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随着人们生活水平的提升,在保证食品质量安全的基础上,人们更加关注饮食的科学与健康。据全球统计,普通人群发生食物过敏的几率约为是5%,某些特定人群比例还会再高。因此,食品致敏原的管理与检测作为近10年来的新兴领域,得到了越来越多的重视与发展,我国近几年在食品致敏原的管理与检测方面也取得了不小的进步。本期《特别报道》力邀该领域专家与学者齐聚一堂,深入食品致敏原的管理与检测领域进行探讨与交流。 相似文献
主要贸易国和地区食品中致敏原标识措施比较及其对我国的启示 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文概速了食品中致敏原标识措施的发展,比较分析了世界各国食品中致敏原标识措施中的异同点,包括措施的覆盖范围、致敏原名单、豁免清单、标识方式、交叉污染标识等5个部分,并提出了完善我国食品中致敏原标识管理的建议. 相似文献
目的 了解我国市售预包装食品中致敏原标示现状。方法 在我国26个省(自治区、直辖市)随机抽取市售18大类共计986份预包装食品,收集分析其致敏原标示信息,并采用ELISA法检测361份样品中乳类致敏原含量。结果 致敏原总体标示率为44.7%(441/986),除八大类致敏原外,芝麻标示率最高20.6%(91/441);在标示致敏原的样品中,61.9%(273/441)采用主要致敏原方式标示,76.4%(337/441)致敏原标示在配料表下方,93.4%(412/441)标示的字体未突出;乳类致敏原检测发现,80.3%(290/361)样品准确使用了致敏原标示,13.0%(47/361)含有隐蔽致敏原,6.6%(24/361)存在过度标示。结论 我国预包装食品致敏原总体标示情况较好,但存在一定的隐蔽致敏原风险以及预防性致敏原标示准确度较低的问题。 相似文献
国内外食品过敏原标签管理现状与趋势 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
本文主要概述了食品安全中过敏原问题的特点和风险控制手段, 通过对国际食品法典委员会(CAC)、欧盟、美国、日本、澳大利亚和新西兰、加拿大等国家(地区)有关过敏原标签的管理现状进行对比分析, 阐述了目前食品过敏原标签的现状与发展趋势, 同时介绍目前我国食品过敏原标签管理的状况, 并就过敏原标签对我国食品出口可能产生的影响提出了相关的建议。 相似文献
食物过敏原介导食物过敏机制研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目前食物过敏已成为严重危害成人、儿童健康的公共卫生问题且发病率呈逐年上升的趋势。食物过敏可引起严重的不良反应甚至导致死亡, 但目前针对食物过敏尚无有效的治疗方法, 只能通过食物规避或针对食物过敏症状进行相应的治疗。由于复杂的环境和遗传因素, 食物过敏的致病机制尚不清晰。本文就近年来食物过敏致病机制研究的进展进行综述。 相似文献
食物过敏原标准物质是解决食物过敏问题的关键实验材料之一。在食物过敏原标准化方面,鸡蛋、牛奶和花生过敏原的分离纯化、结构和免疫学性质表征方面取得了良好的效果,为研发单个过敏原蛋白标准物质提供了支撑。在美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST)颁布的8种过敏性食物标准物质中,只有RM8445用于检测食物过敏原;由欧盟资助的两大项目中,EuroPrevall项目主要构建了一个食物过敏原信息的数据库,而CREATE项目则首次证实重组花粉过敏原rBetv1可作为天然花粉过敏原Betv1的候选标准物质,为开发重组食物过敏原标准物质提供了一种可借鉴的策略。总之,研发食物过敏原致敏性蛋白标准物质是一项重要的任务,极具挑战性。 相似文献
Sefat E. Khuda Girdhari M. Sharma Dennis Gaines Andrew B. Do Marion Pereira Michael Chang 《Food additives & contaminants. Part A, Chemistry, analysis, control, exposure & risk assessment》2016,33(8):1274-1282
A comprehensive study was designed to determine the frequency and levels of soy allergen in packaged bakery and snack food products. A representative sample of products with no soy allergen disclosed on the label was analysed using two widely used enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) methods. Samples were chosen that either had no soy identified on the product label or which had a soy precautionary statement. Among 558 bakery and snack products, soy protein was detected in 17% of the products using the Neogen (NE) kit and 11% of the products using the Elisa Systems (ES) kit. The disagreement rates between kits were 8.8% for bakery products and 3.3% for snack products. Overall soy protein was detected at higher frequency in bakery products than in snack foods. Among 284 bakery samples, soy protein was detected in 25% of the samples with no precautionary statement and 19% of the samples which had a precautionary statement. Among 274 snack samples, soy protein was detected in 11% of the samples with no precautionary statement and 9% of the samples which had a precautionary statement. The sample repeatability was at an acceptable level (< 9%) for each method and food commodity. The reproducibility between kits was 23% for bakery foods and 36% for snack foods. None of the bakery (21) and snack (6) products without precautionary labelling (measured level > 5 ppm) had a higher level of soy protein per serving compared with the eliciting dose10 (ED10) of 10.6 mg for soy allergic patients. But the level of soy protein per serving may be clinically relevant to a subpopulation of soy allergic patients if a more stringent eliciting dose is applied. These findings emphasise that suitable detection methodologies and references doses are crucial for labelling accuracy and the safety of soy allergic consumers. 相似文献
Sefat E Khuda Girdhari M. Sharma Dennis Gaines Andrew B. Do Marion Pereira Michael Chang 《Food additives & contaminants. Part A, Chemistry, analysis, control, exposure & risk assessment》2016,33(8):1265-1273
Since the number of recalls involving undeclared allergens is commonly associated with bakery and snack foods, we aimed to determine the frequency of egg allergens in a large number of these products using two commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) methods. Samples were chosen that either had no egg identified on the product label or which had an egg precautionary statement. Among all samples, egg protein was detected in 5% of products using a Morinaga (MO) kit and 1% of products using a R-Biopharm (RB) kit. For bakery samples, egg protein was detected in 6% of 363 samples with no precautionary labelling (6% by MO and 1% by RB kit) and 12% of 80 samples which had precautionary labelling. For snack samples, egg protein was detected in 2% of 371 samples with no precautionary labelling (2% by MO and < 1% by RB kit) and 5% of 21 samples which had precautionary labelling. The disagreement rates between two methods were 5.2% for bakery products and 2.6% for snack products. The sample repeatability was at an acceptable level for bakery (< 12.5%) and snack foods (< 7.5%) for each method. The relative standard deviation between test kits was high (103.1%) for bakery foods. Four bakery products without precautionary labelling had a higher level of egg protein per serving compared with the eliciting dose (ED10 of 3.7 mg protein) for egg allergic patients. These results highlight the fact that detection methodology plays a vital role for accurate labelling control and mitigation of risk for egg allergic consumers. 相似文献
目的 了解我国预包装食品标签中致敏原声称的使用情况,为修订《预包装食品标签通则》提供建议。方法 在全国各地大中型超市进行采样或拍照,收集预包装食品致敏原标签声称信息并录入Excel,对各类食品的致敏原声称使用情况进行统计。结果 共采集8 694份样品,致敏原标签的总体标识率为21.58%(1 876/8 694),其中焙烤食品含有致敏原声称的标识率最高(65.73%, 468/712)。各致敏原成分中,关于乳及乳制品致敏原的声称率最高(17.09%,1 486/8 694),使用“可能含有”“本生产线也生产”“本加工设备也生产”“本生产工厂也加工”等常用于表明存在交叉接触的预防性致敏原声称的频率较高,主要集中在焙烤食品、膨化食品、谷物及其制品等3类食品中。结论 我国预包装食品中使用食品致敏原声称的食品种类较多,致敏原声称的使用缺乏规范,个别食品类别使用预防性致敏原声称的频率较高。致敏原声称在食品产品中广泛使用,应将其作为我国致敏原标识管理的重点。 相似文献
食品过敏已成为一个重要的食品质量和安全问题,对食品加工行业构成挑战,并影响消费者的健康。一方面,从食品加工行业的角度来看,食品原料成分、外源添加剂和加工形式的多样性使得现代食品加工中过敏原的存在更加复杂。此外,由于缺乏过敏原识别和有效的检测与评价系统,导致目前食品过敏原筛选与检测、跟踪与预测、干预与控制的理论和技术存在严重不足;另一方面,从公共卫生的角度来看,满足消费者对包括食物过敏原在内的不同类型原料来源的知情权,提高政府的公信力和人民的满意度也成为当务之急;此外,随着人们接触的食物种类越来越多,食物过敏的发生概率也越来越高,日趋复杂化、广域化和严重化的食物过敏所带来的食品安全健康问题已很难避免。鉴于此,针对大健康背景下日益严重的食品过敏安全问题,本综述介绍了食物过敏原的检测方法,总结了食物过敏原消减与控制技术,阐述了低致敏性食品以及抗过敏活性物质,综述了目前食物过敏原口服免疫治疗进展,旨在为预防和控制食物过敏,保障食物过敏患者的身体健康提供依据。 相似文献