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从旧金山的金矿到伦敦的哈克逊广场(Hoxton Square),Levi’s品牌都是一流的。现在看看Graeme Aymer是如何解析这一品牌的发展过程的.[编者按]  相似文献   

Let’s 读图     
在各种媒体狂轰乱炸的今天,生活节奏越来越快。现代人已经进入了这样一个时代:过多的文字已经让人厌倦,需要强烈的视觉图像不断刺激我们的眼球,激发我们的求知欲望并触动我们麻木的神经。——这就是读图时代。本期就为大家推荐几款读图应用。这是一场视觉的盛宴!  相似文献   

Ideas similar to Leonardo’s for lattice structures can found many later practical applications (Buckminster Fuller’s domes, the Zome geometry of Steve Baer from the Whole Earth days, the Tensegrity structures based on the sculpture of Kenneth Snelson, as well as the Catalan vaulting traditions of Gaudi and the Guastavinos.  相似文献   

Editor’s note     
正Along with the flourishing development of information science,the Internet has realized the interconnections among the ubiquitous entities in the cyber space.It brings the unceasing expansion of the interactive data,information,knowledge,and services.The frontier information science is expected to imitate the heuristic intelligence,including human cognition(e.g.attention,emotion,and wisdom)and natural attributes(e.g.,dynamics,and self-adaptability),to promote the evolution of the information techniques.Accordingly,Cybermatics(i.e.,cyberscienceand technology)emerges as an interdisciplinary involving three main aspects:the Internet of Things(IoT),cyber,physical and social computing,and green computing and communications.  相似文献   

Editor’s note     
正Because modern communication networks are expected to deliver increasingly high data rates at a decreasing cost per bit,the spectral efficiency of communication systems must be further improved to facilitate emerging ubiquitous services.Furthermore,because future communication networks will comprise a large  相似文献   

Editor’s note     
The rapid progress in information technology has provided huge opportunities to fully utilize all kinds of information resource.Materials,energy,and information are the three indispensable  相似文献   

Editor’s Note     
With the increasing impact of software systems on everyone’s daily work and life,it is becoming increasingly important that software engineers produce software systems with high confidence.In the past decade,many efforts have been devoted in research on technologies to achieve higher confidence in soft-  相似文献   

Purcell’s swimmer was proposed by E. M. Purcell to explain bacterial swimming motions. It has been proved experimentally that a swimmer of this kind is possible under inertial-less and high viscous environment. But we could not investigate all the aspects of this mechanism through experiments due to practical difficulties. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) provides complementary methods to experimental fluid dynamics. In particular, these methods offer the means of testing theoretical advances for conditions unavailable experimentally. Using such methodology, we have investigated the fluid dynamics of force production associated with the Purcell’s swimmer. By employing dynamic mesh and user-defined functions, we have computed the transient flow around the swimmer for various stroke angles. Our simulations capture the bidirectional swimming property successfully and are in agreement with existing theoretical and experimental results. To our knowledge, this is the first CFD study which shows the fact that swimming direction depends on stroke angle. We also prove that for small flapping frequencies, swimming direction can also be altered by changing frequency-showing breakdown of Stokes law with inertia.  相似文献   

Schlumberger Ltd’s third quarter financial results have shown up a greatly improved performance for its smart cards and terminals division, which was recently renamed Axalto in a bid to increase the visibility of its operations.Visit www.compseconline.com for the latest computer security industry news  相似文献   

对比是残酷的。一度被看作中 国国民经济象征的首钢,去年9月在上海股票交易所上市,股票价格在5元人民币左右,总市值111多个亿人民币,刚刚成立不久的china.com,去年7月在美国Nasdaq上市,股价85美元左右,总市值超过36亿美元,是首钢的3倍。首钢拥有10万员工,china.com有员工100多人;首钢是国家投巨资兴建的特大型企业,china.com所拥有资产中价值最高的是Chi-na. com、 hongkong. com、 taiwan. com等几个城名。比特的分量重过了钢铁。对比是残酷…  相似文献   

The neutralization of contrasts in form or meaning that is sometimes observed in language production and comprehension is at odds with the classical view that language is a systematic one-to-one pairing of forms and meanings. This special issue is concerned with patterns of forms and meanings in language. The papers in this special issue arose from a series of workshops that were organized to explore variants of bidirectional Optimality Theory and Game Theory as models of the interplay between the speaker’s and the hearer’s perspective.  相似文献   

The architecture of multilayer kernel clustering neuro-fuzzy system and algorithm of its self-learning are intended for the recovery of overlapped clusters in situations when the streams of observations are fed in the online mode is proposed. The designed system, based on the T. Kohonen’s self-organizing map, permits to recover linearly nonseparated data classes, processes information in an online mode, doesn’t suffer from the “curse of dimensionality” and is easy in implementation.  相似文献   

In Part B of this paper, planar collision theories, counterparts of the theory associated with Newton’s hypotheses described in Part A, are developed in connection with Poisson’s and Stronge’s hypotheses. First, expressions for the normal and tangential impulses, the normal and tangential velocities of separation, and the change of the system mechanical energy are written for five types of collision. These together with Routh’s semigraphical method and Coulomb’s coefficient of friction are used to show that the algebraic signs of the four parameters introduced in Part A span the same five cases of system configuration of Part A. For each, α determines the type of collision which once found allows the evaluation of the normal and tangential impulses and ultimately the changes in the motion variables. The analysis of the indicated cases shows that for Poisson’s hypothesis, a solution always exists which is unique, coherent and energy-consistent. The same applies to Stronge’s hypothesis, however, for a narrower range of application. It is thus concluded that Poisson’s hypothesis is superior as compared with Newton’s and Stronge’s hypotheses.  相似文献   

A serious security threat today are malicious executables, especially new, unseen malicious executables often arriving as email attachments. These new malicious executables are created at the rate of thousands every year1 and pose a serious threat. Current anti-virus systems attempt to detect these new malicious programs with heuristic generated by hand. This approach is costly and often ineffective. In this paper we introduce the Trojan Horse SubSeven, its capabilities and influence over intrusion detection systems. A Honey Pot program is implemented, simulating the SubSeven Server. The Honey Pot Program provides feedback and stores data to and from the SubSeven’s client.  相似文献   

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