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1两年来,我省实施农村饮水解困工程取得了显著成效,为全面完成饮水解困工程打下了良好的基础“用三年时间基本解决全省农村严重饮水困难问题”,是省委、省政府向全省人民作出的庄严承诺。从2000年初省委、省政府作出这个承诺以来,经过各级政府特别是水利部门同志们的艰苦努力,全省共兴建饮水工程6153处,完成投资6.19亿元,解决了7629个自然村、181.9万人的饮水困难,其中仅51个重点县就解决了5951个自然村、145.7万人的饮水困难。实施农村饮水解困工程的伟大实践再次证明,只要我们努力实践江泽民总…  相似文献   

三年前,山西省人民政府向全省人民承诺,用三年时间解决农村饮水困难严重的问题。经过三年努力,我省严重缺水人口的饮水困难已基本解决,到2002年9月底,共解决了240万人的严重缺水问题,实现了省政府的承诺。另外,还解决了113万人饮水比较困难的问题。1实施农村饮水解困工程,是党和政府关心群众疾苦的具体表现,充分体现了社会主义制度的优越性,更是增强党群干群血肉联系的纽带农村饮水解困工程是我省实践江泽民总书记“三个代表”重要思想,为人民群众所做的一件实事。农村饮水困难是多年遗留下来的老问题,面广量大,由…  相似文献   

山西地处黄土高原,农村饮水历来困难。2000年,省委、省政府向全省人民庄严承诺:从2000年开始到2002年,在全省实施农村饮水解困工程,用三年时间基本解决全省严重缺水的240万人的饮水困难。 饮水解困工程实施两年来,全省共兴建饮水工程6153处,完成投资  相似文献   

在全省严重缺水的县(市、区)实施农村饮水解困工程,用3年时间基本解决全省农村人口的吃水困难,是刘振华省长在年初召开的九届人大三次会议上,代表省政府向全省人民作出的庄严承诺,是省政府给全省人民办的一件实事,是解决群众生产生活困难,加快农村稳步脱贫和经济发展的重大举措。我们要动员组织全省广大干部群众特别是严重缺水地区的干部群众,进一步统一思想,提高认识,立即行动起来,全面实施农村饮水解困工程,从根本上解决我省人畜饮水困难问题。1统一思想,提高认识,把解决农村人口饮水问题作为当前工作的一件大事来抓我省十年九旱,水资…  相似文献   

近年来,省委、省政府高度重视农村人畜饮水解困工作,要求各级政府把解决农村人畜饮水困难作为为人民办实事的主要内容之一,并向全省人民做出承诺。2002年省政府第94次办公会议提出两年内要解决313万农村人口的饮水困难问题。2004年,省委、省政府又部署了180万农村人口的饮水解困任务,并纳入省委、省政府开展的“十项利民行动”加以推进。  相似文献   

经过近三年的艰苦奋战,涉及全省353万人口的农村饮水解困工程已经全面完成。这是我省基础设施建设的一项重大成果,是许许多多农民群众祖祖辈辈盼望的民心工程、德政工程,是我省农村水利发展史上,特别是解决人畜吃水历史上重要的里程碑。我们用实际行动实践“三个代表”的重要思想,用实际行动兑现了刘振华省长向全省人民作出的庄严承诺,用实际行动向广大群众展示了各级政府是全心全意为人民服务的政府,是信守承诺、取信于民的政府。1充分肯定三年来全省农村饮水解困取得的巨大成就,认真总结建设过程中取得的成功经验三年前,面对…  相似文献   

用三年时间,集中解决全省农村严重缺水群众的吃水困难,是省政府作出的一项重大决策,是现阶段我们改善农村基础设施,推动农业和农村经济发展的一项重大基础性工程,这项工作已经进行了两年,2002年是最后一年。2002年的任务完成后,全省总计将有近370万人口告别水荒,农村饮水困难局面将得到很大程度的改变,省政府向全省人民作出的承诺将圆满实现。1总结经验,肯定成绩,进一步增强解决农村饮水困难的信心两年来,全省共投入资金6.19亿元,建成饮水工程6153处,解决了7629个自然村、181.94万人的饮水困难…  相似文献   

新年伊始,我们就召开了全省农村人饮工作会议,这次会议的主要任务是:一要贯彻领导指示和国家有关会议精神;二要总结交流前段我省农村饮水解困工作的经验做法;三要布置2001年国家下达给我省的农村饮水解困计划的实施工作;四要启动下一步工程的前期工作。这次全省农村人饮工作会议是省计委与水利厅联合召开的,两部门从事这项工作的同志坐在一起共同谋划建设大计,共同协商解决在建设过程中存在的问题,这必将有力地推动我省农村饮水解困工作深入开展。 一、我省农村饮水困难现状及解困工作成效 我省是全国农村人口饮水困难比较严重…  相似文献   

从2000年开始实施的农村饮水解困工程,是省委、省政府从贯彻江泽民总书记提出的“三个代表”的重要思想出发,为全省人民办的一件实事和好事。在年初召开的省九届人大三次会议上,振华省长代表省委、省政府向全省人民做出庄严承诺,用!年时间解决全省严重缺水人口的饮水困难问题。2000年,首批启动了22个县,目前,工程整体进展顺利。4肯定成绩,总结经验,进一步增强实现农村饮水解困目标的决心和信心全省实施饮水解困工程从3月份启动,各地按照省委、省政府的部署,科学规划,精心组织,22个重点县市已开工建设各类工程1600处,占到计划…  相似文献   

1全省3年农村饮水解困任务超额完成截止2002年9月底,全省3年农村饮水解困工程累计完成投资11.69亿元,建成饮水解困工程9731处,解决了12271个自然村、353万人、63.04万头大畜的饮水困难,解决饮水困难人口超过预定目标113万人,省委、省政府的庄严承诺如期兑现。10月26日,省政府在晋城召开了全省3年农村饮水解困总结表彰大会。2汾河上游81km干流河道综合治理主体工程顺利完工10月8日,引黄工程的重要组成部分———汾河上游81km干流河道治理主体工程全部完工,如期实现了省委、省政府提出…  相似文献   

Water End, Hertfordshire, has been designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest due to the presence of some of the most important swallow holes in southern England. However, the swallow holes are being infilled by sediment and rubbish, resulting in severe environmental deterioration. Sedimentation appears to have been accelerated by human disruption of the Mimmshall Brook catchment, within which the swallow holes are located. A study of the sediment dynamics within the Mimmshall catchment was undertaken to identify instabilities and sediment transfer dynamics in the fluvial system. Channelization is shown to be the primary cause of the sedimentation problem. It was found that channelization triggers sediment flux divergences which in turn necessitate channel changes to restore equilibrium. As nickpoints migrate upstream of channelized reaches, bed degradation increases bank height. This decreases the stability of the bank with respect to mass failure. Bank failures occur under ‘worst case’ conditions once the threshold of bank instability is crossed. Bank erosion and mass failures were found to be the major sources of sediment to Water End and it was concluded that bank retreat must be controlled if environmental deterioration at Water End is to be slowed or reversed.  相似文献   

全国违规水电站清查整改工作总结大会就要结束了.这次会议只有一天的时间,但开得务实,富有成效.胡部长的讲话在全面总结违规水电站清查整改工作的基础上,深刻分析了农村水电安全生产面临的新形势和新问题,明确提出农村水电安全生产工作要实现从专项治理到全面监管的转变.与会代表在发言和讨论中交流了各地的经验和做法,还就规范农村水能资源管理、加大农村水电投入、落实农村水电管理职责、人员和经费、加强联合执法等问题提出了很好的意见和建议.我们将在会后认真研究,与大家共同努力,逐步加以落实.  相似文献   

Hydrological drought has wide-ranging impacts on water quality, nutrient and carbon metrics, and given the uncertainty of climate change and the predicted increased frequency and intensity of drought in the future, investigations into changes induced by drought become increasingly important. This study compared physicochemical parameters (temperature, conductivity, pH and DO), nutrients (TN, NOX [NO2 + NO3], NH3 and TP) and carbon (TOC and DOC) between hydrological drought conditions (2006–2008) and hydrological normal conditions (2016–2019) at five sites along the lower Savannah River (Georgia, USA). Although we had predicted that water temperatures would increase from drought, we instead found temperature was significantly lower during drought conditions. Levels of pH and DO were significantly higher during drought. Further, TN, TOC and DOC concentrations were significantly lower during drought, but NOX concentrations were significantly higher during drought. Conductivity varied at the lower river sites, being significantly higher during drought at sites located below the city of Augusta, GA. These complex changes could be attributed to volume reductions coupled with an increase in the percentage of total flow originating from groundwater as well as limnetic reservoir inputs, persistent point source pollution, reduced natural catchment inputs and/or reduced floodplain interactions. The changes that occurred during drought may be disruptive to aquatic life, not only from reduced water quantity but also due to a scarcity of some biologically essential materials and lower food resources, combined with artificially high levels of some other potentially stressful materials.  相似文献   

施工期对环境的保护,越来越受到业主及承包商的重视,但在实际施工中,由于客观条件及人为因素造成的环境问题屡屡发生,给当地的自然、社会环境带来一定的负面影响,为了保护环境,使工程对施工环境影响减小到最低程度,制定完善环保措施是非常必要的。  相似文献   

黄河治理开发保护与管理的总体布局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄河流域治理开发在保障我国经济社会发展方面具有十分重要的作用,但黄河具有"水少、沙多,水沙关系不协调"的基本特性,决定了黄河治理开发与保护的长期性、艰巨性和复杂性,且流域及相关地区经济社会发展对黄河防洪安全、供水安全、饮水安全、生态安全等均提出了新的更高的保障要求。在总结黄河治理开发的成就及存在的主要问题的基础上,制定了今后黄河治理开发的任务和目标,明确了规划的指导思想和原则,有针对性地提出了治理开发的总体布局。  相似文献   

王忠德 《海河水利》2005,(6):19-20,27
根据施工组织设计对工程造价的指导作用和工程造价对施工组织设计的反作用关系,对工程造价如何有效控制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Bank erosion is a key geomorphological mechanism in the fluvial ecosystems of piedmont and mountain floodplains, since it regulates the diversity of habitats, species and vegetal units. A plan for managing this erosion was established for the Galaure River, a tributary of the Middle Rhône characterized by mobile meander dynamics. Geomorphological analysis provided grounds for sectioning the river on the basis of lateral instability and led to defining geomorphological trends over a period of 50 years. In parallel, riverside landowners were questioned in order to take their opinions into account during planning. It is shown that active bank protection is not financially worthwhile, whereas abandoning this policy is difficult in view of opposition to this from riverside landowners. The management plan devised allows for continued bank protection of certain reaches where lateral erosion is moderate and the conditions merit such measures. In contrast, nature conservation measures are planned for the section characterized by actively mobile meanders. An area of free channel evolution or streamway has been defined within which all bank protection measures are prohibited. This arrangement was made possible through a contract between managers and riverside landowners, by which managers are to purchase conservation lands while landowners receive indemnities for reduced usage rights. Conservation of fluvial dynamics is accompanied by forest corridor rehabilitation of lands 15 to 20 m from the active channel, where poplar stands are replaced by indigenous hygrophyte species. ©1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

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