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Tao L  Yu X  Snyder AP  Li L 《Analytical chemistry》2004,76(22):6609-6617
A protein mass mapping approach using mass spectrometry (MS) combined with an experimentally derived protein mass database is presented for rapid and effective identification of bacterial species. A prototype mass database from the protein extracts of nine bacterial species has been created by off-line high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) MS, in which the microbiological parameter of bacterial growth time is considered. A numerical method using a statistical weight factor algorithm is devised for matching the protein masses of an unknown bacterial sample against the database. The sum of these weight factors produces a corresponding summed weight factor score for each bacterial species listed in the database, and the database species producing the highest score represents the identity of the respective unknown bacterium. The applicability and reliability of this protein mass mapping approach has been tested with seven bacterial species in a single-blind study by both direct MALDI MS and HPLC electrospray ionization MS methods, and identification results with 100% accuracy are obtained. Our studies have demonstrated that the protein mass database can be rapidly established and readily adopted with relatively less dependency on experimental factors. Furthermore, it is shown that a number of proteins can be detected using a protein sample amount equivalent to an extract of less than 1000 cells, demonstrating that this protein mass mapping approach can potentially be highly sensitive for rapid bacterial identification.  相似文献   

Proteolytic peptide mass mapping as measured by mass spectrometry provides a major approach for the identification of proteins. A protein is usually identified by the best match between the measured and calculated m/z values of the proteolytic peptides. A unique identification is, however, heavily dependent upon the mass accuracy and sequence coverage of the fragment ions generated by peptide ionization. Without ultrahigh instrumental accuracy, it is possible to increase the specificity of the assignments of particular proteolytic peptides by the incorporation of selected amino acid residue(s) enriched with stable isotope(s) into the protein sequence. Here we report this novel method of generating residue-specific mass-tagged proteolytic peptides for accurate and efficient protein identification. Selected amino acids are labeled with 13C/15N/2H and incorporated into proteins in a sequence-specific manner during cell culturing. Each of these labeled amino acids carries a defined mass change encoded in its monoisotopic distribution pattern. Through their characteristic patterns, the peptides with mass tags can then be readily distinguished from other peptides in mass spectra. This method of identifying unique proteins can also be extended to protein complexes and will significantly increase data search specificity, efficiency, and accuracy for protein identifications.  相似文献   

A method for mass spectrometric peptide mapping was developed, based on hydrolysis of a solid protein by acid vapor followed by mass spectrometric analysis of the cleavage products. The method is applicable to lyophilized samples as well as proteins present in gels after separation by SDS-PAGE. The cleavage specificity was established using a number of standard proteins. Three different types of cleavages were observed: specific internal backbone cleavages at Asp, Ser, Thr, and Gly and N- and C-terminal sequence ladders. On the basis of the observed cleavage characteristics, a strategy for protein identification based on the peptide mass maps was developed. The identification strategy utilizes the specific internal backbone cleavages as well as the partial sequence information, obtained from the sequence ladders.  相似文献   

Zhang W  Chait BT 《Analytical chemistry》2000,72(11):2482-2489
We describe the protein search engine "ProFound", which employs a Bayesian algorithm to identify proteins from protein databases using mass spectrometric peptide mapping data. The algorithm ranks protein candidates by taking into account individual properties of each protein in the database as well as other information relevant to the peptide mapping experiment. The program consistently identifies the correct protein(s) even when the data quality is relatively low or when the sample consists of a simple mixture of proteins. Illustrative examples of protein identifications are provided.  相似文献   

We report a new tandem mass spectrometric approach for the improved identification of polypeptides from mixtures (e.g., using genomic databases). The approach involves the dissociation of several species simultaneously in a single experiment and provides both increased speed and sensitivity. The data analysis makes use of the known fragmentation pathways for polypeptides and highly accurate mass measurements for both the set of parent polypeptides and their fragments. The accurate mass information makes it possible to attribute most fragments to a specific parent species. We provide an initial demonstration of this multiplexed tandem MS approach using an FTICR mass spectrometer with a mixture of seven polypeptides dissociated using infrared irradiation from a CO2 laser. The peptides were added to, and then successfully identified from, the largest genomic database yet available (C. elegans), which is equivalent in complexity to that for a specific differentiated mammalian cell type. Additionally, since only a few enzymatic fragments are necessary to unambiguously identify a protein from an appropriate database, it is anticipated that the multiplexed MS/MS method will allow the more rapid identification of complex protein mixtures with on-line separation of their enzymatically produced polypeptides.  相似文献   

Aye TT  Low TY  Sze SK 《Analytical chemistry》2005,77(18):5814-5822
We have developed an ultrafast pulse method for protein surface footprinting by laser-induced protein surface oxidations. This method makes use of a pulse UV laser that produces, in nanoseconds, a high concentration of hydroxyl (OH) free radicals by photodissociation of a hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) solution. The OH radicals oxidize amino acid residues located on the protein surface to produce stable covalent modifications. The oxidized protein is then analyzed by mass spectrometry to map the oxidized amino acid residues. Ubiquitin and apomyoglobin were used as model proteins in this study. Our results show that a single laser pulse can produce extensive protein surface oxidations. We found that monooxidized ubiquitins were more susceptible to further oxidations by subsequent laser irradiation, as compared to nonoxidized ones. This is due to the conformational changes of proteins by oxidation that increases the solvent-accessible surface area. Therefore, it is crucial to perform this experiment with a single pulse of laser so as to avoid oxidation of proteins after conformation of the protein changes. Subsequently, to obtain a high frequency and coverage of the oxidation sites while keeping the number of laser shots to one, we further optimized the laser power and concentration of hydrogen peroxide as well as the concentration of protein. This ultrafast OH radical generation method allows for rapid and accurate detection of surface residues, enabling mapping of the solvent-accessible regions of a protein in its native state.  相似文献   

Trace components were selectively enriched and detected in the tryptic digest of recombinant human growth hormone using elution-modified displacement chromatography, a hybrid technique combining features of elution and displacement chromatography. Based on the retention behavior of sample components in the elution mode, rapid and selective trace enrichment and high-resolution separation was achieved in a single step by utilizing appropriate combinations of an eluent such as aqueous acetonitrile with the displacer. Mass spectral and chromatographic analysis of displacement zones revealed up to 400-fold enhancement of the concentration of some low-abundance sample components. Potential application of this technique in proteomics to augment the sensitivity of LC-MS and 2-D gel electrophoretic approaches for the detection of biologically important low-abundance species is discussed.  相似文献   

Utility of accurate mass tags for proteome-wide protein identification   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
An enabling capability for proteomics would be the ability to study protein expression on a global scale. While several different separation and analysis options are being investigated to advance the practice of proteomics, mass spectrometry (MS) is rapidly becoming the core instrumental technology used to characterize the large number of proteins that constitute a proteome. To be most effective, proteomic measurements must be high-throughput, ideally allowing thousands of proteins to be identified on a time scale of hours. Most strategies of identification by MS rely on the analysis of enzymatically produced peptides originating from an isolated protein followed by either peptide mapping or tandem MS (MS/MS) to obtain sequence information for a single peptide. In the case of peptide mapping, several peptide masses are needed to unambiguously identify a protein with the typically achieved mass measurement accuracies (MMA). The ability to identify proteins based on the mass of a single peptide (i.e., an accurate mass tag; AMT) is proposed and is largely dependent on the MMA that can be achieved. To determine the MMA necessary to enable the use of AMTs for proteome-wide protein identification, we analyzed the predicted proteins and their tryptic fragments from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Caenorhabditis elegans. The results show that low ppm (i.e., approximately 1 ppm) level measurements have practical utility for analysis of small proteomes. Additionally, up to 85% of the peptides predicted from these organisms can function as AMTs at sub-ppm MMA levels attainable using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance MS. Additional information, such as sequence constraints, should enable even more complex proteomes to be studied at more modest mass measurement accuracies. Once AMTs are established, subsequent high-throughput measurements of proteomes (e.g., after perturbations) will be greatly facilitated.  相似文献   

A method for rapid and unambiguous identification of proteins by sequence database searching using the accurate mass of a single peptide and specific sequence constraints is described. Peptide masses were measured using electrospray ionization-Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry to an accuracy of 1 ppm. The presence of a cysteine residue within a peptide sequence was used as a database searching constraint to reduce the number of potential database hits. Cysteine-containing peptides were detected within a mixture of peptides by incorporating chlorine into a general alkylating reagent specific for cysteine residues. Secondary search constraints included the specificity of the protease used for protein digestion and the molecular mass of the protein estimated by gel electrophoresis. The natural isotopic distribution of chlorine encoded the cysteine-containing peptide with a distinctive isotopic pattern that allowed automatic screening of mass spectra. The method is demonstrated for a peptide standard and unknown proteins from a yeast lysate using all 6118 possible yeast open reading frames as a database. As judged by calculation of codon bias, low-abundance proteins were identified from the yeast lysate using this new method but not by traditional methods such as tandem mass spectrometry via data-dependent acquisition or mass mapping.  相似文献   

M Wotske  Y Wu  DA Wolters 《Analytical chemistry》2012,84(15):6848-6855
Farnesylation involves the post-translational attachment of a 15 carbon unit to the C-terminus of proteins, thus allowing them to incorporate into membranes. The farnesylation reaction requires farnesyldiphosphate as the farnesyl group donor and is catalyzed by the farnesyltransferase. Some of the most familiar farnesylated proteins belong to the Ras protein superfamily, well-known oncoproteins. As Ras proteins require the membrane localization for the transduction of extracellular signals, farnesyltransferase inhibitors are discussed as chemotherapeutic agents. Despite the importance of this post-translational modification, farnesylated peptides have been investigated rarely by means of high-pressure liquid chromatography in combination with mass spectrometry. In this study, we examined the liquid chromatographic separation of farnesylated peptides with the help of the multidimensional protein identification technology. The peptides were further ionized by electrospray ionization and subsequently analyzed by tandem mass spectrometry. We demonstrated that farnesylated peptides are more strongly retained by reversed phase than nonfarnesylated peptides. This allowed for the identification of farnesylated peptides, if spiked into complex peptide samples. In some cases the farnesyl group was apparently split off from the peptide during the ionization process, and tandem mass spectra often revealed a neutral loss of the farnesyl moiety.  相似文献   

A method for rapid identification of microorganisms is presented, which exploits the wealth of information contained in prokaryotic genome and protein sequence databases. The method is based on determining the masses of a set of ions by MALDI TOF mass spectrometry of intact or treated cells. Subsequent correlation of each ion in the set to a protein, along with the organismic source of the protein, is performed by searching an Internet-accessible protein database. Convoluting the lists for all ions and ranking the organisms corresponding to matched ions results in the identification of the microorganism. The method has been successfully demonstrated on B. subtilis and E. coli, two organisms with completely sequenced genomes. The method has been also tested for identification from mass spectra of mixtures of microorganisms, from spectra of an organism at different growth stages, and from spectra originating at other laboratories. Experimental factors such as MALDI matrix preparation, spectral reproducibility, contaminants, mass range, and measurement accuracy on the database search procedure are addressed too. The proposed method has several advantages over other MS methods for microorganism identification.  相似文献   

The traditional approach to the identification of peptides in complex biological samples integrally involves the use of tandem mass spectrometry to generate a unique fragmentation pattern in order to accurately assign its identity to a particular protein. In this article we describe the theoretical basis for a new paradigm for the identification of peptides and proteins. This methodology employs the use of accurate mass and peptide isoelectric point (pI) as identification criteria, and represents a change in focus from current tandem mass spectrometry-dominated approaches. A mathematical derivation of the false positive rate associated with accurate mass and pI measurements is presented to demonstrate the utility of the technique. The equations for calculation of the experimental false positive rate allow for the determination of the validity of the data. The false positive rate issue examined in detail here is not restricted to accurate mass-based approaches, but also has application to the tandem mass spectrometry community as well. The theoretical proteomes of Escherichia coli and Rattus norvegicus are used to evaluate the efficacy of this approach. The power of the technique is demonstrated by analyzing a series of peptides with the same monoisotopic masses but with differing isoelectric points. Finally, the speed of algorithm when combined with the experimental peptide analysis has the potential to rapidly accelerate the protein identification process.  相似文献   

An electrophoretic method has been developed for the extraction of peptides following in-gel digests of SDS-PAGE separated proteins. During electroextraction, the peptides are trapped on a strong cation-exchange microcartridge, before analysis by capillary LC--ESI-tandem mass spectrometry. The spectra obtained by tandem mass spectrometry are searched directly against a protein database for identification of the protein from which the peptide originated. By minimizing surface exposure of the peptides during electroextraction, a reduction of the detection limits for protein identification is realized. The performance of the peptide electroextraction was compared directly with the standard extraction method for in-gel protein digests, using a standard dilution series of phosphorylase B and carbonic anhydrase, separated by SDS-PAGE. The lowest gel loading in which phosphorylase B was identified using the standard extraction method was 2.5 ng or 25 fmol, and the lowest gel loading in which phosphorylase B was identified using electroextraction was 1.25 ng or 12.5 fmol. The design of the microextraction cartridge allows for direct interfacing with capillary LC, which is crucial for maintaining low detection limits. Furthermore, this method can be used for high-throughput proteomics since it can be easily multiplexed and requires only voltage control and low pressures (approximately 15 psi) for operation. We believe that peptide electroextraction is a significant advance for identification of proteins separated by one-dimensional or two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, as it can be easily automated and requires less protein than conventional methods.  相似文献   

Reliable identification of posttranslational modifications is key to understanding various cellular regulatory processes. We describe a tool, InsPecT, to identify posttranslational modifications using tandem mass spectrometry data. InsPecT constructs database filters that proved to be very successful in genomics searches. Given an MS/MS spectrum S and a database D, a database filter selects a small fraction of database D that is guaranteed (with high probability) to contain a peptide that produced S. InsPecT uses peptide sequence tags as efficient filters that reduce the size of the database by a few orders of magnitude while retaining the correct peptide with very high probability. In addition to filtering, InsPecT also uses novel algorithms for scoring and validating in the presence of modifications, without explicit enumeration of all variants. InsPecT identifies modified peptides with better or equivalent accuracy than other database search tools while being 2 orders of magnitude faster than SEQUEST, and substantially faster than X!TANDEM on complex mixtures. The tool was used to identify a number of novel modifications in different data sets, including many phosphopeptides in data provided by Alliance for Cellular Signaling that were missed by other tools.  相似文献   

Top-down mass spectrometry holds tremendous potential for characterization and quantification of intact proteins. So far, however, very few studies have combined top-down proteomics with protein quantification. In view of the success of isobaric mass tags in quantitative bottom-up proteomics, we applied the tandem mass tag (TMT) technology to label intact proteins and examined the feasibility to directly quantify TMT-labeled proteins. A top-down platform encompassing separation via ion-pair reversed-phase liquid chromatography using monolithic stationary phases coupled online to an LTQ-Orbitrap Velos electron-transfer dissociation (ETD) mass spectrometer (MS) was established to simultaneously identify and quantify TMT-labeled proteins. The TMT-labeled proteins were found to be readily dissociated under high-energy collision dissociation (HCD) activation. The liberated reporter ions delivered expected ratios over a wide dynamic range independent of the protein charge state. Furthermore, protein sequence tags generated either by low-energy HCD or ETD activation along with the intact protein mass information allow for confident identification of small proteins below 35 kDa. We conclude that the approach presented in this pilot study paves the way for further developments and numerous applications for straightforward, accurate, and multiplexed quantitative analysis in protein chemistry and proteomics.  相似文献   

An approach is tested here as a rapid screening method for Bacillus spore species employing bacterial peptide analysis with a miniaturized MALDI TOF mass spectrometer. A limited set of tryptic peptides was generated in situ following selective solubilization of the small, acid-soluble protein family (SASP) from spore samples on the MALDI sample holder. To facilitate species identification, a compact database was created comprising masses of the tryptic cleavage products generated in silico from all Bacillus and Clostridium SASPs whose sequences are available in public databases. Experimental measurements were matched against the custom-made database, and a published statistical model was then used to evaluate the probability of false identifications.  相似文献   

Kim KH  Moon MH 《Analytical chemistry》2011,83(22):8652-8658
A chip-type design asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AF4) channel has been developed for high-speed separation of proteins and top-down proteomic analysis using online coupled electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). The new miniaturized AF4 channel was assembled by stacking multilayer thin stainless steel (SS, 1.5 mm each) plates embedded with an SS frit in such a way that the total thickness of the channel assembly was about 6 mm. The efficiency of the miniaturized AF4 channel at different channel lengths was examined with the separation of protein standards by adjusting flow rates in which an identical effective channel flow rate or an identical void time can be maintained at different channels. Detection limit, overloading effect, reproducibility, and influence of channel membrane materials on separation efficiency were investigated. Desalting and purification of proteins achieved during the AF4 operation by the action of an exiting crossflow and the use of aqueous mass-spectrometry-compatible (MS-compatible) buffer were advantageous for online coupling of the chip-type AF4 with ESI-MS. The direct coupling of AF4 and ESI-MS capabilities was demonstrated for the high-speed separation and identification of carbonic anhydrase (29 kDa) and transferrin (78 kDa) by full scan MS and for the first top-down identification of proteins with AF4-ESI-MS-MS using collision-induced fragmentation (CID). The presence of intact dimers (156 kDa) of transferrin was confirmed by AF4-ESI-MS via size separation of the dimers from monomers, followed by multiply charged ion spectral analysis of the dimers and molecular mass determinations. It was also found from these experiments that AF4-ESI-MS analysis of transferrin exhibited an increased signal-to-noise ratio compared to that of direct ESI-MS analysis due to online purification of the protein sample and size separation of dimers with AF4.  相似文献   

Doucette A  Craft D  Li L 《Analytical chemistry》2000,72(14):3355-3362
A method for generating peptide mass maps from dilute protein samples is presented. The method involves the concentration of proteins from aqueous solution by adsorption onto reversed-phase polymeric microbeads. These beads are then washed extensively to remove contaminants, after which the bound proteins are digested with trypsin. Analysis of the digestion products is performed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry following direct deposition of the beads on a MALDI target, along with the matrix solution. The procedure is demonstrated using solutions of cytochrome c, lysozyme, and bovine serum albumin. The results of these digests are compared to trypsin digestions of the protein samples without sample preconcentration. Comparative results are also presented for protein solutions contaminated with 2 M NaCl, 2 M urea, or sodium dodecyl sulfate at concentrations up to 0.02%. These results reveal that, with the microbead preconcentration procedure, peptide mass maps can routinely be generated from highly contaminated samples with a protein concentration of only 100 nM.  相似文献   

Wang Z  Dunlop K  Long SR  Li L 《Analytical chemistry》2002,74(13):3174-3182
The availability of a suitable database is critical in a proteomic approach for bacterial identification by mass spectrometry (MS). The major limitation of the present public proteome database is the lack of extensive low-mass bacterial protein entries with masses experimentally verified for most bacteria. Here, we present a method based on mass spectrometry to create protein mass tables specifically tailored for bacterial identification. Several issues related to the detection of bacterial proteins for the purpose of database creation are addressed. Three species of bacteria, namely, Escherichia coli, Bacillus megaterium, and Citrobacter freundii, which can be found in the ambient environment, were chosen for this study. Direct matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) MS analysis of each bacterial extract reveals 20-29 protein components in the mass range from 2000 to 20,000 Da. HPLC fractionation of bacterial extracts followed by off-line MALDI-TOF analysis of individual fractions detects 156-423 components. Analysis of the extracts by HPLC/electrospray ionization MS shows the number of detectable proteins in the range of 46-59. Although a number of components were common to the three detection schemes employed, some unique components were found using each of these techniques. In addition, for E. coli where a large proteome database exists in the public domain, a number of masses detected by the mass spectrometric methods do not match with the proteome database. Compared to the public proteome database, the mass tables generated in this work are demonstrated to be more useful for bacterial identification in an application where the bacteria of interest have limited protein entries in the public database. The implication of this work for future development of a comprehensive mass database is discussed.  相似文献   

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