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Modelling PRI for water stress detection using radiative transfer models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a methodology for water stress detection in crop canopies using a radiative transfer modelling approach and the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI). Airborne imagery was acquired with a 6-band multispectral camera yielding 15 cm spatial resolution and 10 nm FWHM over 3 crops comprising two tree-structured orchards and a corn field. The methodology is based on the PRI as a water stress indicator, and a radiative transfer modelling approach to simulate PRI baselines for non-stress conditions as a function of leaf structure, chlorophyll concentration (Cab), and canopy leaf area index (LAI). The simulation work demonstrates that canopy PRI is affected by structural parameters such as LAI, Cab, leaf structure, background effects, viewing angle and sun position. The modelling work accounts for such leaf biochemical and canopy structural inputs to simulate the PRI-based water stress thresholds for non-stress conditions. Water stress levels are quantified by comparing the image-derived PRI and the simulated non-stress PRI (sPRI) obtained through radiative transfer. PRI simulation was conducted using the coupled PROSPECT-SAILH models for the corn field, and the PROSPECT leaf model coupled with FLIGHT 3D radiative transfer model for the olive and peach orchards. Results obtained confirm that PRI is a pre-visual indicator of water stress, yielding good relationships for the three crops studied with canopy temperature, an indicator of stomatal conductance (r2 = 0.65 for olive, r2 = 0.8 for peach, and r2 = 0.72 for maize). PRI values of deficit irrigation treatments in olive and peach were consistently higher than the modelled PRI for the study sites, yielding relationships with water potential (r2 = 0.84) that enabled the identification of stressed crowns accounting for within-field LAI and Cab variability. The methodology presented here for water stress detection is based on the visible part of the spectrum, and therefore it has important implications for remote sensing applications in agriculture. This method may be a better alternative to using the thermal region, which has limitations to acquire operationally high spatial resolution thermal imagery.  相似文献   

Work on water stress detection at tree and orchard levels using a high-spatial airborne thermal sensor is presented, showing its connection with yield and some fruit quality indicators in olive and peach commercial orchards under different irrigation regimes. Two airborne campaigns were conducted with the Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner (AHS) over olive and peach orchards located in Córdoba, southern Spain. The AHS sensor was flown at three different times on 25 July 2004 and 16 July 2005, collecting 2 m spatial resolution imagery in 80 spectral bands in the 0.43-12.5 μm spectral range. Thermal bands were assessed for the retrieval of land surface temperature using the split-window algorithm and TES (Temperature-Emissivity-Separation) method, separating pure crowns from shadows and sunlit soil pixels using the reflectance bands. Stem water potential and stomatal conductance were measured on selected trees at the time of airborne flights over the orchards. Tree fruit yield and quality parameters such as oil, weight and water content (for the olive trees), and fruit volume and weight (for the peach trees) were obtained at harvest and through laboratory analysis. Relationships between airborne-estimated crown temperature minus air temperature and stem water potential yielded r2 = 0.5 (12:30 GMT) at the olive tree level, and r2 = 0.81 (9:00 GMT) at the treatment level in peach trees. These results demonstrate that water stress can be detected at the crown level even under the usual water management conditions of commercial orchards. Regressions of yield and fruit quality against remote sensing estimates of crown temperature as an indicator of water stress, yielded r2 = 0.95 (olive fruit water content) and r2 = 0.94 (peach fruit mean diameter). These results suggest that high-spatial remote sensing thermal imagery has potential as an indicator of some fruit quality parameters for crop field segmentation and irrigation management purposes. A simulation study using ASTER spectral bands and aggregated pixels for stress detection as a function of irrigation level was conducted in order to study the applicability of medium resolution thermal sensors for the global monitoring of open-canopy tree crops. The determination coefficients obtained between the ASTER-simulated canopy temperature minus air temperature and stem water potential yielded r2 = 0.58 (12:30 GMT) for olive trees, suggesting the potential for extrapolating these methods to ASTER satellite for global monitoring of open tree canopies.  相似文献   

Remote sensing of near-surface hydrological conditions within northern peatlands has the potential to provide important large-scale hydrological information regarding ecological and carbon-balance processes occurring within such systems. This article details how field knowledge of the spectral properties of Sphagnum spp., airborne remote sensing data and a range of image analysis approaches, may be combined to provide a suitable proxy for near-surface wetness. Co-incident field and airborne remote sensing data were acquired in May and September 2002 over an important UK raised bog (Cors Fochno). A combination of laboratory-tested NIR and SWIR water-based and biophysical spectral reflectance indices were applied to field and airborne reflectance spectra of Sphagnum pulchrum to elucidate changes in near-surface moisture conditions. Field results showed significant correlations between water-based indices (moisture stress index (MSI) and floating water band indices (fWBI980 and fWBI1200))) and measures of both near-surface volumetric moisture content (VMC) and water-table position. Spectral indices formulated from the NIR (fWBI980 and fWBI1200) proved to be the most useful for indicating near-surface wetness across the widest range of moisture conditions because of their ability to penetrate deeper into the Sphagnum canopy. Correlations between a biophysical index based upon chlorophyll content and both hydrological measures were not significant, possibly due to relatively high levels of surface wetness at the field site in both May and September. S. pulchrum lawns were successfully located and mapped from airborne imagery using the mixed tuned match filtering (MTMF) algorithm. Importantly, MSI derived from airborne data was significantly correlated with both field moisture and the water-table position. Relationships between measures of near-surface wetness and the MSI for naturally heterogeneous canopies were, however, found to be weaker for airborne imagery than for associated field data. This is likely to be a result of the formulation of the MSI itself and the possible preferential detection of “wetter” pixels within the imagery. This effectively reduced the ability of MSI to detect subtle changes in near-surface wetness under high moisture conditions, but would not impede the use of the index under drier conditions. Results from the field data suggest that indices formulated from the NIR may be more suitable for detailed estimations of near-surface and surface wetness at the landscape-scale although reliable hyperspectral data are required to test fully the performance of such indices. The relative merits of using such an approach to determine near-surface hydrological conditions across entire peatland complexes are also discussed.  相似文献   

A measurement campaign to assess the feasibility of remote sensing of sunlight-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (ChlF) from a coniferous canopy was conducted in a boreal forest study site (Finland). A Passive Multi-wavelength Fluorescence Detector (PMFD) sensor, developed in the LURE laboratory, was used to obtain simultaneous measurements of ChlF in the oxygen absorption bands, at 687 and 760 nm, and a reflectance index, the PRI (Physiological Reflectance Index), for a month during spring recovery. When these data were compared with active fluorescence measurements performed on needles they revealed the same trend. During sunny days fluorescence and reflectance signals were found to be strongly influenced by shadows associated with the canopy structure. Moreover, chlorophyll fluorescence variations induced by rapid light changes (due to transient cloud shadows) were found to respond more quickly and with larger amplitude under summer conditions compared to those obtained under cold acclimation conditions. In addition, ChlF at 760 nm was observed to increase with the chlorophyll content. During this campaign, the CO2 assimilation was measured at the forest canopy level and was found remarkably well correlated with the PRI index.  相似文献   

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