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This paper reviews some of the chemical interactions that occurred at the interface of ceramic/molten metal liquids. Control of interfacial reactions between dissimilar materials is an important issue in numerous technological applications, such as brazing of ceramics to metals, design of ceramic–metal composites, coatings of ceramics on metal substrates, and development of crucibles for melting of refractory metals. In ceramic/metal systems, wetting of the ceramic surface by the liquid metal is typically accompanied to some extent by interfacial reactions. The chemical incompatibility between the metal and non‐metallic materials can result in the formation of undesirable phases, due to the chemical and metallurgical reactions that take place during processing or in service. There is a need, therefore, to characterize the governing factors and reaction pathways at these interfaces. So, when the reaction products obtained during interdiffusion processing are not favorable, the diffusion pathway can be modified to control their formation. 相似文献
C. Alvarez-Ney J. Labarga M. Moratalla J. M. Castilla M. A. Ramos 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》2017,187(1-2):182-191
The specific heat of toluene in glass and crystal states has been measured both at low temperatures down to 1.8 K (using the thermal relaxation method) and in a wide temperature range up to the liquid state (using a quasiadiabatic continuous method). Our measurements therefore extend earlier published data to much lower temperatures, thereby allowing to explore the low-temperature “glassy anomalies” in the case of toluene. Surprisingly, no indication of the existence of tunneling states is found, at least within the temperature range studied. At moderate temperatures, our data either for the glass or for the crystal show good agreement with those found in the literature. Also, we have been able to prepare bulk samples of toluene glass by only doping with 2% mol ethanol instead of with higher impurity doses used by other authors. 相似文献
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism - One of the long-standing challenges in experimental superconductivity are the sustained efforts to achieve stable and cheap superconducting... 相似文献
R. A. Lewis 《Journal of Superconductivity》2001,14(1):143-148
Phonon modes of the colossal magnetoresistance manganites La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 and La0.8Li0.2MnO3 have been investigated by far-infrared (100–700 cm–1) reflectivity spectroscopy at elevated temperatures (300–800 K). The three principal optical phonons all move systematically to lower frequency as temperature increases, in accordance with a Grüneisen relationship. The La(Ca,Li)–(MnO3) vibration (170 cm–1) varies with cation mass as expected. The Mn–O stretching mode (580 cm–1) has a higher frequency in the Li-doped compound than in the Ca-doped, whereas the O–Mn–O bending mode )340 cm–1) occurs at the same frequency in each, demonstrating that the cation strongly influences the Mn–O– length but not the bond angle. 相似文献
Cemented carbides are mainly used as cutting tools in various fields of application. In nearly all industrial uses they have to resist wear and concurrent complex thermomechanical loading, often including alternating mechanical loads at high temperatures. It has been shown that cemented carbides suffer lifetime‐limiting fatigue under cyclic loads at 25 °C caused by subcritical crack growth. Present investigations show that strong, temperature‐dependent fatigue effects occur in cemented carbides at elevated temperatures. TEM investigations revealed temperature‐dependent processes that are responsible for the changes in the fatigue behavior: at low temperatures a phase transformation of the Co‐binder phase and at higher temperatures oxidation in the cracks and brittle–ductile transitions of cubic carbides. 相似文献
Dawu Xiao ) Yinglei Li ) Shisheng Hu ) Lingcang Cai ) ) Laboratory for shock wave Detonation physics Research 《材料科学技术学报》2010,26(10):878-882
High temperature mechanical behaviors of zirconium at high strain rate of 103 s-1 were studied by split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB).The influences of strain rate and temperature on the micro-structural evolution,as well as the occurrence of shear localization and subsequent fracture,were also investigated.It s found that the compressive stress-strain response depends sensitively on the applied strain rate and test temperature.Micro-structural observations revealed that the density of the twinning grains r... 相似文献
FeAl金属间化合物的高温变形行为 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对Fe-36.5at%Al金属间化合物进行了高温拉伸试验研究。结果表明,变形温度在600-1000℃范围内,这种FeAl合金的延伸率随温度的升高不断增加,在1000℃时延伸率最高,达115%。经透射电镜分析,该合金高温变形后不仅有大量的滑移位错线,而且有一定数量的位错绻线存在。 相似文献
Strength of Materials - The model of multiphase media analyzes the effectiveness of describing thermal expansion and shrinkage of unidirectional polymer composites at their uniform heating by... 相似文献
采用四点弯曲实验方法,研究了高温下不同测试方法(CN法、SENB法和SEPB法)对工业用重结晶SiC陶瓷材料断裂韧性的影响。通过实验发现:在低温下(T〈800℃)不同测试方法所获得的KIC不同,CN法测得KIC偏大,而SEPB法测得的KIC则偏小,同时,三种测试方法获得的KIC随温度的升高变化率都不明显。在高温下(T〉800℃),不同的测试方法其KIC随温度的和蔼同变化趋势不同,CN法KIC随温度的升高而增大,SENB法KIC随温度的升高而减小,SEPB法KIC随温度的升高则基本无变化。 相似文献
The electrical resistance of polycrystalline CdSe and CdTe was measured as a function of temperature (up to 560 K) and pressure (up to 5.5 GPa). The resistance change across the phase transition and the transition onset pressure were found to decrease linearly with increasing temperature. The band gap of the low-pressure phases of CdSe and CdTe decreases with increasing pressure. The rapid reduction in the resistance change with increasing temperature restricts the use of CdSe and CdTe as high-temperature pressure calibration standards. 相似文献
Fumin YANG Xiaofeng SUN Hengrong GUAN Zhuangqi HUInstitute of Metal Research Chinese Academy of Sciences Shenyang China 《材料科学技术学报》2004,20(2):175-179
Creep testing was conducted on K40S alloy. The detailed creep deformation and fracture mechanisms under constant load were studied. The results show that the stress exponent ranges between 7 and 14.4 at elevated temperature 973~1173 K, and that the activation energy is approximately 449.1 kJ/mol. During creep, the grain boundary sliding cut off primary carbides at the boundary, generating the "O" model cracks. The creep failure mode of K40S alloy is transgranular ductile and cracks originate at the primary carbides. A long carbide and matrix interface is often a preferential path for crack propagation. The creep mechanism is discussed in light of the creep microstructure, the stress exponent and the activation energy. 相似文献
Spectral emissivity measurements at high temperature are of great importance for both scientific research and industrial applications. A method to perform spectral emissivity measurements is presented based on two sample heating methods, the flat plate and tubular furnace. An apparatus is developed to measure the normal spectral emissivity of solid material at elevated temperatures from 1073 K to 1873 K and wavelengths from \(2\,\upmu \hbox {m}\) to \(25\,\upmu \hbox {m}\). Sample heating is accomplished by a torch flame or a high temperature furnace. Two different variable temperature blackbody sources are used as standard references and the radiance is measured by a FTIR spectrometer. Following calibration of the spectral response and background radiance of the spectrometer, the effect of the blackbody temperature interval on calibration results is discussed. Measurements are performed of the normal spectral emissivity of SiC and graphite over the prescribed temperature and wavelength range. The emissivity of SiC at high temperatures is compared with the emissivity at room temperature, and the influence of an oxide layer formed at the surface of SiC on the emissivity is studied. The effect of temperature on the emissivity of graphite is also investigated. Furthermore, a thorough analysis of the uncertainty components of the emissivity measurement is performed. 相似文献
Longbiao Li 《Applied Composite Materials》2016,23(1):1-27
When the fiber-reinforced ceramic-matrix composites (CMCs) are first loading to fatigue peak stress, matrix multicracking and fiber/matrix interface debonding occur. Under fatigue loading, the stress–strain hysteresis loops appear as fiber slipping relative to matrix in the interface debonded region upon unloading/reloading. Due to interface wear at room temperature or interface oxidation at elevated temperature, the interface shear stress degredes with increase of the number of applied cycles, leading to the evolution of the shape, location and area of stress–strain hysteresis loops. The evolution characteristics of fatigue hysteresis loss energy in different types of fiber-reinforced CMCs, i.e., unidirectional, cross-ply, 2D and 2.5D woven, have been investigated. The relationships between the fatigue hysteresis loss energy, stress–strain hysteresis loops, interface frictional slip, interface shear stress and interface radial thermal residual stress, matrix stochastic cracking and fatigue peak stress of fiber-reinforced CMCs have been established. 相似文献
We present experimental analysis of the deformation, strength and failure of tubular specimens, made of woven reinforced glass fibre–epoxy composite. The specimens were subjected to uniaxial tensile testing with the average strain rates from 10-5 s-1 to 20 s-1. Tests were performed at room and three elevated temperatures, up to the temperature corresponding to the phase transformation of the matrix. 相似文献