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通过对比理想模型得出大跨建筑的结构形态与社会心理有着深层关系的,结构形态是建筑语言的表层结构,而社会心理的需求层次作为建筑语言深层结构的一支与结构形态呈现的是一种同构转换的关系。随着社会心理需求层次的上升,大跨建筑结构形态呈现的是一种轻型化、艺构化的发展趋向。  相似文献   

黄杉  张越  华晨  汤婧婕 《城市规划》2012,(2):16-23,36
从年龄梯度变迁观点分析开发区公共服务设施供给和需求变化特点,结合需求层次演进的分析框架和杭州湾经济开发区业已呈现的功能综合和内容多元的新城发展趋势,分析得出:开发区的人口年龄结构依次表现为增加型、稳定型、缩减型,其主导需求层次和消费曲线峰值将随之由低级向高级演进。在运用组群存续法、供给需求绩效、空间等多种手段分析后,得出开发区在近远期公共服务功能类型需求、规模梯次和空间布局模式,指导适应不同需求的公共服务多元差异供给,引导开发区沿着"公平"和"协调"的方向发展。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Despite ongoing interest in religious group involvement in community development, only limited research has considered whether the mere existence of a place of worship can be linked to neighborhood well‐being. This exploratory study uses a cross‐sectional design to examine the relationships between the presence of churches in high‐poverty neighborhoods and specific measures of neighborhood stability. One‐way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and geographic information system (GIS) software were employed to compare measures of structural permanence, residential tenure, and property valuation from a sample of two types of church (freestanding and storefront) and non‐church areas or “clusters.” The findings provide limited support for the conclusion that storefront churches, while modest and often regarded as less architecturally significant, may be overlooked contributors to the sort of stable urban space where residential population is preserved and investment maintained.  相似文献   

邻里 邻居     
邻居就是相邻的居住。既然是相邻的,就必然会产生诸多层面的交集与交流。传统的居住方式,例如北京的胡同、四合院、给予人们许多便利的交流条件。人们共同生活在一个大空间里,拥有共同的环境、话题与人际关系。他们每天见面若干次,早上出门前互相打招呼,聊聊天气。  相似文献   

Neighborhood organizations have been active partners with cities in service provision for many years, providing an institutional structure for coordinated action to improve their neighborhood environments through coordinated resident action. Cities' needs to relieve fiscal distress are now generating even more interest in direct service delivery by community-based organizations (CBOs). Before these efforts can be substantially expanded, however, much more needs to be learned about the kinds of services amenable to CBO delivery, the kinds of CBOs willing and able to participate, and the most effective administrative arrangements for delivering the service. This paper draws on information obtained from applications for a Federal demonstration program to address these and other empirical questions regarding city and CBO arrangements for service coproduction. The analysis indicates that cities are most likely to rely on advocacy-type organizations to deliver peripheral or supplementary services which are amenable to volunteer labor rather than those which are viewed as essential public services. Cities have yet to demonstrate, on a large scale, a willingness to enter into partnerships which would give CBOs significant responsibilities for core services. For this to occur it will be necessary to support prototype demonstrations of the feasibility of the approach and to expand significantly the capacity of CBOs through technical assistance.  相似文献   

In this paper, the effects of neighborhood racial composition and wealth are compared to the effects of police expenditures per capita and crime rate upon assessments of neighborhood police services in Boston. The results indicate that: (1) there is little correspondence between the level of police expenditures per capita and the level of citizen satisfaction; (2) higher neighborhood crime rates are associated with negative perceptions of neighborhood police performance; and (3) some aspects of neighborhood context even may be more important than crime rates in determining the level of citizen satisfaction with neighborhood police services.  相似文献   

控制性详细规划编制的分层及其他构架性建议   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过对控规案例的分析,总结了控规在分层控制、内容形式与构成、方法创新方面的特点,提出在工作内容、工作方法与工作成果上要抓住适应性、公平性、核心性与科学性几个侧重点进行创新的构架。在此基础上就分层控制提出建议,控规由街坊层面与地块层面构成,并提出编制时通过街坊层面与地块层面的结合来解决近远期控规深度的差异问题,同时满足控规调整修编的需要。  相似文献   

<正>2015年的米兰是热闹的,4月开幕的米兰家居展是设计界延续多年的一项盛事,而5月1日开幕的米兰世博会则吸引了更多的目光。作为上一届世博会的东道主,很多人对于米兰世博会有更多的关注。由于场馆建设的速度,志愿者到位情况等诸多问题的出现,人们对于米兰世博会是否能按时开幕,一直心存疑虑。而实际情况令人更为意外。5月1日开幕的当  相似文献   

The Allegheny County Neighborhood Preservation Program has generated over five million dollars worth of housing rehabilitation in the three years in which it has been operating. This article is an evaluation of Phase 1 of the program. It compares loan recipients and non-recipients in order to determine which of the program components are the most important, which factors influence a household's investment decision, and what effect investment has on the perceptions of residents regarding the quality of both housing and the neighborhood.  相似文献   

"居住小区"一词虽然产生于计划经济,但与邻里单位是同一概念,都是工业化和城市现代化的产物,是不依政治经济体制而变化的客观需要。随着我国经济制度的逐步转型和市场化发展,居住区建设模式发生根本改变,小区理论以及技术标准受到诸多质疑。本文试图从小区理论的产生、与邻里单位的关系、国内外实践入手,阐述居住小区理论并未因市场化而失效,进而针对如何在市场条件下运用居住区基本原理提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

It is important that students of urban life develop an understanding of the dynamics by which community associations influence the quality and quantity of public services available in their neighborhoods. Employing collective goods theory to analyze the activities of neighborhood organizations suggests that their efforts to influence public services may usefully be conceptualized in terms of three primary roles. Community associations act as consumers' cooperatives seeking to secure public services from other organizations, as alternative producers of desired services, and as organizers of citizens' coproductive efforts whereby service levels are determined through the joint efforts of neighborhood residents and public service personnel. The three roles differ significantly in the effectiveness and efficiency with which citizens can employ them to secure services, and require different resources from the community associations. The design of governmental arrangements for service delivery are closely related to the availability and effectiveness of the three strategies and must be considered as part of any effort to enhance citizens', role in public service delivery.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The concept of social capital has been embedded ubiquitously into the strategies and goals of community‐based development programs for families living in low‐income neighborhoods; yet, scholars continue to debate social capital's empirical support. The present study defines a specific type of social capital—informal neighborhood bonding social capital—and tests its relationship with homeownership while controlling for effects of neighborhood context. Findings reveal informal neighborhood bonding social capital is associated with homeownership above and beyond the effects of neighborhood context. Findings are discussed in relation to future research and the implications for community‐based practitioners working with families in low‐income neighborhoods.  相似文献   

岩体的构造层次及其成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
岩体具有复杂的构造层次,这种构造层次的范围从微观一致延伸到宏观。但是对于这种构造层次的形成原因到目前为止还没有就内因及外因进行系统的研究。本文基于现有的地质力学研究成果及物理理论对于岩体构造层次形成的原因进行了系统研究。从研究结果可以看出,岩体构造层次的形成既具有岩石初始形成过程中的原因,也有后来的地质运动原因。在岩石形成时,由于不平衡状态的存在及与周围环境进行能量及物质交换,出现了自组织过程及耗散结构,从而形成了相互嵌入的自相似分形结构。地质运动原因是由于外部作用的存在使得地壳处于不平衡状态。不平衡状态为岩体的变形与破坏不断提供能量,从而形成耗散结构。在不同的年代形成不同层次的断层,邻近断层相互成45°角,尺度按2因子变化。由于岩体中存在着自相似分形结构,嵌入系数就是岩体内部构造自相似性的一种外在表现。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Has the spatial concentration of illegal residence in urban environments become a relevant determinant of objective and subjective neighborhood safety? Using quantitative data from various sources on four large metropolitan areas in The Netherlands, this explorative study shows that the elevated levels of fear of crime and violence reported by residents in neighborhoods where illegal residence is spatially concentrated cannot be attributed to the presence of illegal migrants. At the same time, there is a modest positive correlation between the rate of illegal residence and covert property crimes in particular. Qualitative fieldwork in two neighborhoods helps explain why the spatial concentration of illegal residence appears to have different effects for different aspects of neighborhood safety, and why the negative effects tend to be limited.  相似文献   

能源零净耗的场地规划:零净耗是指能源的产出与消耗相等。根据气候特点,在科罗拉多州建设一个高密度、能源零净耗社区的关键是使所有建筑和住所对太阳能的被动利用达到最大化。首先规划街道、小巷、街区和建筑周边小地块的布局,然后是建筑和乔木的布局。在规划过程中,比较了许多不同的“道路-街区-地块-建筑”布局,以分析它们获取和保存能量的能力。  相似文献   

Objectives needs criteria adopted by local housing and community development administrators are typically not direct measures of urban blight; rather they are labels for disadvantaged circumstances assumed to be associated with adverse living conditions. This case study of Portland, Oregon, addresses the question of whether such criteria (1) document the actual presence of blighting problems, and (2) can be identified in spatial concentrations for the purpose of geographical targeting. The results of hypothesis tests, correlations, and factor analysis show strong positive relationships among most but not all locally adopted criteria. Findings support the conclusion that the principal benefits test and neighborhood strategy area concept, both integral to the original CDBG program, are still valid.  相似文献   

层次分析法在建设项目风险管理中应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对现代项目风险管理涉及面广、技术复杂的特点,介绍了层次分析法(AHP)的理论及算法,通过示例说明了在项目风险管理中如何应用该方法编制相应软件,提高项目管理水平。  相似文献   

为推动城乡发展一体化,逐步缩小城乡差距,促进城乡共同繁荣,提高新农村基础设施建设的效率,在调研陕西省农村基础设施建设的基础上,分析了陕西省农村基础设施建设的特点,将陕西省农村基础设施进行分类,建立评价指标体系,提出了基于灰色-层次分析法的农村基础设施建设效果评价的方法,可供农村基础设施建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

It is the author's contention that community control movements of the 1960s were unable to fulfill their militant objectives due to their lack of politically critical resources. As a result, these organizations were forced to moderate their objectives or incur the wrath of their donors. This article provides a brief history of the movement and an analysis of the consequences of resource dependency (i.e., the need of these groups to seek resources from government, corporations, and the philanthropic sector). The author concludes that the participants, if they are to have any hope of becoming successful, must maximize their own resources. Such maximization might make community control organizations less dependent on outside donors (whose interests may conflict with those of the group), giving them greater freedom to realize their objectives.  相似文献   

基于规模分布的观点,对1990-2006年市辖区GDP排序前200位的中国地级以上城市进行分析,以此来判断中国城市等级变化的趋势,并对其进行影响因素分析。发现:第一,中国城市体系的等级性仍处于逐年加强的趋势中,这不同于当代发达国家的城市等级扁平化的趋势,但这种加强的趋势有减弱的势头;第二,二次模型相对于一次模型可以更好地拟合城市GDP规模的分布情况;第三,近年来中国城市体系等级性的加强趋势在较大程度上受到以下因素正方向的作用力:第三产业产值、货物周转量、研究生毕业生数、城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入、利用外资金额;而受到以下因素负方向的作用力:财政收入、进出口总额、第一产业产值、全社会固定资产投资、旅客周转量、第二产业产值。  相似文献   

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