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调整开源思路解决沧州农村人口饮水困难   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对沧州市农村人口饮水困难,水资源现状及开采状况的分析,提出了优先利用地上水,合理开发浅层水,井,坑,塘,河,渠,水库并用,节,打,蓄,经,增相结合的开源思路。  相似文献   

工程措施与农业技术措施相结合促进果树丰产,水土保持经济林大部栽植在荒山,荒坡和荒光,而且是等高修造梯田栽植,对果树进行施肥,灌水,排水,中耕除草的同时,可结合工程措施进行,如挖鱼磷坑,蓄水池,排水沟等,这即是水土保持的工程措施,又是果树栽培的保水,排涝,增产措施,二者相辅相成,事半功倍。  相似文献   

本系统综合了分析,统计技术,预测科学和“3S”技术,以GIS(MapInofo)为平台,多语言集成,15个主模块,58个子模块的大型应用系统,直接读取原始资料,对海量历史数据检索,查询,分析,总结历史降水的统计规律,农业雨情,历史旱涝评价,逐日降水概率,历史数据回溯,成为指导社会基础设施,水利工程建设,防汛防旱,农业生产,城乡供水的重要依据。本系统将历史和当前降水无缝链接,并在GIS中显示原始数据,统计查询分析,预测(利用多相关分析,逐步回归,平稳时间序列,周期分析和周期叠架等模型)结果,绘制等值线,等值面,能自动划分降水(干旱)时段,完成模型与数据,模型与文本,模型与表格的结合,自动读表,以屏幕显示,打印,文件的形式输出,在实时分析降水的同时提高工效50倍,社会效益,防灾减灾明显,]对降水的成因基础理论将起到重要的作用,本系统还适应于农日观测的其它自然,社会,经济等方面的资料分析,应用范围十分广阔。  相似文献   

卢勇如 《小水电》2002,(2):12-14
江西省宜黄县观音山中型水库为了尽快摆脱困境,走出低谷,按照“一业为主,多业并举”的企业发展思路,立足走“种,养,加一条龙,贸,工,农一体化”的集约化经营之道,通过扩大招商引资,兴办工矿企业,提高科技含量,增加种养收入,妻展水库旅游,壮大水库经济等一系列改革措施,深化了水利产权改革,也为水库今后的发展打下了良好的基础。  相似文献   

大自然地壳运动的伟力,曾把三峡地区变成了海洋;后来,又神奇地从海里长出透迄连绵的群山,生出雄伟挺拔的高峰。长江从雪山奔来,左冲右撞,发疯似地在重峦叠峰中,劈开一条惊险之路,滚滚涛涛,浩浩荡荡,一泻千里东去……‘七百里三峡”峭壁对峙,悬崖夹岸,那看不尽的大青石。层页岩、喀斯特、花岗岩,千奇百怪,峻峻峨峨,磷磷峋峋,或如鬼斧砍削,或像雪浪噬咬,岩缝里有丰富的储藏,有深厚的底蕴;那纵横交错的石纹,疏密有致,深浅不一,雄健流利,流动着一种自然的韵律,记载着岁月的沧桑、大江的水文、民间的传说。千载万代,三…  相似文献   

汪满 《河北水利》2016,(10):48-48
上善若水,水善养万物而不争,水善利万物而不语,一捧清泉,涤尽心中无尽的尘埃,一滴水,解我生命之源,水孕育了天地万灵,花开花落几春风,夏雨冬雪,滋润一年四时,静时看枝头落满梨花,动时听翻江倒海浪高几丈。古人对水有不一样的情感“蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜,所谓伊人,在水一方”,“一水护田将绿绕,两山排闼送青来”,无论是爱情还是生活,水都融入我们生命的每一个细节,流淌在每个生命的血肉中。今天水资源逐渐减少,水显得尤为珍贵,水资源的减少和水资源的浪费有着很大的关系,水管接到家中,打开水龙头就有水流出来,这样的方便反而造成水资源的浪费,水总是在无意中流失,古人常告诫;“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之”,节约每一滴水是我们每个人义不容辞的责任和义务,有人说当世界上没有水时,那么最后一滴水将是我们自己的眼泪。上善若水,用在今天最直接的就是节约用水,这是我们的生命之源,这是一滴水的善行。  相似文献   

黄河河道整治原则   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
黄河河道整治应遵循的原则为:全面规划、团结治河,防洪为主,统筹兼顾,河槽滩地,综合治理,分析规律,确定流路,中水整治,考虑洪枯,依照实践,确定方案,以坝护弯,以弯导溜,因势利导,优先旱工 ,主动布点,积极完善,分清主次,先急后缓,因地制宜,就地取材,继承传统,开拓创新。  相似文献   

佳木斯濒临松花江,地处大荒;佳木斯人三方八秒四季游泳,不怕水凉。夏日天长,早晨下江,望着出浴的太阳,拉开夜幕,披上露纱,从水里跃起,晚上,七八.戈神上岸,还能看见彩大残阳,中午人多,熙熙攘攘,和海滨浴场一样。一日三游,不如横渡一次松花江。早春,顶凌横渡,江一开还不算早,大江脱节,冰排未动,瞅空过江,才是第一拨。顶凌,江水冰凉经骨,连鸭子都不下去,赤力露体游一个未回,除了冬泳的谁敢照量?冬天,在大江里凿开冰眼,扩成游泳池,无遮无挡,《北风大烟地抓过冰天雪地,向池里扔下碎雪残冰。池边,冰块砌成的跳台…  相似文献   

保护地滴灌黄瓜节子灌溉模式试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
保护地滴灌黄瓜节水灌溉模式试验研究表明黄瓜滴灌比沟灌节水,增产省工,滴灌较沟灌节水41.4%,增产23.8%,滴灌不破坏土壤结构,防止和减轻土壤板结,表土疏松,能保持良好的团粒结构,滴灌能调节土壤水,气,热,有利于人物生长发育,使作物缓苗快,上市早,品质高。滴灌能改变农田生态环境,使黄瓜病毒危害减轻,是增产,增值的防止病害的有效途径,其经济效益明显。  相似文献   

长期以来,在水政水资源管理上,没有一个统一的管理机制,政出多门,各行其是,形成“多龙管水”,致使宝贵的水资源得不到充分的开发和利用。就黄华而言,地上地下水资源严重缺乏,随着改革的深入和经济的迅速发展,黄骅作为一个新兴的沿海开放城市,水资源的供需矛盾日益突出,如何加强水政水资源管理,搞好城乡供水工作,是摆在我们面前的一个重要课题。1995年以来,在领导的大力支持下,立足于本局优势,通过深化改革,强化管理机制,加大工作力度,狠抓“一龙管水”,有力地促进了全市水资源的统一管理和城乡供水工作顺利开展,为黄华…  相似文献   

不完全井渗流近似计算及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍一种近似计算的解题途径:将定厚土层中的平面渗流看成是轴对称渗流的特例,用等效椭球井代替不完全井,把半无限透水土层渗流看成是定厚土层渗流的特例,结合数值计算和电拟实验成果返推逼近,得出适用于小贯入度的任意井径的轴对称不完全井渗流近似计算表达式。此外,本文将长列不完全井依次分成等阻抗长列完全井和单个轴对称不完全井两部分分别计算,列出长列不完全井的近似计算表达式。针对三维渗流计算和试验中不完全井列的处理以及渗流参数反求等问题,推荐了几种处理方法。  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic characteristics of the overland flow on a slope with a three-dimensional Geomat are studied for different rainfall intensities and slope gradients. The rainfall intensity is adjusted in the rainfall simulation system. It is shown that the velocity of the overland flow has a strong positive correlation with the slope length and the rainfall intensity, the scour depth decreases with the increase of the slope gradient for a given rainfall intensity, and the scour depth increases with the increase of the rainfall intensity for a given slope gradient, the overland flow starts with a transitional flow on the top and finishes with a turbulent flow on the bottom on the slope with the three-dimensional Geomat for different rainfall intensities and slope gradients, the resistance coefficient and the turbulent flow Reynolds number are in positively related logarithmic functions, the resistance coefficient and the slope gradient are in positively related power functions, and the trend becomes leveled with the increase of the rainfall intensity. This study provides some important theoretical insight for further studies of the hydrodynamic process of the erosion on the slope surface with a three-dimensional Geomat.  相似文献   

分别采用普通绞刀、加罩普通绞刀、螺旋绞刀和加罩螺旋绞刀进行疏浚模拟试验,通过比较疏浚点周围上覆水中各污染物浓度变化情况,分析不同结构绞刀的环保性能。结果表明:采用螺旋绞刀疏浚下,底泥中污染物释放量较采用普通绞刀疏浚时小;在这两类绞刀上加装罩壳均能有效抑制底泥中污染物释放,特别是疏浚后1h内营养盐氮释放;理想的绞吸式挖泥船环保功能改造方案为采用螺旋绞刀替换普通绞刀并加装罩壳(防扩散装置)。  相似文献   

A numerical study on the characteristics of developing turbulent flow in a curved pipe with a baffle was carried out in body-fitted coordinates with the k-ε model turbulence. A curved duct of square cross-section was examined first, and the results agree very well with the experimental data. Then two kinds of pipes, a normal curved pipe and that with a baffle were studied. The computational results are presented and compared with each other to illustrate the changes of the flow after adding the baffle. The longitudinal velocity in the pipe with a baffle was characterized by outer velocity bigger than the inner one. The secondary flow was characterized by four-vortex structure with the intensity reduced, which results in the equability of the flow field of the cross-section compared with that without a baffle, and has much more significant meaning in engineering.  相似文献   

对于介质的非均质性相对较小的情况,可将水力传导度对数(lnK) 的空间分布概化为正态分布的统计均匀随机场。而对于强非均质介质,lnK的空间分布可表征为其增量遵从Levy稳定分布的非平稳随机场。本研究假设二维承压含水层内面积为128m x 128 m的研究区域中,在(10m,64m)处瞬时注入浓度为1000 mg/L的污染物:利用改进的连续随机增加(successive random additional, SRA) 方法生成含水层lnK增量具有Levy稳定分布的统计特征的随机场;采用Monte-Carlo数值实验方法并结合MODFLOW与MT3DMS分别模拟研究区域内水流和溶质迁移过程,分析水力传导度强变异性对污染羽状物浓度空间矩及宏观弥散的影响。结果表明:Levy指数a决定lnK的空间分布形状,宽度参数C则影响lnK的取值范围;污染羽的质心位置(一阶矩)与C、a的大小无关;C越大、a 越小,污染羽形状越不规则,污染羽状物的扩散范围(二阶矩)越大;且a 越小,污染羽状物具有明显的拖尾现象;纵向宏观弥散度随时间呈幂函数递增趋势。  相似文献   

A Time-domain Higher-Order Boundary Element Method (THOBEM) is developed for simulating wave-current interactions with 3-D floating bodies. Through a Taylor series expansion and a perturbation procedure, the model is formulated to the first-order in the wave steepness and in the current velocity, respectively. The boundary value problem is decomposed into a steady double-body flow problem and an unsteady wave problem. Higher-order boundary integral equation methods are then used to solve the proposed problems with a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method for the time marching. An artificial damping layer is adopted to dissipate the scattering waves. Different from the other time-domain numerical models, which are often focused on the wave-current interaction with restrained bodies, the present model deals with a floating hemisphere. The numerical results of wave forces, wave run-up and body response are all in a close agreement with those obtained by frequency-domain methods. The proposed numerical model is further applied to investigate wave-current interactions with a floating body of complicated geometry. In this work, the regular and focused wave combined with current interacting with a truss-spar platform is investigated.  相似文献   

In order to study the mechanisms of the turbulent frictional drag reduction by surfactant additives,the drag reduction,the shear viscosity and the shear stress relaxation were measured for solutions of a cationic surfactant cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) with the same molar sodium salicylate as a counter-ion.It is found that the first step relaxation time decreases with increasing concentration and,thus,with the maximum drag-reducing rates,which indicates that the stiffness of the micellar structures with the first relaxation time,increases with the increase of the concentration of CTAB.Furthermore,for this surfactant,a viscoelastic property is necessary for reducing drag,while a stronger viscoelasticity characterized by a tail relaxation time does not necessarily mean a higher drag-reducing rate.  相似文献   

贾志峰  富飞 《水利科技与经济》2010,16(12):1415-1418
在水库的设计过程中,水库的兴利调节及调洪计算是必不可少的。将Matlab语言强大的函数库及简单的程序代码运用于水库兴利调节及调洪计算,在很短的时间内即可计算出水库兴利库容、调洪库容及防洪水位等参数,避免了利用Excel进行列表试算麻烦且工作量较大的缺点,为水库水利计算提供了便利的工具。并将试算法"程序化",利用三次样条插值,结合某中型水库实际资料进行水利计算,为该水库设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

A time fractional model to represent rainfall process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper deals with a stochastic representation of the rainfall process.The analysis of a rainfall time series shows that cumulative representation of a rainfall time series can be modeled as a non-Gaussian random walk with a log-normal jump distribution and a time-waiting distribution following a tempered α-stable probability law.Based on the random walk model,a fractional Fokker-Planck equation(FFPE) with tempered α-stable waiting times was obtained.Through the comparison of observed data and simulated results from the random walk model and FFPE model with tempered α-stable waiting times,it can be concluded that the behavior of the rainfall process is globally reproduced,and the FFPE model with tempered α-stable waiting times is more efficient in reproducing the observed behavior.  相似文献   

提出制作真空脱水混凝土试件的试验方法,针对粉煤灰掺量(等量取代水泥)分别为0,15%,30%时的真空脱水混凝土试件与非真空脱水混凝土试件进行快速碳化试验。试验结果表明:粉煤灰掺量为15%时,在加强混凝土养护的情况下,掺粉煤灰对混凝土碳化深度影响不大;粉煤灰掺量为30%时,掺粉煤灰对混凝土碳化深度影响较大,尤其是真空脱水混凝土碳化深度增加约20%;真空脱水技术的应用能减小混凝土的碳化深度。  相似文献   

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