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DAVID O. RAFTER 《Journal of Urban Affairs》1985,7(2):47-64
Recent changes in federal housing rehabilitation policy have shifted the emphasis from single-family to multi-family units and from direct federal delivery of housing services to state and local administration. To discover the implications of this shift, this study compares the implementation of a state home improvement loan program with the financing and administration approach adopted by the federal Section 312 and Community Development Block Grant loan programs prior to 1983. A survey of borrowers who participated in the state and federal rehabilitation loan programs reveals that both types of programs assist the “incumbent up grader,” both increased the value of property, both achieved high levels of borrower satisfaction, and both concentrated on the single-family unit. Differences, however, did arise between the federal and state programs in that the state program borrowers were encouraged to conduct preventive maintenance, while the federal programs advanced social goals of serving a greater number of low-income homeowners with larger loan amounts at lower interest rates. This comparison study does not support the federal withdrawal from providing direct single-family rehabilitation loans because it can supplement the bond-market orientation of the state approach with a social targeting function. 相似文献
James G. Strathman 《Journal of Urban Affairs》1992,14(1):79-92
ABSTRACT: A ranking of 33 urban studies and urban affairs programs in the US was developed from peer ratings obtained in a program survey and from citation activity reported in the Social Sciences Citation Index over the 1986–1989 period. A breakdown of citations by broadly defined subject areas is presented. The survey revealed a difference between Ph.D. and MUS/MA programs in the perceived relative importance of peer evaluation and citations as rating criteria. The survey results also indicate that the degree of familiarity with other programs is lower than what has been observed in most social science disciplines. 相似文献
ABSTRACT: The South Central Farm (SCF) in Los Angeles was a 14‐acre urban farm in one of the highest concentrations of impoverished residents in the county. It was destroyed in July 2006. This article analyzes its epic as a landscape of resistance to discriminatory legal and planning practices. It then presents its creation and maintenance as an issue of environmental justice, and argues that there was a substantive rationale on the basis of environmental justice and planning ethics that should have provided sufficient grounds for the city to prevent its dismantling. Based on qualitative case study methodology, the study contributes to the formulation of creation and preservation rationales for community gardens and other “commons” threatened by eventual dismantlement in capitalist societies. 相似文献
MIT OCW与我国城市规划学科教育的比较与借鉴 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
以麻省理工网上开放式课程计划(MITOCW)为平台,对MIT的城市研究与规划系的课程进行了分析和总结,主要围绕教育目的与核心理念、共享体系与研究机制以及学科方向与研究重点三大方面展开,并通过与我国城市规划学科教育的比较,提出两者之间的区别和借鉴意义。 相似文献
城市新区的开发建设在城市空间增长中发挥了极其重要的作用。通过选取全国地级以上城市所属483个城市新区作为研究对象,论文分析了转型期我国城市新区空间效应的主要特征,具体包括:(1)城市新区促使城市功能出现分化和外迁,并在郊区形成综合化集聚;(2)城市新区引起人口空间的流动与重构;(3)城市新区带来城市空间形态的多样化;(4)城市新区促成区域城镇空间的组群集聚。最后,论文初步探讨了城市新区的空间增长机理,包括新区空间生产、空间自组织与他组织的协作与博弈、城市资源与空间要素的供给与需求、空间触媒作用等。 相似文献
采用武汉市实地调研所获得的问卷数据,运用数理统计方法,分析了当前城市低收入群体因户籍分异而存在的二元居住需求。研究表明,市籍和非市籍低收入群体由于历史成因和社会经济背景不同,住房选择存在着明显差异,市籍低收人群体主要由城市原住民构成,提出通过城市更新来改善居住状况;而对于流动性较大的非市籍低收入人口而言,需要考虑低成本通勤和就业机会,因此与工作地相匹配的租房成为其首选;最后根据以上特征,分别提出城市更新下的地域平衡供给策略、基于低成本就业的灵活供给策略以及多渠道均衡统筹布局策略。 相似文献
ABSTRACT: This article contributes to the ongoing discussion about whether the official poverty measure should be adjusted for geographic differences in the cost of living (COL). Part of the support for spatial COL adjustments is the concern that the reduced purchasing power of the poor in higher‐priced areas could jeopardize the health and well‐being of children and parents. The results of this analysis of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics and its Child Development Supplement do not support this view. We find that children growing up in higher‐priced housing markets appear to fare no worse than those in lower‐priced markets. 相似文献
With the nationwide trend of shifting from industrialization to post-industrialization, Shanghai is one of the first cities stepping into the post-industrialization stage. The large amount of industrial landscapes left over from this transition requires heritage preservation, industrial transformation, and environmental conservation. This paper reviewed the long-term modern industry development of Shanghai and divided its various industrial landscapes into three categories of regeneration: heritage revitalization, site transformation, and environmental optimization. After summarizing the existing constructive guidelines and standards, five sample areas of typical industrial landscapes in Shanghai were surveyed in terms of construction control, supporting service improvement, and industrial structure upgrading, with regeneration strategies suggested for each of them. The results show that the sample area for heritage revitalization needs to prioritize heritage reuse and ecological restoration; sample areas for site transformation should reinforce the improvement of service facilities and public spaces together with establishing the recycling industry chain; and sample areas for environmental optimization have to enhance the ecological performance of green spaces by introducing vertical greening along with energy saving and emission reduction for an environmental quality improvement. In conclusion, strategies for each type of regeneration should vary on a case-by-case basis so as to improve its environment and achieve sustainable development with a synergy in environment, society, and economy. 相似文献
John B. Strait 《Journal of Urban Affairs》2006,28(1):71-94
Abstract: The degrees to which poor populations are spatially concentrated within metropolitan areas are influenced by two sets of forces. In this article, I refer to the first set of forces as redistributive forces, which includes intrametropolitan forces that redistribute populations among different neighborhoods. The second set of forces includes metropolitan‐wide processes that alter the relative poverty composition of the overall metropolitan population. These latter processes are referred to here as compositional forces. This research investigates the degrees to which these two sets of forces impacted poverty concentration among racial and ethnic groups within Los Angeles County, CA from 1990 to 2000. Both forces generally functioned to increase poverty concentration among all groups considered, with compositional forces having the stronger effect. Evidence suggests that the residential experiences of poor whites, African Americans, and Hispanics were strongly influenced by the migratory behavior of the nonpoor in Los Angeles. The Asian population, however, exhibited some evidence of ethnic (or racial) “self‐selectivity,” as this population exhibited less interclass segregation over time. Despite increased poverty concentration, findings demonstrate that Los Angeles became slightly less segregated by race and ethnicity during the 1990s. 相似文献
基于当代中国城镇发展转型的趋势,本文分析了城市空间规划与设计中的问题,并依据新时期城市发展的新理念,强调当前的主要任务是疏理整体空间发展秩序,重构特色空间结构和创建低碳、绿色、人文的空间形态。 相似文献
RACHEL G. BRATT 《Journal of Urban Affairs》1985,7(3):1-18
Although there is a general agreement among housing analysts that affordability has gotten worse and that overall quality has gotten better, there is some debate on whether the supply of low cost housing is adequate. Based upon available data, this paper takes the view that many local markets have severe shortages of decent, low cost rental housing. After concluding that cash vouchers would not stimulate housing production, and that the unaided private market is not capable of meeting the demand, a preliminary comparison is made between the two previously tried housing supply strategies for low income people: private market with public incentives and direct production and ownership by the public sector. While a lack of systematic data hampers the analysis, the public housing program emerges in a stronger position than the publicly subsidized multi-family programs that depend on for-profit developers. However, low rent housing production by community and tenant groups presents a compelling and exciting new strategy that warrants further exploration and support. The paper concludes that a national program should be launched to promote community-based housing initiatives. 相似文献
This article enhances the notion of city‐making by explicating its communicative processes and functions within the press. Through a quantitative content analysis and qualitative textual analysis of Miami Herald news coverage related to incorporation and annexation policies and practices over a period of 3 years, we argue for a stronger implication of the press in coverage of local policy‐ and place‐making. Through a quantitative content analysis of 437 articles from the Miami Herald about communities affected by incorporation and annexation and a qualitative textual analysis of 51 articles related to general coverage of geographic policy‐making in Miami‐Dade County over a 3‐year period, we argue that this coverage reveals the press as being a central feature and function of policy‐making through the lens of city‐making. 相似文献
城市群在国家和地区发展中具有重要的经济社会地位,也是区域空间格局演变的重要形式。本文以分别位于我国东、中、西部的长三角城市群、武汉城市群地区和成渝城市群为分析对象,从中心-外围的圈层关系视角,运用数量统计分析和空间分析方法考察城市群空间集聚与扩散的阶段特征和一般规律。研究发现:城市群地区的要素集聚呈现出明显的中心指向和交通指向,外向扩散表现出沿"核心都市区中心市-核心都市区外围县-城市群次圈层-城市群外围地区"的空间梯度扩散规律,且人口扩散滞后于经济扩散。进一步考察了初始规模、投资强度、经济发展、通达性以及市场分割对沿海和内陆城市密集地区空间聚散的不同影响作用,以期揭示和解释这类地区的空间格局演变规律,并为城市群的跨区域协调发展和空间规划提供认识依据。 相似文献
转型期内城传统街坊社区的城市形态演变——基于北京市内城三个社区的案例研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
进入转型期以来,中国城市空间发生了翻天覆地的变化。社区作为城市的基本单元,成为理解中国城市形态转变的一把钥匙。本文借鉴西方城市形态理论和测度方法,分析随着社区形态转变的社区生活品质变化。选取北京市内城采取三种不同更新策略的社区来对比:完全保持传统风貌的南锣社区,采取"修旧如旧"模式更新的菊儿社区,以及完全更新成为现代式多高层住宅的交东社区。研究发现,采取"修旧如旧"更新模式的菊儿社区和采取大规模更新模式的交东社区,社区的物质环境形态可能会改善,然而社区的社会环境形态和居民活动感知形态却可能会因为更新而下降。具体来看,采取"修旧如旧"模式更新、大体保持传统风貌的菊儿社区,不仅社会环境形态和居民活动感知形态与未更新的社区相比不具优势,其社区物质环境形态也因门禁化、封闭以及用地功能单一而下降。规划者应将关注点聚焦在社区层面那些更细致、更深入、更体现人文关怀的环节上,以营造宜居、健康、可持续的中国城市社区。 相似文献
我国城镇住房制度改革与住房发展具有极为重要的意义.1998年中央做出了“停止实物分房”的重大改革决策之后,住房的市场需求和开发规模快速上升;但此后住房发展中出现种种失衡,引起了各界的高度关注.某种程度上,住房制度改革中的困惑映射了我国经济转型和社会变迁中的深层次矛盾.因为住房既是一个经济问题,直接影响中国经济的发展;同时又是一个社会问题,涉及社会的公平正义与稳定和谐;此外,住房还是一个空间问题,必须正视其空间绩效问题.然而以往的研究单一性多、综合性的少,宏观层次的描述多、多层次的分析少,从而影响了对住房问题的系统认识.本文回顾我国住房制度改革以来的政策变迁轨迹,反思1998年以来住房制度建设和 相似文献
住房需求的收入弹性:模型、估计与预测 总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14
住房需求的收入弹性是描述居民住房需求特征的重要指标。本文从估计收入弹性所需的各个要素入手,深入探讨了收入弹性的理论含义和估计方法。在此基础上,利用微观截面数据来克服宏观数据的缺陷,对样本总体、不同收入家庭和不同年龄家庭的收入弹性分别进行了估计。实证分析的结果表明,北京市购房家庭的收入弹性约为0.86,该值比西方发达国家要低。这说明住房仍偏于消费品,居民住房投资的意识较为淡泊。对不同收入和不同年龄家庭的分组估计表明,随着收入和年龄的增长,收入弹性均呈现先升后降的趋势。收入弹性也被用于对一个城市的住房需求增长进行预测。这些定量结论对于分析住房市场结构和预测住房需求的变化,有重要的理论和实践意义。 相似文献
The research explores the impact of socioeconomic and racial variables on accessibility to urban amenities and travel in compact urban built environments that have traditionally been viewed as improving access to daily destinations and promoting nonmotorized travel: urban environments characterized by high densities, mixed land uses, and high connectivity. The study focuses on six neighborhoods in the Detroit region. Two neighborhoods are within the city itself, and predominantly poor and Black, and four of the neighborhoods are in the region surrounding the city, and they are predominantly wealthy and White. This study at the neighborhood scale enables an analysis into how class and race affect accessibility and travel in neighborhoods experiencing urban disinvestment and decline. The research shows that the traditional relationship between high densities, mixed land uses, high connectivity, greater accessibility, and pedestrian activity is significantly weaker in declining inner cities. 相似文献