should execute, without the intervention of any other external module for obstacle avoidance or localization. Our approach employs state space and action space hierarchy, and can effectively model large environments at a fine resolution. Finally, the notion of the reference POMDP is introduced. The latter holds all the information regarding motion and sensor uncertainty, which makes the proposed hierarchical structure memory efficient and enables fast learning. The RN-HPOMDP has been experimentally validated in real dynamic environments.  相似文献   

Deploying autonomous robot teams instead of humans in hazardous search and rescue missions could provide immeasurable benefits. In such operations, rescue workers often face environments where information about the physical conditions is impossible to obtain, which not only hampers the efficiency and effectiveness of the effort, but also places the rescuers in life-threatening situations. These types of risk promote the potential for using robot search teams in place of humans. This article presents the design and implementation of controllers to provide robots with appropriate behavior. The effective utilization of genetic algorithms to evolve controllers for teams of homogeneous autonomous robots for area coverage in search and rescue missions is described, along with a presentation of a robotic simulation program which was designed and developed. The main objective of this study was to contribute to efforts which attempt to implement real-world robotic solutions for search and rescue missions.  相似文献   

Most state-of-the-art navigation systems for autonomous service robots decompose navigation into global navigation planning and local reactive navigation. While the methods for navigation planning and local navigation themselves are well understood, the plan execution problem, the problem of how to generate and parameterize local navigation tasks from a given navigation plan is largely unsolved.

This paper describes how a robot can autonomously learn to execute navigation plans. We formalize the problem as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) and derive a decision theoretic action selection function from it. The action selection function employs models of the robot’s navigation actions, which are autonomously acquired from experience using neural networks or regression tree learning algorithms. We show, both in simulation and on an RWI B21 mobile robot, that the learned models together with the derived action selection function achieve competent navigation behavior.  相似文献   

A nonholonomic under-actuated robot with bounded control travels in a 3D region. A single sensor provides the value of an unknown scalar field at the current location of the robot. We present a new kinematic control paradigm to drive the robot to the maximizer of the field, which is different from conventionally trying to align the velocity vector with the field gradient. The proposed strategy does not employ gradient estimation and is non-demanding with respect to both computation and motion. Its mathematically rigorous analysis and justification are provided. Simulation results confirm the applicability and performance of the proposed guidance approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop an algorithm for navigating a mobile robot using the visual potential. The visual potential is computed from an image sequence and optical flow computed from successive images captured by a camera mounted on the robot, that is, the visual potential for navigation is computed from appearances of the workspace observed as an image sequence. The direction to the destination is provided at the initial position of the robot. The robot dynamically selects a local pathway to the destination without collision with obstacles and without any knowledge of the robot workspace. Furthermore, the guidance algorithm to destination allows the mobile robot to return from the destination to the initial position. We present the experimental results of navigation and homing in synthetic and real environments.  相似文献   

针对农田、野外环境中无人工标记情况下的导航问题,提出了一种基于虚拟导航线的农业机器人精确视觉导航方法。该方法不需要铺设导航线或者路标即可引导机器人行走直线。首先,根据需求确定需要跟踪的目标区域,之后控制机器人调整方向直到目标移至视野中央;其次,根据机器人和目标的位置确定参照目标,并依据两个目标的位置确定虚拟导航线;然后,动态更新导航线,并结合虚拟定标线和虚拟导航线确定偏移角度和偏移距离;最后,利用偏移参数构建模糊控制表,并以此实现对机器人旋转角度和行走速度的调整。实验结果表明,该算法能较为精确地实现对导航路线的识别,进而利用模糊控制策略使机器人沿直线向目标行走,且导航精度在10 cm以内。  相似文献   

Learning to select distinctive landmarks for mobile robot navigation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In landmark-based navigation systems for mobile robots, sensory perceptions (e.g., laser or sonar scans) are used to identify the robot’s current location or to construct internal representations, maps, of the robot’s environment. Being based on an external frame of reference (which is not subject to incorrigible drift errors such as those occurring in odometry-based systems), landmark-based robot navigation systems are now widely used in mobile robot applications.The problem that has attracted most attention to date in landmark-based navigation research is the question of how to deal with perceptual aliasing, i.e., perceptual ambiguities. In contrast, what constitutes a good landmark, or how to select landmarks for mapping, is still an open research topic. The usual method of landmark selection is to map perceptions at regular intervals, which has the drawback of being inefficient and possibly missing ‘good’ landmarks that lie between sampling points.In this paper, we present an automatic landmark selection algorithm that allows a mobile robot to select conspicuous landmarks from a continuous stream of sensory perceptions, without any pre-installed knowledge or human intervention during the selection process. This algorithm can be used to make mapping mechanisms more efficient and reliable. Experimental results obtained with two different mobile robots in a range of environments are presented and analysed.  相似文献   

非合作航天器自主相对导航研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
非合作航天器自主相对导航作为与非合作航天器实现空间交会对接过程中的关键技术,是在轨服务技术的重点发展方向之一,其研究具有重要的理论价值与工程意义.针对在轨服务任务对于自主相对精确导航的需求,本文对发展非合作航天器自主相对导航技术的必要性进行了阐述.首先总结了非合作航天器自主相对导航技术的内涵与研究现状;随后分析梳理了非合作航天器自主相对导航过程涉及到的光学敏感器、位姿测量、导航滤波器以及地面实验等关键技术.最后根据研究现状和关键技术的分析指出了非合作航天器自主相对导航目前存在的主要问题并给出后续发展的建议.  相似文献   

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