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In field environments it is not usually possible to provide robots in advance with valid geometric models of its task and environment. The robot or robot teams need to create these models by scanning the environment with its sensors. Here, an information-based iterative algorithm to plan the robot's visual exploration strategy is proposed to enable it to most efficiently build 3D models of its environment and task. The method assumes mobile robot (or vehicle) with vision sensors mounted at a manipulator end-effector (eye-in-hand system). This algorithm efficiently repositions the systems' sensing agents using an information theoretic approach and fuses sensory information using physical models to yield a geometrically consistent environment map. This is achieved by utilizing a metric derived from Shannon's information theory to determine optimal sensing poses for the agent(s) mapping a highly unstructured environment. This map is then distributed among the agents using an information-based relevant data reduction scheme. This method is particularly well suited to unstructured environments, where sensor uncertainty is significant. Issues addressed include model-based multiple sensor data fusion, and uncertainty and vehicle suspension motion compensation. Simulation results show the effectiveness of this algorithm.  相似文献   

An integrated library information system is a resource planning system for a library, used to track resources owned, bills paid, orders made, and patrons who have borrowed. In our research, we focused on university library information systems (ULISs). We identified an important research question regarding their main limitation in offering intelligent help to the students in their documentation/learning. We identified the importance of the endowment of ULISs with artificial intelligence. In this article, we analyzed different aspects related to the presence of computational intelligence in ULISs and intelligence of ULISs. Finally, we proposed a complex next generation ULIS based on a hybrid cooperative learning, being able to offer an intelligent help for personalized learning of students. We defined some novel paradigms in the context of a novel kind of cooperative hybrid personalized learning, such as learning role and sub-role; and learning intelligence level.  相似文献   

实时全局地图构建是实现移动机器人智能化的关键;研究了一种基于全向视觉的移动机器人全局地图的实时构建方法.首先介绍了全向视觉的体系结构,然后对图像处理软件的相关模块,包括基于颜色的阈值分割、区域连通、特征提取和目标识别等进行了说明,最后通过坐标的转换实现全局地图的构建;实验结果表明,由于充分利用了全向视觉的特性,构建的全局地图准确性高、实时性好,完全能够满足移动机器人对环境建模的需要.  相似文献   

基于信息理论的合作聚类算法研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
传统的聚类算法是针对一个独立数据集的学习分类算法,如FCM(Fuzzy-C-Means)聚类算法.在现实生活中,一个数据集独立于其它数据集,而往往通过与别的数据集交换信息与之相互合作.因此在聚类过程中,需要考虑来自其它数据集的影响,从而得到更能反映现实的数据结构.该文提出了一种基于信息理论的信息增益方法来建模并定量分析多个数据集间的合作关系,在此基础上,导出了相应的新合作聚类算法CCA(Cooperative C1ustering Algorithm).理论分析表明该算法最终收敛,实验结果也进一步表明了该合作聚类算法的可行性与有效性.  相似文献   

Robot Awareness in Cooperative Mobile Robot Learning   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Most of the straight-forward learning approaches in cooperative robotics imply for each learning robot a state space growth exponential in the number of team members. To remedy the exponentially large state space, we propose to investigate a less demanding cooperation mechanism—i.e., various levels of awareness—instead of communication. We define awareness as the perception of other robots locations and actions. We recognize four different levels (or degrees) of awareness which imply different amounts of additional information and therefore have different impacts on the search space size ((0), (1), (N), o(N),1 where N is the number of robots in the team). There are trivial arguments in favor of avoiding binding the increase of the search space size to the number of team members. We advocate that, by studying the maximum number of neighbor robots in the application context, it is possible to tune the parameters associated with a (1) increase of the search space size and allow good learning performance. We use the cooperative multi-robot observation of multiple moving targets (CMOMMT) application to illustrate our method. We verify that awareness allows cooperation, that cooperation shows better performance than a purely collective behavior and that learned cooperation shows better results than learned collective behavior.  相似文献   

随着雷达系统在通道数量、带宽和分辨率上的不断提升,对于数据处理能力和处理速度提出更高的要求。在一些特定的应用场合,体积、功耗等也是数据处理机设计时需要考虑的重要因素。单纯依靠数字技术的雷达信号处理模式已经或者即将暴露出在运算能力、运算速度和功耗等方面的局限性。本文立足于新型信息处理理论和方法的研究,提出了光电协同信息处理技术。该技术将光学复杂运算与电子学逻辑控制相结合,利用空间光学信息处理完成高密度、海量数据的算术运算,利用电子学处理完成传输控制、逻辑运算等操作。光电协同处理具有高速并行的处理特点,而且处理主要依靠光学无源器件,功耗极低。最后给出了光电协同信息处理技术在合成孔径雷达成像处理和阵列雷达波束形成处理上应用的实例。  相似文献   

Wyeth  Gordon 《Machine Learning》1998,31(1-3):201-222
This paper presents the design, implementation and evaluation of a trainable vision guided mobile robot. The robot, CORGI, has a CCD camera as its only sensor which it is trained to use for a variety of tasks. The techniques used for train ing and the choice of natural light vision as the primary sensor makes the methodology immediately applicable to tasks such as trash collection or fruit picking. For example, the robot is readily trained to perform a ball finding task which involves avoiding obstacles and aligning with tennis balls. The robot is able to move at speeds up to 0.8 ms-1 while performing this task, and has never had a collision in the trained environment. It can process video and update the actuators at 11 Hz using a single $20 microprocessor to perform all computation. Further results are shown to evaluate the system for generalization across unseen domains, fault tolerance and dynamic environments.  相似文献   

This paper presents the design, implementation and evaluation of a trainable vision guided mobile robot. The robot, CORGI, has a CCD camera as its only sensor which it is trained to use for a variety of tasks. The techniques used for training and the choice of natural light vision as the primary sensor makes the methodology immediately applicable to tasks such as trash collection or fruit picking. For example, the robot is readily trained to perform a ball finding task which involves avoiding obstacles and aligning with tennis balls. The robot is able to move at speeds up to 0.8 ms-1 while performing this task, and has never had a collision in the trained environment. It can process video and update the actuators at 11 Hz using a single $20 microprocessor to perform all computation. Further results are shown to evaluate the system for generalization across unseen domains, fault tolerance and dynamic environments.  相似文献   

Based on ultrasonic sensory information, an approach is proposed for localization of autonomous mobile robot (AMRs). In the proposed method, it will be proven that the combination of three ultrasonic transmitters and two receivers can determine both the position and the orientation of an AMR with respect to a reference frame uniquely. In this manner, since only ultrasonic sensors are used, the proposed method will be highly cost-effective and easy to implement. To show the validity and feasibility of the proposed method, the hardware configuration and a series of experiments will be given for illustration.  相似文献   

我们初步构建了以学生为主体、以教师为主导、以学生自主探究为主线的基于网络环境下的初中数学自主探究式教学模式":创设情境——提出问题——自主探索——网上协作——网上测试—发现问题--解决问题(教师释疑)--课堂小结"。本项实验研究旨在探索出既适合初中学生身心发展又具时代特征的、将现代信息技术与初中数学课程加以整合的新型初中数学课堂教学模式,以更好地培养学生的数学创新意识、创新精神、创新能力和解决实际问题的能力。  相似文献   

王魁生  屈展  方明 《计算机工程》2004,30(4):38-39,85
多媒体实时交互环境是建立实时协同设计系统的重要手段之一,这种环境将使普通多媒体会议系统原本存在的网络带宽资源占用量大的问题表现得尤其突出,提出了一种将本地多播与远程定向传输相结合的混合式的多媒体信息处理与传输方法,使实时协同设计系统中多媒体数据的网络带宽占有量明显下降。  相似文献   

测绘机器人是实现测绘自动化的执行设备,测绘机器人的工作空间更为复杂,给机器人的跟踪控制工作带来较大挑战。为提高测绘机器人跟踪控制效果,设计了基于遥感GIS信息融合的测绘机器人滑动模跟踪控制系统。加设遥感信息采集器和GIS信息采集器,改装遥感GIS信息处理器以及滑动模跟踪控制器,完成硬件系统的优化设计。考虑信息结构以及信息之间的逻辑关系,构建系统数据库,为遥感GIS信息提供充足的存储空间。根据测绘任务生成机器人滑动模移动轨迹,作为机器人的控制目标。采集测绘机器人实时遥感与GIS信息,利用遥感GIS信息融合技术跟踪机器人实时位姿,比对位姿跟踪结果与生成的控制目标,计算滑动模跟踪控制量,完成系统的测绘机器人滑动模跟踪控制软件功能优化。系统测试结果表明:设计系统的控制误差平均值为1.9 m,抖振幅值为0.8 dB,具有较好的控制效果。  相似文献   

非结构化数据在信息总量中所占的比例远大于结构化数据,是油气信息管理过程中的宝贵数据资产,如何对这些非结构化数据有效管理和应用是新型油气信息管理系统建设的重要内容之一。为了实现对油气信息资源中包括非结构化数据在内的综合数据高效管理与集成应用,从应用元数据技术角度,一方面对非结构化数据进行定义和详细描述,另一方面以数据库元数据为核心对系统框架进行构建,从而设计了一种新型的油气信息管理系统。系统实现了油气信息综合数据的存储与管理,而且可以对异构数据源进行有效集成应用,有良好的灵活性和扩展性。  相似文献   

卢爱红 《工矿自动化》2011,37(10):118-120
分析了信息平台对煤炭物流企业核心竞争力的影响,提出了一种包括内部管理信息系统和外部信息协同平台的煤炭物流企业协同信息平台体系,探讨了煤炭物流企业建立协同信息平台应注意的问题,并指出可以采取分步实施的方式建立协同信息平台,即首先建立内部管理信息系统,然后建立对外的信息门户,最后再进行一体化的供应链管理,从而实现完整的协同信息平台。  相似文献   

A novel planning strategy, parametric planning, is proposed to negotiate the task-oriented object manipulation of multiple coordinated robots. The approach provides an advantage to improve flexibility of robotic cooperation, in which the desired trajectories in Cartesian space derived from task requirements are converted into the trajectories of robots in joint space for a fixed-coordinated multi-robot system. For this purpose, a parametric cooperative index matrix is introduced to handle the relationship of the input desired Cartesian trajectories and the position of robots. A case study of 2-dimension object-motion trajectory tracking using four robots is presented in the end. It proved that the proposed approach effectively delivers trajectory task requirements to the joint trajectories of robots.  相似文献   

营销信息系统是支持企业营销管理和决策的基本工具。本文简要讨论了营销信息系统的概念和发展,认为营销信息系统在本质上是协作处理系统,在对agent属性分析的基础上,提出了协作营销信息系统的结构。  相似文献   

我们的认知思维和概念系统建立在隐喻之上.隐喻理解的实现,是自然语言处理任务中关键的一环.为了让理解过程更好地切合隐喻的工作机制,基于隐喻的互动理论,提出了合作网模型,将隐喻理解的过程部署为一个网状结构,实现汉语句子隐喻的理解计算.相比于其他模型,合作网模型体现了目标域和源域之间"求同存异"的语义关系,强调概念之间的双向...  相似文献   

协同装配信息集成建模及装配顺序规划研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了装配的参照元素、装配方式、装配关系,并总结出三大装配类型.针对协同装配活动的需求,提出包含设计技术决策和产品社会属性信息在内的广义装配建模思想;在引人装配结和装配链概念的基础上,构建了适合协同装配的装配信息模型.通过搜索模型,容易获得产品装配关系图,再经过界定装配导元属性,依据自定义修剪规则,形成具有装配层次和顺序属性的同心圆图,从而能够有效地获得可行的产品装配顺序.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a constraint-based model of cooperative agents for information systems dialogues, with an emphasis on how the agents detect and resolve situations in which the user's information needs have been over-constrained. The constraint-based model of the information agents integrates and extends the AI techniques of constraint satisfaction, solution synthesis and constraint hierarchy, providing an incremental computational mechanism for constructing and maintaining partial parallel solutions. Such a mechanism supports immediate detection of over-constrained situations. In addition, we explore using the knowledge in the solution synthesis network to support different relaxation strategies to support cooperative dialogue behaviors.  相似文献   

王柳婧  黎勇  王一川 《计算机工程》2010,36(23):40-43,46
在企业生产运作过程中会产生结构化数据和非结构化信息,针对非结构化信息的内容管理理论进行讨论,分析烟草企业在内容管理上的需求。根据烟草企业的特征,将信息流程设计为常规信息处理和信息预警流程。讨论系统框架,分为用户端层、中间应用层及数据存储层。对系统实现中采用的关键技术进行介绍。  相似文献   

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