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针对无线传感器网络的任务如何在最短时间内完成且充分利用网络资源的问题,提出了一种基于可分负载理论的无线传感器网络任务调度算法(WDTA).该算法根据网络中各个节点的处理能力和节点间的通信能力,将总任务从SINK节点下发至网络中.通过去除节点间的通信干扰来提高资源利用率和减少总任务完成时间.算法在两种分群结构的异构网络环境下进行了分析,得到了在各个节点上最合理的任务分配方案,以及最短的任务完成所需时间.理论分析了基于可分负载理论的无线传感器网络任务调度的极限情况.实验结果表明WDTA算法能够通过合理分配任务,而减少任务完成时间及节点能耗.该方案可以作为设计大规模无线传感器网络的原则.  相似文献   

针对更实际的异构集群计算环境,充分考虑处理机具有不同的计算速度、通信能力和存储容量的特性,通过允许计算和通信操作重叠执行,采取多次并行分配计算任务的方法,设计一种可分负载多轮调度算法。实验结果表明,该算法不但能获得与均匀多轮调度(UMR)算法相当的渐近最优调度时间长度,并且能够处理更大规模的应用负载,实用性更强。  相似文献   

科学与工程计算中的很多复杂应用问题需要使用科学工作流技术,超算领域中的科学工作流常以并行任务图建模,并行任务图的有效调度对应用的高效执行有重要意义。给出了资源限制条件下并行任务图的调度模型;针对Fork-Join类并行任务图给出了若干最优化调度结论;针对一般并行任务图提出了一种新的调度算法,该算法考虑了数据通信开销对资源分配和调度性能的影响,并对已有的CPA算法在特定情况下进行了改进。通过实验与常用的CPR和CPA算法做比较,验证了提出的新算法能够获得很好的调度效果。本文提出的调度算法和得到的最优调度结论对工作流应用系统的高性能调度功能开发具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Cloud computing is an emerging technology in which information technology resources are virtualized to users in a set of computing resources on a pay‐per‐use basis. It is seen as an effective infrastructure for high performance applications. Divisible load applications occur in many scientific and engineering applications. However, dividing an application and deploying it in a cloud computing environment face challenges to obtain an optimal performance due to the overheads introduced by the cloud virtualization and the supporting cloud middleware. Therefore, we provide results of series of extensive experiments in scheduling divisible load application in a Cloud environment to decrease the overall application execution time considering the cloud networking and computing capacities presented to the application's user. We experiment with real applications within the Amazon cloud computing environment. Our extensive experiments analyze the reasons of the discrepancies between a theoretical model and the reality and propose adequate solutions. These discrepancies are due to three factors: the network behavior, the application behavior and the cloud computing virtualization. Our results show that applying the algorithm result in a maximum ratio of 1.41 of the measured normalized makespan versus the ideal makespan for application in which the communication to computation ratio is big. They show that the algorithm is effective for those applications in a heterogeneous setting reaching a ratio of 1.28 for large data sets. For application following the ensemble clustering model in which the computation to communication ratio is big and variable, we obtained a maximum ratio of 4.7 for large data set and a ratio of 2.11 for small data set. Applying the algorithm also results in an important speedup. These results are revealing for the type of applications we consider under experiments. The experiments also reveal the impact of the choice of the platforms provided by Amazon on the performance of the applications under study. Considering the emergence of cloud computing for high performance applications, the results in this paper can be widely adopted by cloud computing developers. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

随着多核处理器体系结构在计算机领域的广泛应用,如何合理地对计算任务进行调度成为人们广泛讨论的问题。目前已经有针对多处理器的任务调度算法,但是这些算法在执行时要经过多次迭代,执行效率比较低。提出一种改进的波前调度算法MEWFM,它是一种执行时间短,加速比接近处理器核数的一种算法。这种算法主要包括任务图分层,层内调度和误差下降调度三个子算法。详细分析了这些算法的特点和执行流程。实验评测表明,算法在多处理器环境下的任务调度方面具有执行速度快,性能高等优势。  相似文献   

A general parallel task scheduling problem is considered. A task can be processed in parallel on one of several alternative subsets of processors. The processing time of the task depends on the subset of processors assigned to the task. We first show the hardness of approximating the problem for both preemptive and nonpreemptive cases in the general setting. Next we focus on linear array network of m processors. We give an approximation algorithm of ratio O(logm) for nonpreemptive scheduling, and another algorithm of ratio 2 for preemptive scheduling. Finally, we give a nonpreemptive scheduling algorithm of ratio O(log2m) for m×m two-dimensional meshes.  相似文献   

Task scheduling is a fundamental issue in achieving high efficiency in cloud computing. However, it is a big challenge for efficient scheduling algorithm design and implementation (as general scheduling problem is NP‐complete). Most existing task‐scheduling methods of cloud computing only consider task resource requirements for CPU and memory, without considering bandwidth requirements. In order to obtain better performance, in this paper, we propose a bandwidth‐aware algorithm for divisible task scheduling in cloud‐computing environments. A nonlinear programming model for the divisible task‐scheduling problem under the bounded multi‐port model is presented. By solving this model, the optimized allocation scheme that determines proper number of tasks assigned to each virtual resource node is obtained. On the basis of the optimized allocation scheme, a heuristic algorithm for divisible load scheduling, called bandwidth‐aware task‐scheduling (BATS) algorithm, is proposed. The performance of algorithm is evaluated using CloudSim toolkit. Experimental result shows that, compared with the fair‐based task‐scheduling algorithm, the bandwidth‐only task‐scheduling algorithm, and the computation‐only task‐scheduling algorithm, the proposed algorithm (BATS) has better performance. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The schedule of divisible loads is one of the most typical problems in the research and application of parallel and distributed systems. For these large‐scale systems, the energy consumption problem has drawn great attention in recent years because of falling hardware costs and the growing concern of energy costs. In computing‐intensive systems, energy is primarily consumed by CPUs, and dynamic voltage‐frequency scaling technology is capable of adjusting CPUs' speed as well as saving energy. In this paper, we focus on computing‐intensive applications and study the energy‐aware scheduling problem for divisible loads in a bus network. The energy‐speed model is introduced to characterize the problem based on dynamic voltage scaling, and the energy‐aware scheduling problem is analyzed in the application layer above the operating system. The problem can be formulated mathematically as a nonlinear programming problem, and the solution is achieved using the Lagrange multiplier method under Kuhn–Tucker conditions. Based on the analytical results, an energy‐aware scheduling scheme called ENERG for divisible loads is presented. Finally, the energy‐aware scheme is compared with two other schemes to show the effectiveness and efficiency of the energy savings of our algorithm. Additionally, the experimental results illustrate the influence of network transmission delay on energy consumption. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a systematic and unified treatment of computational task models for parallel sparse Cholesky factorization is presented. They are classified as fine-, medium-, and large-grained graph models. In particular, a new medium-grained model based on column-oriented tasks is introduced, and it is shown to correspond structurally to the filled graph of the given sparse matrix. The task scheduling problem for the various task graphs is also discussed. A practical algorithm to schedule the column tasks of the medium-grained model for multiple processors is described. It is based on a heuristic critical path scheduling method. This will give an overall scheme for parallel sparse Cholesky factorization, appropriate for parallel machines with shared-memory architecture like the Denelcor HEP.  相似文献   

在一组相同处理器上调度带有通信延迟的任务图以实现其最短的执行时间,这在并行计算的调度理论和实践中具有重要的意义。针对具有通信延迟的任务图调度问题,提出一种基于可满足性模理论(SMT)的改进SMT方法。首先,将处理器映射约束和任务执行顺序等约束条件进行编码,将任务图调度问题转化为SMT问题;然后,调用SMT求解器对可行解空间进行搜索,以确定问题最优解。在约束编码阶段,使用整型变量表示任务和处理器的映射关系,从而降低处理器约束编码的复杂程度;在求解器调用阶段,通过添加独立任务的约束条件减小求解器的搜索空间,进一步提升最优解的查找效率。实验结果表明,与原始SMT方法相比,改进SMT方法在20 s和1 min超时实验中的平均求解时间分别减少了65.9%与53.8%,并且在处理器数量较多时取得了更大的效率优势。改进的SMT方法可以有效求解带通信延迟的任务图调度问题,尤其适用于处理器数量较多的调度场景。  相似文献   

Many embedded or portable devices have large demands on running real-time applications. The designers start to adopt the multicore processors in these devices. The multi-core processors, however, cause much higher power consumption than ever before. To resolve this problem, many researchers have focused their studies on designing the energy-aware task scheduling algorithms for multicore processors. Conventional scheduling algorithms assumed that each core can operate under different voltage levels. However, they have not considered the effects of voltage transition overheads, which may defeat the benefit of task scheduling. In this paper, we aim to resolve this scheduling problem with voltage transition overhead consideration. We formalize this problem by an integer linear programming model and propose a heuristic algorithm for a runtime environment. The experimental results show that the proposed online heuristic algorithm can obtain the comparable results with the optimal scheduling derived by the offline integer linear programming approach.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of minimizing the scheduling length (make-span) of a batch of jobs with different arrival times. A job is described by a direct acyclic graph (DAG) of parallel tasks. The paper proposes a dynamic scheduling method that adapts the schedule when new jobs are submitted and that may change the processors assigned to a job during its execution. The scheduling method is divided into a scheduling strategy and a scheduling algorithm. We also propose an adaptation of the Heterogeneous Earliest-Finish-Time (HEFT) algorithm, called here P-HEFT, to handle parallel tasks in heterogeneous clusters with good efficiency without compromising the makespan. The results of a comparison of this algorithm with another DAG scheduler using a simulation of several machine configurations and job types shows that P-HEFT gives a shorter makespan for a single DAG but scores worse for multiple DAGs. Finally, the results of the dynamic scheduling of a batch of jobs using the proposed scheduler method showed significant improvements for more heavily loaded machines when compared to the alternative resource reservation approach.  相似文献   

为了提升异构分布式环境下处理具有依赖关系的任务的性能,提出一种基于关键任务和处理器选择参数的启发式任务调度算法(HCNPSV)。该算法结合表调度和任务复制调度的思想,改进了关键任务的计算方法,并按照是否为关键任务、上行权重值递减、关联任务数递增的顺序获得调度序列,资源选择阶段综合考虑了任务的最早完成时间和到出口节点的最短距离,最后将任务调度到处理器选择参数最小的资源上执行。实验结果表明,HCNPSV有效地提高了系统的调度性能。  相似文献   

针对异构总线网络提出了一种动态实时可分性负载调度方法.首先,根据可分性负载调度最优性原理,分析了网络中处理器负载分配的最优次序以及参与计算的处理器数目;然后,针对实时任务的截止期限约束提出一种动态负载分配算法,该算法可以利用网络中最少的处理器数目,保证实时任务在其截止期限之前计算完成.理论分析和仿真测试都验证了所提出算法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对现有任务调度算法优先级选取过于单一所产生局部较优调度结果的问题,从全局较优出发,提出一种先分层后分支决定优先级的静态任务调度算法—HGCOTS算法。该算法考虑了任务间较大的通信开销和冗余任务对异构CMP任务调度效率的影响,通过综合区间插入和任务复制技术最大限度地降低了任务间的通信开销,对冗余任务进行删除,明显提高了任务调度效率。使用随机生成图进行模拟实验,与其他算法相比,新算法具有更小的调度长度。  相似文献   

We consider two general precedence-constrained scheduling problems that have wide applicability in the areas of parallel processing, high performance compiling, and digital system synthesis. These problems are intractable so it is important to be able to compute tight bounds on their solutions. A tight lower bound on makespan scheduling can be obtained by replacing precedence constraints with release and due dates, giving a problem that can be efficiently solved. We demonstrate that recursively applying this approach yields a bound that is provably tighter than other known bounds, and experimentally shown to achieve the optimal value at least 90.3% of the time over a synthetic benchmark.We compute the best known lower bound on weighted completion time scheduling by applying the recent discovery of a new algorithm for solving a related scheduling problem. Experiments show that this bound significantly outperforms the linear programming-based bound. We have therefore demonstrated that combinatorial algorithms can be a valuable alternative to linear programming for computing tight bounds on large scheduling problems.  相似文献   

基于云计算的存储和计算架构的特征上,对资源存储算法和任务分配进行了研究.针对云计算的资源管理中单纯考虑算法的时间和空间复杂度,而忽略在数据链路层因调度所消耗的时间问题,因此将网络存储感知和贪心算法相结合,提出了一种贪心改进算法,目的在于大幅减少数据在数据链路层所消耗的时间.最终在CloudSim平台上进行云环境下的仿真,将得出的结果和一般的贪心算法相比较,经过对比分析表明:改进后的贪心算法对于任务的执行而言时间更短,效率更高.  相似文献   

对AUV协同设计平台中多个任务流的调度问题进行建模,将其转换为分布式计算环境下的独立任务在线调度问题。针对系统异构和任务流具有优先级属性的特殊性,提出了一种基于预测的多任务流调度算法,采用统计和预测的方法评估各工作站执行任务的效用,并设计优先级策略和暂停调度策略,保证具有较高优先级的任务流较早分配和执行。实验结果表明,该算法在参数选取适当的情况下,性能优于传统的MCT和MET任务调度算法。  相似文献   

由于志愿者分布式计算可以为计算量庞大的科研项目提供足够的计算能力,甚至比超级计算机的计算能力还要强大,因此,志愿者分布式计算技术受到了很多研究人员的关注,很多不同的志愿者分布式计算架构被广泛应用。以往的很多志愿者分布式计算架构通常考虑的志愿者主机是PC电脑,或者单纯地把移动设备当作PC电脑一样进行处理。由于移动设备的很多特性跟PC电脑存在着很大的差异,所以很多时候这些志愿者分布式计算架构并不能高效地处理同时拥有PC电脑和移动设备志愿者的志愿计算项目。针对志愿者分布式计算系统上两个主流的志愿者分布式计算任务调度方法——迭代计算的任务调度算法和先来先服务的调度算法FCFS在处理移动设备志愿者计算上存在着的不足,为了提高志愿者分布式计算平台的执行效率,提出了一个面向移动设备的温度感知的任务调度算法TATSA。实验结果表明,TATSA比主流的任务调度算法ISA和FCFS在移动设备志愿者计算时效率明显更高。  相似文献   

一种优化的多Agent相关任务并行调度算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
讨论了在多Agent系统中多组作业的并行调度问题,提出了一个描述多组作业推进速度的指标——调度效率和一种优化的多Agent相关任务并行调度算法——多Agent相关任务均衡 压缩调度算法(MADTBCSA)。以调度效率作为调度的标准,通过追求多组作业的均衡推进,来达到有效利用Agent时间的目的,同时利用静态压缩算法,进一步压缩调度长度,提高了Agent的利用率。  相似文献   

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