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Studied the relation among need for cognition (NFC), message processing, and persuasion. 57 pairs of undergraduates holding approximately the same attitude toward instituting senior comprehensive exams but differing widely in their scores on a NFC scale participated in Exp I. Ss read a set of either strong or weak arguments supporting the recommendation that senior comprehensive exams be instituted. Results reveal that argument quality had a greater impact on the message evaluations and source impressions provided by Ss high than by those low in NFC and that Ss high in NFC reported expending more cognitive effort and recalled more message arguments regardless of argument quality. The findings from Exp I were replicated in Exp II (110 female undergraduates) with a different topic (i.e., raising student tuition) and cover story. The inclusion of a postcommunication attitude measure revealed that the attitudes of Ss high in NFC were more affected by argument quality than those of Ss low in NFC. These studies document a reliable difference among individuals in their tendency to derive information from and elaborate on externally provided message arguments. (39 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effects of epistemological beliefs and topic-specific beliefs on undergraduates' cognitive and strategic processing of a dual-positional text were investigated. Forty undergraduates thought aloud while reading a text that presented information both consistent and inconsistent with their prior beliefs about the HIV–AIDS relationship. Epistemological beliefs about the speed of learning affected the overall number of cognitive processes exhibited, whereas topic-specific beliefs interacted with the nature of the information read to influence the specific type of cognitive processing used. Strategies for accepting or resolving apparent ambiguities in text were related positively to delayed recall; cognitive processes for developing awareness were related negatively to the number of distortions produced. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Developed and validated the Need for Cognition Scale (NCS). In Study 1, a pool of items was administered to 96 faculty members (high-need-for-cognition group) and assembly line workers (low-need-for-cognition group). Ambiguity, irrelevance, and internal consistency were used to select items for subsequent studies. Factor analysis yielded one major factor. In Study 2, the NCS and the Group Embedded Figures Test were administered to 419 undergraduates to validate the factor structure and to determine whether the NCS tapped a construct distinct from test anxiety and cognitive style. The factor structure was replicated, and responses to the NCS were weakly related to cognitive style and unrelated to test anxiety. In Study 3, 104 undergraduates completed the NCS, the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale, and a dogmatism scale. Results indicate that need for cognition was related weakly and negatively to being closeminded, unrelated to social desirability, and positively correlated with general intelligence. Study 4 (97 undergraduates) furnished evidence of the predictive validity of the NCS. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Dream interpretation is a common practice in psychotherapy. In the research presented in this article, each participant saw a clinician who interpreted a recent dream report to be a sign that the participant had had a mildly traumatic experience before age 3 years, such as being lost for an extended time or feeling abandoned by his or her parents. This dream intervention caused a majority of participants to become more confident that they had had such an experience, even though they had previously denied it. These findings have implications for the use of dream material in clinical settings. In particular, the findings point to the possibility that dream interpretation may have unexpected side effects if it leads to beliefs about the past that may, in fact, be false. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This experiment is designed "to demonstrate the existence of a need for cognition and to test the effects of differential ambiguity upon people with different degrees of strength of need cognition." Half of the Ss in each group are exposed to a structured stimulus, half to an ambiguous stimulus. Reactions to experimental manipulations are obtained by means of a post-experimental questionnaire. It was found that: (1) There is consistency between the two independent measures of cognition need. (2) The ambiguous situation produced more frustration than did the structured one. Degree of ambiguity is more important for people with a high cognition need. (3) No differences are found in the degree to which groups of Ss impose meaning upon the experimental stimulus. (4) No relationships are found between need of cognition and need for achievement. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to go further than considering only cognitive factors to extend the understanding of the complex, dynamic underlying knowledge revision processes. Fifth graders were assigned to 2 reading conditions. Participants in 1 condition read a refutational text about light, whereas participants in the other read a traditional text. Within each reading condition, students had more or less advanced beliefs about scientific knowledge (complex and evolving vs. simple and certain), as well as high or low topic interest. Overall findings from pretest to immediate and delayed posttests showed that knowledge revision was affected by several interactions among the variables examined. Students who attained the highest scores at both the immediate and delayed posttests were those who had read the refutational text and had high topic interest, as well as more advanced beliefs about scientific knowledge. In particular, the refutational text was more powerful in prompting a restructuring of alternative conceptions about 2 of the 3 light phenomena examined. In addition, students preferred the innovative text to the traditional textbook text. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Age-related differences in everyday reasoning biases were explored. In each of 2 social domains, examination of theoretical beliefs and biases along 2 dimensions of scientific reasoning, involving the law of large numbers and the evaluation of experimental evidence, revealed that, across age groups, scientific reasoning was used to reject evidence that contradicted prior beliefs; relatively cursory reasoning was used to accept belief-consistent evidence. Biased reasoning was more common among middle-aged and older adults than among young adults. Dispositions to engage in analytic processing were negatively related to biases, but intellectual abilities and bias were not related. The findings support a 2-process view of adult cognitive development and suggest that the tendency to rely on heuristic information processing increases with age. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article is the continuation of M. Schommer's (1993) study, in which the development of secondary students' beliefs about the nature of knowledge and learning, or epistemological beliefs, was examined. High school students (N?=?69) completed an epistemological questionnaire as freshmen in 1992 and as seniors in 1995. Repeated-measures analyses revealed that their beliefs in fixed ability to learn, simple knowledge, quick learning, and certain knowledge changed as they neared the end of their 4th year in high school. In addition, the less students believed in quick learning, the better grade point average they earned. These results are consistent with a cross-sectional study (M. Schommer, 1993) establishing substantial differences in students' epistemological beliefs across the high school years and thus strengthen the case that there is development of epistemological beliefs related to learning during high school. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The current study assessed psychotherapy clients' beliefs about the appropriateness of discussing religious and spiritual concerns in counseling, clients' preferences for such discussion, and identified explanatory variables for these beliefs and preferences. These variables were assessed using the Client Attitudes toward Spirituality in Therapy survey; the Index of Spiritual Experiences (J. D. Kass, R. Friedman, J. Leserman, P. C. Zuttermeister, & H. Benson, 1991); the Expectations About Counseling-Brief Form (H. E. A. Tinsley, 1982); the Religious scale of the Counseling Appropriateness Check List (R. Warman, 1960); the Socially Desirable Response Set-5 Scale (R. D. Hays, T. Hayashi, & A. L. Stewart, 1989); and the Religion Section of the Mooney Problem Check List-Adult Form (L. V. Gordon & R. L. Mooney, 1950). Clients believed religious concerns were appropriate for discussion in counseling and had a preference for discussing spiritual and religious issues in counseling. Spiritual experience was the most potent variable for explaining preferences for discussing spiritual issues. Implications and limitations of the study are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between two variable sets: (a) epistemological beliefs (quick learning, simple knowledge, certain knowledge, and innate ability) and learned helplessness and (b) conceptual understanding and application reasoning in conceptual change learning (CCL). Hypothetical dimensions underlying the Epistemological Belief Questionnaire and effects of different kinds of prior knowledge on CCL were explored with 212 students in Grades 9–12 in 13 science classes at a rural public high school in Georgia. Exploratory factor analyses revealed 3 factors underlying epistemological beliefs: Quick Learning, Simple-Certain Knowledge, and Innate Ability. Canonical correlation analyses show that beliefs about Simple-Certain Knowledge contribute the most to CCL, whereas beliefs about Innate Ability contribute the least. Beliefs about Simple-Certain Knowledge and Quick Learning are important factors in CCL. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Extends J. D. Matarazzo's (see record 1986-19878-001) discussion of computerized clinical psychological testing by discussing legal and licensing considerations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: Two studies assessed the relative contribution of affective and instrumental beliefs to the prediction of 2 risk behaviors: driving above the speed limit and smoking. Design: Both studies took the form of large-scale questionnaire surveys (Study 1, N = 292; Study 2, N = 500) measuring instrumental and affective beliefs and self-reported behavior. In both cases, behavior was also measured objectively. Outcome measures: In Study 1, speeding behavior was measured via infrared camera along sections of road with 30 mph, 40 mph, and 60 mph speed limits. Self-reports of speeding in these same contexts represented a 2nd dependent variable. In Study 2, level of smoking was measured via a carbon monoxide monitor, and participants were asked to indicate the number of cigarettes they smoked in a week. Results: In Study 1, positive and negative instrumental and affective beliefs were significant predictors of self-reported speed. The most powerful predictor was negative affective beliefs. Observed speed was predicted by negative affective beliefs only. In Study 2, the significant predictors of self-reported smoking and objective measures of smoking were positive and negative affective beliefs. Conclusion: The findings indicate the importance of affective beliefs across 2 health risk behaviors. Implications for social cognition models and interventions are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Forty-two volunteer clients with below-average dream recall and attitudes toward dreams participated in training sessions focusing on either improving dream recall and attitudes toward dreams, building dream interpretation skills, or educating about counseling. After training, individual dream interpretation sessions were conducted. No significant differences were found among the 3 conditions in regard to dream recall, attitudes toward dreams, or client- or therapist-reported session outcome, but effect sizes suggested that participants in the skills condition gained more from sessions than did participants in the dream recall–attitudes condition. Session outcome for all volunteer clients was equivalent to those in previous studies of volunteer clients with no training, suggesting that training was not necessary and that these participants were able to benefit from single-session dream interpretation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Assessed the effects of learning computer programming and computer-assisted instruction (CAI) on specific cognitive skills (classification and seriation operations), metacognitive skills, creativity, and achievement (reading, mathematics, and ability to describe directions). 72 6- and 8-yr-old children were pretested to assess pretreatment level of operational competence (classification and seriation), creativity, and achievement. Ss were then randomly assigned to 1 of 3 22-wk treatment conditions: Logo computer language programming, CAI, or control. Results from posttests reveal that the programming group scored significantly higher on measures of operational competence and creativity, on describing directions, and on 2 of 3 measures of metacognitive skills. No differences were found on measures of reading and mathematics achievement. (30 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Assessed the effects of learning computer programming on the cognitive style (reflectivity, divergent thinking), metacognitive ability, cognitive development (operation competence, general cognitive measures), and ability to describe directions of 18 1st graders. Ss were pretested to assess receptive vocabulary (PPVT—R), impulsivity/reflectivity, and divergent thinking (the Figural Test of the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking). Ss were randomly assigned to computer programming or computer-assisted instruction for 12 wks. Posttesting included the McCarthy Screening Test and measures of awareness of comprehension failure, operational competence, and describing directions. Results show that the programming group scored significantly higher on measures of reflectivity and divergent thinking. This group outperformed the computer-assisted group on measures of metacognitive ability and ability to describe directions. No differences were found on measures of cognitive development. It is concluded that computer programming can increase some aspects of problem-solving ability. (26 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Research shows that clinical predictions are less accurate than statistical predictions and are held with unreasonable confidence. Because there are obstacles to the implementation of statistical prediction, factors that improve clinical judgment must be identified. One hundred twelve individuals participated in an experiment investigating the role of complex thought in clinical prediction. Results revealed marked performance differences related to the amount of available clinical information. Participants' assessed need for cognition was associated with their consistency, accuracy, and cue-weighting strategies. Social accountability improved confidence performance under certain task conditions but was unrelated to accuracy. Theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed, with emphasis on the restructuring of tasks and the selection and training of human forecasters to promote accurate and appropriately confident clinical predictions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Few attempts have been made to integrate research on memory beliefs across adulthood with related constructs in social cognition. This article addresses the issue of how respondents formulate answers to memory-beliefs questions from a social–cognitive perspective. We propose that reported memory beliefs represent the outcomes of a process that involves both the retrieval of previously stored information about self and about memory and on-line constructive processes. This article offers a set of assumptions that clarifies existing data on memory beliefs and generates new hypotheses regarding the interactions between beliefs about the aging process, memory, and constructs such as memory self-efficacy and how such variables combine with the on-line constructive processes to produce individual differences in responses. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Individual differences in memory performance among elderly adults may be due, in part, to variability in personality and metamemory variables. We examined whether control beliefs, attributions, and depression were related to memory self-assessments, performance, and change in these variables across two trials. Participants were 47 elderly adults (M age?=?69.72 years). Results of multiple regression analyses were consistent with predictions. Those individuals with stronger internal control beliefs made higher self-assessments at the first trial. Those who made higher assessments and those younger in age had higher performance at the first trial. Those with higher performance at the first trial and those who attributed this performance to internal, stable, and global causes were less likely to show decrements in self-assessments and performance across trials. Implications of the findings for enhancing memory performance are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Fifth graders' responses to a questionnaire assessing causal attributions, academic expectancies, and self-evaluations of smartness varied as a function of whether the questionnaire was administered individually or in a group. Students with low grade point averages (GPAs) were significantly less likely to attribute their failures to external factors and significantly more likely to attribute their failures to insufficient ability in the individual condition than in the group condition. Students with high GPAs did not give different attributions in the 2 conditions. Administration condition also influenced children's academic expectancies. Children expressed lower and less accurate grade predictions in the individual condition than in the group condition. Because prior studies vary in terms of questionnaire administration procedures, the results provide a plausible explanation for some inconsistent findings across studies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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