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描述了一台2.45GHz单电荷态电子回旋共振(ECR)离子源的原理、结构与应用。介绍了其微波系统与磁场结构。在微波输入功率约600W,引出高压22kV,引出孔径为φ6mm时,该离子源的总束流I(H1^ H2^ H3^ )可达90mA。  相似文献   

在MM-2单磁镜装置上完成了电子回旋共振加热实验。装置中心的磁场强度约为3×10~(-1)T,磁镜比等于2.64:1,磁峰距为60cm,真空室内径为20cm,通过微波辐射耦合到中心平面的真空室而产生等离子体并使之加热。微波功率源是一个振动陀螺仪,它在10ms的脉冲持续时间内产生15MHz频率的30kW的输出功率。当出现反磁性信号时,观察到了硬X射线信号。韧致辐射发射分析表明:热电子温度约为25—30keV,通过多栅能量分析器测得的电子密度约为1.1—3.9×10~(1o)cm~(-3)。  相似文献   

在MM-2单磁镜装置上完成了电子回旋共振加热实验。装置中心的磁场强度约为3×10~(-1)T,磁镜比等于2.64:1,磁峰距为60cm,真空室内径为20cm,通过微波辐射耦合到中心平面的真空室而产生等离子体并使之加热。微波功率源是一个振动陀螺仪,它在10ms的脉冲持续时间内产生15MHz频率的30kW的输出功率。当出现反磁性信号时,观察到了硬X射线信号。轫致辐射发射分析表明:热电子温度约为25~30keV,通过多栅能量分析器测得的电子密度约为1.1~3.9×10~(10)cm~(-3)。  相似文献   

研究了用于负离子源的电子回旋共振(ECR)等离子体的产生和控制。为能够得到大直径高密度均匀微波等离子体,提出了一种利用永久磁铁 的新产生方法。利用环形槽缝天线将微波功率发射进具有环状会切或线会切永久磁铁的室内的四周。在那里可将磁场加于局部区域,并且如果满足ECR条件可有效地产生等离子体。在本文中,我们报导了ECR负离子源的结构、ECR等离子体的特性以及从负离子源的观点出发ECR等离子体与DC放电等离子体的比较。  相似文献   

为确保电子回旋系统稳定可靠的运行,基于图形化编程语言LabView设计了电子回旋共振加热波参数控制系统实现对超导磁体电源、阳极电源和灯丝电源的监测和控制,设置电源电压、电流等基本参数;以及在TORAY等计算程序的协同作用下,通过其计算得到的波束入射角度等参数实现对极化器电机的控制,促进等离子体对电子回旋波的吸收。  相似文献   

The results of a series of measurements studying the possibility to use neutral gas feeding into the beam line as a way to improve the quality of the heavy ion beams produced with an electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) are presented. Significant reduction of the beam spot size and emittance can be achieved with this method. The observed effects are presumably due to increased space charge compensation degree of the ion beam in the beam line section between the ion source and the analyzing magnet. This is the region where the neutral gas was injected. It is shown that the effects are independent of the ion source tuning. Transmission measurements through the beam line and K-130 cyclotron have been carried out to study the effects of improved ion beam quality to the transmission efficiency.  相似文献   

描述了一台电子回旋共振离子源的设计,结构及特性。及了获得离子源的长寿命,较高的等离子密度以及高效的传输微波功率,利用合适的三层微波输入窗是很有效。采用两个带有磁轭的螺线管线圈能够产生满足共振条件和约束等离子的轴向磁场。  相似文献   

To study the heating mechanism of electron cyclotron resonance thruster(ECRT) immersed in a non-uniform magnetic field, experiments and simulations are performed based on an electron cyclotron resonance plasma source at ASIPP. It is found that the first harmonic of electron cyclotron resonance is essential for plasma ignition at high magnetic field(0.0875 T), while the plasma can sustain without the first and second harmonics of electron cyclotron resonance at low magnetic field(till 0.0170 T). Evidence of radial hollow density profile indicates that upper hybrid resonance, which has strong edge heating effect, is the heating mechanism of low-field ECRT. The heating mode transition from electron cyclotron resonance to upper hybrid resonance is also revealed. Interestingly, the evolutions of electron temperature and electron density with input power experience a ‘delayed' jump, which may be correlated with the different power levels required for cyclotron and ionization. Moreover, when the field strength decreased, the variation of electron density behaves in an opposite trend with that of electron temperature,implying a possible competition of power deposition between them. The present work is of great interest for understanding the plasma discharge in ECRT especially immersed in a non-uniform magnetic field, and designing efficient ECRT using low magnetic field for economic space applications.  相似文献   

Simulation of nonlinear behavior in an electron cyclotron resonance plasma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.IntroductionDuringthepastseveralyears,microwaveelectroncyclotronresonance(ECR)plasmasourceshavebeensuccessfullyusedinareasofmicroelectronicfabrica-tionsuchassurfacemodification,etchinganddepo-sitionofthinfilms[l,2].Intheseindustrialapplica-tions,theoperatingstabilityisofparticularconcern.ItiswellknownthatECRplasmasasadieledtricarehighlynonlinear,andthus,arepronetoinstabili-tiesthatcanmakehavocofmanufacturingprocesses.Theusualsolutiontothisproblemistocautiouslychoosesomeregionsofoperatingp…  相似文献   

Radio frequency (RF) power in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) is one of the primary auxiliary heating techniques for Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST). The ICRF system for EAST has been developed to support long-pulse high-β advanced tokamak fusion physics experiments. The ICRF system is capable of delivering 12 MW 1000-s RF power to the plasma through two antennas. The phasing between current straps of the antennas can be adjusted to optimize the RF power spectrum. The main technical features of the ICRF system are described. Each of the 8 ICRF transmitters has been successfully tested to 1.5 MW for a wide range of frequency (25–70 MHz) on a dummy load. Part of the ICRF system was in operation during the EAST 2012 spring experimental campaign and a maximum power of 800 kW (at 27 MHz) lasting for 30 s has been coupled for long pulse H mode operation.  相似文献   

In J-TEXT tokamak, fast electron bremsstrahlung diagnostic with 9 chords equipped with multi-channel analyzer enables detailed studies of the generation and transport of fast electrons. The spatial profiles and energy spectrum of the fast electrons have been measured in two ECCD cases with either on-axis or off-axis injection, and the profiles processed by Abel-inversion are consistent with the calculated power deposition locations. Moreover, it is observed that the energy of fast electrons increases rapidly after turning off the ECCD, which may be attributed to the acceleration by the recovered loop voltage at low electron density.  相似文献   

High-power millimetre wave beams employed on ITER for heating and current drive at the 170 GHz electron cyclotron resonance frequency require agile steering and tight focusing of the beams to suppress neoclassical tearing modes. This paper presents experimental validation of the remote steering (RS) concept of the ITER upper port millimetre wave beam launcher. Remote steering at the entrance of the upper port launcher rather than at the plasma side offers advantages in reliability and maintenance of the mechanically vulnerable steering system. A one-to-one scale mock-up consisting of a transmission line, mitre bends, remote steering unit, vacuum window, square corrugated waveguide and front mirror simulates the ITER launcher design configuration. Validation is based on low-power heterodyne measurements of the complex amplitude and phase distribution of the steered Gaussian beam. High-power (400 kW) short pulse (10 ms) operation under vacuum, diagnosed by calorimetry and thermography of the near- and far-field beam patterns, confirms high-power operation, but shows increased power loss attributed to deteriorating input beam quality compared with low-power operation. Polarization measurements show little variation with steering, which is important for effective current drive requiring elliptical polarization for O-mode excitation. Results show that a RS range of up to −12° to +12° can be achieved with acceptable beam quality. These measurements confirm the back-up design of the ITER ECRH&CD launcher with future application for DEMO.  相似文献   

A new 14.5GHz Electron Cyclotron Resonance(ECR) ion source has been constructed over the last two years.The source was designed and tested by making use of the latest results from ECR ion source development ,such as high mirror magnetic filed,large plasma volume,and biased probe.140μA of O^7 ,185μA of Ar^11 and 50 μA of Xe^26 could be produced with a RF power of 800W, The intense beams of highly charged metallic ions are produced by means of the method of a metal evaporation oven and volatile compound throuth axial access,The test results are 130μA of Ca^11 ,70μA of Ca^12 and 65 μA of Fe^10 ,The ion source has been put into operation for the cyclotron at the Institute of Moderm Physics(IMP).  相似文献   

Reactive ion etching is the interaction of reactive plasmas with surfaces. To obtain a detailed understanding of this process, significant properties of reactive composite low-pressure plasmas driven by electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) were investigated and compared with the radial uniformity of the etch rate. The determination of the electronic properties of chlorine-and hydrogen-containing plasmas enabled the understanding of the pressure-dependent behavior of the plasma density and provided better insights into the electronic parameters of reactive etch gases. From the electrical evaluation of I(V ) characteristics obtained using a Langmuir probe, plasmas of different compositions were investigated. The standard method of Druyvesteyn to derive the electron energy distribution functions by the second derivative of the I(V ) characteristics was replaced by a mathematical model which has been evolved to be more robust against noise, mainly, because the first derivative of the I(V ) characteristics is used. Special attention was given to the power of the energy dependence in the exponent. In particular, for plasmas that are generated by ECR with EM modes, the existence of Maxwellian distribution functions is not to be taken as a self-evident fact, but the bi-Maxwellian distribution was proven for Ar-and Kr-stabilized plasmas. In addition to the electron temperature, the global uniform discharge model has been shown to be useful for calculating the neutral gas temperature. To what extent the invasive method of using a Langmuir probe could be replaced with the non-invasive optical method of emission spectroscopy, particularly actinometry, was investigated, and the resulting data exhibited the same relative behavior as the Langmuir data. The correlation with etchrate data reveals the large chemical part of the removal process—most striking when the data is compared with etching in pure argon. Although the relative amount of the radial variation of plasma density and etch rate is approximately ±5%, the etch rate shows a slightly concave shape in contrast to the plasma density.  相似文献   

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