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Male and female rats were exposed to Cannabis smoke or placebo once every second day for 32 days. Following these 16 trials all animals were injected once intraperitoneally with 4 mg/kg THC. After every third inhalation trial and after the injection the rats were placed on a movement sensor for 3 min. Cannabis smoke significantly reduced activity, relative to baseline scores, during the first 10 inhalation trials but by the thirteenth exposure, tolerance was evident. When the animals were injected with THC, the male rats who had been exposed to Cannabis smoke significantly increased their activity whereas the females did not alter their activity relative to the last inhalation trial. In contrast rats of both sexes that had been exposed to placebo smoke significantly decreased their activity following the injection. This intermodal cross-tolerance is discussed in terms of the role of conditioning in the development of tolerance.  相似文献   

A tetracyclic, conformationally constrained analogue of delta8-THC (2) has been synthesized in which a two carbon bridge exists between C2 and C2'. Two conceptually related syntheses of 2 are described, both of which employ 5,7-dimethoxy-4-oxo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthoic acid (11) as starting material. This substrate was converted to 5,7dimethoxy-2-propyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene (7) and its 4-keto derivative (18). Demethylation of 11 and 18 provided the corresponding resorcinols, which were condensed with trans-p-menthadienol to afford cannabinoid 2, and a keto derivative (20). LiA1H4/A1C1(3) reduction of 20 provided 2. Cannabinoid 2 has relatively low affinity for the cannabinoid brain receptor (Ki = 703+/-98 nM).  相似文献   

Early studies have shown mitochondrially-mediated oxidative phosphorylation is diminished in cancer cells, with glycolysis being the main source of energy production. More recent provocative reports have indicated that the mitochondria may be involved in a host of different aspects of tumorigenesis, including mutagenesis, maintenance of the malignant phenotype, and control of apoptosis. These studies have broadened the possible roles mitochondria may play in malignancy. Further studies to define the importance of mitochondria should revolve around the functional assessment of these changes in vitro and in vivo, and will be interesting for determining their significance in human cancer.  相似文献   

Intrathecal pretreatment of mice with an antisense oligodeoxynucleotide directed against the kappa-1 receptor significantly reduced the antinociceptive effects of the kappa receptor agonist U50,488 as well as delta 9-THC, the major psychoactive ingredient found in cannabis. A mismatched oligodeoxynucleotide which contained four switched bases did not block the antinociception produced by U50,488 or delta 9-THC. Furthermore, kappa-1 antisense did not alter the antinociceptive effects of either the mu receptor-selective opioid DAMGO, or the delta receptor-selective opioid DPDPE. By using kappa-1 antisense, we were able to demonstrate that an interaction occurs between the cannabinoids and opioids in the spinal cord.  相似文献   

The effects of Δ–9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content on choice of marijuana, number of marijuana cigarettes smoked, and ratings of marijuana's effects were examined in 6 adult male marijuana smokers during a residential study consisting of four 3-day blocks of 2 sample days and 1 choice day. Days were divided into 6.5-hr work and social-access periods, beginning at 1000 and 1700. On sample days, marijuana cigarettes containing different THC concentrations (0.0% vs. 3.5% and 2.0% vs. 3.5% THC) were smoked at least once during each period. On choice days, independent choices between previously sampled marijuana cigarettes were made during each period. A maximum of 8 cigarettes could be smoked per day, and drug ratings were obtained after each period. Only choice behavior was sensitive to changes in THC content, whereas only the number of smoked marijuana cigarettes was related to context (i.e., work and social-access period). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Previous reports have suggested that delta 9-11-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta 9-11-THC), an exocyclic analog of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta 9-THC), may have weak agonist effects as well as antagonistic properties. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of delta 9-11-THC in substitution and antagonism tests in rats and in rhesus monkeys trained to discriminate delta 9-THC from vehicle in two-lever drug-discrimination procedures. The substitution studies showed that delta 9-11-THC generalizes from the training dose of delta 9-THC in rats and in monkeys, although it was less potent in both species. The magnitude of the potency difference was greater in monkeys than in rats. When administered immediately following injection with the training dose of delta 9-THC, delta 9-11-THC failed to block the delta 9-THC cue in rats and showed a lack of dose-responsive inhibition in monkeys. These results suggest that delta 9-11-THC is devoid of antagonistic properties in the drug discrimination paradigm.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of intravenously administered 14C-delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol and derived radiolabeled metabolites were studied in three dogs at two doses each at 0.1 or 0.5 and 2.0 mg/kg. Two dogs were biliary cannulated; total bile was collected in one and sampled in the other. The time course for the fraction of the dose per milliliter of plasma was best fit by a sum of five exponentials, and there was no dose dependency. No drug was excreted unchanged. The mean apparent volume of distribution of the central compartment referenced to total drug concentration in the plasma was 1.31 +/- 0.07 liters, approximately the plasma volume, due to the high protein binding of 97%. The mean metabolic clearance of drug in the plasma was 124 +/- 3.8 ml/min, half of the hepatic plasma flow, but was 4131 +/- 690 ml/min referenced to unbound drug concentration in the plasma, 16.5 times the hepatic plasma flow, indicating that net metabolism of both bound and unbound drug occurs. Apparent parallel production of several metabolites occurred, but the pharmacokinetics of their appearance were undoubtedly due to their sequential production during liver passage. The apparent half-life of the metabolic process was 6.9 +/- 0.3 min. The terminal half-life of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol in the pseudo-steady state after equilibration in an apparent overall volume of distribtuion of 2170 +/- 555 liters referenced to total plasma concentration was 8.2 +/- 0.23 days, based on the consistency of all pharmacokinetic data. The best estimate of the terminal half-life, based only on the 7000 min that plasma levels could be monitored with the existing analytical sensitivity, was 1.24 days. However, this value was inconsistent with the metabolite production and excretion of 40-45% of dose in feces, 14-16.5% in urine, and 55% in bile within 5 days when 24% of the dose was unmetabolized and in the tissue at that time. These data were consistent with an enterohepatic recirculation of 10-15% of the metabolites. Intravenously administered radiolabeled metabolites were totally and rapidly eliminated in both bile and urine; 88% of the dose in 300 min with an apparent overall volume of distribution of 6 liters. These facts supported the proposition that the return of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol from tissue was the rate-determining process of drug elimination after initial fast distribution and metabolism and was inconsistent with the capability of enzyme induction to change the terminal half-life.  相似文献   

An enantioselective synthesis of the (1'S,2'R)-dimethylheptyl cannabinoid side chain has been developed and employed in the synthesis of 11-hydroxy-(1'S,2'R)-dimethylheptyl-delta 8-THC (3). Pharmacology, in vivo and in vitro, indicate (3) to be one of the most potent traditional cannabinoids known.  相似文献   

The action of 9 alpha-fluorohydrocortisone (fludrocortisone) as a potent mineralocorticoid was reviewed. Fludrocortisone shows mineralocorticoid activity as potent as aldosterone and causes sodium-retention and kaliuresis when injected intravenously in man. The duration of the action of fludrocortisone in longer than that of aldosterone. Therefore, fludrocortisone is more pertinent to clinical use than aldosterone. Fludrocortisone is administered as a mineralocorticoid in case of Addison's disease and postoperative Cushing syndrome. It is also used to relieve hyperkalemia or to ameliorate hyponatremia.  相似文献   

Albino rats were given extensive training in spaced responding, using a DRL 30 sec schedule of food reinforcement (only lever presses more than 30 sec apart were reinforced). All rats then went 12 days without behavioral testing. During this period half the rats received daily intragastric doses of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and the rest equal volumes of the THC vehicle. On day 13, some rats received THC 3 hr before behavioral testing while others received only vehicle. The former showed a sharp increase in lever press rate over baseline levels, but the vehicle control rats were unaffected. The rats with 12 prior THC doses were no less affected than those with no previous drug history. Continued testing resulted in recovery of baseline performance within 5 sessions, again with no effect of previous drug history. Similar results were obtained with doses of 4 mg/kg and 16 mg/kg, though the drug's effects were more pronounced at the higher dose. These results demonstrate that performance in the drug state can be a far more important determinant of tolerance than mere exposure to THC. Drug administration was then suspended for 1 week. Rats that had become tolerant to 4 mg/kg THC were then redivided into 3 new groups. One group received daily doses of vehicle and DRL sessions, a second received DRL sessions without vehicle, and 1 group received neither vehicle nor DRL sessions for this week. Subsequent DRL testing after THC administration showed that only the groups receiving DRL sessions in the intervening week lost their previously acquired tolerance. Experience thus appears to play an important role in loss of tolerance to THC as well as in acquisition of tolerance.  相似文献   

A novel reduced taxane, 13-acetyl-9(R)-dihydrobaccatin III (1) has been isolated from Taxus canadensis. The selective C-13 deacetylation of this isolate has allowed for the preparation of a wide variety of 9(R)-dihydrotaxane analogs. In general, this series has shown greater stability and water solubility than the 9-carbonyl series while retaining antimicrotubule and tumor cell cytotoxicity activities relative to taxol. Placement of polar functionalities at the C-7 position results in loss of activity whereas alkylation or acylation of either C-7 or C-9 hydroxyl groups ameliorate the activity.  相似文献   

Two groups of New Zealand white rabbits, one which had been adapted to the testing chamber and one which had not been adapted to the testing chamber, were given delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta9-THC; 0.5 mg/kg, IV) daily for 12 days. During vehicle control and on the first and last day of delta9-THC administration, electroencephalograms (EEG's) were recorded from the motor cortex and hippocampus, while standing, sprawling and behavioral activity were recorded concurrently. The results showed that tolerance to the behavioral and EEG effects of delta9-THC occurs in rabbits and that acute and chronic effects produced by delta9-THC are influenced by environmental factors.  相似文献   

In this study we employed the neuroblastoma x glioma NG 108-15 cell line as a model for investigating the effects of long-term activation of cannabinoid receptors on delta opioid receptor desensitization, down-regulation and gene expression. Exposure of NG 108-15 cells to (-)-delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta9-THC) reduced opioid receptor binding, evaluated in intact cells, by approximately 40-45% in cells exposed for 24 h to 50 and 100 nM delta9-THC and by approximately 25% in cells exposed to 10 nM delta9-THC. Lower doses of delta9-THC (0.1 and 1 nM) or a shorter exposure time to the cannabinoid (6 h) were not effective. Down-regulation of 6 opioid receptors was not observed in cells exposed for 24 h to pertussis toxin (PTX) and then treated for 24 h with 100 nM delta9-THC. In cells that were exposed for 24 h to the cannabinoid, the ability of delta9-THC and of the delta opioid receptor agonist [D-Ser2, Leu5, Thr6]enkephalin to inhibit forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation was significantly attenuated. Prolonged exposure of NG 108-15 cells to 100 nM delta9-THC produced a significant elevation of steady-state levels of delta opioid receptor mRNA. This effect was not observed in cells pretreated with PTX. The selective cannabinoid receptor antagonist SR 141716A blocked the effects elicited by delta9-THC on delta opioid receptor desensitization, down-regulation and gene expression; thus indicating that these are mediated via activation of cannabinoid receptors. These data demonstrate the existence, in NG 108-15 cells, of a complex cross-talk between the cannabinoid and opioid receptors on prolonged exposure to delta9-THC triggered by changes in signaling through Gi and/or G0-coupled receptors.  相似文献   

A high potential analog of riboflavin with a cyano function at the 8-position was synthesized by employing novel reaction conditions, starting from 8-amino-riboflavin. This was converted to the FAD level with FAD synthetase. The reduced 8-CN-riboflavin, unlike normal reduced flavin, has a distinctive absorption spectrum with two distinctive peaks in the near ultraviolet region. The oxidation-reduction potential of the new flavin was determined to be -50 mV, approximately 160 mV more positive than that of normal riboflavin. The 8-CN-riboflavin and 8-CN-FMN were found to be photoreactive and need to be protected from exposure to light. However such complications were not encountered with protein-bound flavins. The apoproteins of flavodoxin and Old Yellow Enzyme (OYE) were reconstituted with the 8-CN-FMN and apoDAAO was reconstituted with 8-CN-FAD. Spectral properties of the enzyme-bound neutral and anionic semiquinones were determined from these reconstituted proteins. In the case of 8-CN-FMN-OYE I, it was shown that the comproportionation reaction of a mixture of reduced and oxidized enzyme bound flavin is very rapid, compared with the same reaction with native protein, resulting in approximately 100% thermodynamically stable anionic semiquinone. In the case of 8-CN-OYE I, it was shown that the rate of reduction of the enzyme bound flavin by NADPH is approximately 40 times faster, and the rate of reoxidation of reduced enzyme bound flavin by oxygen is an order of magnitude slower than with the normal FMN enzyme. This is in accord with the high oxidation-reduction potential of the flavin, which thermodynamically stabilizes the reduced enzyme.  相似文献   

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