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Electro-hydraulic impulse water-air mixing jet by which the quality of metal materials can be improved is described in this paper.The experimental results proved that the hardness and the micro-hardness of the surface layer of metal materials can be improved with this method,for example,the microhardness of CrWMn can be increased by 35.62 percent.  相似文献   

Significant compressive stress may be induced in thin plate weldment by anti-welding heating treatment(AWHT) with a temperature difference above 350 ℃ ,and an interesting phenomenon of ovbious residual stress reduction on non-treated surface was discovered.The method of AWHT has no great effect on the mechanical properties including hardness,strength and toughness of the metal material.The results in the paper prompt a possibility application in shipbuilding industry.  相似文献   

An experimental study was carried out on the strain cyclic characteristics and ratcheting of U71Mn rail steel subjected to non-proportional multiaxial cyclic loading.The strain cyclic characteristics were researached under the strain-controlled circular load path.The ratcheting was investigated for the stress-controlled multiaxial circular,elliptical and rhombic load paths with different mean stresses,stress amplitudes and their histories.The experiment shows that U71Mn rail steel features the cyclic non-hardening/softening, and its strain cyclic characteristics depend greatly on the strain amplitude but slightly on its history.However,the ratcheting of U71Mn rail steel depends greatly not only on the values of mean stress and stress amplitude,but also on their histories.In the meantime,the shape of load path and its history also apparently influence the ratcheting.The ratcheting changes with the different loading paths.  相似文献   

In order to characterize materials locally by means of the Rayleight wave analysis, a new modeling of acoustic microscopy in the case of an impulse excitation is presented. The usualV(z) representation established for a given frequency component, is extended to the case of a broadband excitation of the transducer. Therefore, the time-dependant acoustic response of the material,s(z,t), is mainly composed of two echoes: the specular and the Rayleigh contributions which are resolved in time. In the first part, we demonstrate that the acoustic response can be represented by the time convolution product between the acoustic signal detected at the focus on an ideal reflector, and a function depending onz andt variables. This last function is connected to the tranducer emission profile, which includes the diffraction effects, and the reflectance of the material. In the second part, the modeling is discussed with regard to experimental data on several materials and takes into account the attenuation phenomena. Experimental results and computations are shown to be in a good agreement.  相似文献   

针对传统的普通道面混凝土施工后经常出现裂缝的现象,分析了裂缝产生的原因,提出在普通道面混凝土中掺加粉煤灰、聚丙烯纤维的新型道面混凝土,采用平板法进行了抗裂性能对比试验。结果表明:在普通道面混凝土中单掺粉煤灰或聚丙烯纤维,都能提高混凝土的抗裂性,而粉煤灰和聚丙烯纤维双掺的新型道面混凝土更能有效防止裂缝的发生,显著延长道面使用寿命。  相似文献   

The present contribution focuses on the experimental investigation of moisture distribution profiles of a reinforced concrete bridge deck determined before, during and after adding a concrete overlay. By means of a non‐destructive system, the mass water content distributions were measured in the existing bridge deck as well as in the concrete overlay. Furthermore, the in situ measurements were accompanied by a comprehensive laboratory test programme. Water desorption isotherms and ultimate drying shrinkage strain were determined on specimens made of both the substrate and overlay concrete. Moreover, moisture distributions and shrinkage strains were measured on concrete prisms stored under uniform climatic conditions. Comparison of in situ measurements with lab test results allows a better understanding of the impact of environmental influences on the bonded overlay behaviour. Comparison of in situ measurements with previous lab test results allows the assessment of the effectivity of surface preparation by high‐pressure water jetting and, hence, the examination of the significance of results from composite lab tests for real bridge decks strengthened by overlays. A comparison of an experimental and numerical study of restraint effects exerted from the substrate concrete on the overlay will be presented in an accompanying paper.  相似文献   

为进一步提高在海洋浪溅区等严重氯盐腐蚀环境下混凝土结构的耐久性,采用以配筋超高性能混凝土(UHPC)用作免拆模板加素填芯混凝土的技术思路,通过轴压实验研究了配筋UHPC用作免拆模板对短柱轴压力学性能的影响。结果表明,与破坏时海工混凝土柱出现大量的混凝土剥落和钢筋裸露不同,UHPC免拆模板柱的整体性良好,表面的UHPC仅出现少量剥落且钢筋不外露。同时,在等截面和相同配筋的情况下,UHPC免拆模板方柱和圆柱的开裂荷载明显高于高强海工混凝土方柱和圆柱的极限荷载,且分别达到其自身极限荷载的93%和88%。考虑到混凝土对钢筋的有效保护是影响海工混凝土结构耐久性的重要因素,配筋UHPC用作免拆模板这一思路在提高柱体的极限承载力、延性、刚度的同时还可以提高结构的开裂荷载、抗裂性能,有效地提高结构耐久性,适用于沿海工程。其中圆柱的力学性能提高幅度要远高于方柱,从配筋UHPC免拆模板的使用效果和施工便利性考虑,优选UHPC免拆模板圆柱。  相似文献   

程俊  刘加平  刘建忠  张倩倩  张丽辉  林玮  韩方玉 《材料导报》2017,31(23):115-119, 131
为探索含粗骨料超高性能混凝土的各项力学性能,研究了粗骨料体积掺量(0kg/m~3、280kg/m~3、400kg/m~3、480kg/m~3、560kg/m~3)、纤维掺量(2%、2.5%)以及纤维形态(平直型、端钩型)对超高性能混凝土抗压强度、弹性模量以及四点弯曲强度的影响,并引入纤维取向系数和纤维有效长度,探索粗骨料掺量对弯曲强度影响的微观机理。结果表明,粗骨料体积掺量对含粗骨料超高性能混凝土抗压强度的影响不大(0.4%~4.5%);对弹性模量的提高效果显著,最高可提高7.8%;对抗弯强度具有不利影响,并且随着粗骨料掺量增大,纤维取向系数下降,纤维有效长度减小,负面影响扩大。当粗骨料体积掺量为560kg/m~3时,弯曲强度下降了21.2%。增加纤维掺量或者掺入端钩型纤维可提高弯曲强度,掺入端钩型钢纤维可显著增大纤维有效长度,从而大幅度提高弯曲强度。  相似文献   

采用脉冲测量法,通过在管道内生成波形良好的可控脉冲,实现切向流条件下的穿孔板声学性能宽频带测量。研究切向流对穿孔板声阻抗的影响特征。研究结果表明,在1 500 Hz以下频段,穿孔板的声阻率随流速增大,而在1 500~4 000 Hz频段,声阻率随流速减小;切向流条件下的共振峰向高频偏移,吸声频带加宽。  相似文献   

将活性炭颗粒作为减振剂,置入颗粒阻尼器与颗粒碰撞阻尼器中,通过试验研究这两类阻尼器对主振系统的减振性能,并将试验结果与多体碰撞阻尼器进行对比。结果表明,颗粒阻尼器的减振效果明显比多体碰撞阻尼器差;颗粒碰撞阻尼器虽然比多体碰撞阻尼器的减振效果稍差,但对抑制多体碰撞阻尼器的强非线性有着良好的效果,并且在一定的共振区域内,颗粒填充率对于颗粒碰撞阻尼器也存在一个最佳值。  相似文献   

三维编织复合材料在脉冲电子束辐射下的喷射冲量特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用微型红外通光传感技术和直接测量特定时间间隔系列的探头原理 ,在“闪光二号”脉冲电子束加速器上 ,进行了三维编织复合材料等的喷射冲量特性实验研究。实验结果表明 :在电子束能注量为 10 0~30 0J cm2 ,三维编织复合材料的喷射冲量耦合系数为 0 2 0~ 0 6 0Pa .s/ (J·cm- 2 ) ,大体上只有相同条件下的LY 12铝的 1/ 3左右。这说明三维编织复合材料具有良好的降低喷射冲量的性能  相似文献   

为研究硅酸盐渗透剂、纳米二氧化硅和硅酸乙酯三种表面处理物对混凝土性能的改善,对经处理后混凝土表面的摩擦性能、吸水率、耐磨性、抗氯离子渗透性和抗冻性进行测试分析。结果表明,硅酸乙酯是一种理想的表面处理材料,相对于未经处理的混凝土而言,处理后混凝土的7 d吸水量降低75%,耐磨度增大31.8%,且不会影响混凝土的表面摩擦性能;经硅酸乙酯处理后的混凝土在经历28次单面冻融循环后剥落物总量只有251 g/m2。硅酸盐渗透剂也能降低混凝土的渗透性,但需注意用量,避免在混凝土表面形成薄膜。纳米二氧化硅的增强作用相对有限,不适用于机场道面混凝土。  相似文献   

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