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新型填料萃取塔轴向混合和传质性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
房诗宏  温晓明 《北京化工》1991,21(2):5-9,35

分散降液筛板塔传质性能   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
曹振恒  王彩琴  赵立功  孙军军 《化工学报》2015,66(10):4061-4066
在筛板塔的基础上,研发了一种新型板式塔--分散降液筛板塔,将传统筛板塔的弓形降液管改为均布于塔板筛孔间的多降液管结构,使整个塔板面成为均匀降液和受液的传质区,并新增淋降和喷溅传质区,在全塔空间内实现立体、连续的微分接触式气液传质过程,另外,塔板之间可以加装填料来强化传质,或装填催化剂以促进伴随化学反应的传质过程。以“氧气-空气-水”为体系,初步研究了分散降液筛板的传质性能及其影响因素,并与传统筛板进行比较,结果表明:分散降液筛板气液分布均匀,接触充分,在同等条件下传质效率比传统筛板提高了8.4%~9.7%。  相似文献   

聚合-分散脉冲筛板萃取塔两相流动特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A study on two-phase flow characteristics in a coalescence-dispersion pulsed-sieve-plate extraction column of 150mm in diameter was carried out with a working system of 30% tri-butyl-phosphate (TBP) (in kerosene)-nitric acid-water. The influence of operation conditions on the holdup of the dispersed phase was investigated. According to the analysis of the experimental data, there was a turning point on the curve of ln(Vs) versus ln(l-Φ) under certain pulse intensity. When the holdup is higher than the value at the turning point, the two-phase flow characteristics can be described with the modified Pratt's equation, otherwise a new relation in the form ofΦ=1/2.75uk(uc 4ud) may be used, which is proposed by this study.  相似文献   

研究了微分散轮盘塔萃取磷酸的传质规律,考察了转速、相比、停留时间对萃取率的影响,并根据质量守恒,建立了微分散轮盘塔的传质模型并与实验结果进行对比。结果表明,萃取率随转速、相比和停留时间的增加呈上升趋势,其中转速、相比对萃取率的影响较为明显。模型的计算结果与实验结果基本吻合,误差在20%以内。  相似文献   

脉冲筛板萃取塔是核工业等领域中最常用的萃取设备之一,为深入了解脉冲筛板萃取塔中两相流行为规律,使用CFD-PBM模型对脉冲筛板萃取塔中由有机相(30%TBP-正十二烷)、水相(HNO3水溶液)组成的体系进行两相流过程模拟分析,模拟结果与实验数据吻合较好,分散相存留分数和Sauter平均液滴直径的相对偏差仅为8.28%和5.54%;随脉冲速度增加,Sauter平均液滴直径减小,液滴直径分布更均匀,分散相存留分数增加,特性速度减小;两相表观速度对液滴直径影响较小,分散相表观流速增加有利于提高分散相存留分数,而连续相表观流速影响不大;发生液泛时分散相液泛表观速度随连续相液泛表观速度增大而减小,随脉冲速度增加液泛通量先增后减,存在极值。  相似文献   

通过示踪剂实验方法对38mm脉冲筛板萃取柱中连续相的轴向混合进行了研究。分别采用亚甲基蓝溶液和氯化钾溶液为示踪剂。实验过程中,首先采用"扰动-响应"技术实测了示踪剂的停留时间分布(RTD)曲线,然后依照轴向扩散模型(ADM)应用最小二乘法拟合求出连续相的轴向混合系数Ec,并分析了连续相表观流速、分散相表观流速、脉冲强度对于Ec的影响。实验结果表明,示踪剂浓度、径向取样位置和轴向取样位置对轴向混合系数Ec值的影响可以忽略,轴向混合系数Ec随着脉冲强度和两相表观流速的增加而增大。最后在本实验参数范围内,拟合出了连续相的轴向混合系数随操作参数变化的经验关系式,与实验结果对比,相对偏差在±20%以内。  相似文献   

The gas and dispersed phase holdups and mass transfer coefficients of liquid-iquid were determined for gas-liquid-liquid three phase system in a screen plate column. The flow pattern of gas-liquid-liquid three phase system was studied under different gas velocities. The shape factors showed the geometric properties of screen plates and the corrected drop chaxacteristic velocities were introduced. The phase holdup in two phases was correlated.The research results indicated that mass transfer coefficient for liquid-liquid system in a column with screen plates and gas agitation was found to increase apparently.  相似文献   

在内径25mm的连续逆流超临界流体萃取筛板塔中,对超临界二氧化碳/乙醇/水和二氧化碳/异丙醇/水2种体系的流体力学特性和传质性能进行了实验研究;对实验数据进行了分析处理,得到了描述超临界流体萃取筛板塔流动特性的关联式,应用柱塞流模型对超临界流体萃取筛板塔的传质性能进行了模拟计算.  相似文献   

依据溶剂萃取湿法磷酸的物性和脉冲筛板萃取塔的特性,设计脉冲筛板萃取塔,并进行盐酸法制取湿法磷酸的试验,得到萃取、洗涤、反萃3个过程的操作条件.在脉冲筛板萃取塔中,在萃取时相比为3:1,反应级为2~3,洗涤时相比为6:1,反萃时相比为3:1的条件下,所得磷酸及各项杂质含量指标均达到或优于老式萃取设备.试验表明,在初步间歇性试验中,用脉冲筛板萃取塔萃取磷酸,萃取效率高,操作简单,为进一步开发和完善新设备提供了基础数据.  相似文献   

A new configuration of coalescence-dispersed pulsed-sieve-plate extraction column (CDPSEC) was developed, and the mass transfer and axial mixing characteristics were evaluated with the two-point dynamic method. The influence of operation conditions was discussed with experimental results, showing that the mass transfer performance of CDPSEC mainly depends on the energy input and the holdup of dispersed phase. Higher energy input results in higher holdup of the dispersed phase, the axial mixing of the continuous phase is suppressed, and the true height of mass transfer unit decreases markedly. On the other hand, higher energy input leads to more serious forward mixing of the dispersed phase, so the energy input should be limited. Accordingly the operation conditions were divided into two regions, and empirical correlations for predicting the mass transfer and axial mixing characteristics in different regions with a satisfactory accuracy were suggested.  相似文献   

The annular pulsed disc-and-doughnut column (APDDC) is an important type of extraction equipment in the PUREX process, which has been used in several commercial reprocessing plants. As there are few mass transfer experimental results reported in the literature, the axial mixing and mass transfer performance of an APDDC was studied for both extraction and stripping processes in the present work. Two parameters in the axial dispersion model (ADM), namely, the axial dispersion coefficient of the continuous phase and the number of mass transfer units, were regressed by correlating ADM with experimental concentration profiles. The influence of flow rate and pulsation intensity on these parameters was also investigated. Models developed for the PDDC were tested for correlation with APDDC experimental data and suitable models and conditions were determined. The height of a mass transfer unit was also calculated, which highlights the impact of axial mixing on mass transfer performance. Moreover, the influence of internal wettability on mass transfer performance was discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of gas‐agitation and packing on hydrodynamics and mass transfer were investigated through experiments with air‐kerosene (benzoic acid)‐water system and corrugated‐packing of calendering plate with hole. The holdup of gas, holdup of dispersed liquid phase and mass transfer coefficient increase and the flooding velocity decrease with the increase in superficial gas velocity. Over‐agitation of gas causes over‐dispersion and emulsification of dispersed liquid phase, reduction of mass transfer performance and even flooding. The mass transfer performance of a packed column is far better than that of an unpacked column.  相似文献   

研究了填料塔中牛血清清蛋白在聚乙二醇-硫酸铵双水相系统中的传质特性,测定了分散相含率和传质系数,用修正的Handlols-Baron模型对实验数据进行关联,得到了相应的关联式,关联值与实验值相比,偏差小于5%。  相似文献   

鼓泡床反应器内流动与传质行为的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结了有关浆态鼓泡床反应器内流动、混合用气液传质特性的研究成果,详细地介绍了鼓泡床反应器内气含率、液速、液体轴向扩散系数、传质系数的测量方法,阐述了鼓泡床反应器性能的主要影响因素,如系统压力、温度、气体表观气速、液体性质及固含率等对流动、液相混合和传质特性的影响,并对鼓泡床反应器的应用前景进行了详述.  相似文献   

Overall dispersed side volumetric mare transfer coeffcieats for protein and amino acids were measured in continuous countercurreat PEG4000/KHP aqueous two-phase systems in a 57 mm I.D. packed extraction column. A model for overall dispersed side volumetric mass transfer coefficients was derived by describing the motion of the drops based upon Navier-Stokes equation combined with the relationship between mass transfer coefficients and the drop velocity. The model provides good predictions and can be successfully used in aqueous two-phase extraction. The awrage relative deviation between calculated values and experimental date ranges from 8% to 14%.  相似文献   

梯形波脉冲筛板萃取柱传质性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以UO_2(NO_3)_2—30%TBP(KO)为实验体系,进行了梯形波脉冲筛板柱传质性能的研究。实验中测量了两组分的两相稳态浓度剖面共13组,以扩散模型为基础,求得了梯形波脉冲柱的“真实”传质单元高度HTU_(ox),分散单元高度HDU及表观传质单元高度HTU_(oxp)。通过对实验结果进行分析,选择出了适于本实验体系的较好的操作条件。  相似文献   

色谱模型对研究色谱分离过程中的传质动力学具有重要的意义。根据物料守恒原理,结合传质扩散模型推导色谱分离连续方程。假设吸附过程相平衡是线性,连续性方程推导出理论板数与流速和色谱模型参数有关。在多组不同流速条件下测定色谱柱参数,计算得到两组分的传质系数和扩散系数。分别用测定模型参数模拟脉冲实验,结果表明拟合较好。  相似文献   

本文总结了有关浆态鼓泡床反应器气液传质特性的研究成果。详细地阐述了主要影响因素如系统压力、温度、气体表观气速、液体性质,固体浓度及其物性等对传质特性的影响,并对浆态鼓泡床传质模型进行了归纳介绍,最后对反应器未来的研究方向进行了预测。  相似文献   

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