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The effectiveness of added antioxidants against oxidation off-flavor development in light-exposed milk was evaluated using sensory and chemical analysis. Sensory testing for similarity showed no perceivable difference between control milk and milk with added (1) 0.05% alpha-tocopherol (TOC) and (2) 0.025% alpha-tocopherol and 0.025% ascorbic acid (TOC/ASC), but did demonstrate a perceivable difference when adding (3) 0.05% ascorbic acid (ASC) alone. Subsequently, sensory testing for difference showed a significant difference in oxidation off-flavor between light-exposed control milk and light-exposed milk with added TOC/ASC, whereas milk fortified with TOC was not different from control. Gas chromatography-olfactometry showed that more aroma-active flavor compounds were observed in light-exposed milk treated with TOC and TOC/ASC than light-exposed milk with no added antioxidants. The thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) test verified chemically the extent of oxidation in control and antioxidant-treated milk samples. Milk that was exposed to light for 10 h showed a significantly higher TBARS value (0.92 +/- 0.09 mg/kg) than milk that was protected from light (0.59 +/- 0.184 mg/kg), or milk that was treated with TOC/ASC (0.26 +/- 0.092 mg/kg). Direct addition of low levels of antioxidants (TOC/ASC) to milk protected its flavor over 10 h of light exposed storage.  相似文献   

A laboratory scale technology was developed to fortify wheat flour with absorption promoters of iron, such as ascorbic acid, disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (NaEDTA) and with a stabilizer, sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP), with or without iron. The in vitro bioavailability of iron in food (Indian bread, chapathi) prepared with the wheat flour fortified at 60 mg of iron/kg in the presence (1:1 molar ratio) or absence of the three chemical additives was tested. NaEDTA and ascorbic acid enhanced the in vitro bioavailability of native iron from Indian bread while SHMP had no effect. All three additives showed a trend of enhancing the in vitro bioavailabilty of total iron (native and added iron) from iron fortified chapathis. The predicted bioavailability of iron in man from Indian bread containing ascorbic acid or NaEDTA was twice as high than that with wheat flour alone or that with SHMP (8%). Similar enhancing effects of these two compounds were shown with iron-fortified wheat flour. It is concluded that wheat flour fortified with ascorbic acid or NaEDTA, either with or without iron, can enhance the predicted bioavailability of both native and added iron in man.  相似文献   

In the present study, pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne ex Poiret) was used as raw material to produce sweet food fortified with iron (Fe) and ascorbic acid (AA). A dry infusion process with a subsequent air drying was applied. Response surface methodology was performed in order to analyze the effect of Fe and AA incorporation into the formulation on: water loss (WL) and solid gain (SG) during the dry infusion process, color changes (ΔE) and the dehydration percentage during subsequent air drying process. The results showed that the presence of Fe and/or AA promoted SG and WL during the dry infusion and also, weight changes during the air drying process (PP). An increase of the color changes was also observed. In turn, it was possible to obtain predictive equations for the parameters studied. The application of edible coating based on tapioca starch on pumpkin product was also tested showing a protective effect from the pumpkin color view point.  相似文献   

Iron-deficiency-anemia affects 30% of the world population. Women of reproductive age and children are the most affected. Iron supplementation in the form of tablets and syrups has not been successful in developing countries, and iron deficiency is still the most important deficiency related to malnutrition. Iron-deficiency anemia affects physical and cognitive development at an early age in children, often resulting in irreversible outcomes. Studies from the last two decades have shown that the prevalence of iron-deficiency anemia can be reduced given adequate investments and political will directed at iron fortification of foods and liquids. A successful low-cost iron-fortification program incorporates implementation and strategic use of communication for program inception where education is in the forefront. A review of the available reports from experience in Brazil with iron fortification of foods and liquids is presented.  相似文献   

The possible effect of ascorbic acid, citric acid, proteins and phytate on dialysability of Ca, Fe, Zn and Cu in soy-based infant formulas is studied, taking dialysability as a measure of the amount of element available for absorption. Different dialysis percentages for similar element contents in different formulas are found. A regression analysis was applied between Ca, Zn, Cu and Fe dialysis percentages and soy-based formula components to estimate the possible influence of the latter on the dialysability of the elements. Significant correlations were found between citric acid contents and dialysability of Zn and Fe. No correlations were found between protein, ascorbic acid and phytic acid contents and the dialysis percentages of the four minerals. However, we must to point out that the range of protein contents was narrow and the ascorbic acid: iron ratio was high in our formulas.  相似文献   

The antilisterial activity of monocaprylin (MC) and its combination with acetic acid (AA) on frankfurters was investigated. Each frankfurter was surface inoculated with a three-strain mixture of Listeria monocytogenes to obtain an inoculation level of 4.0 log CFU per frankfurter, and then dipped for 35 s in sterile deionized water (45 or 50 degrees C) containing 1% ethanol (control), 50 mM MC plus 1% ethanol, 1% AA plus 1% ethanol, or 50 mM MC plus 1% AA plus 1% ethanol. Samples were vacuum packaged, stored at 4 degrees C for 77 days, and analyzed for L. monocytogenes. Sensory odor and color of frankfurters were evaluated using a 9-point hedonic scale. Color was also objectively measured using the Minolta Chroma Meter. From day 0 to day 77, population counts of L. monocytogenes on frankfurters dipped in antimicrobial solutions at 50 degrees C were consistently lower than the control counts. Similar results were observed for samples treated at 45 degrees C. However, L. monocytogenes grew readily on control samples at both temperatures. Dipping of frankfurters in antimicrobial solutions (45 or 50 degrees C) significantly reduced (P < 0.05) the populations of L. monocytogenes. After 70 days of storage, L. monocytogenes was completely killed in samples dipped in MC+AA solution at 50 degrees C. The antimicrobial treatments did not affect the odor or color of the samples (P > 0.05). Overall, results indicated that dipping of frankfurters with MC reduced L. monocytogenes, and inclusion of AA further enhanced MC antilisterial activity, without any negative effect on odor or color.  相似文献   

近年来,国内包装饮用水卫生状况的检测中微生物卫生指标不合格情况较为严重,而饮用水的卫生情况直接关系到民大的身体健康。根据GB 19298-2014《食品安全国家标准包装饮用水》,并参照世界卫生组织《饮用水水质指南》第四版,本文对我国的包装饮用水相应的微生物指标进行分析比较,指出存在的问题并提出修改的建议,为包装饮用水的安全生产提供参考。  相似文献   

The possible effect of ascorbic acid, citric acid, proteins and phytate on dialysability of Ca, Fe, Zn and Cu in soy‐based infant formulas is studied, taking dialysability as a measure of the amount of element available for absorption. Different dialysis percentages for similar element contents in different formulas are found. A regression analysis was applied between Ca, Zn, Cu and Fe dialysis percentages and soy‐based formula components to estimate the possible influence of the latter on the dialysability of the elements. Significant correlations were found between citric acid contents and dialysability of Zn and Fe. No correlations were found between protein, ascorbic acid and phytic acid contents and the dialysis percentages of the four minerals. However, we must to point out that the range of protein contents was narrow and the ascorbic acid: iron ratio was high in our formulas.  相似文献   

目的优化并比较气相色谱法(gas chromatography)和离子色谱法(ion chromatography)测定生活饮用水中二氯乙酸、三氯乙酸。方法对气相色谱法和离子色谱法测定二氯乙酸、三氯乙酸的方法进行优化和改进,对灵敏度、精密度、回收率等指标作比对,并对中国疾病预防控制中心环境与健康相关产品安全所研制的标准物质进行定值,对测定结果进行统计学分析。结果 2种方法均能较好地对生活饮用水中二氯乙酸、三氯乙酸进行定性和定量分析,气相色谱法的检出限分别为1、0.5μg/L,平均回收率范围为96.0%~99.1%,相对标准偏差为0.66%~2.42%。离子色谱法的检出限分别为10、20μg/L,平均回收率范围为97.2%~99.8%,相对标准偏差为0.59%~1.90%。对标准物质定值结果无显著性差异。结论气相色谱法检出限低,离子色谱法前处理简单, 2种方法各有优缺点,可根据实际情况选择适宜的分析方法。  相似文献   

Power ultrasound is recognised as a potential non-thermal technique to inactivate micro-organisms pertinent to fruit juices. In this study tomato juice was sonicated at different amplitude levels (24.4–61.0 μm) at a constant frequency of 20 kHz for treatment times (2–10 min) and pulse durations of 5 s on and 5 s off. Hunter colour values (L∗, a∗ and b∗), pH, °Brix, titratable acidity, ascorbic acid and yeast inactivation were measured. No significant differences (p < 0.05) in pH, °Brix or titratable acidity were observed. Regression modelling was used to investigate the main effects of amplitude level and treatment time. Prediction models were found to be significant (p < 0.05) with low standard errors and high coefficients of determination (R2). Model predictions for critical quality parameters of Hunter colour values (L∗, a∗ and b∗), ascorbic acid and yeast inactivation were closely correlated with the experimental results obtained.  相似文献   

U.S. regulations require that processors employ lethal or inhibitory antimicrobial alternatives in production of ready-to-eat meat and poultry products that support growth of Listeria monocytogenes and may be exposed to the processing environment after a lethality treatment. In this study, lactic acid (LA; 5%, vol/vol) and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS; 0.5%, wt/vol) were evaluated individually or as a mixture (LASLS) for control of L. monocytogenes on frankfurters. Frankfurters were inoculated with a 10-strain mixture of L. monocytogenes, sprayed for 10 s (20 bar, 23 +/- 2 degrees C) with antimicrobials or distilled water (DW) before (LASLS or DW) or after (LA, SLS, LASLS, or DW) inoculation (4.8 +/- 0.1 log CFU/cm2), vacuum packaged, and stored at 4 degrees C for 90 days. Samples were analyzed for numbers of the pathogen (on PALCAM agar) and for total microbial counts (on tryptic soy agar with yeast extract) during storage. Spraying with DW, LA, or SLS after inoculation reduced numbers of L. monocytogenes by 1.3 +/- 0.2, 1.8 +/- 0.5, and 2.0 +/- 0.4 log CFU/cm2, respectively. The LASLS mixture applied before or after inoculation reduced pathogen populations by 1.8 +/- 0.4 and 2.8 +/- 0.2 log CFU/cm2, respectively. No further reduction by any treatment was observed during storage. The bacterial growth curves (fitted by the model of Baranyi and Roberts) indicated that the lag-phase duration of the bacterium on control samples (13.85 to 15.18 days) was extended by spraying with all solutions containing LA. For example, LA suppressed growth of L. monocytogenes for 39.14 to 41.01 days. Pathogen growth rates also were lower on frankfurters sprayed after inoculation with LA or LASLS compared to those sprayed with DW. Therefore, spraying frankfurters with a mixture of LA and SLS may be a useful antilisterial alternative treatment for ready-to-eat meat and poultry products.  相似文献   

Ascorbic acid in a dose of 500 mg/kg was given perorally to guinea pigs once in 24 hours. Investigations were carried out on animals receiving ascorbic acid in single doses and also with its administration of 7, 14, 21, 60 and 90 days. Subject to studies were tissue respiration and glycolysis of the skin, liver and kidneys as well as oxidative phosphorylation in hepatic homogenates. With introduction of large doses of ascorbic acid the tissue respiration of the kidneys and the effectiveness of oxidative phosphorylation in the liver were found to be on the increase. Both effects depended on the time during which massive doses of ascorbic acid were administered. The liver and kidney glycolysis did not show any changes with any duration of the ascorbic acid loading. The skin glycolysis intensity gained somewhat in strength with ascorbic acid administration for 21 days.  相似文献   

The addition of exogenous ascorbic acid to milk reduces the development of oxidized flavor. This experiment was conducted to determine whether feeding ascorbic acid to cows influenced vitamin C concentrations in milk. Thirty-two midlactation Holstein cows were fed a basal diet of 56% forage, 36.6% concentrate, and 7.4% roasted whole soybeans (dry basis) that was top-dressed with a premix that provided 0, 3, 16.5, or 30 g/d of L-ascorbic acid (provided by ascorbyl-2-polyphosphate) for 28 d. Supplementation had no effect on milk yield or composition or dry matter intake. Treatment linearly increased plasma concentrations of ascorbic acid (19.8, 22.3, 21.9, and 25.7 mumol/L, respectively) but had no effect on plasma dehydro-L-ascorbic acid (DHAA). Concentrations of ascorbic acid (103.7 mumol/L) and DHAA (9.5 mumol/L) in milk were not affected by treatment. Secretion of ascorbic acid into milk appeared to follow Michaelis-Menton kinetics, with a Vmax of 3.92 mmol/d and a Km of 3.59 mumol/L. Milk flavor as evaluated by a panel was normal for all samples after 1 d of storage. After 7 d of storage, the average flavor score was 2.5 (moderate oxidized flavor), but no differences among treatments were observed. Supplemental dietary vitamin C did not increase vitamin C concentration in milk, probably because the maximum potential secretion of the vitamin was occurring in unsupplemented cows.  相似文献   

Ascorbic and dehydroascorbic acids (vitamin C), tocopherols (vitamin E) and unsaturated fatty acids are heat-sensitive and therefore, their concentrations in human milk could be affected by pasteurisation. Here we determined the concentrations of ascorbic acid plus dehydroascorbic acid, ascorbic acid alone, and α- and γ-tocopherols, and the percentages of fatty acids in samples of human milk after pasteurisation by a slow (62.5 °C, 30 min) or fast heating (100 °C, 5 min) procedure. Both methods led to a significant decrease in the concentrations of ascorbic acid plus dehydroascorbic acid (12% and 29%), ascorbic acid (26% and 41%), α-tocopherol (17% and 34%) and γ-tocopherol (13% and 32%), respectively. However, milk fatty acids, including the polyunsaturated long-chain fatty acids, were unaffected by the two methods. On the basis of these observations, we recommend that human milk be treated using a slow pasteurisation. In addition, we propose ascorbic acid as a marker of the degree of heat treatment.  相似文献   

Two different commercial bread wheat flours (BF‐I, 65% extraction and BF‐V, 86% extraction) were separated into gluten and starch milk by making a dough, allowing some time for maturation, dispersing the dough in water and wet sieving/washing. The effect of using of warm water (20–45 °C) for dough making and washing on separation was studied for BF‐I flour at 640 g kg?1 water to flour ratio of and 300 s maturation time, and the separation was found to improve with increase in temperature. The combined effects of water temperature (20–50 °C) and water to flour ratio (640–780 g kg?1 for BF‐I and 620–870 g kg?1 for BF‐V) were studied at 600 s maturation time. The quantities and dry matter contents of the gluten fraction and starch milk were measured; a sample of starch milk was centrifuged to obtain decantate, tailing and prime starch fractions, and the dry matter contents of each were determined. All the dried samples were also analysed for protein content, and the fractional recoveries of dry matter and protein in the gluten fraction, prime starch, tailings and decantate were calculated. The results indicated the optimum point for BF‐I flour to be the combination of optimum farinograph water absorption and 40 °C. BF‐V showed very poor separation behaviour within the ranges studied. At the optimum farinograph water absorption the use of warm water for dough making and 20 °C water for washing steps was also tried, but no significant improvement over the 20 °C results was obtained. © 2002 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The possibility of dietary correction of disorders in the metabolism of some fat- and water-soluble vitamins under chrome intoxication has been shown experimentally in August rats giver rations supplemented with fibers and antioxidant vitamins. The results obtained can be used as the theoretical ground for further improvement of nutrition for chrome industry workers.  相似文献   

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