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中国泥盆纪煤生物标志物组成及四环二萜烷的成因   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
中国泥盆纪煤主要为角质残植煤,由其独特的煤岩组成特征决定了其独特的有机地球化学特征,特别是分子有机地球化学特征。运用现代分析仪器,首次详细探讨了中国泥盆纪煤的烷烃生物标志物组成特征;含丰富的四环二萜烷及共它萜类化合物,不含甾族类化合物;着重分析了煤中大量检出的四环二萜烷的生源,指出我国泥盆纪中检出的四环二萜烷来源于蕨类植物。  相似文献   

为了深入认识聚合物驱油机理,优化聚合物驱油参数,利用分流理论建立了聚合物驱油过程中含油饱和度随时间变化的动力学数学模型.基于原油和聚合物溶液作用机理、运移规律的认识,从理论上揭示了油藏中有聚合物驱替液的前缘原油富集聚并过程的存在,随着原油不断的富集聚并,油藏中会形成油墙.根据聚合物溶液在多孔介质中的渗流特性,利用建立的模型研究聚合物驱过程原油富集聚并的影响因素:聚合物溶液前缘的质量浓度梯度、聚合物黏度—质量浓度关系、聚合物溶液弹性和聚合物引起的水相相对渗透率下降.结果表明,高相对分子质量、高质量浓度聚合物驱具有大幅度提高采收率的潜力,为聚合物驱油过程相对分子质量和注入质量浓度的选取提供了科学的理论依据.  相似文献   

运用XRD衍射、红外光谱、固体核磁共振、氨吸附差热、微型脉冲反应等手段对无氟液相法制备的高硅Y沸石的结构性质、酸性及裂化活性进行研究,并与液相氟硅酸法制备的高硅Y沸石进行比较。结果表明,用无氟液相法制备的产品重复性较好,具有与氟硅酸法制备的样品相似的补硅效果,并且其热、水热稳定性及裂化活性比氟硅酸法制备的产品更佳。  相似文献   


The application of the novel technique of solubility–parameter spectroscopy to assist in characterizing properties of polymeric materials is discussed.Its use in the study of coal is shown to lead to a consistent inter–pretation scheme for solvent–extraction effects observed experimentally in the slurry–phase chlorination of coal. Possible applications of solubility–parameter spectra in other coal–beneficiation processes are suggested.  相似文献   

Micro-wave pretreatment of coals followed by magnetic separation would facilate more effective to combustion. Similarly higher heac release and lesser ash content were observed in the case of coal - oil mixture. This process is more economic than other two processes.  相似文献   

The application of the novel technique of solubility-parameter spectroscopy to assist in characterizing properties of polymeric materials is discussed.Its use in the study of coal is shown to lead to a consistent inter-pretation scheme for solvent-extraction effects observed experimentally in the slurry-phase chlorination of coal. Possible applications of solubility-parameter spectra in other coal-beneficiation processes are suggested.  相似文献   

An alternative model for the formation of Devonian carbonate reefs in the Western Canada Basin is proposed. This model is based on the epeiric clear-water sedimentation model of Irwin (1965), with structural modfication throughout the Phanerozoic by repeated PreCambrian basement tectonism.
The cratonic structural pattern is dominantly controlled by the global regmatic fracture-system, which comprises a series of NW - SE and NE - SW vertical faults. These faults delineate a mosaic of fault blocks across the entire Western Canada Basin. Wrench faulting and vertical epeirogenic movements throughout the Paleozoic. Mesozoic, and Cenozoic subjected these blocks to further tectonic effects - structural deformation and hydrothermal diagenesis. Preservation of down-faulted carbonate blocks, and their subsequent isostatic recovery into overlying anhydrite or shale sequences, has led to the formation of carbonate complexes generally referred to as "organic reefs".
In addition, repeated emergence and submergence of the cratonic platform, particularly throughout the Middle and Upper Paleozoic, produced numerous regional and inter-regional unconformities. These periods of erosion contributed to the leaching, and partial dolomitization, of the Devonian carbonates formed during periods of cratonic submergence. Repeated faulting is considered to have been a major factor in the diagenetic alteration of Devonian carbonates through associated hydrothermal activity, and a dominant control in the migration of hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

四川龙门山唐王寨地区泥盆纪生物礁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙门山唐王寨地区泥盆纪生物礁是由缓坡丘礁、镶边台地边缘线状丘礁和开阔及局限台地内补丁礁构成的礁体群。造礁生物主要为各种生态的层孔虫和床板珊瑚。生物礁从早泥盆世甘溪晚期(相当于艾姆斯晚期)开始发育一直延续到晚泥盆世沙窝子期(相当于弗拉斯期),以发育时间早、延续时间长为特点。单个礁体规模小,高与宽之比一般小于1/30,呈透镜状和丘状。礁体群的发育和演化主要受古区域构造、沉积环境和古气候所控制。  相似文献   

淮南潘集、张集煤矿次生生物气地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究淮南煤田不同矿区煤层气的成因类型对于整个煤田煤层气的勘探开发意义重大。为此,利用地质和地球化学相结合的方法,对淮南煤田主要矿区--潘集煤矿和张集煤矿煤层气的成因类型进行了深入研究。结果表明:该区煤层气组分表现出了甲烷含量高、重烃和二氧化碳含量低的干燥气体的特征,与国内外含次生生物成因煤层气的组分特征一致。虽然该区煤岩的热演化程度已处于热成因气的生成阶段,但煤层气的δ13C1值的总体分布范围为-56.7‰~-67.9‰,仍属于生物成因气的分布范围。煤层气的δ13C2值主要分布在-22‰~-29‰,反映了乙烷的热成因特征,指示了该区的煤层气为热成因乙烷和微生物成因甲烷的混合。淮南煤田具有适合的煤阶、区域强烈隆升使煤层被抬升到浅部、地表水渗入煤层、生物气生成的最佳温度等次生生物成因煤层气生成的有利地质条件。因此,有利的地质条件、煤层气的组分与同位素显示的特征,相互印证了淮南煤田煤层气中有次生生物气存在的事实。  相似文献   


In a number of contributions to coal liquefaction, gas–liquid mass transfer limitation has been referred by neglecting mass transfer limitation of solvent Into solid coal. Reported apparent activation energies of coal liquefaction reactions are In the range of 10–20 kCal/g–mole, which are too low for thermal reactions, Imply that diffusion Is the rate controlling step. In this study, the solvent diffusion effect on solvolysis of vitrinitic macerals In Alberta subbituminous coal has been studied, by performing petrographlc analyses of original coal and liquefaction residues. Quasi–steady state and transient coal–solvent diffusion-chemical reaction models are developed to Interpret the experimental data. Results indicate that solvent diffusion into the reactive maceral most likely be a rate limiting step In coal liquefaction.  相似文献   

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