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Effect of dietary taurine on bile acid metabolism in guinea pigs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of oral administration of taurine (200–300 mg daily) on the metabolism of bile acids was studied in male guinea pigs which have predominantly glycine conjugated bile acids. The results were summarized as follows: (a) oral administration of taurine for 10 days increased taurine-conjugated bile acids and the ratio of glycine-to taurine-conjugated bile acids (G:T ratio) shifted from 3.95 to 0.19; (b) in taurine fed guinea pigs, the half-life of chenodeoxycholic acid (CDC) was about 40% shorter than that in controls and the fractional turnover rate increased by 70%; (c) the synthetic rate (mg/day/500 g body weight) of bile acids increased from 4.28 to 7.27 by taurine feeding; (d) hepatic cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase activity was increased 2.4-fold by taurine feeding; (e) the total pool size of bile acids did not change significantly but the amount of lithocholic acid in the caecum and large intestine increased by about 40%; (f) neither free cholesterol nor cholesterol ester levels in liver and serum changed significantly. Results of this study suggest that changing the G:T ratio in the bile acid conjugation pattern may influence the rate of hepatic bile acid synthesis. This paper is Part IX of a series entitled “Metabolism of Bile Acids”. Part VIII: ref. 12.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine whether increased output of phospholipid in bile during aging may be due to alteration of bile acid composition and stimulated hydrophobic bile acid formation. In female Sprague-Dawley rats we examined the influence of aging and life long dietary restriction (60% of thead libitum intake) on bile flow, total bile acid secretion, bile acid composition and conjugation pattern, as well as phospholipid output. Rats were cannulated at 3.5, 8–12 and 24–27 months of age and bile collected for analysis. With age, there was a significant reduction in bile flow and total bile acid secretion, however, phospholipid output increased. Restriction of dietary intake exerted a beneficial effect on the age-related decline in bile formation. Studies of bile composition indicated that 12α-hydroxylated bile acids (cholic acid and deoxycholic acid) secretion decreased in aged rats compared to 3.5-month-old rats. This was associated with a corresponding increase in secretion of chenodeoxycholic acid and hyodeoxycholic-ursodeoxycholic acid. However, the magnitude of the change in secretion of these bile acids could not account for the increased output of phospholipid in bile.  相似文献   

Lansma  Heleni  Ostwald  Rosemarie 《Lipids》1974,9(10):731-737
Cholesterol fed guinea pigs develop a hemolytic anemia accompanied by high cholesterol concentrations in the liver, plasma, and red cells. We have studied the bile acid metabolism of guinea pigs fed a diet with or without cholesterol in a search for the factor(s) which prevent adequate control of their body cholesterol pool and, therefore, its pathological consequences. The results show that in the cholesterol fed guinea pig the synthesis (and excretion) of bile acids was at least three times greater than in controls. This is the result of a doubling of the fractional turnover rate and a smaller increase in the pool size. The major increase of the bile acid pool was in the liver. The main bile acid in gall bladder bile and small intestines was chenodeoxycholic acid, with smaller amounts of 7-ketolithocholic and ursodeoxycholic acids. In the caecum, large intestines, and feces, the major bile acid was lithocholic acid.  相似文献   

The effect of the type of dietary fiber on the bile acid and taurine metabolism was examined in rats. Diets containing 10% of various water-soluble fibers (citrus pectin, konjak mannan, guar gum) as compared to a fiber-free diet increased biliary excretion of total bile acids. In contrast, water-insoluble dietary fibers (cellulose, corn bran, chitin; 10% in the diets) as well as cholestyramine (5% in the diet) considerably, decreased bile acid excretion. Water-soluble dietary fibermediated increases in bile acid excretion were totally attributable to increases in glycine-conjugates. Thus, these fibers greatly increased by the bile acid glycine-to-taurine ratio (G/T). Excretio of glycine conjugates decreased more than that of taurine conjugates in rats fed various water-insoluble dietary fibers. As a results, G/T in rats fed water-insoluble fibers was significantly lowered as compared to G/T in animals fed a fiber-free diet. Cholestyramine did not affect the G/T ratio of bile acids. Fecal bile acid excretion and the activities of hepatic cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase (EC in rats fed various water-soluble dietary fibers approximately doubled as compared to the respective values for rats fed a fiber-free diet. Whereas cholestyramine greatly increased these parameters, water-insoluble fibers did not significantly affect them. Various water-soluble fibers decreased hepatic concentration and urinary excretion of taurine as well as the activity of hepatic cysteine dioxygenase (EC In contrast, water-insoluble fibers considerably increased hepatic taurine concentrations and enzyme activities. The parameters for taurine metabolism were unaffected by cholestyramine. It was suggested that the types of dietary fiber affected hepatic taurine synthesis and thus modified bile acid glycine/taurine ratios.  相似文献   

Effects of cholestyramine on biliary secretion of cholesterol, phospholipids and bile acids and fecal excretion of sterols and bile acids were examined in Wistar male rats. Six rats were fed a basal diet, and the other six were fed a basal diet supplemented with 5% cholestyramine for eight days. Bile flow and biliary secretion of bile acids and phospholipids (per hour per rat) decreased with cholestyramine treatment, while biliary cholesterol secretion (per hour per rat) remained unchanged. In the biliary bile acid composition, a marked increase of chenodeoxycholic acid with a concomitant decrease of β-muricholic acid was observed in cholestyramine-treated rats. Fecal excretion of total sterols and bile acids increased about three-and four-fold, respectively, after cholestyramine treatment. The increase of fecal bile acids derived from cholic acid was more predominant than that derived from chenodeoxylcholic acid, resulting in an increase of the cholic acid group/chenodeoxycholic acid group ratio.  相似文献   

Effect of chitosan feeding on intestinal bile acid metabolism in rats   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The effect of chitosan feeding (for 21 days) on intestinal bile acids was studied in male rats. Serum cholesterol levels in rats fed a commercial diet low in cholesterol were decreased by chitosan supplementation. Chitosan inhibited the transformation of cholesterol to coprostanol without causing a qualitative change in fecal excretion of these neutral sterols. Increased fiber consumption did not increase fecal excretion of bile acids, but caused a marked change in fecal bile acid composition. Litcholic acid increased sigificantly, deoxycholic acid increased to a leasser extent, whereas hyodeoxycholic acid and the 6β-isomer and 5-epimeric 3α-hydroxy-6-keto-cholanoic acid(s) decreased. The pH in the cecum and colon became elevated by chitosan feeding which affected the conversion of primary bile acids to secondary bile acids in the large intestine. In the cecum, chitosan feeding increased the concentration of α-,β-, and ω-muricholic acids, and lithocholic acid. However, the levels of hyodeoxycholic acid and its 6β-isomer, of monohydroxy-monoketo-cholanoic acids, and of 3α, 6ξ, 7ξ-trihydroxy-cholanoic acid decreased. The data suggest that chitosan feeding affects the metabolism of intestinal bile acids in rats.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of dietary arachidonic acid (20∶4n-6) on Δ5 desaturation and incorporation of deuterium-labeled 8cis, 11cis, 14-eicosatrienoic acid (20∶3n-6) into human plasma lipids. Adult male subjects (n=4) were fed diets containing either 1.7 g/d (H120∶4 diet) or 0.21 g/d (LO20∶4 diet) of arachidonic acid for 50 d and then dosed with a mixture containing ethyl esters of 20∶3n-6[d4] and 18∶1n-9[d2]. A series of blood samples was sequentially drawn over a 72-h period, and methyl esters of plasma total lipid, triacylglycerol, phospholipids, and cholesteryl ester were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Based on the concentration of 20∶3n-6[d4] in total plasma lipid, the estimated conversion of 20∶3n-6[d4] to 20∶4n-6[d4] was 17.7.±0.79% (HI20∶4 diet) and 2.13±1.44% (LO20∶4 diet). The concentrations of 20∶4n-6[d4] in total plasma lipids from subjects fed the HI20∶4 and LO20∶4 diets were 2.10±0.6 and 0.29±0.2 μmole/mL plasma/mmole of 20∶3n-6[d4] fed/kg of body weight. These data indicate that conversion of 20∶3n-6[d4] to 20∶4n-6[d4] was stimulated 7-8-fold by the HI20∶4 diet. Phospholipid acyltransferase was 2.5-fold more selective for 20∶3n-6[d4] than 18∶1n-9[d2], and lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase was 2-fold more selective for 18∶1n-9[d2] than 20∶3n-6[d4]. These differences in selectivity were not significantly influenced by diet. Absorption of ethyl 20∶3n-6[d4] was about 33% less than ethyl 18∶1n-9[d2]. The sum of the n-6 retroconversion products from 20∶3n-6[d4] in total plasma lipids was about 2% of the total deuterated fatty acids. Neither absorption nor retroconversion appears to be influenced by diet.  相似文献   

A semipurified, cholesterol-free diet containing 40% carbohydrate can produce aortic sudanophilia or aortic atherosclerosis in vervet monkeys (Ceroopithecus aethiops pygerethrus) depending on the particular carbohydrate fed. Four groups of vervet monkeys (three males and three females per group) were fed semipurified diets containing lactose. Two of the groups were also fed 15% cellulose (C) or 15% cellulose plus 0.1% cholesterol (CC); the two other groups were fed 15% pectin (P) or 15% pectin plus 0.1% cholesterol (PC). The average serum total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein cholesterol levels over the entire feeding period (mg/dl±SEM) were, for C, 156±14 and 95±5; for P, 173±15 and 112±8; for CC, 187±27 and 122±21; and for PC, 155±11 and 108±7. Cholesterol levels at autopsy (mg/dl±SEM) were, for C, 103±6; for P, 108±16; for CC, 92±9; and for PC, 106±7. Aortic sudanophilia (percentage of area) was, for C, 5.9±2.7; for P, 13.5±9.4; for CC, 5.3±2.1; and for PC, 21.6±10.3. Dietary pectin led to more severe sudanophilia (increased by 129% in the absence of cholesterol and by 308% in its presence) than did cellulose. Analysis of aortic glycosaminoglycans (GAG) revealed that dermatan sulfate levels fell in both cholesterol-fed groups, and chondroitin sulfate fell in aortas of group CC. Heparan sulfate levels were unaffected by cholesterol feeding. Hexuronic acid, galactosamine and hexosamine levels were elevated in the pectin-fed monkeys, but levels were unaffected by dietary cholesterol. Pectin may contribute galactosamine and glucuronic acid towards aortic GAG.  相似文献   

K. Uchida  N. Takeuchi  Y. Yamamura 《Lipids》1975,10(8):473-477
Glucose administered to fasted rats caused a marked stimulation in hepatic cholesterogenesis and cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylation, and an increase in biliary excretion of cholesterol and total bile acids. The excretion of cholic acid was not incluenced during the first few hr after glucose administration, but was significantly increased after 5 hr. Chenodeoxycholic acid showed a similar change, but the increase was only ca. one tenth of that of cholic acid. The excretion of deoxycholic acid was markedly increased by 1 hr, but gradually decreased thereafter. Pretreatment with neomycin abolished the increase in deoxycholic acid by fasting and glucose administration. Other bile acid components showed no significant change. It thus was presumed that cholesterol endogenously synthesized in the liver was metabolized mainly to cholic acid. In contrast, exogenous cholesterol was metabolized mainly to chenodeoxycholic acid. During the period of the acute enhancement of cholic acid formation from the endogenous cholesterol, biliary excretion of deoxycholic acid was increased. This probably occurred through the depression of 7 alpha-rehydroxylation of deoxycholic acid, or through the enhancement of microbial formation of deoxycholic acid in the lumen, and through the increase of intestinal absorption.  相似文献   

Effect of candicidin on cholesterol and bile acid metabolism in the rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sterol metabolism studies were carried out in rats maintained on a diet containing a polyene antibiotic, candicidin, (30 mg/kg/day) for 2-1/2 months. Compared to the controls, the candicidintreated animals had a smaller food intake and weight gain during this period. There was no difference between the 2 groups in serum cholesterol levels, biliary cholesterol or bile acid concentrations. However, in the experimental group, liver cholesterol content decreased by 27% and hepatic HMG-CoA reductase increased by 36%. Candicidin administration produced an 84% increase in neutral sterol output without change in bile acid output. Cholesterol absorption was reduced 80% by candicidin feeding. The weight of ventral prostate was reduced 33% by candicidin administration. Prostatic HMG-CoA reductase levels were 3 times higher than those of the liver, but enzyme activity was unchanged by candicidin treatment.  相似文献   

The influence of dietary supplementation with 20:4n−6 on uptake and turnover of deuterium-labeled linoleic acid (18:2n−6[d 2]) in human plasma lipids and the synthesis of desaturated and elongated n−6 fatty acids from 18:2n−6[d 2] were investigated in six adult male subjects. The subjects were fed either a high-arachidonic acid (HIAA) diet containing 1.7 g/d or a low-AA (LOAA) diet containing 0.21 g/d of AA for 50 d. Each subject was then dosed with about 3.5 g of 18:2n−6[d 2] as the triglyceride (TG) at 8:00 a.m., 12:00, and 5:00 p.m. The total 18:2n−6[d 2] fed to each subject was about 10.4 g and is approximately equal to one-half of the daily intake of 18:2n−6 in a typical U.S. male diet. Nine blood samples were drawn over a 96-h period. Methyl esters of plasma total lipid (TL), TG, phospholipid, and cholesterol ester were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy. Dietary 20:4n−6 supplementation did not affect uptake of 18:2n−6[d 2] in plasma lipid classes over the 4-d study period nor the estimated half-life of 24–36 h for 18:2n−6[d 2]. The percentages of major deuterium-labeled desaturation and elongation products in plasma TL, as a percentage of total deuterated fatty acids, were 1.35 and 1.34% 18:3n−6[d 2]; 0.53 and 0.50% 20:2n−6[d 2]; 1.80 and 0.92% 20:3n−6[d 2] and 3.13 and 1.51% 20:4n−6[d 2] for the LOAA and HIAA diet groups, respectively. Trace amounts (<0.1%) of the TL concentration data for both 20:3n−6[d 2] and 20:4n−6[d 2] were 48% lower (P<0.05) in samples from the HIAA diet group than in samples from the LOAA diet group. For a normal adult male consuming a typical U.S. diet, the estiamted accumulation in plasma TL of 20:4n−6 synthesized from 20 g/d (68 mmole) of 18:2n−6 is 677 mg/d (2.13 mmole). Dietary supplementation with 1.5 g/d of 20:4n−6 reduced accumulation of 20:4n−6 synthesized from 20 g/d of 18:2n−6 to about 326 mg/d (1.03 mmole).  相似文献   

Wistar male rats were treated for six days with broad spectrum β-lactam antibiotics, latamoxef, and cefotaxime. On the seventh day, the number of fecal anaerobic microbes decreased, total fecal bile acids decreased, and bile acid pools increased. Secondary bile acids such as β-hyocholic, hyodeoxycholic, lithocholic, and deoxycholic acids decreased in the feces while the primary bile acids, cholic, β-muricholic, and chenodeoxycholic acids, became predominant. Coprostanol, a microbial metabolite of cholesterol, also disappeared from the feces during the treatment. The cecum enlarged to almost twice the size of that in control rats, whereas the liver weight was not significantly changed. After treatment was stopped, the number of fecal microbes returned to the initial counts within a week, but restoration of bile acid and cholesterol metabolism required at least three weeks.  相似文献   

Sex differences in the effect of ethionine upon rat liver metabolism prompted our investigation into possible sex differences in the effect of ethionine upon bile acid metabolism. The bile ducts of 24 rats, 12 male and 12 female, were cannulated. After 1 hr of bile collection, 6 rats of each sex were given ethionine, 1 mg/g body wt, by feeding tube. The bile acid composition of the bile collected during the subsequent 4 hr was analyzed by combined thin layer and gas chromatography. Ethionine induced a reduction in bile flow (3rd and 4th hr) and in bile acid concentration (4th hr) in female rats. The amino acid had no effect upon bile flow but did increase biliary secretion of bile acids (1st and 2nd hr) in male rats. Cholic acid accounted for the bulk of the reduction in total bile acid secretion in the female studies. The increase in total bile acid secretion in the male studies involved all bile acids. The effects of ethionine upon bile acid secretion were delayed in the female studies, immediate in the male. The changes in bile acid secretion involved only the taurine conjugates in the female studies, both taurine and glycine conjugates in the male. There are substantial sex differences in the effect of ethionine upon bile acid metabolism in the rat.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to study the influence of chenodeoxycholic acid administration on cholesterol and bile acid synthesis in germ-free rats. Seven rats were fed a basal diet and 2 groups of 4 rats received the same diet supplemented with 0.4 and 1% chenodeoxycholic acid, respectively. After 6 weeks, feces were collected in one 3- and one 4-day pool for analysis of cholesterol and bile acids. When the sampling period was finished, the rats were killed and the liver microsomal fractions isolated. The activities of HMG CoA reductase and cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase were determined, the 7α-hydroxylase by a mass fragmentographic method. The 2 dominating bile acids in the untreated rats were cholic acid and β-muricholic acid. During treatment with chenodeoxycholic acid, 60–70% of this bile acid was converted into α- and β-muricholic acid, indicating a high activity of the 6β-hydroxylase. The excretion of cholic acid was almost completely inhibited and the 7α-hydroxylase activity was decreased ca 75% in the rats fed 1% chenodeoxycholic acid. The activity of the hepatic HMG CoA reductase was unchanged. The fecal excretion of cholesterol increased 2–3 times. An accumulation of cholesterol was seen in the rats treated with 1% chenodeoxycholic acid, which was probably a result of the decreased catabolism of cholesterol to bile acids.  相似文献   

In vivo studies were carried out in young Sprague-Dawley rats to examine the role of gastric lipolysis on fat absorption and bile acid metabolism. When fed by gastric perfusion 5 times (corn oil, 4 g/day) their usual dietary intake of fat, rats deprived of lingual lipase by the creation of an esophageal fistula had a significant degree of fat and bile acid malabsorption as well as a shortened bile acid halflife when compared to animals with a gastrostomy. The % fat absorption, bile acid loss and bile acid pool were normal in 2 groups of esophageal fistula rats fed the same quantity of corn oil or twice (8 g/day) that amount as a fine emulsion. In view of a negligible gastric lipase activity in animals with an esophageal fistula and of decreased hydrolysis of a triglyceride test meal, these data suggest that gastric lipolysis is of physiological importance in situations where lipolytic mechanisms are stressed by a large fat intake. Its principal role is to potentiate intestinal lipolysis by facilitating the emulsification of dietary lipids through its formed products and, therefore, the contact of pancreatic lipase with its substrates.  相似文献   

Labeled cholesterol and its esters were injected via the portal vein into bile duct-cannulated rats, subsequent to a 7 week regimen of either 5% safflower oil or 5% beef tallow in a hypercholesterolemic diet. Analysis of bile collected over a 6 hr period from the safflower group showed 8.6% higher output of bile acids, 13.6% higher conversion of3H-cholesterol to bile acids and 40% higher conversion of [4-14C]cholesteryl oleate to bile acids than bile collected from the tallow group. During the 1st hr conversion of both oleyl and linoleyl esters of14C-cholesterol to bile acids was much slower than conversion of the free3H-cholesterol to bile acids, thus eliminating these esters as preferred substrate for bile acid formation. However at 6 hr two-thirds of the injected14C of oleyl ester was recovered in the liver, and about half of this was in the form of free cholesterol. Thus cholesterol ester hydrolase, though inhibited by dietary cholesterol, evidently did not impose limitations on formation of free cholesterol for subsequent oxidation reactions. Specific radioactivities were of doubtful significance because of uncertainities as to “active” pool size. The data suggest that dietary linoleate exerts its hypocholesterolemic effect in some manner other than ester formation and that its point of action involves stimulation of cholesterol oxidation to bile acids. Journal Paper No. 4938 EAS, Purdue University.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of dietary fat quality on synthesis and esterification of cholesterol, Syrian hamsters were fed diets containing corn, olive, coconut or menhaden oils (10% w/w) with added cholesterol (0.1% w/w). After 3 weeks, animals were sacrificed 90 min following IP injection of3H2O. Synthesis of free cholesterol and movement of free cholesterol into ester pools were measured from3H-uptade rate in liver and duodenum. Plasma total cholesterol and triglycerides levels were highest in coconut oil-fed animals, whereas hepatic total cholesterol and ester levels were elevated in olive oil-fed animals, as compared with all other groups. No diet-related differences were seen in duodenal cholesterol or total fatty acid content. In duodenum, uptake of3H per g tissue into cholesterol was greater compared with liver; however, within each tissue,3H-uptake into cholesterol was similar across groups. Notably,3H-uptake into cholesterol ester in liver was highest in menhaden oil-fed animals. These data suggest that menhaden fish oil consumption results in enhanced movement of newly synthesized cholesterol into ester as compared with other fat types.  相似文献   

Comparative effects of feeding dietary linoleic (safflower oil) and α-linolenic (linseed oil) acids on the cholesterol content and fatty acid composition of plasma, liver, heart and epididymal fat pads of rats were examined. Animals fed hydrogenated beef tallow were used as isocaloric controls. Plasma cholesterol concentration was lower and the cholesterol level in liver increased in animals fed the safflower oil diet. Feeding the linseed oil diet was more effective in lowering plasma cholesterol content and did not result in cholesterol accumulation in the liver. The cholesterol concentration in heart and the epididymal fat pad was not affected by the type of dietary fatty acid fed. Arachidonic acid content of plasma lipids was significantly elevated in animals fed the safflower oil diet and remained unchanged by feeding the linseed oil diet, when compared with the isocaloric control animals fed hydrogenated beef tallow. Arachidonic acid content of liver and heart lipids was lower in animals fed diets containing safflower oil or linseed oil. Replacement of 50% of the safflower oil in the diet with linseed oil increased α-linolenic, docosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids in plasma, liver, heart and epididymal fat pad lipids. These results suggest that dietary 18∶2ω6 shifts cholesterol from plasma to liver pools followed by redistribution of 20∶4ω6 from tissue to plasma pools. This redistribution pattern was not apparent when 18∶3ω3 was included in the diet.  相似文献   

Cardiolipins (CL) have unique fatty acid profiles with generally high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, primarily 18∶2n−6, and low levels of saturated fatty acids. In order to study the effect of dietary fatty acid isomers on the fatty acid composition of cardiolipins, rats were fed partially hydrogenated marine oils (HMO), rich in 16∶1, 18∶1, 20∶1, and 22∶1 isomeric fatty acids, supplemented with linoleic acid at levels ranging from 1.9% to 14.5% of total fat. Although the dietary fats contained 33%trans fatty acids, the levels oftrans fatty acids in CL were below 2.5% in all organs. The fatty acid profiles of cardiolipins of liver, heart, kidney and testes showed different responses to dietary linoleic acid level. In liver, the contents of 18∶2 reflected the dietary levels. In heart and kidney, the levels of 18∶2 also parallelled increasing dietary levels, but in all groups fed HMO, levels of 18∶2 were considerably higher than in the reference group fed palm oil. In testes, the 18∶2 levels were unaffected by the dietary level of 18∶2 and HMO.  相似文献   

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