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Ad-hoc limited scale-free models for unstructured peer-to-peer networks   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Several protocol efficiency metrics (e.g., scalability, search success rate, routing reachability and stability) depend on the capability of preserving structure even over the churn caused by the ad-hoc nodes joining or leaving the network. Preserving the structure becomes more prohibitive due to the distributed and potentially uncooperative nature of such networks, as in the peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. Thus, most practical solutions involve unstructured approaches while attempting to maintain the structure at various levels of protocol stack. The primary focus of this paper is to investigate construction and maintenance of scale-free topologies in a distributed manner without requiring global topology information at the time when nodes join or leave. We consider the uncooperative behavior of peers by limiting the number of neighbors to a pre-defined hard cutoff value (i.e., no peer is a major hub), and the ad-hoc behavior of peers by rewiring the neighbors of nodes leaving the network. We also investigate the effect of these hard cutoffs and rewiring of ad-hoc nodes on the P2P search efficiency.  相似文献   

Unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) overlay networks with two-layer hierarchy, comprising an upper layer of super-peers and an underlying layer of ordinary peers, are used to improve the performance of large-scale P2P applications like content distribution and storage. In order to deal with continuous growth of participating peers, a scalable and efficient super-peer overlay topology is essential. However, there is relatively little research conducted on constructing such super-peer overlay topology. In the existed solutions, the number of connections required to be maintained by a super-peer is in direct proportion to the total number of super-peers. For super large-scale P2P applications, i.e. the number of participating peer is over 1,000,000, these solutions are not scalable and impractical. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a scalable hierarchical unstructured P2P system in which a self-similar square network graph (SSNG) is proposed to construct and maintain the super-peer overlay topology adaptively. The SSNG topology is a constant-degree topology in which each node maintains a constant number of neighbor nodes. Moreover, a simple and efficient message forwarding algorithm is presented to ensure each super-peer to receive just one flooding message. The analytical results showed that the proposed SSNG-based overlay is more scalable and efficient than the perfect difference graph (PDG)-based overlay proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

In the past few years, peer-to-peer (P2P) networks have become a promising paradigm for building a wide variety of distributed systems and applications. The most popular P2P application till today is file sharing, e.g., Gnutella, Kazza, etc. These systems are usually referred to as unstructured, and search in unstructured P2P networks usually involves flooding or random walking. On the other hand, in structured P2P networks (DHTs), search is usually performed by looking up a distributed inverted index. The efficiency of the search mechanism is the key to the scalability of a P2P content sharing system. So far, neither unstructured nor structured P2P networks alone can solve the search problem in a satisfactory way. In this paper, we propose to combine the strengths of both unstructured and structured P2P networks to achieve more efficient search. Specifically, we propose to enhance search in unstructured P2P overlay networks by building a partial index of shared data using a structured P2P network. The index maintains two types of information: the top interests of peers and globally unpopular data, both characterized by data properties. The proposed search protocol, assisted search with partial indexing, makes use of the index to improve search in three ways: first, the index assists peers to find other peers with similar interests and the unstructured search overlay is formed to reflect peer interests. Second, the index also provides search hints for those data difficult to locate by exploring peer interest locality, and these hints can be used for second-chance search. Third, the index helps to locate unpopular data items. Experiments based on a P2P file sharing trace show that the assisted search with a lightweight partial indexing service can significantly improve the success rate in locating data than Gnutella and a hit-rate-based protocol in unstructured P2P systems, while incurring low search latency and overheads.  相似文献   

针对非结构化P2P网络中资源搜索算法搜索效率低、冗余消息量过多等问题,结合非结构化P2P网络拓扑结构特点,提出一种基于节点兴趣的完全二叉树(CBT-BI)非结构化P2P覆盖网络拓扑结构。在兴趣相似度高的节点之间建立逻辑连接,根据兴趣相似度值在完全二叉树中按序排列;在资源搜索过程中,使用基于洪泛算法的双向资源搜索方法。仿真结果表明,该拓扑结构使得节点能在短时间内查找到有效的资源,减少查询消息量,缩短了平均路由路径,提高了资源搜索效率。  相似文献   

资源检索是P2P系统研究的热点之一,非结构化P2P资源查找普遍采用泛洪机制。随着查询请求的增加,消息数量呈指数增长,网络拥塞和带宽浪费严重,查询效率得不到保障。针对这一问题,给出了一种基于本地聚类的非结构化P2P资源查找算法。通过对资源特征向量的本地Kmeans聚类和相似链接的建立,有效地提高了资源检索效率,避免了查询消息的扩散对网络带宽的浪费。实验表明,该方法能有效缩短资源的平均检索长度,提高查找成功率。  相似文献   

Prior studies show that more than 70 percent of communication paths in a popular unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) system (i.e., Gnutella) do not exploit the physical network topology, leading to the topology mismatch problem, and thus, lengthen communication between participating peers. While previous efforts in solving overlay topology matching problems do not guarantee the bounds of performance metrics (e.g., the communication delay between any two overlay peers and the broadcasting scope of any participating peer), in this paper, we present a novel topology matching algorithm that has provable performance qualities. In our proposal, each participating node creates and manages a constant number of overlay connections to other peers in a distributed manner. In rigorous performance analysis, we show that 1) the expected overlay communication delay between any two nodes in our P2P network is a constant; 2) in addition, any joining node has the exponential broadcasting scope in expectation; 3) furthermore, a participating node takes a polylogarithmic overhead to exploit the physical network locality and maintain its flooding scope. Together with extensive simulations, we present our proposal that significantly outperforms two recent solutions, i.e., THANCS and mOverlay, in terms of overlay communication latency and/or broadcasting scope.  相似文献   

李治军  姜守旭  李晓义 《软件学报》2011,22(9):2104-2120
无结构P2P网络拓扑随着规模的增大会出现一定的统计特性,充分应用该现象提出了一种多级局部覆盖网络(multi-level local overlay,简称ML2O)的无结构P2P覆盖网,对ML2O中节点间的连接进行恰当的数学控制后,就能使产生的拓扑具有从微观到宏观的多个粒度上的局部性.理论分析表明,ML2O的网络直径和节点平均度都是网络规模n的对数,为其上建立可扩展的无结构P2P搜索奠定了基础.给出了应用ML2O多粒度局部特性的索引机制:首先以局部为单位建立信息索引;然后在局部索引的基础上建立更大粒度局部的索引,从而形成一棵索引树;最后提出了一种局部渗透定向搜索算法(local pervasion and directed search,简称LPDS).LPDS用局部渗透收集到的信息建立部分索引树,并在树上找到更接近搜索目标的下一跳.理论分析表明,LPDS搜索算法的平均搜索跳数和通信负载都是O(logn).模拟实验结果表明,ML2O上LPDS的可扩展性接近结构化P2P搜索,其鲁棒性接近无结构P2P搜索.  相似文献   

泛洪式路由(Flooding)是在非结构化对等网络中进行有效资源查找的主要方式,但其路由过程将产生大量冗余消息,因而严重制约了其可扩展性。随节点数增多,泛洪式路由的网络带宽消耗也变得异常严重。针对非结构化P2P网络拓扑的特点,结合对已有的非结构化P2P搜索算法的研究,文章提出了一种基于兴趣域的非结构化P2P搜索算法,使得节点能在短时间内查找到有效的资源,减少了查询信息量,缩短了路由路径,提高了搜索效率。  相似文献   

As P2P networks, such as many forms of social networking have been rapidly growing, numerous efforts have been made to improve the efficiency of the search operation especially in terms of response time and hit ratio. To this end, popularity-based schemes have recently attracted attention aimed at increasing search efficiency using content popularity ranking; however, these methods suffer from high cost and overhead, or inappropriate level of accuracy in specifying the popularity. In this paper, we propose an adaptive sampling scheme to make a tradeoff between cost and accuracy. This scheme relies on exchanging File Index Table (FIT) between peers in a local neighborhood using a Gossip Exchange Method (GEM). The proposed Hybrid Adaptive Search According to Gossip Exchange Method (HAS-A-GEM) is based on smart unstructured peer to peer overlays. We apply a hybrid overlay that efficiently combines topology-aware and interest-based links instead of random or DHT invoked connections. An analytical model as well as a simulation framework is developed to illustrate the performance of this scheme. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is demonstrated under various conditions. Simulation results reveal that HAS-A-GEM performs well for large-scale networks, exploiting local content popularity when each local area contains enough number of peers.  相似文献   

无结构P2P(Peer-to-Peer)系统的自身结构特征表现着良好的自治性和扩展性。然而,由于自身松散的重叠网拓扑结构以及对等节点可以自由地加入和离开的特点,系统十分容易产生重叠层与底层物理网络的拓扑结构不匹配的问题。另一方面,由于无结构P2P系统大多数采用泛洪式转发,大量的消息会通过低效地重叠网连接占用带宽,产生不必要的数据冗余,从而影响网络的性能,降低整个网络的利用率。提出一种动态拓扑优化模型机制,该机制通过节点在消息转发过程中获取实时的网络拓扑信息,进而通过一系列优化策略对低效的拓扑结构实施优化。  相似文献   

赵奇  陈燕  何云  徐敬东 《计算机工程》2007,33(6):147-149
提出一种提高无结构型对等网络查询效率的机制。在该机制下,节点根据地理位置自动聚类,类之间用Chord方式组合起来,从而减轻了逻辑网络与物理网络拓扑结构的不匹配。为了进一步提高查询效率,引入了一种类间索引技术。该技术使得查询消息不需要遍历所有的类就能获得全局搜索结果。与Gnutella中的洪泛滥查询相比,在TTL=5的情况下,该机制最多能减少超过80%的资源开销,最多可以将响应时间缩短59%。  相似文献   

Building a Scalable Bipartite P2P Overlay Network   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The peer-to-peer (P2P) model, being widely adopted in today's Internet computing, suffers from the problem of topology mismatch between the overlay networks and the underlying physical network. Traditional topology optimization techniques identify physically closer nodes to connect as overlay neighbors, but could significantly shrink the search scope. Efforts have been made to address the mismatch problem without sacrificing the search scope, but they either need time synchronization among peers or have a low convergent speed. In this paper, we propose a scalable bipartite overlay (SBO) scheme to optimize the overlay topology by identifying and replacing the mismatched connections. In SBO, we employ an efficient strategy for distributing optimization tasks in peers with different colors. We conducted comprehensive simulations to evaluate this design. The results show that SBO achieves approximately 85 percent of reduction on traffic cost and about 60 percent of reduction on query response time. Our comparisons with previous approaches to address the topology mismatch problem have shown that SBO can achieve a fast convergent speed, without the need of time synchronization among peers.  相似文献   

沈项军  常青  姚银  查正军 《软件学报》2015,26(S2):218-227
非结构化P2P(unstructured peer-to-peer network)对等网络中的节点资源定位的路由查询是对等网络研究中的一个主要难题,特别是当网络中客户端节点由于其频繁加入、离开导致网络结构动态变化所带来的资源查询难题.提出了一种新的基于拥塞控制的路由查询方法来实现动态网络下的资源查询.该方法分两部分实现:首先是网络资源的分组与节点重连策略.该策略使得具有同等资源的节点相互连接,并周期性地调整节点上的节点连接数量以减少同组资源节点上的负载.通过以上策略,使得网络的拓扑结构自动地从随机网络结构进化到以资源组为单位的聚类网络,从而使得网络中形成网络资源组间的查询负载均衡.另一方面,组内的节点之间的路由负载均衡是通过节点间协同学习实现的.采用协同Q-学习方法,所研究的方法不仅从节点上学习其处理能力、连接数和资源的个数等参数,还将节点的拥塞状态作为协同Q-学习的重要参数,并建立模型.通过这种技术,同一组节点上的资源查询被有目的地引导,以避开那些组内拥塞的节点,从而最终实现资源组内节点之间的查询均衡.仿真实验结果表明,相比常用的random walk资源查找方法,该研究所实现的资源定位方法能够更迅速地实现网络的资源查询.仿真结果还表明,相比random walk方法,所提出的方法在网络高强度查询和网络节点动态加入和退出的情况下进行查询具有更高的鲁棒性和适应性.  相似文献   

基于语义网的节点关联的P2P搜索   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
分布式的无组织性的Peer-to—Peer(P2P)网络信息检索和查找系统由于不需要集中的目录管理和数据存储最近成为研究的热门。提出了一个高效的能增加搜索概率的P2P搜索算法,它的关键是把提供数据的节点聚合在一起组成一个关联网络。节点的关系由关联度来决定。  相似文献   

Peer-to-peer networks are overlay networks that are constructed over underlay networks. These networks can be structured or unstructured. In these networks, peers choose their neighbors without considering underlay positions, and therefore, the resultant overlay network may have a large number of mismatched paths. In a mismatched path, a message may meet an underlay position several times, which causes redundant network traffic and end-to-end delay. In some of the topology matching algorithms called the heuristic algorithms, each peer uses a local search operator for gathering information about the neighbors of that peer located in its neighborhood radius. In these algorithms, each peer also uses a local operator for changing the connections among the peers. These matching algorithms suffer from two problems; neither the neighborhood radius nor the local operator can adapt themselves to the dynamicity of the network. In this paper, a topology matching algorithm that uses learning automata to adapt the neighborhood radius and an adaptation mechanism inspired from the Schelling segregation model to manage the execution of the local operator is proposed. To evaluate the proposed algorithm, computer simulations were conducted and then the results were compared with the results obtained for other existing algorithms. Simulation results have shown that the proposed algorithm outperforms the existing algorithms with respect to end-to-end delay and number of mismatched paths.  相似文献   

语义对等网构造及搜索机制研究   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
对等网文件共享系统能否成功极大地取决于搜索机制的多样性和扩展性。当前支持分布式Hash表(DHT)功能的结构化系统(如CAN)易扩展但不能有效地支持部分匹配的查询,而基于扩散的非结构化系统(如Gnutella)支持多样化查询但不易扩展。提出了一种新的对等网体系结构。基于CAN构造的pGroup介于结构化和非结构化之间:结点根据内容的类别自组织在一起,具有相同类别的结点相互关联构成语义对等网(semantic peer-to-peer networks,SPNs)。针对不同的查询行为,提出了相应的搜索算法。实验表明,pGroup比Gnutella的扩展性好,搜索效率高。  相似文献   

基于信任的P2P拓扑进化机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现有的非结构Peer-to-Peer(P2P)系统缺乏对拓扑公平性的考虑,并且不能对某些节点的恶意行为进行有效的抑制。其主要原因在于构造的拓扑对节点信任度的不敏感性,忽略了P2P网络中各节点的异构性。据此,首先给出了基于反馈可信度的节点全局信任度计算模型,然后在此基础上提出了一种针对非结构化P2P网络的自适应拓扑进化机制。利用该机制,可使高可信节点占据拓扑的有利位置,低可信节点处于不利位置,从而体现拓扑的公平性。该机制同时能够对节点的恶意行为进行有效的抑制,并具有激励性质,鼓励节点提供更好的服务,以获得更高的响应率。分析和仿真结果表明,该机制较之现有机制,在拓扑的有效性和激励性上有较大的提高。  相似文献   

为了提高无结构P2P网络中资源查找的效率,同时避免在资源查找过程中出现拥塞,提出了一种基于移动agent的网络拓扑重连方法。网络节点定期进行拓扑重连,同时通过收集其邻居节点的处理能力以及连通性等信息,指导移动agent有目的地在网络迁移,从而使移动agent及时发现网络节点上的拥塞,并使用拓扑优化机制降低节点上的负载。实验证明该方法能优化网络的拓扑结构,避免网络查询过程中发生拥塞,提高资源查找的效率,同时适应网络查询负载的动态变化。  相似文献   

As a hot research topic, many search algorithms have been presented and studied for unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) systems during the past few years. Unfortunately, current approaches either cannot yield good lookup performance, or incur high search cost and system maintenance overhead. The poor search efficiency of these approaches may seriously limit the scalability of current unstructured P2P systems. In this paper, we propose to exploit two-dimensional locality to improve P2P system search efficiency. We present a locality-aware P2P system architecture called Foreseer, which explicitly exploits geographical locality and temporal locality by constructing a neighbor overlay and a friend overlay, respectively. Each peer in Foreseer maintains a small number of neighbors and friends along with their content filters used as distributed indices. By combining the advantages of distributed indices and the utilization of two-dimensional locality, our scheme significantly boosts P2P search efficiency while introducing only modest overhead. In addition, several alternative forwarding policies of Foreseer search algorithm are studied in depth on how to fully exploit the two-dimensional locality.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of experiments from an implementation of H-P2PSIP, a hierarchical overlay architecture based on the ongoing work in the IETF P2PSIP Working Group. This architecture allows the exchange of information among different independent overlay networks through the use of a two-layer architecture based on super-peers and hierarchical identifiers. The validation of this proposal is based on a Linux based real implementation where we have used four different scenarios with 1,000 peers in order to perform different experiments. We have obtained results for different parameters such as routing performance (number of hops), delay, routing state (number of overlay routing entries) and bandwidth consumption.  相似文献   

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