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Cancer incidence in a petrochemical industry area in Sweden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Emissions from petrochemical industries may contain suspected or established carcinogens. As increased incidence of cancer in residential areas close to petrochemical industries has been reported in the literature, we conducted a study of cancer incidence in Stenungsund, Sweden, where petrochemical industries were established in the mid1960s.A number of cancer cases in the central parts of Stenungsund were collected from the regional cancer registry for each year between 1974 and 2005. In addition to the total number of cases, the numbers of leukemia, lymphoma, liver cancer, lung cancer, and brain cancer were also collected. Expected numbers for each year were calculated based on age- and sex-specific incidence rates in reference areas. Levels of carcinogenic volatile hydrocarbons (VOC) were estimated from measurements and emission data. A dispersion model was used to classify Stenungsund into a “low” and “high” ethylene level area.Standardized Incidence Ratio (SIR) for all cancer for the entire period was 1.02 (95% CI 0.97-1.08). The occurrence of leukemia, lymphoma, and cancer in the central nervous system was slightly lower than expected for the entire period. SIR for lung cancer was 1.37 (95% CI 1.10-1.69), and SIR for liver cancer was 1.50 (0.82-2.53). VOC levels were low.Taking estimated exposure and demographic factors into account, our assessment is that occurrence of cancer was not affected by industrial emissions in any of the studied sites.  相似文献   

Multi-element analysis results of direct energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence of soil samples taken in the vicinity of a non-ferrous plant in Antwerp are reported. High concentrations of Pb, Cu, Zn, As and Se are found in nearby residential areas, especially in top-soil layers. Selenium pollution appears not to be leached significantly to lower soil horizons, but it is available for uptake by rye-grass, in which toxic levels are found. Results are compared to literature data. Hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry proved to be unsuitable for direct analysis of the heavily contaminated soils.  相似文献   

A cross sectional study was carried out to evaluate arsenic exposure of residents living in an area with a soil naturally rich in arsenic (As), through urinary measurements. During the summer of 2007, 322 people aged over 7 years and resident in the study area for at least 4 days prior to the investigation were recruited. The sum of urinary inorganic arsenic and metabolites (iAs + MMA + DMA) and speciation were determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry and high performance liquid chromatography coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, respectively. Geometric means levels of iAs + MMA + DMA were 3.6 µg/L or 4.4 µg/g creatinine. The percent of DMA, As(III) and MMA contribution to urinary arsenic concentrations was respectively 84.2%, 12% and 3.7%. We found significant associations between urinary arsenic concentrations and the consumption of seafood (p = 0.03), the consumption of wine (p = 0.03) and beer (p = 0.001), respectively 3 and 4 days before the investigation. When we focus on the various species, As(V) was rarely detected and DMA is the predominant metabolite composing the majority of measurable inorganic-related As in the urine. Considering the percent of DMA contribution to iAs + MMA + DMA urinary concentrations, almost half of the subjects had 100% of DMA contribution whatever the concentration of urinary As whereas the others had a lower DMA contribution, between 39 and 90%.Arsenic levels reported in this original study in France were between 2 and 4 times lower than in other studies dealing with iAs + MMA + DMA levels associated with soil arsenic exposure. Arsenic levels were similar to those observed in unexposed individuals in European countries, although 10% were above the French guideline values for the general population.  相似文献   

张卫刚 《山西建筑》2012,38(24):275-277
简要分析论述了石油化工灾害事故的特点,并通过案例简要分析了石油化工火灾扑救需要注意的事项,指出每个火场情况不同,且火灾复杂多变,所以应实时掌握火场动态,制定具有针对性的应对措施,将火灾尽量控制在最小范围之内,并在第一时间扑灭火灾。  相似文献   

The concentration of zinc and copper in 180 grass and associated soil samples collected in triplicate samples were determined. The triplicate field data were averaged to yield mean soil and vegetation metal concentrations at each sample location. The zinc levels ranged from 7.0 ± 1.4(S.D.) — 134.8 ± 6.3(S.D.) μgg‐1, dry weight, in grass and from 0.6 ± 0.2 (S.D.) — 119.5 ± 3.9 (S.D.) μgg‐1, dry weight, in surface soils. The results showed that zinc contents are high close to the road traffic and fall off rapidly with distance from the road edge. Similar studies on copper gave lower values ‐1.0 ± 0.2(S.D.) — 8.1 ± 1.4(S.D.) μgg‐1, dry weight in soil samples which did not show any correlation with distance from road traffic. Analysis of standard soil reference materials (SRM 2710) gave results (Zn, 6636.5 ± 43.7(S.D.); Cu, 2725 ± 49.1(S.D.)) which are found to be in good agreement with certified NIST values (Zn, 6952 ± 91; Cu, 2950 ± 130). Results of spiking experiments with vegetation gave high percentage recoveries for both elements (Zn, 96.6 ± 1.3(S.D.)% and Cu, 95.5 ± 0.5(S.D.)%). Blank determinations were done for background corrections.  相似文献   

Muhammad Sadiq  I Alam 《Water research》1997,31(12):3089-3097
Duplicate groundwater samples were collected from 104 monitoring wells (piezometers) from shallow aquifers underneath an industrial city in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Concentrations of Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Ti, V, Zn, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Cl, SO4, alkalinity, salinity, total dissolved salts, and pH were determined in these samples. Analysis of variance showed significantly (p < 0.05) wide variations in the concentrations of the above parameters. The contour maps of metal concentrations indicated that these variations were related to important landmarks in the study area. The results of correlation analyses suggest that geographical as well as chemical factors may influence metal distribution in the groundwater samples. To investigate the geographical effects, the analytical data were normalized (element/Cl ratios were calculated) for chemical variability. As expected, contour mapping of the ratio data of element/Cl of Na, Ca, Mg, K, SO4, alkalinity, salinity, total dissolved salts, and Sr vary in a relatively small range and did not show a particular geographical trend. The groundwater sample from the industrial-dust area contained higher ratios between concentrations of Cl and Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, and Zn. These observations clearly suggest an extraneous contamination source, probably industrial dust, in the area. Another geographical area where metal (As, Cd, Cu, Mo, Ni, Ti,and V)/Cl ratios were found to be large was in the vicinity of an oil-refinery. Groundwater samples collected from the vicinity of a fertilizer plant and green-belt area contained relatively higher ratios of Al, Cd, Cr, Co, and Ni. The results of this study suggest that leachate from the industrial dust, leakage from the oil refinery and fertilizer plant, and drainage of irrigation water are some of the important pollution sources in the industrial city.  相似文献   

以北京市丰台区为例,分析城市石油化工及其突发事故的特点,提出辖区消防力量合理布局、建立应急体系并分类响应、人才分级培养加强专业训练、防消结合、重视战勤和联动、依靠科技创新等措施,以增强应对石油化工突发事件消防处置能力.  相似文献   

尹建华  徐英林 《山西建筑》2003,29(10):159-160
分析了我国目前环境污染的状况,阐述了环境与经济的可持续发展战略,指出完善市场建设和运营机制,建立环境服务统计系统,以推进我国环境服务业的发展。  相似文献   

重点阐述了计算石化行业管架的管道水平推力时应注意的问题,比较分析了两种现行行业标准计算方法的异同,提出了系统管架的结构布置以及设计中注意的事项,旨在对今后的工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   

The weathering of arsenopyrite (FeAsS) has been monitored in soils using an in situ experimental approach. Arsenopyrite in nylon experimental bags was placed in individual horizons in soils in spruce (litter, horizons A, B, and C), beech (litter, horizons A, B, and C) and unforested (horizons A, B, and C) areas and left in contact with the soil for a period of 1 year. The individual areas on the ridge of the Krušné hory Mts., Czech Republic, had the same lithology, climatic and environmental conditions. Scorodite (FeAsO4·2H2O) was identified as a principal secondary mineral of arsenic (As) formed directly on the surface of the arsenopyrite. Scorodite was formed in all the areas in all soil horizons. The amount of scorodite formed decreased in the series beech, spruce and unforested areas. In forested areas, there was a larger amount of scorodite on arsenopyrites exposed in organic horizons (litter, A horizon). The greater rate of arsenopyrite alteration in organic horizons in the beech stand compared to spruce stand is probably a result of faster mineralization of organic material with resulting production of nitrate and better seepage conditions of soil in this area. Speciation of As determined using the sequential extraction technique demonstrated that As was bonded in the soils primarily in the residual fractions prior to the experiment. The As content in the mobile fractions increased in the organic horizon in the forested areas after the experiments.  相似文献   

分析了石化厂区雨水系统的特点,并据此划分了石化厂区雨水系统的类别,确定了适合其内部清洁雨水管道设计流量计算的相关参数,进而详细介绍了清洁雨水管道设计流量的具体计算过程。  相似文献   

碳纤维复合材料加固技术在工程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
洪康 《山西建筑》2004,30(6):24-25
结合某钢筋混凝土构架加固工程实例,介绍了碳纤维加固技术的设计及施工工艺要点,通过对其在构架加固中的应用分析,提出了该加固技术的良好加固效果及强大竞争力。  相似文献   

Soils of Manoa watershed, Hawaii, have received varying inputs of anthropogenic trace metals, with roadside soils primarily influenced by automobile contributions. A four-stage sequential extraction procedure was used to fractionate 13 topsoil (0-2.5 cm) and 13 subsoil (7.5-10.0 cm) samples into: (i) an adsorbed, exchangeable and carbonate (AEC) phase; (ii) a reducible phase; (iii) an oxidizable phase; and (iv) a residual phase. Phases (i)-(iii) were considered 'labile', with the residual fraction 'non-labile' under normal circumstances. An examination of eight elements (Al, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) indicated that Pb was the trace metal most impacted by anthropogenic inputs. Roadside soil Pb enrichment was apparent with data from a 0.5 M HCI leach exhibiting a maximum concentration of 1000 mg/kg compared with a median background value of 12 mg/kg. Sequential extraction results indicated the following order with respect to phase dominance for Pb: reducible > residual > oxidizable > AEC. The identification of the reducible phase as the primary pool of available Pb supports previous work from temperate roadside soil environments. The reducible phase is characterized by hydrous Fe and Mn oxides and mobilization of fixed elements can occur with decreases in pH and redox potential. Iron was the least labile of the elements examined with only 5-6% of total Fe removed by the first three steps of the extraction procedure. Lead had the highest labile percentage with average values between 74 and 81%. Therefore, results from this study support earlier research in this watershed which identified Pb as the primary trace metal of concern from a contamination perspective.  相似文献   

炼化污水是原油炼制、加工及油品水洗等过程中产生的一类废水,污染物的种类多、浓度高,对环境的危害大。本试验的目的是采用深度处理(膜法处理法)来处理公司各生产厂所排放的污水,作为回用锅炉补水和回用循环水。试验结果表明,废水通过本系统工艺的处理,COD、氨氮、石油类的去除率可达90%以上,而且后续的超滤装置能够有效地将悬浮物质量浓度降低到1mg/L以下,各项水质指标均能达到出水目标。  相似文献   

重点讨论石油化工企业变电所中的变压器室、配电室、六氟化硫室、蓄电池室、电缆夹层等房间的暖通空调设计,指出变电所的暖通设计应严格执行国家和行业标准规范,和相关专业密切配合,结合石油化工行业的特殊性,使变电所的暖通空调设计做到经济合理,安全可靠,节能环保。  相似文献   

石化行业某带壁板加热炉钢结构形式复杂,为评价其抗震性能,本文对整个结构进行了静力推覆分析。考虑了结构主体框架和侧墙壁板的共同作用,得到了多遇地震和罕遇地震性能点,并分析了性能点的变形形态和结构性态。结果显示多遇地震下结构均处于弹性,最大层间位移角为1/942,罕遇地震下结构进入塑性的范围不大,最大层间位移角为1/364。结论是该结构能够满足抗震规范中的“小震不坏,大震不倒”的性能要求。  相似文献   

在分析现有事故雨水量计算方法的基础上,提出了采用最大24 h平均降雨量计算事故雨水量的计算方法,通过收集国内五个主要城市的相关降雨数据,采用不同计算方法进行计算并比较,结果证明,最大24 h平均降雨量的计算方法更为准确合理。  相似文献   

The total concentrations combined with the chemical speciation of thallium (Tl) were examined in order to track the distribution of natural and anthropogenic Tl in the soils in an industrial pyrite slag disposing area. Their geochemical behaviors in the soils were further discussed. Soil samples were collected from three soil profiles adjacent to a large open-disposed pile of industrial Tl-rich pyrite slag, and from one soil profile in the background area. The results show that the soil contamination with Tl derived from slag (slag-Tl) is generally limited; slag-Tl was mainly accumulated in the upper part (< 16.5 cm) of the vicinal soils of the slag pile and shows large variation in concentration among different sampling sites. Basically, the soils surrounding the slag pile within 5 m are more Tl-contaminated than those under the slag pile and those far away from the slag pile. In respect of the concentrations of total Tl, the deeper soils of the studied profiles seem to be uncontaminated. However, the percentages of Tl in the easily reducible fraction indicate that these soils have been actually contaminated by slag-Tl. Natural Tl and anthropogenic Tl are distributed differently among the soil components in the studied soils. Natural Tl in the background soils is predominantly hosted in the residual fraction ( approximately 98%), while anthropogenic Tl was significantly incorporated into the more labile fractions of the soil (up to approximately 80%), especially in the acid-extractable fractions and easily reducible fraction (up to approximately 30% and approximately 45%, respectively). Detailed analysis of speciation data of Tl suggests that despite being predominantly controlled by the degree of Tl pollution, the distribution of slag-Tl in the soils can be further affected by the general differences in soil properties. In this study, the order for preferential immobilization of anthropogenic Tl among major soil components can be roughly summarized as: Tl(III) carbonates and hydroxides > Mn oxide-hydroxides > Fe oxide-hydroxides > adsorption sites on the surface of soil, while the order can be significantly mediated by the pH conditions in the soils. The correlations between the fractions of Tl in the slag and in the soils indicate that the anthropogenic Tl in the soils in the studied slag disposing area should be mainly derived from the dissolved slag-Tl that was leached by rainwater rather than from the washed-out particles of slag.  相似文献   

干旱河谷区与石漠化荒地、沙化区等同属困难立地区,其植被恢复已成为国土绿化和生态治理的重点和难点.川西干旱河谷区地形和气候环境复杂,植被恢复限制因子多,关键技术和理论的突破已是瓶颈问题,急需得到进一步解决.本文通过对川西干旱河谷区的形成过程、立地条件、植被演替趋势、存在的问题等进行系统分析,总结历史上该区域植被恢复成功和失败的经验,从恢复植被物种选择、灌溉方式、整地方法、栽植技术、管护等角度提出该区植被恢复适宜模式,为干旱河谷区植被恢复提供理论和实践依据.  相似文献   

围绕石油化工行业危险废物特征,结合危险废物的常规处置技术,探讨适合于该行业的危险废物处置技术.鉴于水泥窑协同处置技术的独特优势和发展前景,分析了其在石油化工行业危险废物处置上的可行性.  相似文献   

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