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AimsThe primary aim of the present study was to understand the impact of online gambling on gambling problems in a large-scale nationally representative sample of Italian youth, and to identify and then further examine a subgroup of online gamblers who reported higher rates of gambling problems.DesignData from the ESPAD®Italia2013 (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs) Study were used for analyses of adolescent Internet gambling.SettingSelf-administered questionnaires were completed by a representative sample of high school students, aged 15–19 years.ParticipantsA total of 14,778 adolescent students.MeasurementsRespondents’ problem gambling severity; gambling behavior (participation in eight different gambling activities, the number of gambling occasions and the number of online gambling occasions, monthly gambling expenditure); Socio-demographics (e.g., family structure and financial status); and control variables were measured individually (i.e., use of the Internet for leisure activities and playing video games).FindingsRates of problem gambling were five times higher among online gamblers than non-online gamblers. In addition, factors that increased the risk of becoming a problem online gambler included living with non-birth parents, having a higher perception of financial family status, being more involved with gambling, and the medium preferences of remote gamblers (e.g., Internet cafes, digital television, and video game console).ConclusionsThe online gambling environment may pose significantly greater risk to vulnerable players. Family characteristics and contextual elements concerning youth Internet gambling (e.g., remote mediums) may play a key role in explaining problem online gambling among adolescents.  相似文献   

Selection of strategies that help reduce riverine inputs requires numerical models that accurately quantify hydrologic processes. While numerous models exist, information on how to evaluate and select the most robust models is limited. Toward this end, we developed a comprehensive approach that helps evaluate watershed models in their ability to simulate flow regimes critical to downstream ecosystem services. We demonstrated the method using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), the Hydrological Simulation Program–FORTRAN (HSPF) model, and Distributed Large Basin Runoff Model (DLBRM) applied to the Maumee River Basin (USA). The approach helped in identifying that each model simulated flows within acceptable ranges. However, each was limited in its ability to simulate flows triggered by extreme weather events, owing to algorithms not being optimized for such events and mismatched physiographic watershed conditions. Ultimately, we found HSPF to best predict river flow, whereas SWAT offered the most flexibility for evaluating agricultural management practices.  相似文献   

Safety shoe designs are primarily based on safety requirements. But all-day comfort should not be luxury: Heel strike associated impact loads on joints need to be compensated by active muscular effort and safety shoes should support this protective function of muscle activation. In 10 healthy men, 12 trunk and leg muscles were analyzed with surface electromyography. Subjects walked on a walkway while wearing different safety shoes with the test shoes being equipped with exchangeable cushioning heel inserts according to individuals' body weight. While wearing the optimally cushioned shoes the cumulative muscle activity per distance travelled dropped clearly compared to the regular safety shoes, demonstrating reduced muscular effort. Also, the heel strike associated amplitude peak of back muscles occurred earlier within the stride while wearing the test shoes. Thus weight-balanced cushioning heel inserts in safety shoes proved able to reduce muscle strain, logically delaying muscular fatigue and extending muscular joint protection.Relevance to industryAdjustable heel inserts in safety shoes are suited to improve the health status of employees by reducing muscular effort so that active joint protection can be prolonged.  相似文献   

Daycare employees, specifically caregivers, are a distinct population that may experience increased risk of injury due to the high exposure to bent postures, lifting conditions and high stress associated with their work. The objectives of the study were to collect up to date data on daycare workers and to compare the data between groups working with children of different ages (Infant, Toddler and Preschool). The study consisted of two distinct phases: Phase 1 – Questionnaire distribution, Phase 2 – Observation and analysis involving three dimensional postural monitoring and video recording as well as an analysis of the low back forces and moments in lifting. Phase 1: Consisted of the distribution of questionnaires to all employees in each of the participating daycares (n = 73). Of the 73 questionnaires distributed 32 responses were obtained (44%). Of the 32 employees who completed the questionnaires, 19 caregivers volunteered to participate in Phase 2 of the study. An additional 5 caregivers participated in phase 2 of the study, but did not complete any questionnaires. The questionnaires indicated 81% of the workers have experienced low back pain. Phase 2: Observational data were collected on site in five local daycares, throughout the first half of each subject's shift (∼3.5 h). Caregivers from each of the three classroom age groups were recruited for participation in the direct observation (Infant: n = 7, Toddler: n = 7, Preschool: n = 8). Posture analysis revealed that on average, workers adopted trunk flexion angles greater than 55°, for 10% of the collection time, and greater than 70°, for 5% of the collection time. These postures correspond to both moderate and severe flexed postures respectively. The lifting analysis (completed using the data recorded in phase 2) revealed that workers lifted with frequencies of 0.25 lifts/minute, lifted a total weight of 501 kg (over 3.3 h) and experienced average compression and shear forces of 3323 N and 371 N, respectively. A between-group comparison showed that when compared to the Preschool group, the Infant (p = 0.008) and Toddler (p = 0.001) groups demonstrated higher relative flexed postures and lifting frequencies, and the Toddler group (p = 0.023) demonstrated higher total weight lifted. Results suggested that these employees experience an elevated risk of low back injury caused by their occupational tasks and thus, further research is required to determine appropriate worker accommodations and safe work practices to help mediate these risks for all daycare caregivers.Relevance to industryIt is thought that the results from this study could lead to the development of safe working and job sharing guidelines for daycare workers.  相似文献   

Robotic devices are becoming a popular alternative to the traditional physical therapy as a mean to enhance functional recovery after stroke; they offer more intensive practice opportunities without increasing time spent on supervision by the treating therapist. An ideal behavior for these systems would consist in emulating real therapists by providing anticipated force feedback to the patients in order to encourage and modulate neural plasticity. However, nowadays there are no systems able to work in an anticipatory fashion. For this reason, the authors propose an anticipatory assistance-as-needed control algorithm for a multijoint robotic orthosis to be used in physical ABI neurorehabilitation. This control algorithm, based on a dysfunctional-adapted biomechanical prediction subsystem, is able to avoid patient trajectory deviations by providing them with anticipatory force-feedback. The system has been validated by means of a robotic simulator.Obtained results demonstrate through simulations that the proposed assistance-as-needed control algorithm is able to provide anticipatory actuation to the patients, avoiding trajectory deviations and tending to minimize the degree of actuation. Thus, the main novelty and contribution of this work is the anticipatory nature of the proposed assistance-as-needed control algorithm, that breaks with the current robotic control strategies by not waiting for the trajectory deviations to take place. This new actuation paradigm avoids patient slacking and increases both participation and muscle activity in such a way that neural plasticity is encouraged and modulated to reinforce motor recovery.  相似文献   

Many students who participate in online courses experience frustration and failure because they are not prepared for the demanding and isolated learning experience. A traditional learning theory known as self-directed learning (SDL) is a foundation that can help establish features of a personalized system that helps students improve their abilities to manage their overall learning activities and monitor their own performance. Additionally, the system enables collaboration, interaction, feedback, and the much-needed support from the instructor and students' peers. A Web 2.0 social-technology application, MediaWiki, was adopted as the platform from which incremental features were developed to utilize the fundamental concepts of SDL. Students were able to customize content by setting specific learning goals, reflecting on their learning experiences, self-monitoring activities and performances, and collaborating with others in the class. SDL skills exist to some degree in all learners, this study finds that students' SDL abilities can improve when a course adopts a personalized and collaborative learning system that enables the students to be more proactive in planning, organizing, and monitoring their course activities.  相似文献   

This paper presents the formulation and performance analysis of four techniques for detection of a narrowband acoustic source in a shallow range-independent ocean using an acoustic vector sensor (AVS) array. The array signal vector is not known due to the unknown location of the source. Hence all detectors are based on a generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) which involves estimation of the array signal vector. One non-parametric and three parametric (model-based) signal estimators are presented. It is shown that there is a strong correlation between the detector performance and the mean-square signal estimation error. Theoretical expressions for probability of false alarm and probability of detection are derived for all the detectors, and the theoretical predictions are compared with simulation results. It is shown that the detection performance of an AVS array with a certain number of sensors is equal to or slightly better than that of a conventional acoustic pressure sensor array with thrice as many sensors.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to analyze the performance of singular value decomposition, expectation maximization, and Elman Neural Networks in optimization of code converter outputs in the classification of epilepsy risk levels from EEG (electroencephalogram) signals. The signal parameters such as the total number of positive and negative peaks, spikes and sharp waves, their duration etc., were extracted using morphological operators and wavelet transforms. Code converters were considered as a level one classifier. Code converters were found to have a performance index and quality value of 33.26 and 12.74, respectively, which is low. Consequently, for the EEG signals of 20 patients, the post classifiers were applied across 3 epochs of 16 channels. After having made a comparative study of different architectures, SVD was found to be the best post classifier as it marked a performance index of 89.48 and a quality value of 20.62. Elman neural network also exhibits good performance metrics than SVD in the morphological operator based feature extraction method.  相似文献   

This paper presents a safe design method for control-command embedded systems. It investigates the problem of building control-command systems out of Commercial off the shelf (COTS) components. The design method proposed uses in synergy the formal verification (FV) and the Discrete Controller Synthesis (DCS) techniques. COTS are formally specified using temporal logic and/or executable observers. New functions are built by assembling COTS together. As the COTS assembly operation is seldom error-free, behavioral incompatibilities may persist between COTS. For these reasons, COTS assemblies need to be formally verified and if errors are found, an automatic correction is attempted using DCS. The control-command code generated by DCS needs hardware specific post-processing: a structural decomposition, followed by a controllability assessment, followed by a dedicated formal verification step, ensuring that no spurious behavior is added by DCS. The resulting system is ready for hardware (e.g. FPGA) implementation.  相似文献   

Vehicle control systems need to prognosticate future vehicle states in order to improve energy efficiency. This paper compares four approaches that are used to identify the parameters of a longitudinal vehicle dynamics model used for the prediction of vehicle tractive forces. All of the identification approaches build on a standard Kalman filter. Measurement signals are processed using the polynomial function approximation technique to remove noise and compute smooth derivative values of the signals. Experimental results illustrate that the approach using multiple Stenlund–Gustafsson M-Kalman filters (multiple robust and windup-stable Kalman filters) reaches the best performance and robustness in predicting the vehicle tractive forces.  相似文献   

The existing multiple model-based estimation algorithms for Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) require the design of a model set, which contains a number of models matching different fault scenarios. To cope with partial faults or simultaneous faults, the model set can be even larger. A large model set makes the computational load intensive and can lead to performance deterioration of the algorithms. In this paper, a novel Double-Model Adaptive Estimation (DMAE) approach for output FDD is proposed, which reduces the number of models to only two, even for the FDD of partial and simultaneous output faults. Two Selective-Reinitialization (SR) algorithms are proposed which can both guarantee the FDD performance of the DMAE. The performance is tested using a simulated aircraft model with the objective of Air Data Sensors (ADS) FDD. Another contribution is that the ADS FDD using real flight data is addressed. Issues related to the FDD using real flight test data are identified. The proposed approaches are validated using real flight data of the Cessna Citation II aircraft, which verified their effectiveness in practice.  相似文献   

This work shows how to use a differential geometry tool to design a novel nonlinear active fault tolerant flight control system for aircraft. The proposed control scheme consists of two main subsystems: a controller, which is designed for the nominal plant, and a fault detection and diagnosis module, which provides fault estimation. A further feedback loop exploits the fault estimation to accommodate faults affecting the system. The estimate convergence and the stability of the active fault tolerant flight controller are theoretically proved. Finally, high fidelity simulations show the effectiveness of the scheme.  相似文献   

《Parallel Computing》2014,40(10):611-627
Work-stealing and work-sharing are two basic paradigms for dynamic task scheduling. This paper introduces an adaptive and hierarchical task scheduling scheme (AHS) for multi-core clusters, in which work-stealing and work-sharing are adaptively used to achieve load balancing.Work-stealing has been widely used in task-based parallel programing languages and models, especially on shared memory systems. However, high inter-node communication costs hinder work-stealing from being directly performed on distributed memory systems. AHS addresses this issue with the following techniques: (1) initial partitioning, which reduces the inter-node task migrations; (2) hierarchical scheduling scheme, which performs work-stealing inside a node before going across the node boundary and adopts work-sharing to overlap computation and communication at the inter-node level; and (3) hierarchical and centralized control for inter-node task migration, which improves the efficiency of victim selection and termination detection.We evaluated AHS and existing work-stealing schemes on a 16-nodes multi-core cluster. Experimental results show that AHS outperforms existing schemes by 11–21.4%, for the benchmarks studied in this paper.  相似文献   

With the great development of e-commerce, users can create and publish a wealth of product information through electronic communities. It is difficult, however, for manufacturers to discover the best reviews and to determine the true underlying quality of a product due to the sheer volume of reviews available for a single product. The goal of this paper is to develop models for predicting the helpfulness of reviews, providing a tool that finds the most helpful reviews of a given product. This study intends to propose HPNN (a helpfulness prediction model using a neural network), which uses a back-propagation multilayer perceptron neural network (BPN) model to predict the level of review helpfulness using the determinants of product data, the review characteristics, and the textual characteristics of reviews. The prediction accuracy of HPNN was better than that of a linear regression analysis in terms of the mean-squared error. HPNN can suggest better determinants which have a greater effect on the degree of helpfulness. The results of this study will identify helpful online reviews and will effectively assist in the design of review sites.  相似文献   

An effective modeling technique is proposed for determining baseline energy consumption in the industry. A CHP plant is considered in the study that was subjected to a retrofit, which consisted of the implementation of some energy-saving measures. This study aims to recreate the post-retrofit energy consumption and production of the system in case it would be operating in its past configuration (before retrofit) i.e., the current consumption and production in the event that no energy-saving measures had been implemented. Two different modeling methodologies are applied to the CHP plant: thermodynamic modeling and artificial neural networks (ANN). Satisfactory results are obtained with both modeling techniques. Acceptable accuracy levels of prediction are detected, confirming good capability of the models for predicting plant behavior and their suitability for baseline energy consumption determining purposes. High level of robustness is observed for ANN against uncertainty affecting measured values of variables used as input in the models. The study demonstrates ANN great potential for assessing baseline consumption in energy-intensive industry. Application of ANN technique would also help to overcome the limited availability of on-shelf thermodynamic software for modeling all specific typologies of existing industrial processes.  相似文献   

A reciprocal function is proposed for defining the utility concession curve of a negotiation participant. The curve has only one free parameter and can fit the complete range of negotiation styles from extremely competitive to extremely collaborative. Various equations are derived, including the definition of a utility concession curve center which permits intuitive quantifying of a utility concession curve. Subsequently, an optimization model is proposed to fit the curve to a set of offers. Using the proposed model, a set of negotiations is mined for utility concession curves which are then used for clustering and hypothesis testing. Three negotiations styles seem to emerge from the data; slightly collaborative, neutral and quite competitive. It is also shown quantitatively that the level of competitiveness of the counterpart is negatively correlated with the agreement rate, and this is validated against the experimental treatment. Additionally, by the use of an experimental treatment, it is shown that the level of competitiveness of the counterpart has a positive causal impact on the negotiator’s style, causing him to become more competitive or collaborative. The data fitting model can also be used for incrementally fitting the curve in real-time during a negotiation to provide an estimate of the negotiation style which may help in the negotiation process.  相似文献   

Data entry is a ubiquitous task performed in today's offices. Persistent data entry is linked with high workload and fatigue due to poor ergonomic workplace design and poor posture. This study aims to alleviate data entry operators' workload and improve data entry performance by applying wearable augmented reality (AR) technology to data entry tasks. An AR-based interface was developed and used to present data to the participants, who entered the data in web-based data entry forms. A total of eighteen participants performed data entry tasks to evaluate the AR interface with traditional methods – extra desktop monitor and paper-based data presentation methods. Each method's performance was judged on the task completion time, typing error rate, workload, and usability. The usability and overall perceived workload while using an AR interface for data entry were similar to the traditional way of using paper, despite the additional burden due to the weight of the AR headset. AR interface did not perform better than the extra desktop monitor interface for usability and overall perceived workload. The results from this study can be utilized to design AR devices that are suited for data entry tasks.  相似文献   

Arm and wrist manipulanda are commonly used as input devices in teleoperation and gaming applications, establish a physical interface to patients in several rehabilitation robots, and are applied as advanced research tools in biomechanics and neuroscience. Despite the fact that the physical interface, i.e. the handle through which the wrist/hand is attached to the manipulator, may influence interaction and movement behavior, the effects of handle design on these parameters has received little attention. Yet, a poor handle design might lead to overexertion and altered movement dynamics, or result in misinterpretation of results in research studies. In this study, twelve healthy subjects performed repetitions of a wrist flexion task against a dynamic load generated by a 1-DOF robotic wrist manipulandum. Three different handle designs were qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated based on wrist movement kinematics and dynamics, patterns of finger and wrist muscle activity, and ergonomics criteria such as perceived comfort and fatigue. The three proposed designs were further compared to a conventional joystick-like handle. Task performance as well as kinematic and kinetic parameters were found to be unaffected by handle design. Nevertheless, differences were found in perceived task difficulty, comfort and levels of muscle activation of wrist and finger muscles, with significantly higher muscle activation when using a joystick-like design, where the handle is completely enclosed by the hand. Comfort was rated high for the flat handle, adapted to the natural curvature of the hand with the fingers extended. These results may inform for the design of handles serving as physical interface in teleoperation applications, robot-assisted rehabilitation and biomechanics/neuroscience research.  相似文献   

Military helicopter pilots are expected to wear a variety of items of body-borne equipment during flight so as to be prepared for any situation that may arise in combat. Helicopter seats are designed to a specified weight range for an occupant with equipment. This paper investigates how distributing the equipment on the body affects injury potential during a helicopter crash. A finite element model representing a helicopter seat with a fully deformable 50th percentile Hybrid III carrying equipment was developed. The model was subjected to a standard military certification crash test. Various equipment configurations were investigated and analysed to determine its influence on the risk of injury. It was found that placing the equipment low on the torso, i.e. near the thighs, not only reduces the likelihood of injury in the lumbar, spinal region but also provides favourable results in neck and head injury risk when compared to other configurations investigated. In contrast, placing equipment high on the torso, i.e. close to the chin, increases the lumbar load and implicitly, the risk of head injury. A statistical analysis is carried out using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test to deliver probability of loads experienced within a certain interval. This study recommends an equipment configuration that improves survivability for an occupant seated on a fixed load energy absorbing seat which is subjected to Military Standard 58095A Test 4.  相似文献   

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