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高炉铝酸钙炉渣浸出过程动力学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了高炉铝酸钙炉渣的浸出动力学,考察了搅拌强度、浸出反应温度、浸出剂初始浓度及炉渣粒度对浸出速率的影响. 结果表明,浸出过程符合一级反应的收缩未反应核模型,宏观动力学方程为1+2(1-xB)-3(1-xB)2/3= 1.108exp(-1906/T)t,表观活化能为15.84 kJ/mol,过程速率为固膜内扩散速率控制. 通过实验数据验证,表明所得模型能较好地描述炉渣的浸出过程.  相似文献   

黄磷炉渣酸解过程铁浸出动力学的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
黄磷炉渣酸浸制取白炭黑时,铁的浸出效率直接影响产品的外观质量,本论文研究了酸浸过程中铁的动力学特性;结果表明,酸浸过程属于化学反应控制的液固相反应,可用收缩未反应核模型描述,酸浸过程反应的表观活化能为21.70 kJ/mol,反应级数为0.5005.  相似文献   

蛇纹石硫酸浸出过程动力学研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
首先确定了蛇纹石硫酸浸出过程中影响浸出速率的主要因素,以此为条件,对蛇纹石中MgO的浸出速率进行了研究。结果表明:MgO的浸出动力学能适用容积反应模型,其浸出速率可表示为样品中残留MgO量的二级反应,其表观活化能约为93.20kJ/mol,属化学反应控制。  相似文献   

废糖蜜-硫酸溶液中软锰矿的浸出动力学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用收缩芯模型研究了硫酸介质中废糖蜜还原浸出软锰矿的动力学,考察了软锰矿粒度、反应温度、浸出时间、硫酸浓度和废糖蜜浓度对锰浸出速率的影响. 结果表明,提高反应温度、硫酸浓度、废糖蜜浓度和减小软锰矿颗粒的初始平均半径,均可提高锰的浸出速率. 废糖蜜还原浸出软锰矿属界面化学反应控制,表观活化能为45.6 kJ/mol,硫酸和废糖蜜的反应级数分别为0.52及0.28.  相似文献   

缓冲体系中辉钼矿电氧化浸出研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要对缓冲体系中辉钼矿电氧化浸出行为进行了考察,最优的浸出工艺参数为液同比25∶1,搅拌速度400 r/min,NaCl浓度4 moL/L,Na_2CO_3浓度10 g/L,pH=9,室温,Mo浸出率可达到99.5%,且电流效率达到61%,而非缓冲体系电流效率仅为39%;浸出动力学表明,浸出过程表观活化能为8.56 kJ/mol,反应界面有固体产物生成,过程受固膜扩散控制.  相似文献   

为了给醋酸仲丁酯的工业生产提供动力学支持,研究了醋酸和丁烯在液相中直接酯化合成醋酸仲丁酯的本征动力学。在间歇搅拌釜式反应器中,以阳离子交换树脂为催化剂,采用MTBE后续工段中除去异丁烯后的C4混合组分和醋酸发生酯化加成反应生成醋酸仲丁酯。在消除内外扩散的影响下考察了催化剂用量、反应温度对反应速率的影响。得到其酯化反应正反应速率常数及活化能分别为65.23 L/(mol.min)和325.17 J/mol;其酯化反应负反应速率常数及活化能分别为0.239 L/(mol.min)和900.47 J/mol。得到了合成醋酸仲丁酯的反应动力学方程,为反应精馏的模拟优化提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

用电导和粒度测试两种方法研究了壳聚糖在醋酸溶液中的溶解行为。结果显示:醋酸浓度、溶解温度和壳聚糖样品本身的脱乙酰度及分子量都会影响壳聚糖的溶解,但溶解初期壳聚糖因吸附醋酸根离子而产生聚集现象。一般情况下,温度高有利于壳聚糖的溶解。当壳聚糖脱乙酰度非常高,分子量差距又并不是非常大时,前者将对溶解起主导作用,同时脱乙酰度越高越有利于其溶解。  相似文献   

传统铬盐行业生产过程中铬的价态需经过三价到六价再到三价的转化。六价铬的高毒性导致铬成为国家重点防控的重金属。铬盐行业的可持续发展亟需开发避免六价铬产生的新技术,含铬原料的酸浸为可行的途径。本文提出以高碳铬铁合金为原料,盐酸为浸出剂的酸性浸出制备三价铬盐新工艺。浸出后的氯化铬和氯化亚铁可制备出三价铬盐产品,其可作为铁铬液流电池的电解液。本文在对高碳铬铁元素含量、物相组成及形貌等分析的基础上,系统研究了反应温度、盐酸浓度、搅拌速率和反应时间对铬和铁浸出率的影响规律。结果表明,在反应温度100℃、盐酸浓度9mol/L、搅拌速率250r/min、反应时间6h的条件下,铬浸出率为92%,铁浸出率为95%。进一步研究了高碳铬铁在盐酸中浸出的动力学。高碳铬铁的浸出过程符合未反应收缩核模型,铬浸出过程受化学反应控制,表观活化能Ea=65.95kJ/mol;铁浸出过程受化学反应控制,表观活化能Ea=63.85kJ/mol。  相似文献   

稀醋酸催化精馏过程的反应动力学   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
白鹏  刘劲松  朱思强  杨志才 《化工学报》2002,53(12):1265-1269
研究了常压下温度308-328 K范围内用阳离子交换树脂作催化剂的稀醋酸合成醋酸甲酯本征反应动力学,得到基于Langmuir-Hinshelwood吸附理论用活度表示的通用动力学方程,在此基础上建立了数学模型并通过模拟计算证明了催化精馏过程是回收水溶液中醋酸的有效方案,为工业设计放大提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

钛铁矿硫酸浸出动力学研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
研究了攀枝花钛铁矿在硫酸溶液中浸取反应的动力学行为,发现在温度为100℃-198℃、酸矿比为500:15时,钛精矿在85%硫酸溶液中的反应速率同时受矿粒表面反应和表面产物层传质阻力影响,表观反应活化能约68.4kJ/mol。浸出反应动力学方程为t=「0.00766/(2.74*10^7e^-68400/RT)」「1-x)^1/3」{1+(11-0.016T)「1+(1-x)^1/3-2(1-x)^2/3」}在酸矿比更低的非等温和准绝热实验中,该方程式可以很好地模拟反应的动力学特性。  相似文献   

通过分析电炉镍铁渣的矿物成分和物相组成,考察不同粒度电炉镍铁渣的重金属含量,采用BCR(Bureau Community of Reference)连续提取方法和调节浸提剂pH值进行电炉镍铁渣的浸出测试.结果表明:粉末状电炉镍铁渣的重金属含量最高,完整电炉镍铁渣的重金属含量小于破损的重金属含量;电炉镍铁渣属于一般工业废...  相似文献   

采用全溶实验、短期与长期浸出实验,对电炉精炼渣中重金属元素的浸出行为进行研究,并通过SEM与XRD分析其机理. 结果表明,电炉精炼渣中Ba元素短期浸出浓度最高值为52.10 mg/L,超出国家污水重金属排放标准;Ni元素短期浸出浓度最高值为0.025 mg/L,V元素长期浸出浓度最高值为0.176 mg/L,超出生活饮用水卫生标准. 重金属元素的浸出主要是由于钢渣中Ca2SiO4×H2O (C-S-H)等结构的破坏.  相似文献   

以含Mg2+和Al3+等有价元素的高炉渣酸解提硅废液为原料、尿素为沉淀剂,采用均匀沉淀法制备镁铝尖晶石粉体,研究了其产率及性能. 结果表明,最佳工艺条件为:反应温度100℃,尿素用量为理论用量的10倍,煅烧温度1100℃,保温时间2 h. 加入5%(w) Na2S2O4后,样品中Fe2O3含量从1.70%(w)降到0.49%(w),除铁率达71.2%,白度增加11度. 产品为富铝型镁铝尖晶石,且杂质含量远低于国家标准.  相似文献   

The oxidation of CH4 over Pt–NiO/δ-Al2O3 has been studied in a fluidised bed reactor as part of a major project on an autothermal (combined oxidation–steam reforming) system for CH4 conversion. The kinetic data were collected between 773 and 893 K and 101 kPa total pressure using CH4 and O2 compositions of 10–35% and 8–30%, respectively. Rate–temperature data were also obtained over alumina-supported monometallic catalysts, Pt and NiO. The bimetallic Pt–NiO system has a lower activation energy (80.8 kJ mol−1) than either Pt (86.45 kJ mol−1) and NiO (103.73 kJ mol−1). The superior performance of the bimetallic catalyst was attributed to chemical synergy. The reaction rate over the Pt–NiO catalyst increased monotonically with CH4 partial pressure but was inhibited by O2. At low partial pressures (<30 kPa), H2O has a detrimental effect on CH4 conversion, whilst above 30 kPa, the rate increased dramatically with water content.  相似文献   

The effects of surfactant on the solvent extraction in leaching sphalerite were investigated. It is found that sodium dodecyl sulfonate is the effective surfactant in improving the zinc recovery from sphalerite in the aqueous FeCl3-HCl-tetrachloroethylene system. Through the measurements of surface tension and viscosity of the sphalerite slurry modified with different surfactants, it is concluded that sodium dodecyl sulfonate in the concentration range of 0.05 to 0.2g L-1 can improve the viscosity of sphalerite slurry in the water, decrease the surface tension of leaching solution, prevent the aggregation of ore particles, and give very high zinc extraction .  相似文献   

The synthesis and structure of (CH3CH[NH3]CH2NH3)1/2·ZnPO4, an organically templated zincophosphate (ZnPO) analogue of aluminosilicate zeolite thomsonite (THO), are described. The ZnPO framework is built up from an alternating, vertex-sharing, network of ZnO4 and PO4 groups (dav(Zn–O)=1.944 (8) Å, dav(P–O)=1.535 (9) Å, θav(Zn–O–P)=130.5°) involving distinctive 4=1 secondary building units. The 1,2-diammonium propane cations are highly disordered in the [0 0 1] 8-ring channels. Crystal data: (CH3CH[NH3]CH2NH3)1/2·ZnPO4, Mr=198.42, orthorhombic, space group Pncn (no. 52), a=14.119 (6) Å, b=14.136 (5) Å, c=12.985 (5) Å, V=2591 (3) Å3, Z=10, R(F)=0.057, Rw(F)=0.061 (for a twinned crystal).  相似文献   

Infrared and Raman spectra of atactic PMMA and infrared spectra of stereoregular PMMA and of its four deuterated derivatives
, were measured. They were used to assign the bands of stretching and deformation vibrations of CH2, CCH3 and OCH3 groups in the infrared and Raman spectra and to discuss the effect of stereoregularity on these bands in the infrared spectra.  相似文献   


Electric arc furnace (EAF) flue dust is generated during EAF steelmaking from iron-containing scrap such as recycled automobile bodies. The relatively high level of Zn (20–30 wt%) in EAF dusts provides a potentially valuable resource, even though the zinc is present as oxide phases such as zincite (ZnO) and zinc ferrite (ZnFe2O4). In this work, a method to deflocculate and disperse ZnO and ZnFe2O4 particles in aqueous suspension of EAF dust is developed and the efficiency of Zn recovery by the classification method was evaluated. Major findings of this study indicate that citric acid, a tetradendate chelating agent, demonstrates the best liberation and dispersion efficiency for EAF dust. Elutriating at 0.01 cm/min fluid velocity we recover 10 wt% of EAF dust (mostly ZnO particles) at a grad of 70 wt% Zn from a well-liberated and dispersed suspension of EAF dust. About 30 wt% of Zn recovery may be achieved using only simple classification.  相似文献   

Summary (C5H5)2Zr(O2C)CH3 and (C5H5)2Zr(O2C)CH2CH3 complexes were synthesized, characterized and activated with MAO for ethylene polymerization. The highest catalytic activity was achieved at Al/Zr molar ratio of 3000 for both systems. The effects of the size of the R group in the carboxylate ligands, the Al/Zr molar ratio and reaction temperature on the catalytic activity and polymer properties were studied and discussed.  相似文献   

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