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本文考虑正则广义控制系统的强能控性与强能观性,在不分解原系统的情况下,用原系统参数给出了一些新的判定条件。  相似文献   

The paper deals with a discontinuous control system that consists of two finite-dimensional linear systems; the first describes the motion in a given half-space, the second in the complementary half-space. Necessary and sufficient conditions for local controllability are obtained.  相似文献   

非线性控制系统的特性(Ⅰ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用与线性系统理论相比较的方法,阐述非线性控制系统理论。文中通过一些例子来分析非线性控制系统在能控性、能观性、抗干扰性、解耦和稳定性等方面的特性,从而进一步说明非线性控制系统理论在提法、论述和结论上的特点。第一部分介绍非线性系统的能控性和能观性。  相似文献   

欠驱动平面机械手是带有非完整约束的高度非线性系统,对其进行有效的控制仍然是个难点热点问题。针对最具代表性的两关节情形,给出了欠驱动两关节平面机械手的动力学方程,据此分析了该系统的可积性、线性化、稳定性、可控性和可反馈镇定性。根据控制目标的不同,将控制任务分为镇定到流形、镇定到单个平衡点和跟踪时变信号3种。针对这3种控制任务,分别回顾了各种已有的控制方式,仔细分析了它们的优点和有待改进的地方。最后探索了欠驱动平面机械手的研究中需要解决的几个关键问题,指出未来的可能研究方向。  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the controllability of multi-agent systems with leaders as control inputs, where the interconnection is directed and weighted. We employ weight-balanced partition to classify the interconnection graphs, and study the controllable subspaces with given nontrivial weight-balanced partition. We also provide two necessary and sufficient graph conditions on structural controllability and strong structural controllability. Moreover, we consider the effect of the zero row-sum restrictions of the system matrices on structural controllability.  相似文献   

In this paper we derive a set of conditions which are both necessary and sufficient for complete controllability of a class of inhomogeneous discrete time bilinear systems.  相似文献   

夏小华 《自动化学报》1994,20(2):186-190
本文首先给出非线性控制系统的一般稳定无交互控制问题可解的一个一般结论,进而研究两个例题,其中之一揭示所涉及问题中典型的非线性现象,另一个表明以往一个结论的错误.  相似文献   

In this study, we consider a regional controllability problem for a class of distributed bilinear systems evolving in a spatial domain Ω. A feedback control is used to steer the system state close to a desired profile at a final time T, only on ω a subregion of the system domain which may be interior or on the boundary of Ω. Our purpose is to prove that an optimal control exists, and characterised as a solution to an optimality system. Numerical algorithm is given and successfully illustrated by simulations.  相似文献   

针对二分图网络结构下的不敏感系统的可控性比较差的问题,本文提出了带有区域控制的分布式模型预测控制方法.该方法首先利用分支定界法对分布式控制系统结构进行最优设计;然后,结合区域控制提高控制系统的动态性能指标;最后,依据回路之间的关联性的强弱选择每个回路的控制方式(精确控制或区域控制).仿真结果显示带有区域控制的分布式预测控制系统的调节时间比没有带区域控制的分布式控制系统明显缩短;同时,通过对回路控制方式的选择增加了精确控制的智能体数量.仿真结果证明了利用分布式区域预测控制方法可以提高系统的容错性,通过对系统的可控性和关联性进行分析,可以在精确控制和区域控制之间寻找到最优组合,从而达到快速精确的控制效果.  相似文献   

In this paper, a class of h-difference linear control systems with two fractional orders is studied. We use the Caputo type h-difference operator. The formula of the solution to the stated initial value problem of the given system is proved. The problem of controllability in a finite number of steps is studied.  相似文献   

The controllability theory may at times lead to a control law as can be seen in the control theory literature. In this paper, a global control algorithm is proposed for nonlinear systems in the so-called linear-analytic form in the plane. The algorithm is motivated by a theorem by Hunt, which gives sufficient conditions for the global controllability of linear-analytic systems on a 2-dimensional manifold. It is verified that the algorithm is globally convergent under the given assumptions. A computational form of the algorithm is presented. Some computational aspects are also discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the approximate controllability of semilinear systems on time scale. In order to do so, we first give a complete characterization for the controllability of linear systems on time scale in terms of surjective linear operators in Hilbert spaces. Then we will prove that, under certain conditions on the nonlinear term, if the corresponding linear system is exactly controllable on , for any , then semilinear system on time scale is approximately controllable on .  相似文献   

Necessary and sufficient conditions for dead-beat and complete controllability for a class of generalised Hammerstein systems are presented. Since the system's structure is very close to linear, only linear algebra is used for the controllability test. The test is very simple and easy to use. A closed-loop minimum-time dead-beat controller can be designed for a subclass of generalised Hammerstein systems using the Gröbner basis method.  相似文献   

Supremal controllable and normal sublanguages have been shown to play an important role in supervisor synthesis. In this paper, we discuss the computation of supremal controllable and normal sublanguages. We derive formulas for both supremal controllable sublanguages and supremal normal sublanguages when the languages involved are closed. As a result, those languages can be computed without applying recursive algorithms. We also discuss those aspects of these formulas.  相似文献   

The paper presents sufficient conditions for modular (supervisory) control synthesis to equal global control synthesis. In modular control synthesis a supervisory control is synthesized for each module separately and the supervisory control consists of the parallel composition of the modular supervisory controls. The general case of the specification that is indecomposable and not necessarily contained in the plant language, which is often the case in practice, is considered. The usual assumption that all shared events are controllable is relaxed by introducing two new structural conditions relying on the global mutual controllability condition. The novel concept used as a sufficient structural condition is strong global mutual controllability. The main result uses a weaker condition called global mutual controllability together with local consistency of the specification. An example illustrates the approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, an implicit function approach is applied to controllability of a class of discrete-time Hammerstein-nonlinear systems. Based on this approach, the systems are shown to own a strong property, namely, small-controllability. As an immediate application, the obtained small-controllability results are generalised to the continuous-time Hammerstein-nonlinear systems and some continuous-time versions of small-controllability are presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, small-controllability and controllability of a class of nonlinear systems are studied. Both the discrete-time case and continuous-time case are considered. By proposing an implicit function approach, sufficient conditions for the systems respectively to be small-controllable and controllable are obtained. Examples are also provided to illustrate the results of the paper.  相似文献   

网络控制系统的能控性和能观性   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
给出了网络控制系统的定义,并基于线性时不变系统的被控对象,建立了传感器为时钟驱动,控制器和作动器为事件驱动时长时滞网络控制系统的数学模型,对网络控制系统的均值能控、均方能控、均值能观及均方能观作了定义,得到了网络控制系统能控的充分或必要条件及能观的充要条件.  相似文献   

非线性系统的一种加权自适应控制方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
非线性系统的一种加权自适应控制方法1)许向阳祝和云(浙江大学工业控制研究所杭州310027)关键词自适应控制,非线性系统,间隙非线性.1)国家级工业控制技术重点实验室资助课题.收稿日期1995-03-071引言由于非线性系统的多样性,不能用统一的模型...  相似文献   

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