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BACKGROUND: During the 1970s in Australia, mortality from coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke was higher among lower socioeconomic groups and inequalities were widening. This analysis examines subsequent trends in socioeconomic inequalities, with reference to socioeconomic patterns in major cardiovascular risk factors. METHODS: Socioeconomic status was defined by occupation. Age-standardized mortality rates were calculated for men aged 25-64, using death registration data and labour force estimates for 1979-1993. Risk factor data were taken from three cross-sectional population surveys conducted in 1980, 1983 and 1989. RESULTS: Men in manual occupations were at least 35 percent more likely to die from CHD than men in professional occupations and 60 percent more likely to die from stroke. Their 5-year population risk of a coronary event was 30 percent higher. Since 1979, both groups experienced reductions in coronary risk and mortality. CONCLUSIONS: Socioeconomic inequalities in CHD mortality continued to widen during the early 1980s, stabilized thereafter and persisted into the 1990s. Decreases in blood pressure and smoking prevalence contributed most to declines in coronary risk and to socioeconomic differentials.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the reasons for the decline in deaths attributed to ischaemic heart disease in Poland since 1991 after two decades of rising rates. DESIGN: Recent changes in mortality were measured as percentage deviations in 1994 from rates predicted by extrapolation of sex and age specific death rates for 1980-91 for diseases of the circulatory system and selected other categories. Available data on national and household food availability, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, socioeconomic indices, and medical services over time were reviewed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Age specific and age standardised rates of death attributed to ischaemic heart disease and related causes. RESULTS: The change in trend in mortality attributed to diseases of the circulatory system was similar in men and women and most marked (> 20%) in early middle age. For ages 45 to 64 the decrease was greatest for deaths attributed to ischaemic heart disease and atherosclerosis (around 25%) and less for stroke (< 10%). For most of the potentially explanatory variables considered, there were no corresponding changes in trend. However, between 1986-90 and 1994 there was a marked switch from animal fats (estimated availability down 23%) to vegetable fats (up 48%) and increased imports of fruit. CONCLUSION: Reporting biases are unlikely to have exaggerated the true fall in ischaemic heart disease; neither is it likely to be mainly due to changes in smoking, drinking, stress, or medical care. Changes in type of dietary fat and increased supplies of fresh fruit and vegetables seem to be the best candidates.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies against spores of Glugea atherinae were obtained after lymphocytic hybridization made from immunized mouse splenocytes. Screening using an indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), revealed seven monoclonal antibodies with an intense but variable reaction with the spores of fish microsporidia, and a moderate reaction with those of an insect microsporidium (Nosema sp.). The reaction was weaker with spores of Encephalitozoon intestinalis found in HIV+ patients. FITC and Dot Blot confirmed the majority of these results. After biotinylation of the seven antibodies, inhibition tests allowed the localization of two different recognition domains on the spores of Glugea atherinae. The multiple antigenic determinants and their probable polysaccharide nature seem to be in accord with the class IgM of the antibodies produced. This work confirms the potential of these antibodies for microsporidian taxonomy and diagnosis, especially the use of Mabs 12F9 and 12H5 for detection of spores in stools of HIV+ patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the association between beer binging (regular sessions of heavy beer drinking) and mortality. DESIGN: Prospective population based study with the baseline assessment of level of alcohol intake (dose), by type of drink and drinking pattern, previous and existing diseases, socioeconomic background, occupational status, involvement in organisations during leisure time, physical activity in leisure time, body mass index, blood pressure, serum lipids and plasma fibrinogen concentration, during an average of 7.7 years' follow up of mortality. SETTING: Finland. SUBJECTS: A population sample of 1641 men who consumed beer who were aged 42, 48, 54, or 60 years at baseline. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: All cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, death due to external causes, fatal myocardial infarctions. RESULTS: The risk of death was substantially increased in men whose usual dose of beer was 6 or more bottles per session compared with men who usually consumed less than 3 bottles, after adjustment for age and total alcohol consumption (relative risk 3.01 (95% confidence interval 1.54 to 5.90) for all deaths; 7.10 (2.01 to 25.12) for external deaths; and 6.50 (2.05 to 20.61) for fatal myocardial infarction). The association changed only slightly when smoking, occupational status, previous diseases, systolic blood pressure, low density lipoprotein and high density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration, plasma fibrinogen concentration, body mass index, marital status, leisure time physical activity, and involvement in organisations were controlled for. CONCLUSION: The pattern of beer binging is associated with increased risk of death, independently of the total average consumption of alcoholic drinks. The relation is not explained by known behavioural, psychosocial, or biological risk factors. Death due to injuries and other external causes is overrepresented among beer bingers, but a strong association with fatal myocardial infarction suggests that the pathway may also involve other acute triggers of severe health events.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To estimate the extent to which changes in blood pressure, smoking, and serum cholesterol concentration explain the observed increase in socioeconomic differences in mortality from ischaemic heart disease (IHD) in Finland during the past 20 years. DESIGN: Predicted changes in mortality from IHD were calculated using logistic regression models with the risk factor levels assessed by cross sectional population surveys conducted in 1972, 1977, 1982, and 1987. The subjects included white collar and blue collar workers and farmers. The predicted changes were compared with the observed mortality changes in the same socioeconomic groups in the total population of the same geographical area. SETTING: North Karelia and Kuopio provinces, eastern Finland. PARTICIPANTS: 16,741 men and 16,389 women aged 30-59 randomly drawn from the population registers of the study areas. Mortality data were obtained from the total population in the same areas. MAIN RESULTS: In men, the changes in diastolic blood pressure, total serum cholesterol, and smoking predicted a 28% decline in the mortality from IHD among white collar workers, a 30% decline among blue collar workers, and a 33% decline in farmers. Observed declines in the same socioeconomic groups were 61%, 40%, and 37%, respectively. In women, the predicted decline was 41% among white collar workers, 35% among blue collar workers, and 39% among farmers. The respective observed declines were 57%, 43%, and 20%. CONCLUSIONS: Less than half of the decline in IHD mortality among white collar men was explained by the risk factor changes, while they explained 75% of the decline among blue collar men and 89% of the decline among male farmers. Changes in risk factors did not explain the increasing difference in IHD mortality between the socioeconomic groups, especially among men.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The objective of the investigation was to evaluate the ten-year development of the cardiovascular mortality rate in two population groups in the age bracket from 25 to 64 years, i.e. in subjects living in six districts which participated in the international WHO project MONICA and in the population of the whole Czech Republic. METHODS AND RESULTS: Data on the mortality rate in 1984-1993 for the age group from 25-64 years were provided by the Institute of Health Information and Statistics, information on the prevalence of risk factors was obtained in three cross-sectional studies implemented in six districts as part of the MONICA project in 1985, 1988 and 1992. In the mortality rate per 100,000 population in the six districts the following changes were revealed (in parentheses the values for 1984 and 1993 are given): men - a statistically significant declining trend in the from all caused mortality (849.3-742.5; p < 0.001) and cardiovascular mortality (367.2-280.4; p < 0.001) and cerebrovascular mortality (69.7-44.8; p < 0.001). In the mortality from ischaemic heart disease (215.7-170.6; ns) a declining trend was not recorded. In women aged 25-64 years in the six districts there was a statistically significant decline of the mortality from all caused (359.5-322.1; p < 0.001), the cardiovascular mortality (115.6-100.6; p < 0.001) and cerebrovascular mortality (31.1-23.6; p < 0.001). The mortality from ischaemic heart disease did not change (49.2-48.8; ns). In the population of the Czech Republic in men the following were detected: a drop of the from all caused mortality (907.1-784.8; P < 0.001), the cardiovascular mortality (383.5-308.4; p < 0.001) and cerebrovascular mortality (76.5-55.3; p < 0.001). Also in women of the Czech Republic a decline of the mortality from all caused was recorded (390.1-328.5; p < 0.001), the cardiovascular mortality (135.3-103.8; p < 0.001), ischaemic heart disease (58.0-48.6; p < 0.001) and cerebrovascular mortality (43.5-27.4; p < 0.001). In 1990 an increased cardiovascular mortality was recorded in men different from the trend during 1984-1993, statistically significant in the Czech Republic (p < 0.05) and in the six districts (p < 0.05). The reasons of this trend are not clear. The role of health services in the mortality drop is not clear, although available data indicate their improvement. Favourable changes were found in risk factors: during the period from 1985-1992 the prevalence of hypercholesterolaemia declined significantly in men and women, the prevalence of hypertension in women and the prevalence of smoking in men declined in the six districts. From nationwide data ensues that after 1989 significant changes occurred in the diet of the Czech population. The meat consumption declined by 1993 by 13%, the milk and dairy product consumption by 26.8% the butter consumption by 43.6% the consumption of vegetable fats increased by 16%, of vegetables by 8%, tropical fruit by 43.2%. These changes probably had an impact on the cholesterol level and BMI of the Czech population. CONCLUSIONS: In the declining cardiovascular mortality trend during 1984-1993 the following may have participated: improved medical care, dietary changes, improvement of the risk profile and other, in particular socioeconomic factors. With regard to the close temporal association of the investigated changes it may be assumed that this development is at least partly associated with changes of the political and economic position in the Czech Republic after 1989.  相似文献   

In the present study the prevalence of obesity and its association with ischemic heart disease, recognized according to clinical criteria (chest pain or previous infarction) and/or instrumental data, were described in 8,847 normotensive subjects and in 867 hypertensive subjects, hospitalized during a ten years period (1983-1992), through a cross-sectional study. In view of this all the subjects were considered as lean or obese according to their body mass index (BMI) and to sex specific cut-off values reported in the Italian Consensus Conference on Obesity. In particular, according to BMI values, the subjects were grouped as lean, overweight, moderate and severe obese subjects. Our results indicated that 3,982 normotensive subjects (45%) could be considered lean, whereas 2,654 of them (30%) were overweight, 1,769 of them (20%) were moderate obese and 442 of them (5%) were severe obese. On the contrary only 206 hypertensives (23.7%) might be considered lean, whereas 313 (36.1%) were overweight, 302 (34.8%) were moderate obese and 46 (5.3%) were severe obese. According to age subgrouping (lower than or equal to 65 years or higher than 65 years) the distribution of hypertensives within the lean, overweight, moderate and severe obese groups did not change significantly, but, according to sex subgrouping, the distribution of hypertensives within the BMI groups was significantly different (chi 2, p < 0.001). When we considered the degree of hypertension, distribution of hypertensives was significantly different according to c2 test (p < 0.004), suggesting that the percentage of the subjects with severe hypertension increased only in subjects with severe obesity. Concomitant ischaemic heart disease (IHD) was also documented in 350 normotensives (4%) and in 119 hypertensives (13.8%). The prevalence of IHD was not significantly different in lean, overweight, moderate and severe obese hypertensives, also when sex and smoking habits were considered. Our data indicated a strong association between obesity and hypertension. In addition they may be consistent with the suggestion that obese hypertensives were not characterized by a lower risk of ischaemic heart disease (IHD), than lean hypertensives.  相似文献   

The results of neutron-transport flux-density and dose rate calculations for implantable Californium-252 point and line sources in essentially infinite tissue-equivalent material are presented. The point-source flux densities were obtained from a discrete ordinates calculation, and the point dose rates were established by multiplying the flux densities by their appropriate kerma factors. Line-source dose rates were evaluated by integrating the point dose rates over the length of the line source. Dose-rate data are given within a 20 X 20-cm region from the source center for source lengths of 1.5, 2, and 3 cm. The dose rates established by these calculations showed good agreement with an independent Monte Carlo calculation. Detailed point-source flux-density data as a function of energy and position are also given.  相似文献   

A commercial IgM immunoblot kit was evaluated for dengue diagnosis with a panel of serum specimens collected from patients in a dengue endemic area. The kit is not recommended for use in its present form because of its undesirable rate of false-positive results. However, by substituting internal controls with the reference positive and negative controls that are more representative of those seen in endemic areas and by modifying the positive and negative scoring criteria, sensitivity and specificity of 80.3% and 94.5%, respectively, were obtained. These results are comparable with those obtained with the IgM ELISA on specimens, most of which were obtained from outpatient health care facilities. With further technical modifications, inclusion of a visual guide to ensure scoring standardization, and a more complete elaboration of the limitations of the test, wide application of the kit in diagnostic laboratories should be possible.  相似文献   

The frequency of acute coronary artery thrombus and myocardial infarction in subjects dying suddenly or unexpectedly from ischaemic heart disease (IHD) is still unclear, with previous autopsy studies reporting an incidence between 4% and 100%. In this study of 333 randomly selected out-of-hospital deaths, detailed autopsy showed IHD as the sole cause of death in 206 (62%). One hundred and seventeen acute coronary thrombi were present in 96 cases whilst four had an established acute infarct without an identifiable coronary thrombus. Thus 100 (48.5%) IHD deaths had evidence of an acute ischaemic lesion. Acute lesions were equally prevalent among males and females, but the incidence declined with increasing age and they were less frequent among those with a prior clinical history of heart disease. One hundred and forty-seven IHD deaths were witnessed. The proportion of cases with an acute ischaemic lesion increased with the duration of pre-morbid symptoms. Of those with an acute lesion, only 17% died without symptoms compared to 63% of those without an acute lesion. All cases with symptoms lasting more than 3.5 h had an acute lesion. Overall, almost half out-of-hospital IHD deaths in this study were related to an acute ischaemic lesion. Differences in the detail of the pathological examination and examination of differing sub-groups of the out-of-hospital death population probably account for the differing results of previous studies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND METHODS: To clarify the determinants of contemporary trends in mortality from coronary heart disease (CHD), we conducted surveillance of hospital admissions for myocardial infarction and of in-hospital and out-of-hospital deaths due to CHD among 35-to-74-year-old residents of four communities of varying size in the United States (a total of 352,481 persons in 1994). Between 1987 and 1994, we estimate that there were 11,869 hospitalizations for myocardial infarction (on the basis of 8572 hospitalizations sampled) and 3407 fatal coronary events (3023 sampled). RESULTS: The largest average annual decrease in mortality due to CHD occurred among white men (change in mortality, -4.7 percent; 95 percent confidence interval, -2.2 to -7.1 percent), followed by white women (-4.5 percent; 95 percent confidence interval, -0.7 to -8.2 percent), black women (-4.1 percent; 95 percent confidence interval, -10.3 to +2.5 percent), and black men (-2.5 percent; 95 percent confidence interval, -6.9 to +2.2 percent). Overall, in-hospital mortality from CHD fell by 5.1 percent per year, whereas out-of-hospital mortality declined by 3.6 percent per year. There was no evidence of a decline in the incidence of hospitalization for a first myocardial infarction among either men or women; in fact, such hospital admissions increased by 7.4 percent per year (95 percent confidence interval for the change, +0.5 to +14.8 percent) among black women and 2.9 percent per year (95 percent confidence interval, -3.6 to +9.9 percent) among black men. Rates of recurrent myocardial infarction decreased, and survival after myocardial infarction improved. CONCLUSIONS: From 1987 to 1994, we observed a stable or slightly increasing incidence of hospitalization for myocardial infarction. Nevertheless, there were significant annual decreases in mortality from CHD. The decline in mortality in the four communities we studied may be due largely to improvements in the treatment and secondary prevention of myocardial infarction.  相似文献   

Although there is much information on ischaemic preconditioning in the adult myocardium, this phenomenon has not yet been investigated in neonatal hearts. To examine the early development of cardiac tolerance to ischaemia and the possible protective effects of preconditioning, rat hearts isolated on days 1, 4 and 7 of postnatal life were perfused (Langendorff) with Krebs-Henseleit solution at constant pressure, temperature (37 degrees C) and rate (200 beats/min). Developed force (DF) of contraction was measured by an isometric force transducer, and analysed using an on-line computer. Hearts were exposed to 40 or 60 min of global ischaemia followed by 30 min of reperfusion. Preconditioning was induced by three 3-min periods of global ischaemia, each separated by 5-min periods of reperfusion. Developmental changes in expression of protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms, and their activation following preconditioning, were estimated using Western blot analysis. Recovery of contractile function during reperfusion decreased from day 1 (48 +/- 2%) to day 4 (42 +/- 1%) and day 7 (33 +/- 2%). Preconditioning failed to improve ischaemic tolerance on day 1 (46 +/- 2%) and on day 4 (43 +/- 3%), but pronounced effect was observed on day 7 (40 +/- 2%). Prolonging the period of sustained ischaemia from 40 to 60 min on day 1 did not lead to a better recovery of contractile function in preconditioned hearts. PKC isoforms alpha, delta, epsilon and zeta were expressed in the ventricular myocardium during the first week of life, but there was no evidence of translocation following preconditioning on day 7. It may be assumed that the decreasing tolerance of the heart to ischaemia during early postnatal life is counteracted by the development of an endogenous protection.  相似文献   

Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) of 200 ppm 2,3-diaminonaphthalene (2,3-DAN) was studied alone and in conjunction with 100 ppm of 34 different metal and non-metal ions and revealed three relatively intense ECL responses from interactions of 2,3-DAN with Au+, Fe+3 and V+5. ECL responses from Cr+6 or Ru+3 with 2,3-DAN were less intense, but noteworthy, as was the coloured fluorescent product of the non-metal ion Se+4 interaction with 2,3-DAN. Several intense 2,3-DAN-metal ion ECL reactions were studied in greater detail and revealed various titration curves with ionic detection limits in the low ppm range, using a fixed level (200 ppm) of 2,3-DAN.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether Helicobacter pylori infection is associated with the development of ischaemic heart disease and whether such infection can explain the social class inequality in ischaemic heart disease. DESIGN: Cardiovascular risk factor levels, prevalence of ischaemic heart disease (Rose questionnaire angina, and/or a history of myocardial infarction), and serum antibodies to H pylori (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) were assessed in a cross sectional population based survey. SETTING: Belfast and surrounding districts, Northern Ireland. PARTICIPANTS: 1182 men and 1198 women aged 25-64 years randomly selected from the Central Services Agency's general practitioner lists. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The relation of H pylori infection with cardiovascular risk factors and ischaemic heart disease. The association of social class with ischaemic heart disease. RESULTS: Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, plasma viscosity, and total cholesterol were not associated with H pylori infection. A weak negative association existed between H pylori infection and fibrinogen (mean (SE) difference in fibrinogen between infected and uninfected individuals -0.09 (0.04) g/l, P = 0.02) and between infection in women and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (mean (SE) difference in HDL cholesterol between infected and uninfected individuals -0.06 (0.02) mmol/l, P = 0.006). A potentially important association was demonstrated between H pylori infection and ischaemic heart disease but this did not reach statistical significance (odds ratio (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.51 (0.93 to 2.45), P = 0.1). Social class was associated with ischaemic heart disease independently of cardiovascular risk factors and H pylori infection (odds ratio, manual v non-manual (95% CI) 1.82 (1.14 to 2.91), P = 0.01). CONCLUSION: H pylori may be independently associated with the development of ischaemic heart disease but if this is so the mechanism by which this effect is exerted is not through increased concentration of plasma fibrinogen. H pylori infection does not explain the social class inequality in ischaemic heart disease which exists independently of known cardiovascular risk factors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Associations have been suggested between Helicobacter pylori seropositivity, cardiovascular risk factors, and ischemic heart disease (IHD). The effect of this common infection on mortality is uncertain. METHODS AND RESULTS: Plasma specimens collected during 1979 to 1983 from 1796 men in Caerphilly, South Wales, were analyzed for IgG antibodies to H pylori. Cause of death and occurrence of incident IHD events were ascertained over an average of 13.7 years from death certificates, hospital records, and ECG changes at 5-yearly follow-up examinations. Seventy percent of men were seropositive. The prevalence of IHD at entry was similar in men with and without H pylori antibodies (odds ratio [OR], 1.10; 95% CI, 0.87 to 1.40). Seropositivity was significantly (P<0.05) associated with poorer socioeconomic status currently and in childhood, shorter stature, and poorer ventilatory function at entry but not with age, smoking, body mass index, blood pressure, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, fibrinogen, plasma viscosity, or heat shock protein antibodies. Thirteen-year incidence of IHD was not significantly associated with H pylori (OR, 1.05; 95% CI, 0.80 to 1.39), but there was a stronger relationship with all-cause mortality (OR, 1.46; 95% CI, 1.12 to 1.92) and fatal IHD (OR, 1.54; 95% CI, 1.03 to 2.30). After adjustment for cardiovascular risk factors and both adult and childhood socioeconomic status, ORs were slightly reduced and lost statistical significance (OR=1.32 [95% CI, 0.99 to 1.78] for all-cause mortality and OR=1.52 [95% CI, 0.99 to 2.34] for fatal IHD). CONCLUSIONS: H pylori infection is unlikely to be as strong a risk factor for IHD as some previous studies have suggested, but its relationship to mortality, including fatal IHD, deserves further investigation. The mechanism underlying these associations is unlikely to involve hypertension, circulating lipid profile, fibrinogen, or cross-reacting antibodies to bacterial heat shock proteins.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We studied the relations between physical activity and changes in physical activity, all-cause mortality, and incidence of major coronary-heart-disease events in older men. METHODS: In 1978-80 (Q1), 7735 men aged 40-59 were selected from general practices in 24 British towns, and enrolled in a prospective study of cardiovascular disease, which included physical activity data. In 1992 (Q92), 12-14 years later, 5934 of the men (91% of available survivors, mean age 63 years) gave further information on physical activity and were then followed up for a further 4 years. The main endpoints were all-cause mortality during 4 years of follow-up from Q92, and major fatal and non-fatal coronary-heart-disease events during 3 years of follow-up from Q92. FINDINGS: Among 4311 men with no history of coronary heart disease, stroke, or "other heart trouble" by Q92 and who did not report "poor health", there were 219 deaths. In the inactive/occasionally active, light, moderate, and moderately vigorous/vigorous activity groups there were 101 (18.5/1000 person-years) 48 (11.4), 23 (7.3), and 47 (9.1) deaths, respectively (adjusted risk ratios 1.00, 0.61 [95% CI 0.48-0.86], 0.50 [0.31-0.79], 0.65 [0.45-0.94]). Men who were sedentary at Q1 and who began at least light activity by Q92 had significantly lower all-cause mortality than those who remained sedentary, even after adjustment for potential confounders (risk ratio=0.55 [0.36-0.84]). Physical activity improved both cardiovascular mortality (0.66 [0.35-1.23]) and non-cardiovascular mortality (0.48 [0.27-0.85]). The relation between physical activity at Q92, changes in physical activity, and mortality were similar for men with pre-existing cardiovascular disease. INTERPRETATION: Maintaining or taking up light or moderate physical activity reduces mortality and heart attacks in older men with and without diagnosed cardiovascular disease. Our results support public-health recommendations for older sedentary people to increase physical activity, and for active middle-aged people to continue their activity into old age.  相似文献   

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