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多孔泡沫铝的制备及其吸声性能测定   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了开发了采用真空渗流法制备多孔泡沫铝合金的技术,该法显著减小了渗流时型腔内气体反压力,有利于细孔(孔径0.4-0.7mm)多孔泡沫铝的成形,解决了渗流法难以制备孔多孔泡沫铝合金的难题,测试结果表明,所制备的多孔泡沫铝合金具有优良的高频吸声性能。  相似文献   

渗流法制备泡沫铝铸造工艺参数的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用渗流法制备泡沫铝,系统研究了工艺参数对渗流长度的影响.结果表明:渗流长度随预热温度、颗粒尺寸、外加压力和铝液浇注温度的增大而增长,其中预热温度和颗粒尺寸对渗流长度影响较大.  相似文献   

比较研究了熔体注气法与熔体发泡方法制备的闭孔泡沫铝性能和组织结构。压缩试验表明,相同密度下,熔体发泡法制备的泡沫铝性能优于熔体注气法。相应的SEM观察表明,熔体注气法制备的泡沫铝泡孔表现为多面体形状,SiC颗粒密度高,泡孔壁薄、褶皱多。冶金组织复杂,氧化明显,表现出明显的脆性。熔体发泡法制备的泡沫铝孔洞形状为球形,孔壁较厚,泡壁相对平整、结构完整。因孔洞结构和组织结构差异导致2种方法制备的泡沫铝材料压缩性能差异明显。  相似文献   

真空渗流法制备泡沫铝及其动态力学性能的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王新坤  袁起立 《铸造技术》2006,27(3):239-242
以真空渗流法制备陶瓷中空球泡沫铝,研究了应变率对吸能量和吸能效率的影响、相对密度对屈服强度的影响,并与普通泡沫铝进行比较。结果表明,工艺简单可行,所制备的泡沫铝的动态压缩应力-应变曲线只有弹性变形区和塑性变形区;随应变率的增大,屈服强度和吸能效率变化规律不明显,吸能量增大;随相对密度的增大,屈服强度增大,吸能量增大,吸能效率也增大;动态压缩时两种泡沫铝的吸能效率均较高,最大吸能效率大于0.9,是良好的吸能材料。  相似文献   

小孔径泡沫铝的制备及压缩性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在常规熔体发泡法基础上,采用添加0.5%Mg(质量分数,下同)以降低表面张力;发泡剂400 ℃,6 h+500℃,1 h氧化预处理以协调发泡剂分散均匀性与发泡过程关系;发泡搅拌60s以破碎初始气泡等措施,成功制备出了平均孔径1.3 mm、孔隙率70.5%、结构均匀的小孔径泡沫铝.泡沫铝及Al-9Si泡沫的压缩性能分析表明,随平均孔径减小,泡沫铝的屈服强度、致密化应变和能量吸收能力均明显提高,泡沫铝压缩性能随孔径减小而提高,与泡沫铝的孔结构因素及孔结构均匀性有关.  相似文献   

开发了一种用CaO颗粒及低压渗流法制备泡沫铝材料的新工艺。在特制的低压渗流装置上,采用630℃颗粒预热温度,0.025MPa渗流压力,750℃铝液温度为工艺参数,利用氯化铵为颗粒去除材料,制备了合格的泡沫铝样品,并对样品产生缺陷的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

新型功能材料泡沫铝的研究进展   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
泡沫铝是一种新型的功能材料,其特殊的多孔结构、性能、广泛的应用前景,引起了越来越多研究者的重视。本文介绍了目前泡沫铝的制备方法和研究进展,描述了泡沫铝的结构及特殊性能,并对其在各个领域的应用进行了概括.  相似文献   

石膏型渗流制备泡沫铝填充圆管压缩行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用石膏型渗流制备开孔泡沫铝并填充到薄壁圆管,制成泡沫铝夹心管。通过准静态压缩试验研究了泡沫铝夹心管的压缩行为。结果表明:采用石膏型渗流法制备的泡沫铝孔隙率在85%左右,其压缩变形阶段可分为弹性段、塑性平台段和致密化段;空心圆管的压缩行为与其本身的结构参数有关;泡沫铝夹心管的力学性能与吸能能力比空心圆管和泡沫铝有了一定的提高,且石膏型渗流法所制泡沫铝夹心管质量较轻。  相似文献   

渗流法制备泡沫铝合金工艺的研究   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
探讨了各种因素对加压渗流法制备泡沫铝合金的渗流工艺的影响规律。结果表明:粒子预热温度以渗流工艺的影响最显著。适当提高外加压力和浇注温度有助于渗流过程的进行,但过高的浇注温度和压力对渗流过程都是不利的。  相似文献   

添加造孔剂法制备开孔泡沫铝及其性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以球形尿素颗粒为造孔剂,采用传统的粉末冶金工艺制备开孔泡沫铝并研究了其性能.结果表明,添加造孔剂法制备的泡沫铝可以任意控制孔隙率及孔径的大小,且孔结构良好,保持了造孔剂的形状;高的烧结温度使泡沫铝的压缩强度提高,但过高的温度将导致孔壁熔化.本试验制成的泡沫铝其压缩曲线和泡沫金属典型压缩曲线相似,且抗压强度和经典理论计算结果一致.  相似文献   

热处理对开孔泡沫Al-Mg-Si合金性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究热处理对渗流法生产的开孔泡沫AlMgSi合金在动态(~2.1×103s-1)和准静态(1.0×10-3s-1)加载条件下压缩力学性能及能量吸收特性的影响。分别在MTS810材料试验机和分离式Hopkinson压杆(SHPB)上对泡沫铝合金材料在加工态(F)、时效处理(A)和固溶处理加时效(T6)三种状态下进行了单向压缩实验。结果表明:与加工态下相比,经时效硬化及T6强化的泡沫铝合金的动态和静态压缩强度提高、平台区缩短,而且均表现出对应变率的敏感性。尤其值得注意的是纯时效硬化与T6强化相比,不经固溶处理就可达到提高平台应力及单位体积能量吸收量的目的,是一种值得推广的泡沫铝合金强化处理方法。  相似文献   

1 Introduction In the past few years, there has been a considerable increase in using metal foams for lightmass structural components and energy absorption parts for their wide plateau in the compressive stress-strain curve[1-3]. It has been shown that, e…  相似文献   

实验研究了开孔泡沫铝材料静动态压缩过程的力学性能和吸能特性.得到了材料在静态压缩下(1.0×10-3s-1)的微观变形特点.用单位体积的吸能W来表征材料的吸能特性,分析了在静态条件下孔径和材料叠加对泡沫铝材料的应力-应变关系和单位体积吸能的影响规律.  相似文献   

Damping capacity and compressive characteristic in some aluminum foams   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 INTRODUCTIONMetallicfoams ,especiallyaluminumalloyfoamsaresuper lightmetalsexhibitingunique propertiessuchashighenergyabsorptionandhighdampingca pacity .So ,theyarebelievedtohavegreatpotentialforapplicationsinmanyaspects ,forexample ,theap plicationinenergyabsorptionandvibrationdamping .Therefore ,theirmechanicalpropertieshaveattractedaconsiderableattentioninrecentyears .Anumberofworksonthecompressivebehavioroffoamedalu minumanditsalloyhaverevealedthatthedeforma tionbehaviorofaluminumf…  相似文献   

Sound absorption property of open-pore aluminum foams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The sound absorption property of aluminum foam was studied by testing its sound absorption coefficients using standing wave tube method. The open-pore aluminum foams were prepared by infiltration process, with pore size of 0.5 mm to 3.2 mm and porosity of 54.2% to 77%. The frequency of indicted sound wave was ranging from 125 Hz to 10 kHz. The results show that the average values of sound absorption coefficients are all over 0.4 and the aluminum foam has better sound absorption property, its coefficients is influenced by frequency and pore structure, and reaches the maximum at about 1 kHz, with increasing porosity and decreasing cell diameter the sound absorption coefficient values increase.  相似文献   

The compressive properties of aluminum foams by gas injection method are investigated under both quasi-static and dynamic compressive loads in this paper.The experimental results indicate that the defo...  相似文献   

通过准静态单轴压缩和径向约束轴向压缩实验,研究了闭孔泡沫铝的尺寸效应,分析了试件尺寸(直径和高度)和密度对泡沫材料力学性能的影响。结果表明:单轴压缩时闭孔泡沫铝力学性能具有较为明显的尺寸效应,而径向约束轴向压缩时闭孔泡沫铝的尺寸效应不明显。两种加载情况下,密度都对闭孔泡沫铝的力学性能有着明显的影响。与单轴压缩相比,径向约束轴向压缩时闭孔泡沫铝的屈服应力和平台应力随密度的变化更为显著。  相似文献   

Zhao  Wei-min  Zhang  Zan  Wang  Yong-ning  Xia  Xing-chuan  Feng  Hui  Wang  Jing 《中国铸造》2016,13(1):36-41
In the present study, closed-cell aluminum foams with different percentages of erbium(Er) element were successfully prepared. The distribution and existence form of erbium(Er) element and its effect on the compressive properties of the foams were investigated. Results show that Er uniformly distributes in the cell walls in the forms of Al3 Er intermetallic compound and Al-Er solid solutions. Compared with commercially pure aluminum foam, Er-containing foams possess higher micro-hardness, compressive strength and energy absorption capacity due to solid solution strengthening and second phase strengthening effects. Additionally, the amount of Er element should be controlled in the range of 0.10 wt.%-0.50 wt.% in order to obtain a good combination of compressive strength and energy absorption properties.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study on sound absorption property of aluminum foam by evaluating its sound absorption coefficients using standing wave tube method. Experimental results showed that the average values of sound absorption coefficients (over the test frequency range) are all above 0.4, which indicate very good sound absorption property of the aluminum foams. The sound absorption coefficient is affected by frequency and pore structure, and reaches its maximum value at around 1 000 Hz. With the increase of porosity and decrease of cell diameter, the sound absorption coefficient values increase.  相似文献   

Semi open-cell aluminum foams having channels between individual cells were produced using low cost CaCO3 foaming agent and applying the powder compact melting process. To this end, the aluminum and CaCO3 powder mixtures were cold compacted into dense cylindrical precursors for foaming at specific temperatures under air atmosphere. The effects of several parameters including precursor compaction pressure, foaming agent content as well as temperature and time of the foaming process on the cell microstructure, linear expansion, relative density and compressive properties were investigated. A uniform distribution of cells with sizes less than 100 μm, which form semi open-cell structures with relative densities in the range of 55.4%–84.4%, was obtained. The elevation of compaction pressure between 127–318 MPa and blowing agent up to 15% (mass fraction) led to an increase in the linear expansion, compressive strength and densification strain. By varying the foaming temperature from 800 to 1000 °C, all of the investigated parameters increased except compressive strength and relative density. The results indicated the optimal foaming temperature and time as 900 °C and 10–25 min, respectively.  相似文献   

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