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<正>陶器是我国陶瓷工匠的一项伟大的发明。唐代陶的铜官窑瓷器装饰是继这一发明之后的又一创举。铜官窑的釉下彩绘装饰开创了我国瓷器由单色向多色装饰发展的道路。唐代以前,从商代中期始烧原始青瓷,迄于魏晋南北朝为我国原始青釉阶段。这阶段青瓷的装饰是以在胚体上堆贴,压纹、模制,镂雕为主的。两晋后  相似文献   

游越  高劲松  邵敏 《陶瓷学报》2021,(3):500-506
洪州窑是我国南方地区重要的青瓷窑口,在唐代被列入六大名窑.由于地处唐代洪州府区域,因此被称为"洪州窑".其烧制时间起始于东汉之时,至两晋时期,烧制工艺日臻成熟.隋唐时期品种丰富,产量较大,行销各地,工艺日精.洪州窑青瓷釉色莹润,如冰似玉.其造型典雅秀逸,装饰端庄雅韵,极具传统特色.富有时代创新的各类品种反映了洪州窑青瓷...  相似文献   

龙泉青瓷始于三国两晋,兴干北宋,盛于南宋,是宋代五大名窑之一.它以瓷质温润细腻、线条明快流畅、造型端庄浑朴,色泽纯洁斑斓著称于世.但是随着社会经济的发展,人们艺术审美水平的不断提升,龙泉青瓷逐渐暴露出了装饰手法单一,装饰图案陈旧等问题,无论是哥窑还是弟窑,其装饰手法有待进一步完善和发展.作者在多年的实践中,创新了一些技法,如哥弟结合等,用在青瓷作品的装饰上,成效显著,颇具特色.  相似文献   

青瓷,是史上最早的瓷器。最早青的青瓷在新石器时代就出现了,到了东汉时期,真正意义上的青瓷出现了,也宣告了人类由陶器向瓷器时代的过渡。鲁青瓷最早发源于北朝,534—550年是北朝时候,淄川寨里窑兴起,以烧造青釉瓷首开淄博瓷器先河,为北方最早青瓷产地。南北朝时期,制陶工匠们从技术上完成了由陶向瓷的历史飞越。隋唐五代,淄博又有新窑场兴起,"磁村窑"自唐代中期开始由烧制陶器转入生产黑釉瓷、青釉瓷及酱色瓷、茶叶末釉等产品,釉质晶莹滋润,色黑如漆。北宋至金,淄博窑厂数量增多,新品迭出,生产规模扩大,烧造地点之多、品种之丰、产量之大、均属空前。  相似文献   

浙江是我国瓷器的重要发源地和主要产区之一。自东汉至魏晋南北朝,瓷业迅速发展,逐步形成有着各自特点的越窑,瓯窑、婺州窑和德清窑等。隋唐五代,越窑青瓷盛极一时,瓯窑取得显著成就。至宋元时期,龙泉青瓷窑系名闻遐迩。  相似文献   

本文以窑址调查为依据,对宜兴唐宋时期青瓷生产的情况进行了全面的梳理,对各时期各窑址陶瓷器的规格、器型、胎釉、装饰、工艺等方面进行了详细的记述,同时对宜兴窑唐宋青瓷的基本特征和发展、衰亡等进行了初步的分析和探讨。  相似文献   

土东窑是南宋时期广西武思江上游区域烧造青白瓷的主要窑口之一,瓷片堆积中以青白瓷和青瓷最为常见.为厘清土东窑青瓷与青白瓷的内在联系与区别,进而探讨宋代土东窑的制瓷工艺,本文利用真空法、热膨胀法、EDXRF及多元统计分析的方法对以上两类样品进行测试和分析.结果 表明:土东窑青瓷吸水率较青白瓷低,胎质更细腻;青白瓷因胎中较高...  相似文献   

为进一步揭示杭州老虎洞窑宋代地层出土官窑青瓷的制釉技术特征和时代发展规律,本文对老虎洞窑宋代地层出土官窑青瓷标本的釉以及杭州当地草木灰、石灰石样品进行了锶同位素比值(87Sr/86Sr)、主次量元素和微量元素含量测定.结果 表明:1)老虎洞窑宋代地层出土官窑青瓷釉料为三元配方,即南宋时期老虎洞窑官窑青瓷釉料是以高硅质原...  相似文献   

青瓷艺术装饰技艺源流流长,青瓷艺术装饰讲究刻划技巧、装饰构图和线条的意趣.意在笔先,趣在法外.优秀的青瓷装饰艺术总与创作者巧妙的艺术构思、匠心独具的构图有关,与刻划装饰中的每一条细线密切相连.文章结合青瓷创作实践探索和相关理论学习,阐述了青瓷艺术装饰需要讲究的三个方面,对研究青瓷艺术和实践创作有良好的参考价值.  相似文献   

青瓷,因以纯粹的青绿色釉装饰而得名,是中国传统瓷器的一种。龙泉窑,始于晋代,盛于南宋,宋代六大窑系(定窑、钧窑、磁州窑、耀州窑、龙泉窑、景德镇窑)之一,拥有1600多年的制瓷史。龙泉窑借鉴越窑和瓯窑的制瓷技术,利用本土自然资源,探索并成功烧制了青瓷。龙泉青瓷无论从造型、釉色,还是装饰形式诸方面,都体现了追求简约美的艺术特点,不仅体现了自然古朴、含蓄内敛的审美意境,而且蕴藏了深刻的精神内韵。本文将从造型、装饰两个方面谈龙泉青瓷所追求的简约美。  相似文献   

What Is Life?     
Some standard ideas about the origin of life based on classical physics and chemistry are described. The subject of the quantum world and growing evidence for quantum biology is broached, and the apparently real Poised Realm, hovering reversibly between quantum and “classical” worlds, is discussed.  相似文献   

Tocopherols and tocotrienols are natural compounds of plant origin, available in the nature. They are supplied in various amounts in a diet, mainly from vegetable oils, some oilseeds, and nuts. The main forms in the diet are α- and γ-tocopherol, due to the highest content in food products. Nevertheless, α-tocopherol is the main form of vitamin E with the highest tissue concentration. The α- forms of both tocopherols and tocotrienols are considered as the most metabolically active. Currently, research results indicate also a greater antioxidant potential of tocotrienols than tocopherols. Moreover, the biological role of vitamin E metabolites have received increasing interest. The aim of this review is to update the knowledge of tocopherol and tocotrienol bioactivity, with a particular focus on their bioavailability, distribution, and metabolism determinants in humans. Almost one hundred years after the start of research on α-tocopherol, its biological properties are still under investigation. For several decades, researchers’ interest in the biological importance of other forms of vitamin E has also been growing. Some of the functions, for instance the antioxidant functions of α- and γ-tocopherols, have been confirmed in humans, while others, such as the relationship with metabolic disorders, are still under investigation. Some studies, which analyzed the biological role and mechanisms of tocopherols and tocotrienols over the past few years described new and even unexpected cellular and molecular properties that will be the subject of future research.  相似文献   

Adenoviruses are large (~950 Å) and complex non-enveloped, dsDNA icosahedral viruses. They have a pseudo-T = 25 triangulation number with at least 12 different proteins composing the virion. These include the major and minor capsid proteins, core proteins, maturation protease, terminal protein, and packaging machinery. Although adenoviruses have been studied for more than 60 years, deciphering their architecture has presented a challenge for structural biology techniques. An outstanding event was the first near-atomic resolution structure of human adenovirus type 5 (HAdV-C5), solved by cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) in 2010. Discovery of new adenovirus types, together with methodological advances in structural biology techniques, in particular cryo-EM, has lately produced a considerable amount of new, high-resolution data on the organization of adenoviruses belonging to different species. In spite of these advances, the organization of the non-icosahedral core is still a great unknown. Nevertheless, alternative techniques such as atomic force microscopy (AFM) are providing interesting glimpses on the role of the core proteins in genome condensation and virion stability. Here we summarize the current knowledge on adenovirus structure, with an emphasis on high-resolution structures obtained since 2010.  相似文献   

In this viewpoint, the concepts that chemistry transcends the laboratory into the clinic and beyond is explored from the perspective of a single individual who began strictly within synthetic chemistry. They learned through their training that in reality, chemists are capable of anything, requiring mentorship, open discussion, and some frontend work to learn something new.  相似文献   

Neurogenic bladder (NB) or neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction (NLUTD), a dysfunction of the urinary bladder and urethra due to disease of the central nervous system or peripheral nerves, is a major global medical and social problem. Numerous nervous system abnormalities, such as: stroke, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, traumatic spinal cord injury, spinal cord tumors, congenital spina bifida, and diabetes, can cause NB/NLUTD. There are two major types of bladder control problems associated with NB/NLUTD: the bladder becomes either overactive or underactive depending on the nature, level, and extent of nerve damage. This review specifically focuses on the diagnosis and management of NB/NLUTD in China as well as on recent efforts to treat this disease.  相似文献   

The goal of prebiotic chemistry is the depiction of molecular evolution events preceding the emergence of life on Earth or elsewhere in the cosmos. Plausible experimental models require geochemical scenarios and robust chemistry. Today we know that the chemical and physical conditions for life to flourish on Earth were at work much earlier than thought, i.e., earlier than 4.4 billion years ago. In recent years, a geochemical model for the first five hundred million years of the history of our planet has been devised that would work as a cradle for life. Serpentinization processes in the Hadean eon affording self-assembled structures and vesicles provides the link between the catalytic properties of the inorganic environment and the impressive chemical potential of formamide to produce complete panels of organic molecules relevant in pre-genetic and pre-metabolic processes. Based on an interdisciplinary approach, we propose basic transformations connecting geochemistry to the chemistry of formamide, and we hint at the possible extension of this perspective to other worlds.  相似文献   

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) was discovered over one hundred years ago when it was observed that certain dyes could kill microorganisms when exposed to light in the presence of oxygen. Since those early days, PDT has mainly been developed as a cancer therapy and as a way to destroy proliferating blood vessels. However, recently it has become apparent that PDT may also be used as an effective antimicrobial modality and a potential treatment for localized infections. This review discusses the similarities and differences between the application of PDT for the treatment of microbial infections and for cancer lesions. Type I and type II photodynamic processes are described, and the structure-function relationships of optimal anticancer and antimicrobial photosensitizers are outlined. The different targeting strategies, intracellular photosensitizer localization, and pharmacokinetic properties of photosensitizers required for these two different PDT applications are compared and contrasted. Finally, the ability of PDT to stimulate an adaptive or innate immune response against pathogens and tumors is also covered.  相似文献   

陈荣圻 《上海染料》2008,36(4):19-25
为实现"十一五"目标,到2010年印染行业的单位能耗比2005年降低20%,用水量降低30%,污染物排放量减少10%,冷轧堆染色,湿短蒸染色,小浴比染色和低温,低盐染色促进了节能减排.但是目前常用的中温型双异活性基染料不能胜任这些染色工艺要求,因此开发了合适的活性染料.本文就这些活性染料的分子结构特性.利用超分子化学的染料商品化,及其基本原理和性能作了详细评述,并推荐了一些著名染料品种.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's amyloid beta can perform a wide variety of actions that are highly concentration dependent. This viewpoint aims to provide a framework for basic considerations on what might be considered brain-relevant concentrations of the peptide. Some implications for the therapeutic implementation of the recently emerged oligomer-to-fibril strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

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