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This study takes advantage of a regionally specific algorithm and the characteristics of Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) in order to deliver more accurate, detailed chlorophyll a (chla) maps of optically complex coastal waters during an upwelling cycle. MERIS full resolution chla concentrations and in situ data were obtained on the Galician (NW Spain) shelf and in three adjacent rias (embayments), sites of extensive mussel culture that experience frequent harmful algal events. Regionally focused algorithms (Regional neural network for rias Baixas or NNRB) for the retrieval of chla in the Galician rias optically complex waters were tested in comparison to sea-truth data. The one that showed the best performance was applied to a series of six MERIS (FR) images during a summer upwelling cycle to test its performance. The best performance parameters were given for the NN trained with high-quality data using the most abundant cluster found in the rias after the application of fuzzy c-mean clustering techniques (FCM). July 2008 was characterized by three periods of different meteorological and oceanographic states. The main changes in chla concentration and distribution were clearly captured in the images. After a period of strong upwelling favorable winds a high biomass algal event was recorded in the study area. However, MERIS missed the high chlorophyll upwelled water that was detected below surface in the ria de Vigo by the chla profiles, proving the necessity of in situ observations. Relatively high biomass “patches” were mapped in detail inside the rias. There was a significant variation in the timing and the extent of the maximum chla areas. The maps confirmed that the complex spatial structure of the phytoplankton distribution in the rias Baixas is affected by the surface currents and winds on the adjacent continental shelf. This study showed that a regionally specific algorithm for an ocean color sensor with the characteristics of MERIS in combination with in situ data can be of great help in chla monitoring, detection and study of high biomass algal events in an area affected by coastal upwelling such as the rias Baixas.  相似文献   

Near real-time data from the MODIS satellite sensor was used to detect and trace a harmful algal bloom (HAB), or red tide, in SW Florida coastal waters from October to December 2004. MODIS fluorescence line height (FLH in W m− 2 μm− 1 sr− 1) data showed the highest correlation with near-concurrent in situ chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl in mg m− 3). For Chl ranging between 0.4 to 4 mg m− 3 the ratio between MODIS FLH and in situ Chl is about 0.1 W m− 2 μm− 1 sr− 1 per mg m− 3 chlorophyll (Chl = 1.255 (FLH × 10)0.86, r = 0.92, n = 77). In contrast, the band-ratio chlorophyll product of either MODIS or SeaWiFS in this complex coastal environment provided false information. Errors in the satellite Chl data can be both negative and positive (3-15 times higher than in situ Chl) and these data are often inconsistent either spatially or temporally, due to interferences of other water constituents. The red tide that formed from November to December 2004 off SW Florida was revealed by MODIS FLH imagery, and was confirmed by field sampling to contain medium (104 to 105 cells L− 1) to high (> 105 cells L− 1) concentrations of the toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis. The FLH imagery also showed that the bloom started in mid-October south of Charlotte Harbor, and that it developed and moved to the south and southwest in the subsequent weeks. Despite some artifacts in the data and uncertainty caused by factors such as unknown fluorescence efficiency, our results show that the MODIS FLH data provide an unprecedented tool for research and managers to study and monitor algal blooms in coastal environments.  相似文献   

In typical Case 2 waters, accurate remote sensing retrieval of chlorophyll a (chla) is still a challenging task. In this study, focusing on the Galician rias (ΝW Spain), algorithms based on neural network (NN) techniques were developed for the retrieval of chla concentration in optically complex waters, using Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) data. There is considerable interest in the accurate estimation of chla for the Galician rias, because of the economic and social importance of the extensive culture of mussels, and the high frequency of harmful algal events. Fifteen MERIS full resolution (FR) cloud-free images paired with in situ chla data (for 2002-2004 and 2006-2008) were used for the development and validation of the NN. The scope of NN was established from the clusters obtained using fuzzy c-mean (FCM) clustering techniques applied to the satellite-derived data. Three different NNs were developed: one including the whole data set, and two others using only points belonging to one of the clusters. The input data for these latter two NNs was chosen depending on the quality level, defined on the basis of quality flags given to each data set. The fitting results were fairly good and proved the capability of the tool to predict chla concentrations in the study area. The best prediction was given for the NN trained with high-quality data using the most abundant cluster data set. The performance parameters in the validation set of this NN were R2 = 0.86, mean percentage error (MPE) = − 0.14, root mean square error (RMSE) = 0.75 mg m− 3, and relative RMSE = 66%. The NN developed in this study detected accurately the peaks of chla, in both training and validation sets. The performance of the Case-2-Regional (C2R) algorithm, routinely used for MERIS data, was also tested and compared with our best performing NN and the sea-truthing data. Results showed that this NN outperformed the C2R, giving much higher R2 and lower RMSE values.This study showed that the combination of in situ data and NN technology improved the retrieval of chla in Case 2 waters, and could be used to obtain more accurate chla maps. A local-based algorithm for the chla retrieval from an ocean colour sensor with the characteristics of MERIS would be a great support in the quantitative monitoring and study of harmful algal events in the coastal waters of the Rias Baixas. The limitations and possible improvements of the developed chla algorithms are also discussed.  相似文献   

We present a generic innovative algorithm for remote sensing of coastal waters that can deal with a large range of concentrations of chlorophyll-a, SPM and CDOM and their inherent optical properties. The algorithm is based on the exact solutions of the HYDROLIGHT numerical radiative transfer model to support retrieval in optically complex waters with varying sensor wide swath viewing geometry. The algorithm estimates the concentrations by minimizing the difference between observed and modeled reflectance spectra. The use of a look-up table and polynomial interpolation greatly reduces computation time, allowing operational and near-real time processing of large sets of satellite imagery. Because the remote sensing reflectance was tabulated as a function of in-water light absorption and scattering, rather than actual constituents concentrations, the algorithm can be applied with any definition of the specific inherent optical properties of CHL, SPM and CDOM. A statistical measure for the goodness-of-fit and the formal standard errors in the fitted concentrations are provided, thus producing error maps with each thematic chlorophyll image, often lacking in most applications of innovative algorithms. The performance of the algorithm is demonstrated for multispectral observations of the North Sea, a shallow coastal sea with large concentration gradients in SPM (due to resuspension) and CDOM (from riverine influx). The standard errors of estimated chlorophyll-a concentrations ranged between 0.5 and 3 (mg m− 3) for mean concentrations between 2 and 20 (mg m− 3), quite acceptable results for these optically complex waters.  相似文献   

Biophysical and above-water reflectance measurements collected in 2006 were used to evaluate the OC3M, standard GSM01, and a modified version of the GSM01 algorithms for estimating chlorophyll-a (chl) concentrations in the Strait of Georgia, located off the southwest coast of Canada. The Strait was generally a case 2 water body, transitioning from chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) dominant in the central region to possibly particulate dominant in Fraser River plume regions. Results showed that the OC3M algorithm was somewhat effective (R2 = 0.550) outside the most turbid areas of the Fraser River plume. However, a systematic overestimation of lower chl concentrations was found, which may have been related to the higher CDOM absorption observed throughout the Strait. The standard GSM01 algorithm had moderately good agreement with measured CDOM absorption (R2 = 0.593) and total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations (R2 = 0.888), but was ineffective at estimating chl concentrations. Localized characterization of the CDOM absorption, through a hyperbolic CDOM model, improved the modified GSM01 results with slightly better agreement with measure CDOM absorption (R2 = 0.614) and TSS concentrations (R2 = 0.933). When the modified GSM01 algorithm was limited to regions with lower combined CDOM and non-algal particulate absorption (adg (443) < 0.7 m− 1), it was more effective then the OC3M algorithm at estimating chl concentrations. This suggests that a threshold value on the adg (443) or bbp (443) estimated by the GSM01 algorithm may be beneficial for limiting turbidity influence on the algorithm. The further reinterpretation of phytoplankton absorption from the modified GSM01 algorithm with a two-component phytoplankton model resulted in a chl relationship with an R2 = 0.677 and a linear slope closer to one.  相似文献   

Accurate assessment of phytoplankton chlorophyll a (Chla) concentration in turbid waters by means of remote sensing is challenging due to optically complexity and significant variability of case 2 waters, especially in inland waters with multiple optical types. In this study, a water optical classification algorithm is developed, and two semi-analytical algorithms (three- and four-band algorithm) for estimating Chla are calibrated and validated using four independent datasets collected from Taihu Lake, Chaohu Lake, and Three Gorges Reservoir. The optical classification algorithm is developed using the dataset collected in Taihu Lake from 2006 to 2009. This dataset is also used to calibrate the three- and four-band Chla estimation algorithms. The optical classification technique uses remote sensing reflectance at three bands: Rrs(G), Rrs(650), and Rrs(NIR), where G indicates the location of reflectance peak in the green region (around 560 nm), and NIR is the location of reflectance peak in the near-infrared region (around 700 nm). Optimal reference wavelengths of the three- and four-band algorithm are located through model tuning and accuracy optimization. The three- and four-band algorithm accuracy is further evaluated using other three independent datasets. The improvement of optical classification in Chla estimation is revealed by comparing the performance of the two algorithms for non-classified and classified waters.Using the slopes of the three reflectance bands, the 138 reflectance spectra samples in the calibration dataset are classified into three classes, each with a specific spectral shape character. The three- and four-band algorithm performs well for both non-classified and classified waters in estimating Chla. For non-classified waters, strong relationships are yielded between measured and predicted Chla, but the performance of the two algorithms is not satisfactory in low Chla conditions, especially for samples with Chla below 30 mg m− 3. For classified waters, the class-specific algorithms perform better than for non-classified waters. Class-specific algorithms reduce considerable mean relative error from algorithms for non-classified waters in Chla predicting. Optical classification makes that there is no need to adjust the optimal position to estimate Chla for other waters using the class-specific algorithms. The findings in this study demonstrate that optical classification can greatly improve the accuracy of Chla estimation in optically complex waters.  相似文献   

Optical techniques were investigated to enhance current bloom detection capabilities in support of an operational system for forecasting harmful Karenia brevis blooms along the west coast of Florida, within the Gulf of Mexico. Algorithms pertaining to backscatter and changes in spectral shape of remote-sensing reflectance were applied to SeaWiFS and MODIS imagery during known K. brevis and non-K. brevis events. A method to remove resuspended chlorophyll in Texas showed limited use when applied to several scenes following tropical storms off the west Florida coast. This analysis suggests that an ensemble image approach, wherein a combination of a chlorophyll anomaly, spectral shape at 490 nm and a backscatter ratio product would provide an improvement in satellite detection of K. brevis blooms. For southwest Florida, the combination of these methods through an ensemble approach may lead to an increase in user accuracy by 30-50%, as a result of correctly identifying non-K. brevis features. Where available, MODIS FLH scenes were analyzed to determine their use in K. brevis detection. However, insufficient imagery was available to make a fair assessment. Similar approaches could be applied to bloom tracking and monitoring in other regions.  相似文献   

A neural network is developed to operationally estimate biophysical variables over land surfaces from the observations of the ENVISAT-MERIS instrument: the leaf area index (LAI), the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fAPAR), the fraction of vegetation cover (fCover), and the canopy chlorophyll content (LAI×Cab). The neural network requires as input the geometry of observation and the top of canopy reflectances, corrected from the atmospheric effects, in eleven spectral bands. It is trained on a reflectance database made of radiative transfer model simulations. The principles underlying the generation of the database and the design of the network are first presented. The estimated variables are then compared to other existing products, LAI- and fAPAR-MODIS and MGVI-MERIS, and validated against ground measurements performed in the framework of the VALERI project. Results show remarkable consistency of the temporal dynamics between the several products with however some differences in the range of variation. When compared to actual VALERI ground measurements, the proposed algorithm shows the best performances for LAI (RMSE = 0.47) and fAPAR (RMSE = 0.09).  相似文献   

Estimating near-surface moisture conditions from the reflectance spectra (400-2500 nm) of Sphagnum moss offers great opportunities for the use of remote sensing as a tool for large-scale detailed monitoring of near-surface peatland hydrological conditions. This article investigates the effects of changes in near-surface and surface moisture upon the spectral characteristics of Sphagnum moss. Laboratory-based canopy reflectance data were collected from two common species of Sphagnum subjected to drying and subsequent rewetting. Several spectral indices developed from the near infra-red (NIR) and shortwave infra-red (SWIR) liquid water absorption bands and two biophysical indices (REIP and the chlorophyll index) were correlated with measures of near-surface moisture. All spectral indices tested were significantly correlated with near-surface moisture (with r between 0.27 and 0.94). The strongest correlations were observed using indices developed from the NIR liquid water absorption features (fWBI980 and fWBI1200). However, a hysteretic response was observed in both NIR indices when the canopies were re-hydrated, a finding which may have implications for the timing of remote sensing image acquisition. The Moisture Stress Index (MSI), developed from the SWIR liquid water absorption feature also showed strong correlations with near-surface wetness although the range of moisture conditions over which the index was able to detect change was highly dependent on Sphagnum species. Of the biophysical spectral indices tested (REIP and the chlorophyll index), the most significant relationships were observed between the chlorophyll index and near-surface wetness. All spectral indices tested were species specific, and this is attributed to differences in canopy morphology between Sphagnum species. The potential for developing estimations of surface and near-surface hydrological conditions across northern peatlands using remote sensing technology is discussed.  相似文献   

太湖蓝藻水华遥感监测信息系统设计及其关键技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
快速提取太湖蓝藻水华空间分布信息对于制定相关应急预案有重要意义,构建太湖蓝藻水华遥感监测信息系统可为之提供有力支持。从系统总体结构和系统流程角度介绍系统设计思路,并阐述研发本系统的关键技术。采用系统配置与单体软件模式技术实现菜单驱动的系统架构,并在影像数据自动化预处理基础上,运用蓝藻水华遥感监测模型,实现蓝藻水华空间分布信息自动化提取,使得本系统在太湖蓝藻水华遥感监测的业务化运行中取得明显效果。  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria represent a major harmful algal group in fresh to brackish water environments. Lac des Allemands, a freshwater lake of 49 km2 southwest of New Orleans, Louisiana on the upper end of the Barataria Estuary, provides a natural laboratory for remote characterization of cyanobacterial blooms because of their seasonal occurrence. The Oceansat-1 satellite Ocean Colour Monitor (OCM) provides measurements similar to SeaWiFS but with higher spatial resolution, and this work is the first attempt to use OCM measurements to quantify cyanobacterial pigments. The satellite signal was first vicariously calibrated using SeaWiFS as a reference, and then corrected to remove the atmospheric effects using a customized atmospheric correction procedure. Then, empirical inversion algorithms were developed to convert the OCM remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) at bands 4 and 5 (centered at 510.6 and 556.4 nm, respectively) to concentrations of phycocyanin (PC), the primary cyanobacterial pigment. A holistic approach was used to minimize the influence of other optically active constituents on the PC algorithm. Similarly, empirical algorithms to estimate chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations were developed using OCM bands 5 and 6 (centered at 556.4 and 669 nm, respectively). The best PC algorithm (R2 = 0.7450, p < 0.0001, n = 72) yielded a root mean square error (RMSE) of 36.92 μg/L with a relative RMSE of 10.27% (PC from 2.75 to 363.50 μg/L, n = 48). The best algorithm for Chl a (R2 = 0.7510, p < 0.0001, n = 72) produced an RMSE of 31.19 μg/L with a relative RMSE of 16.56% (Chl a from 9.46 to 212.76 μg/L, n = 48). While more field data are required to further validate the long-term performance of these algorithms, currently they represent the best protocol for establishing a long time-series of cyanobacterial blooms in the Lac des Allemands using OCM data.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of the fleet targeting Jumbo flying squid (Dosidicus gigas) in the Eastern Pacific is examined during the 1999 fishery season. The commercial fishery consists of a multinational jigging fleet, which fish at night using powerful lights to attract squid. The emission of light from these vessels can be observed using satellite-derived imagery obtained by the United States Defence Meteorological Satellite Program-Operational Linescan System (DMSP-OLS). In order to quantify fishing effort using lights, data on the distribution and abundance of vessels were obtained via satellite tracking using the ARGOS system. The distribution of the fishery as derived from light signatures was found to closely resemble that derived from ship location data. By using ARGOS data to calibrate DMSP-OLS images, we are able to estimate fishing effort in terms of the ‘area illuminated’ by the fishing fleet. Light signatures derived from DMSP-OLS were successfully used to quantify fishing effort, estimating the number of vessels fishing to within ±2 in 85 out of 103 satellite images (83%). High seas fishing was also quantified, with light signatures corresponding to a single fishing vessel observed in 11 out of 103 satellite passes during the fishery season (July-December 1999). This study examines how much light (in terms of area) is emitted by a single squid fishing vessel, and may prove to be a valuable tool in assessing and policing fisheries using satellite remote sensing.  相似文献   

Many fundamental ecosystem properties and dynamics are determined by plant water stress, particularly in dryland ecosystems where water is usually limiting. Indeed, under severe drought, plant water stress and associated insect infestations can produce landscape-scale mortality. Despite the fundamental importance of plant water stress in determining properties and dynamics at ecosystem and landscape scales, approaches for remotely sensing plant water stress are largely lacking, particularly for conifers. We evaluated the remotely sensed detection of foliar drought stress in two conifer species, Pinus edulis and Juniperus monosperma, which are co-dominants of extensive-juniper woodlands in North America, the first of which experienced extensive mortality in association with a recent drought. Needle spectra were made on these species in the field using an integrating sphere and portable spectrometer. Two indices of foliar water condition, plant water content (% of dry mass) and plant water potential, were compared to five spectral analyses: continuum removal of the 970 and 1200 nm water absorption features, the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and the red edge wavelength position. For P. edulis, plant water content was significantly correlated with four of the five indices: NDVI (R2=0.71) and NDWI (R2=0.68) which exhibited stronger relationships than 970 nm continuum removal (R2=0.57) or red edge position (R2=0.45). All five indices were significantly correlated with P. edulis water content when trees undergoing mortality were included in analyses (R2=0.60-0.93). Although the correlations were weaker than for plant water content, plant water potential was significantly correlated with NDWI (R2=0.49), 970 nm (R2=0.44), NDVI (R2=0.35), and red edge (R2=0.34); again all five indices had significant relationships when trees undergoing mortality were included (R2=0.51-0.86). The relationships were weaker for J. monosperma: water content was significantly related to 970 nm (R2=0.50) and 1200 nm (R2=0.37) continuums and NDVI (R2=0.33), while water potential was related only to 1200 nm (R2=0.40). Our results demonstrate a critical link between plant physiological characteristics tied to water stress and associated spectral signatures for two extensive co-occurring conifer species.  相似文献   

A novel ocean color index to detect floating algae in the global oceans   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Various types of floating algae have been reported in open oceans and coastal waters, yet accurate and timely detection of these relatively small surface features using traditional satellite data and algorithms has been difficult or even impossible due to lack of spatial resolution, coverage, revisit frequency, or due to inherent algorithm limitations. Here, a simple ocean color index, namely the Floating Algae Index (FAI), is developed and used to detect floating algae in open ocean environments using the medium-resolution (250- and 500-m) data from operational MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) instruments. FAI is defined as the difference between reflectance at 859 nm (vegetation “red edge”) and a linear baseline between the red band (645 nm) and short-wave infrared band (1240 or 1640 nm). Through data comparison and model simulations, FAI has shown advantages over the traditional NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) or EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) because FAI is less sensitive to changes in environmental and observing conditions (aerosol type and thickness, solar/viewing geometry, and sun glint) and can “see” through thin clouds. The baseline subtraction method provides a simple yet effective means for atmospheric correction, through which floating algae can be easily recognized and delineated in various ocean waters, including the North Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Yellow Sea, and East China Sea. Because similar spectral bands are available on many existing and planned satellite sensors such as Landsat TM/ETM+ and VIIRS (Visible Infrared Imager/Radiometer Suite), the FAI concept is extendable to establish a long-term record of these ecologically important ocean plants.  相似文献   

The commonly applied surface temperature-vegetation index (Ts-VI) triangle method is used to estimate regional evapotranspiration (ET) in arid and semi-arid regions. A practical algorithm based on the Ts-VI triangle method is developed to determine quantitatively the dry and wet edges of this triangle space. First, the Ts-VI triangle method is reviewed. Assumptions involved in this method are highlighted, and advantages, disadvantages and applicability are discussed. Then, an experimental use of the Ts-VI triangle method is developed and applied to several MODIS/TERRA datasets acquired during the Heihe Field Experiment from May 20th to August 21st, 2008. The sensible heat fluxes retrieved using MODIS data from a grassland located in the middle reach of Heihe river basin, Northwest China, are in good agreement with those measured from a Large Aperture Scintillometer (LAS). The Root Mean Square Error of this comparison is 25.07 W/m2. It is shown that determination of dry and wet edges using the proposed algorithm is accurate enough at least in most cases of our study for the estimates of regional surface ET.  相似文献   

Empirical airborne remote-sensing relationships were examined to estimate chlorophyll a concentration in the first optical depth (chlFOD) of coastal waters of Afgonak/Kodiak Islands during July-August 2002. Band-ratio and spectral-curvature models were tested using satellite remote-sensing reflectance (Rrs(λ)) measurements. Additional shipboard and airborne Rrs(λ) data were also analysed to evaluate consistency of proposed chlFOD-Rrs(λ) relationships. Validation of chlorophyll algorithms was performed using data collected in the northern-part of the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea during 1996, 2002, and 2003 cruises. Likewise, oceanographic conditions during the surveys were typified to interpret variability of chlFOD fields. The SeaWiFS band-ratio algorithm OC2d was the most sensitive Rrs combination (Rrs(509)/Rrs(553)) to detect chlFOD variability. Conversely, OC2a (Rrs(412)/Rrs(553)) had the lowest performance to derive chlFOD values. No valid statistical regressions were established for spectral-curvature relationships in the blue spectrum (< 500 nm). Fertile waters (> 5 mg m− 3) were preferentially located over shallow banks (∼50 m) and at the entrance of the bays. The approach used in this study to derive chlFOD values could be universal for Alaskan coastal waters. However, chlFOD-Rrs(λ) relationships must be calibrated locally for a given season.  相似文献   

Considerable controversy is associated with dry season increases in the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), observed using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), compared with field-based estimates of decreasing plant productivity. Here, we investigate potential causes of intra-annual variability by comparing EVI from mature forest with field-measured Leaf Area Index (LAI) to validate space-based observations. EVI was calculated from 19 nadir and off-nadir Hyperion images in the 2005 dry season, and inspected for consistency with MODIS observations from 2004 to 2009. The objective was to evaluate the possible influence of the view-illumination geometry and of canopy foliage and leaf flush on the EVI. Spectral mixture models were used to evaluate the relationship between EVI and the shade fraction, a measure that varies with pixel brightness. MODIS LAI values were compared with LAI estimated using hemispherical photographs taken in two field campaigns in the dry season. To keep LAI and leaf flush conditions as constant variables and vary solar illumination, we used airborne Hyperspectral Mapper (Hymap) data acquired over mature forest from another region on the same day but with two distinct solar zenith angles (SZA) (29° and 53°). Results showed that intra-annual variability in MODIS and nadir Hyperion EVI in the dry season of tropical forest were driven by solar illumination effects rather than changes in LAI. The reflectance of the MODIS and Hyperion blue, red and near infrared (NIR) bands was higher at the end of the dry season because of the predominance of sunlit canopy components for the sensors due to decreasing SZA from June (44°) to September (26°). Because EVI was highly correlated with the reflectance of the NIR band used to generate it (r of + 0.98 for MODIS and + 0.88 for Hyperion), this vegetation index followed the general NIR pattern, increasing with smaller SZA towards the end of the dry season. Hyperion EVI was inversely correlated with the shade fraction (r = − 0.93). Changes in canopy foliage detected from MODIS LAI data were not consistent with LAI estimates from hemispherical photographs. Although further research is necessary to measure the impact of leaf flush on intra-annual EVI variability in the Querência region, analysis of Hymap data with fixed LAI and leaf flush conditions confirmed the influence of the illumination effects on the EVI.  相似文献   

Remote sensing of near-surface hydrological conditions within northern peatlands has the potential to provide important large-scale hydrological information regarding ecological and carbon-balance processes occurring within such systems. This article details how field knowledge of the spectral properties of Sphagnum spp., airborne remote sensing data and a range of image analysis approaches, may be combined to provide a suitable proxy for near-surface wetness. Co-incident field and airborne remote sensing data were acquired in May and September 2002 over an important UK raised bog (Cors Fochno). A combination of laboratory-tested NIR and SWIR water-based and biophysical spectral reflectance indices were applied to field and airborne reflectance spectra of Sphagnum pulchrum to elucidate changes in near-surface moisture conditions. Field results showed significant correlations between water-based indices (moisture stress index (MSI) and floating water band indices (fWBI980 and fWBI1200))) and measures of both near-surface volumetric moisture content (VMC) and water-table position. Spectral indices formulated from the NIR (fWBI980 and fWBI1200) proved to be the most useful for indicating near-surface wetness across the widest range of moisture conditions because of their ability to penetrate deeper into the Sphagnum canopy. Correlations between a biophysical index based upon chlorophyll content and both hydrological measures were not significant, possibly due to relatively high levels of surface wetness at the field site in both May and September. S. pulchrum lawns were successfully located and mapped from airborne imagery using the mixed tuned match filtering (MTMF) algorithm. Importantly, MSI derived from airborne data was significantly correlated with both field moisture and the water-table position. Relationships between measures of near-surface wetness and the MSI for naturally heterogeneous canopies were, however, found to be weaker for airborne imagery than for associated field data. This is likely to be a result of the formulation of the MSI itself and the possible preferential detection of “wetter” pixels within the imagery. This effectively reduced the ability of MSI to detect subtle changes in near-surface wetness under high moisture conditions, but would not impede the use of the index under drier conditions. Results from the field data suggest that indices formulated from the NIR may be more suitable for detailed estimations of near-surface and surface wetness at the landscape-scale although reliable hyperspectral data are required to test fully the performance of such indices. The relative merits of using such an approach to determine near-surface hydrological conditions across entire peatland complexes are also discussed.  相似文献   

During the rainy season the abundance of mosquitoes over the Ferlo region (Senegal) is linked to dynamic, vegetation cover and turbidity of temporary and relatively small ponds. The latter create a variable environment where mosquitoes can thrive and thus contribute to diffusion and transmission of diseases such as the Rift Valley Fever (RVF, with Aedes vexans arabiensis and Culex poicilipes mosquitoes) in the Ferlo. The small size and complex distribution of ponds require the use of high-spatial resolution satellite images for adequate detection. Here the use of SPOT-5 images (10 m-resolution) allows for detailed assessment of spatio-temporal evolution of ponds, through two new indices: i.e., the Normalized Difference Pond Index (NDPI), and the Normalized Difference Turbidity Index (NDTI). Small ponds less than 0.5 ha dominate whatever the time period. For example they represent nearly 65% of the total ponds during the peak of the rainy season, up to 90% at the end of the same season. Moreover, another product is proposed: the Zone Potentially Occupied by Mosquitoes (ZPOM). During the apex of the summer monsoon, it is found that RVF mosquitoes occupy 25% of the Ferlo region, while only 0.9% of the same area is covered by ponds. Overlapping areas occupied by grazing cattle and mosquitoes, enhance RVF virus transmission. The remotely sensed operational indices and products presented here are meant to better understand the mechanisms at stake and to contribute to the development of early warning systems in a changing climate and environment.  相似文献   

Successful discrimination of a variety of natural and urban landscape components has been achieved with remote sensing data using multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis (MESMA). MESMA is a spectral matching algorithm that addresses spectral variability by allowing multiple reference spectra (i.e., endmembers) to represent each material class. However, materials that have a high-degree of spectral similarity between classes, such as similar plant-types or closely related plant species, and large variations in albedo present an ongoing challenge for accurate class discrimination with imaging spectrometry. Continuum removal (CR) analysis may improve class separability by emphasizing individual absorption features across a normalized spectrum. The spectral and structural characteristics common to most Eucalyptus trees make them notoriously difficult to discriminate in closed-canopy forests with imaging spectrometry. We evaluated whether CR applied to hyperspectral remote sensing data improved the performance of MESMA in classifying and mapping nine eucalypt tree species according to the two major Eucalyptus subgenera, Eucalyptus (common name “monocalypt”) and Symphyomyrtus (common name “symphyomyrtle”). Mixed-canopies comprised of monocalypts and symphyomyrtles are common in Australia, although their spatial distribution is not random. The ability to map these functional types on a landscape-scale could provide important information about ecosystem processes, landscape disturbance history and wildlife habitat. We created a spectral library of 229 pixels from 37 symphyomyrtle tree canopies and 406 pixels from 62 monocalypt tree canopies selected from HyMap imagery and verified with field data. Based on these reference data, we achieved overall classification accuracies at the subgenera-level of 75% (Kappa 0.48) for non-CR spectra and 83% (Kappa 0.63) for the CR spectra. We found that continuum-removal improved the classification performance of most endmember-models, although a larger portion of pixels remained unmodeled with the CR spectra (2%) compared to the non-CR spectra (0%). We utilized a new method for model optimization and created maps of monocalypt and symphyomyrtle distribution in our study area based on our best performing endmember-models. Our vegetation maps were largely consistent with our expectations of subgenera distribution based on our knowledge of the region.  相似文献   

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